Minutes 1990-02-13 188 ~ ~ MINUTES MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1990 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The city Council met at 7:30 P.M., with Mayor Pro Tem B'Ann smith presiding. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION Council Member A. K. "Pete" Dougall led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag, and the Rev. Kenneth Beene of Landmark Missionary Baptist Church of Arroyo Grande delivered the J invocation. ROLL CALL Present were Mayor Pro Tem Smith and Council Members Doris Olsen and Dougall. Absent were Mayor Mark M. Millis and Council Member Gene Moots. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Olsen/Dougall, and the motion passed, to approve Consent Agenda Items 5.A. through 5. X. and 5.N. through 5.R., with the recommended courses of action. S.A. Proclamation, "Self-Esteem and Personal and Social Responsibility Month," February, 1990. Proclaimed. 5.B. Proclamation, "National Heart Month," February, 1990. Proclaimed. S.C. Proclamation, "Dick Blankenburg Day," February 17, 1990. proclaimed. S.D. January 23, 1990, City Council Minutes. Approved. S.E. February 7, 1990, Senior Advisory Commission Minutes. Information. 5.F. October 16, 1989, Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes. Information. S.G. November 13, 1989, Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes. Information. 5.H. January, 1990, Investment Report. Information. S.I. Purchase of Two Motorola HT-600 Portable Radios, Police Department, Budgeted Item. Approved. i J 5.J. Progress Payment Nos. 6 and 7, Arroyo Grande Police Station Renovation, Project No. 754. Approved. 5.K. Purchase of Soft Body Armor, Police Department. Approved. 5.N. Acceptance of Water Main and Sewer Main Improvements in Allen Street, Project No. 60-70-89-1. Approved. 5.0. Purchase of Crack Sealing Equipment and Budget Reallocation, pUblic Works Department. Approved. 5.P. Annual Landmark Tree Inspection. Information. I 1 I \ . - --- .~- ~~ -=:: 189 I CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 13, 1990 5.Q. Extension of Dial-A-Ride Taxicab Program Through June 30, 1990. Approved. 5.R. Letter of Resignation from Spence Thomas, Parking and Traffic Commissioner, Effective February 8, 1990. Accepted with Regrets. Item 5.L. Amendment to 1987 Joint Powers Agreement for C.L.E.T.S./M.S.S. System, Police Department was withdrawn from the Consent Agenda. After Council questions of Staff, it was moved by r Dougall/Olsen, and the motion passed to approve Consent Agenda Item 5.M. Branch Street Lights. 6. REGISTER OF CHECKS It was moved by Olsen/Dougall, and the motion passed, to I approve the Cash Disbursements, as contained in the February 8, 1990, Staff Report of Finance Director David Bacon. 7. WATER POLICY REPORT Ci ty Manager Chris Christiansen referred to Public Works Director Paul Karp's February 8, 1990, Water Availability: status I Report and emphasized that the City is not out of water. He said I the City has a surplus at this time of some 300 acre feet. He explained that the General Plan is being updated and the city's resources being related to the city's future. He said the Council I direction has been to be concerned about our resources, and the next step is obviously one of conservation, not rationing. He recommended that the council set up a Study Session on water later this month or early March. Council Members commended Mr. Karp for his brief and clear report on water. JIM MCGILLIS, surveyor for San Luis Engineering, said he is glad the City is not out of water. He said an abundant supply of water is not growth inducing. The council decided to wait until a full Council was present to set a date for a Study Session on water. 8.A. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING AND PLANNED DEVELOPMENT CASE NO. 89-217 /TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 1769: ( 1) ZONE CHANGE FROM PD PLANNED DEVELOPMENT TO R-1/PD SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN: (2} SUBDIVISION TO CREATE 30 LOTS: FARROLL AVENUE (AT WEST CITY LIMIT LINE). HERB PHILLIPS Mr. Christiansen said that the council had before it a letter dated February 9, 1990, from Chiyoko okui, on behalf of Frank Sakamoto, Robert and Sheila Sakamoto and Hironobu and Chiyoko Okui, r requesting a 30-day extension on proposed Tract 1769. Mr. Christiansen suggested that the Council accept the 30-day extension for Rezoning, Planned Development Case No. 89-217, and Tract 1769. It was moved by Olsen/Dougall to approve Mr. Christiansen's recommendation. 8.A. CONTINUED AFTER NEXT AGENDA ITEM 8.B. PUBLIC HEARING - PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REZONE CASE NO. 89- 218/LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT CASE NO. 89-480: PROPOSAL TO (l) ADJUST LOT LINES BETWEEN FOUR LOTS: AND (2} PD REZONE TO REFLECT SAID ADJUSTMENTS: LOTS 221. 222. 223. 