Minutes 1990-05-14 -'- \ ~ "t. ;) ;) '-, \ , \ \ MINUTES , REGULAR ADJOURNED CITY COUNCIL MEETING \ MONDAY, MAY 14, 1990 ~ CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met at 7:30 P.M. for the 1990-1991 Proposed Budget Review, with Mayor Mark M. Millis presiding. ROLL CALL present were Mayor Millis and Council Members A. K. "Pete" Dougall, Gene Moots and B'Ann Smith. Absent was Council Member Doris Olsen. Staff members present were city Manager Chris Christiansen, city Clerk Nancy Davis, Finance Director David Bacon, Public Works Director Paul Karp, Planning Director Doreen Liberto-Blanck, Parks I and Recreation Director John Keisler, Building and Fire Director Doug Hamp, Police Chief Rick TerBorch, Public Works Superintendent Dave Mulkey and Chief Building Inspector John Richardson. Mayor Millis said the purpose of this meeting was to review the proposed 1990-199l budget for the city. He referred to Mr. Bacon's May 8, 1990 Staff Report on significant 1990-1991 Budget Items. He said the City Manager had been asked to point out items in the budget where Staff needed Council guidance. He said Council -Members should make comments or ask questions on any other budget items. Mr. christiansen said the budget is similar to last year, except for the ite~s.listed in Mr. Bacon's Staff report. PAGE 14 COMMUNITY PROMOTION Mr. Christiansen recommended that a public hearing be held to which organizations requesting funds from the city would be invited. He said the council could hear from the various groups i and decide how to allocate the funds. Mayor Millis suggested that the Chamber of Commerce, Harvest Festival Committee, South County Senior Citizens and Seniors' Taxi Subsidy be separated from the rest of the requests, since their funds already had been allocated. There was Council discussion about how much money to assign to the fund which will be divided among the organizations, and the approximate figure of $7,000 was set. Council Members asked Staff - to provide them with more information on the work and service to Arroyo Grande of the organizations applying for funds. Council Members directed Staff to provide more detail on those items included under Public Relations on page 14. PAGES 15 AND 17 FINANCE AND CITY CLERK The addition of half-time employees was requested in the Finance Department and city Clerk's Office. Council Members questioned Staff with regard to the amounts allocated for salaries r- and benefits in the Finance Department, and the long-term work load for the requested position in the city Clerk's Office. . PAGE 21 PLANNING Mr. Christiansen said the Traffic Circulation Element must be done, but that the council may want to postpone the Master Trails Plan, the Arroyo Grande Village Historic District, and the Fringe/Sphere of Influence study. After Council discussion it was decided that the Fringe/Sphere of Influence Study would be funded for $10,000 in the 1990-1991 budget and $10,000 il') 1991-1992. They decided to postpone the Master Trails and Historic District items. Mr. christiansen pointed out that the figure for Planning Network contract should be changed from $16,000 to $34,000. Ms. Liberto- Blanck said the latter amount also includes advertising for the new Zoning ordinance and other items. 1 -. 25 4 ~' - CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 14, 1990 PAGE 23 PRINTING/DUPLICATING Council Member Dougall requested that the City make provisions for using recycled paper and set an example for the Citizens. Mayor Millis said the City is using it for the Council agenda. Council Member Dougall said the cost of the paper may be a little higher, but it should start coming down as a market is created. He suggested using it whenever possible. Mayor Millis directed Staff to do so. I I PAGE 25 INSURANCE Mr. Christiansen said the City's present liability insurance I 'I carrier has given notification of a 30 percent raise in rates. He I said the City insurance broker is looking for another insurance J ! company. I '\ PAGE 30 FIRE council Member Dougall expressed concern about the amount budgeted for Hazmat/Safety Program. Chief Hamp said the $8,000 should be enough. PAGE 28 POLICE Council Member Moots asked about authorization of three vehicles for the Police Department. Chief TerBorch said one of the three is'from the 1989-1990 budget. He said the cost of the used ,. vehicle includes installation of Police equipment. PAGES Jl AND J2 FIRE, Chief Hamp said the new fire engine would be delivered July 17, 1990. He said that the department's breathing apparatus is now completely compatible with the Grover City and Pismo Beach I departments' equipment. He said all the local cities will be able to go to an emergency with common types of equipment. I PAGE 36 ADMIN/ENGINEERIN~ I Council Member Smith asked if the Salaries item included the I new assistant engineer for the public Works Director, and Mr. Christiansen said yes. Mr. Karp said he is now recruiting for that position. Council Member smith said if more Staff is needed in that department, the Council should be made aware of it. Mr. Karp said he would assess the situation after hiring the