224 IN THE ROYAL OAKS TRACT NO. 1390. DON MCHANEY/BOB CANTRELL Current Planner Scott spierling referred to the February 13, 1990, Staff Report of Planning Director Doreen Liberto-Blanck. Mr. spierling said the Planning Commission had recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution approving the lot line adjustment, 2 190 ~ - -, CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 13, 1990 and adopting a Negative Declaration; adopt an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 355 C.S. by modifying Exhibit "A," and instruct the city Clerk to file a Notice of Determination. Mr. Spierling said the lot line adjustment would protect view corridors, allow a larger house on proposed Lot A, and produce lots that conform more to the typography in Some cases. After being assured that the public hearing had been duly published and all legal requirements met, Mayor Pro Tem Smith declared the hearing open and said all persons toIould be heard regarding the matter. , , XEITH CROWE of Engineering Development Associates said he was ; i representing the applicant, and concurred with the staff Report. I ...,) When no one else came forward to speak, Mayor Pro Tem Smith closed the hearing to the floor. It was moved by Olsen/Dougall (3-0-2, Olsen, Dougall and smith voting aye, Millis and Moots absent) to approve Resolution No. 2366 Approving Lot Line Adjustment Case No. 89-480 Between Lots 221, 222, 223 and 224 in Tract 1390 and Adopting a Negative Declaration. It was moved by Dougall/Olsen (3-0-2, Dougall, Olsen and Smith voting aye, Millis and Moots absent) to have the first reading of an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 355 C.S. Royal Oaks Estates to Modify Exhibit "A." 8.A. PUBLIC HEARING ON REZONING AND PLANNED DEVELOPMENT CASE NO~ 89-217/TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 1769 - CONTINUED FROM EARLIER IN THE MEETIN~ Mayor Pro Tem Smith declared the public hearing open and said all persons would be heard regarding the matter. There was council discussion with Staff with regard to the continuance of the Public Hearing to another date. When no one came forward from the audience to speak, Mayor Pro Tem smith closed the hearing to the floOr. City Attorney Judy Skousen advised the Council that it had taken action to continue the Public Hearing to March 13, 1990, by accepting the 30-day extension, and that it had not at this meeting adopted an intent to approve the project. 9.A. UPDATE ON BRIDGE STREET BRIDGE AT ARROYO GRANDE CREEK Mr. Karp reported that the steel had arrived, and parts are being fabricated for the bridge. Council Members said they had received calls from citizens questioning the tree cutting which is J necessary for erection of the fabricated bridge structure. 9.B. HOOK RAMPS AT CAMINO MERCADO No Report. 9.C. INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT WEST BRANCH STREET/GRAND AVENUEITRAFPIC WAY AND WESLEY STREET Mr. Karp reported that the right of way for the project is in the final stages of appraisal, and the City soon will be contacting the property owners. 9.D. POLICE FACILITY EXPANSION Mr. Christiansen said the project is progressing normally. 9.E. RECYCLING REPORT Mr. christiansen referred to his memorandum of Feb. 5, 1990, 3 I \ I -, 191 I ,-, I CITY COUNCIL I I FEBRUARY 13, 1990 and said that an audit is needed before the city Council can make an intelligent decision on rates, be it for garbage or recycling costs. Council Member Dougall said the County Board of Supervisors I had voted to allow "tipping" (dumping) fees at the Cold canyon , Landfill to be raised to $12.30. He said he had been told that I trash collection fees in the City will be raised no more than $2.00, including the recycling. He said plastic now can be picked I up, and that AB 939 mandates that we change our lifestyles. He I suggested that a public hearing be held as soon as possible. I council Member Olsen said it would be mandatory for citizens I to pay the increased fee, but difficult to force recycling. There I , was discussion about the auditing of the Sanitary service books. I Mayor Pro Tem smith said a public hearing would be a good idea, and I after Council discussion, directed Staff to set it for March 13, i 1990. 9.F. HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE council Member Dougall referred to his February 13, 1990, i Memorandum, and said that the City had approved $17,000 as its part I in a County-wide Hazardous Waste program. He said more funds may be needed for the project. He said a Hazardous Waste Collection I Day will be held May 19, 1990, on Kansas Avenue in San Luis obispo. He said citizens from allover the County will be able to take I their hazardous materials for disposal. He said guidelines will be published advising people of useful alternatives to dangerous household products being used. 9.G. WATER REPORT council Member Olsen referred to the State Water Project, which could bring water to San Luis Obispo County. She said the draft Environmental Impact Report has not arrived, and the final EIR will not be here before November, 1990. She said therefore, a 1991 Advisory Election date is being looked at. She reported on the South county Water Association, and said that Grover City will be coming to the next meeting of the group with a formal request for reallocation of the ground water basin. She said Grover City is putting down and advocating additional wells to irrigate its parks, golf courses, etcetera, and that those uses are not agriculture and should be taken off its allotment. She said the irrigation well in Arroyo Grande at Soto Park Complex is an existing well and was not counted into the City's domestic allotment. 9.H. REOUEST PERMISSION TO DRILL TEST HOLE ON THE RANCHO GRANDE SITE AND UPDATE ON WET.T. DRILLING PROGRAM - JIM GARING - Mr. Karp requested that this matter be taken up later in the ! meeting, and the council agreed. ! 9.T. COASTAL CONSERVANCY PRESENTATION REGARDING AGRICULTURAL PROTECTION FUNDS Ms. Liberto-Blanck said that the draft of the City General Plan, which is currently being updated, refers to the preservation of the city's agricultural land. She said the City is going to need some money if it is going to protect the agricultural land. She said the Coastal Conservancy contacted city Staff and indicated that it was possibly interested in working on a model project in San Luis Obispo county. She introduced Don Coppock, Program Manager for the Conservancy, who presented his assistant David Hayes, Project Developer. Mr. Hayes said the Coastal conservancy is a division of Resource Agencies of the state of California. He said the , \ 4 _...__n___n__..____,.. 192 ~ ': CITY COUNCIL I FEBRUARY 13, 1990 Conservancy was created in 1976 to help protect the State's coastal resources. He said the responsibilities of the Conservancy includes agricultural land programs, coastal restoration, coastal resource enhancement, urban waterfront restoration, preservation of coastal resource areas, public access to the coast, and assisting non-profit organizations and land trusts and other agencies in their efforts to preserve the coastal resources. Mr. Hayes said agricultural land on the California coast is considered an irreplaceable resource. He said the Conservancy works to save resources such as agricultural land for future generations. He said through its agriculture program, the Conservancy is capable of providing technical assistance, and acquisition of interests in land and real property. He said the I program also includes funding improvements such as recycling wastewater for agriculture, and roadway improvements for use by J I agriculture. Mr. Coppock said funding for these projects comes from State general obligation bond acts and grants and from other State agencies. He said the Conservancy also can set up procedures for administering development fees. He said that because Arroyo Grande is technically out of the jurisdiction of the Conservancy, it would be interested in a City resolution requesting at least technical assistance in working on the City's General Plan policies, and possibly some implementing ordinances or mechanisms which would move the General Plan policies forward. Council Member Olsen said just outside of the City limits there is a great deal of valuable farm land, and it would be good to study both Arroyo Grande and County farm land together. Mr. Coppock said if the County and City land were studied together, it would bring Arroyo Grande into the jurisdiction of the Coastal Conservancy (but not the Coastal Commission). Council directed Staff to prepare a resolution for the meeting of February 27, 1990, requesting assistance from the Coastal Conservancy. 10.A. LETTER OF PROTEST REGARDING THE PARKING SITUATION AROUND STREETS AND HOMES NEAR ARROYO GRANDE HIGH SCHOOL. HERMAN OLAVE. 222 W. CHERRY AVENUE Mr. Christiansen referred to his memorandum of February 6, 1990, and said that, if neighbors agree, he would recommend to the Parking and Traffic Commission that two-hour parking be initiated, wi th permit stickers for residents', automobiles. Residents protesting student parking in their neighborhood were HERMAN OLAVE of 222 W. Cherry Avenue, GARY MORAN of 426 California Avenue, LINDA SEWELL of 407 Orchard Avenue, JOHN REYNOLDS of 509 E. Orchard Avenue and PAM ENWALDT of 512 Arroyo I Street. They spoke about the increase in drugs, trash and traffic in the neighborhood, and they said property values had been ' decreased. Also discussed were school parking fees, which they ~ said was too high. Mr. Olave said the neighbors were not in favor of the suggested two-hour parking. Letters were submitted from F. BYRON GRANT of Realty World, CATHERINE EYROLET of Small World Christian preschool, and MR. AND MRS. OLAVE. After Council discussion of the parking problem, Staff was directed to write a stern letter to the School District requesting corrective action on the student parking. Council Members said the item should be taken up again at the February 27, 1990, meeting. Protesting neighbors were asked to attend and speak at the February 26, 1990, Parking and Traffic Commission meeting. 