new engineer. PAGE 38 STREETS/BRIDGE MAINTENANCE Mr. Christiansen recommended that the 10 yard dump truck for the street department be eliminated from the budget, but that I $10,000 be transferred to Rental Expense so that a dump truck can i be rented when needed. There was a discussion of the chipper and , Council Members decided to leave it in the budget because it would be cost effective. The striping machine also was left in the budget because it would save money within two years. J I PAGE 39 GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS : Council Member Dougall asked about Festival Expenses, and Mr. Bacon said this ,is for minor things like security locks at the various festivals held in the City. PAGE 44 AUTOMOTIVE SHOP Council Member Dougall asked if the City is doing its own auto repair, and Mr. Mulkey said yes, whenever possible. \ PAGE 54 CAPITAL PROJECTS Mr. Christiansen said three buildings at the corporate yard are rusting out and need to be repaired. The budget proposal is to begin repair on one of those buildings in 1990-1991. Mayor Millis asked about the cost of the new Police facility, and Mr. Christiansen said nothing is being asked for in 1990-1991. I 2 I , -~-- --_.- ..-----..--- ...--- -- - - - - -- - " __ Iw. -"' - \ 1NCIL MINUTES ~990 ECREATION PROGRAMS ~ Council Members decided to allocate $2,000 for the Teen Night Dances. Mr. Keisler said he is using contractual, part-time and volunteers for the program. Mayor Millis said it is a good program and keeps Arroyo Grande young people at home. PAGE 73 STREET/BRIDGE MA}:NTENANCE Mr. Christiansen recommended the inclusion in the budget of two new street employees so that the department can concentrate on the repair of the streets in the city. Mayor Millis praised the city's recent advertisement in the newspaper asking for Citizens to report potholes in the streets. Mr. xarp said this was Mr. Mulkey's idea and there had been many calls from citizens. Mayor Millis suggested running the ad every month. Mr. Karp said that he would also double up on the advertising during the winter months. PAGE 75 CAPITAL PROJECTS Mr. Christiansen recommended that the work on East Cherry- Branch Mill Road/Pacific Coast Railroad, and Chilton-Oak Park/Robles be postponed. The council agreed. Mayor Millis asked that, barring City emergencies, the work on these and other streets be done in the Spring of 1991. Mayor Millis brought up the subject of the replacement of the water line and street overlay on Grand Avenue between Elm Street and Halcyon Road. ',He asked that the project be completed in as short a period as possible to prevent serious negative impact on the businesses in that area. He said street parking is crucial to the businesses and he would like to see the work done in a few days even if it costs a little extra and work is done night and day if deemed appropriate. Council Member smith suggested that the city encourage the merchants to work together by sharing parking facilities during the line replacement and street paving. Mr. Xarp said he hoped to be under construction in early July, 1990. PAGE 81 CAPITAL PROJECTS Council Member Moots asked about traffic signals. Mr. Xarp said the design work for the traffic signal at Valley Road and Fair - Oaks would begin in July, 1990. He said the signal would not conflict with the Performing Arts Center at that corner, and there would be different traffic peak hours. He said the Pedestrian Light/Grand Crosswalk could be constructed in Spring, 1991. PAGE as TRANSIT SYSTEMS Council directed Staff to place the Seniors Taxi Subsidy under this section of the budget. --- PAGE 102 WATER DISTRIBUTION Mr. Christiansen recommended the purchase of a five-ton Service Truck, and the Council agreed. PAGE 104 CAPITAL PROJECTS There was a discussion of water projects, and Mayor Millis asked if the City was drilling a well at this time on Oak Park Road. Mr. Bacon said that is shown on Page 111 as Well 19, and the amount represents front money for the contractors, prior to state Water Loan reimbursements. In answer to the Mayor, Mr. Karp said the Oak Park well will be pumping water from a different water basin than the Arroyo Grande basin. OTHER NOTES AND COMMENTS Mr. Christiansen said that the Recycling Program is shown on Page 7 Available Reserves of $17,245. He said this amount includes 3 ~,jb - ~ CITY COUNCIL MINL_ES MAY 14, 1990 the City's share of the Hazardous Waste program and the Recycling Program. Council Members requested that the budget show two separate programs. The Public Hearing on the Organizations' Funding Requests was discussed. Mayor Millis directed Staff to advertise the hearing for June 12, 1990, and to notifY all organizations applying for funds of the hearing. CLOSED SESSION It was moved by smi th/Moots, and the motion passed, to adjourn at 8:40 P.M. to a Closed Session on personnel. ADJOURNMENT The council reconvened at 9:bO P.M., and on the passage of a ....) ..tion by Dougall/Moots, adjourned the ..eti~ ' , a: ~~ ~ MARIf'M. MILLIS, MAY ATTEST: a. CITY CLERK . . '-' I 4 .._........_.-~-._-'"-_.-. - -----_..~._-_._----.._-.._- .- ---- -'-'--'''-'~''- ..~~_..