5 .'- - ,-._- -- ......,--..----. --... ._- ~ j - 193 : - I CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 13, 1990 9. H. REOUEST PERMISSION TO DRILL TEST HOLE ON THE RANCHO GRANDE SITE AND UPDATE ON WELL DRILLING PROGRAM. JIM GARING Jim Garing of Garing Taylor and Associates, consulting engineer for the city, referred to his outline titled, "Arroyo Grande Well Project Costs and Progress." He discussed wells being drilled in the city. with reference to the Reservoir No. 5 Well he recommended that the city spend an estimated $126,520. Thi~ expenditure will allow the contractor to drill a five inch well hole, and then if the water quality and future capacity tested out good, to complete an eight inch productive well at the site. He said at completion of this project, the Staff will return to the city Council to request permission to proceed with the next phase of the project, which will be to install the well pumps and appurtenant work to connect to the water system. After Council questions, it was moved by Olsen/Dougall, and the motion passed, to approve the Staff recommendation. lO.B. RESOLUTION REOUESTING AUTHORIZATION TO CLOSE CITY STR~ETS. ARROYO GRANDE VILLAGE IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION. EASTER PARADE. APRIL 7. 1990 It was pointed out that the Easter Parade would be held on April 7 (not 14), 1990. It was moved by Dougall/Olsen (3-0-2, Dougall, Olsen and Smith voting aye, Millis and Moots absent) to approve Resolution No. 2367 I Authorizing the Closure of City Streets. I 10.C. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION OF TjiE POLICE DEPARTMENT I IN THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY NARqOTIC TASK FORCE i . I It was moved by Dougall/Olsen (3-0-2, Dougall, Olsen and Smlth I voting aye, Millis and Moots absent) to approve Resolution No. 2368 I Authorizing Participation of the police Department in the San Luis Obispo County Narcotic Task Force. I 10.0.1. RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A BOULEVARD STOP SIGN AT JAMES WAY AT ITS INTERSECTION WITH COLINA STREET It was moved by Dougall/Olsen (3-0-2, Dougall, Olsen and Smith voting aye, Millis and Moots absent) to approve Resolution No. 2369 Establishing a Boulevard stop Sign at James Way and Its Intersection with Colina street. 10.D.2 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A LOADING AND UNLOADING ZONE ON A PORTION OF ALDER STREET (ALDER FRONTAGE FOR MARGARET HARLOE SCHOOL) It was moved by Olsen/Dougall (3-0-2, Olsen, Dougall and Smith I voting aye, Millis and Moots absent) to approve Resolution No. 2370 I Establishing a School Bus Loading and Unloading Zone on a Portion I of Alder Street (Alder Street Frontage of Margaret Harloe School). __ I lO.D.). RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A NO PARKING ZONE ON A PORTION Q[ I VALLEY ROAD (VALLEY ROAD FRONTAGE AT GOSPEL LIGHTHOUSE CHURCH. i SUPERSEDES RESOLUTION NO. 2275\ It was moved by Dougall/Olsen(3-0-2, Dougall, Olsen and smith voting aye, Millis and Moots absent) to approve Resolution No. 2371 Establishing a No Parking Zone on a portion of Valley Road (Valley i Road Frontage of Gospel Lighthouse). I lO.D.4. RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A BOULEVARD STOP SIGN ON CORNWALL AVENUE AT ITS INTERSECTION WITH NO~,TH RENA STREET It was moved by Olsen/Dougall (3-0-2, Olsen, Dougall and Smith voting aye, Millis and Moots absent) to approve Resolution No. 2372 Establishing a Boulevard stop Sign on Cornwall Avenue at Its Intersection with North Rena Street. I 6 194 - CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 13, 1990 10.D.5. RESOLUTION ELIMINATING A BOULEVARD STOP SIGN ON NORTH RENA , STREET AT ITS INTERSECTION WITH CORNWALL AVENUE i It was moved by Dougall/Olsen (3-0-2, Dougall, Olsen and Smith i voting aye, Millis and Moots absent) to approve Resolution No. 2373 ! , Eliminating a Boulevard Stop Sign on North Rena street at Its , I Intersection with Cornwall Avenue, Repeal No. 4 of Resolution No. I 1050. I 11. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS I None. i I I 12. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS . None. , I 13. CLOSED SESSION I I , I The Council adjourned at 9:06 P.M. to a Closed Session on .J Potential Litigation, Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(1), and City Initiated Litigation, Government Code Section 54956.9(c). 14. ADJOURNMENT The Council reconvened at lO:OO P.M. and immediately adjourned. ~~~ 7)t1~ a. I)n.~'_1J '(; MAYOR .. ATTEST: CITY LERK I I I I I i I J I I I I i I , I I ! I 7 I I L _~,_,__~,_ _____~________~_________ _ ___,_____ ____ ___________~ _~ ___ ......--..