R 0597
1. That pursuant to the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited
Territory Act of 1939", proceedings have been initiated by the Council of the
City of Arroyo Grande, on its own motion, to annex to the City of Arroyo Grande,
all those uninhabited territories situate in the County of San Luis Obispo,
State of California, hereby designated as "COO.BETl' CJJlYON NO.1", and described
as follows:
All that land contiguous to the Ci1:y of Arroyo Grande, in the
County of Son Luis Obispo, State of CC1lifornia, included within the ex-
terior boundary described as follows:
BeginnJ.ng at Stake V4 at the most Westerly corner of Lot 3 of the
Vachell Tract according to the map thereof recorded July 19, 1888 in
the office of the County Recorder; thence South 550 30' East along the
Southerly line of said Vachell Tract and the Southeasterly prolongation
thereof a distance of 630.18 feet more or less to a point on the Souther-
ly line of the abandoned Pacific Coast Railroad right of way; thence
Northeasterly along said Southerly right of way line to its intersection
with the Northerly right of way line of County Road No. 10; thence North-
easterly along said Northerly right of way line to its intersection with
the Southeasterly line of Let C of the Felts and Raux Tract, according
to the map thereof recorded January 29, 1889 in the Office of the County
Recorder; thence South 380 45' West along said Southeasterly line a
distance of 30.65 feet to Stake B2 at the Southwesterly corner of the
property conveyed Mrs. A. D. Brooks by deed recorded April 16, 1891 in
Volume 12 of Deeds at page 59, records of said County; thence North 660
West along the Southerly line of the proper1:y so conveyed a distance of
400.224 feet to the Northeasterly corner of parcel one of the property
conveyed V. W. Stephens et ux by deed recorded June 6, 1952 in Volume
660 at page 402 of Official Records of said County; thence South 260 13'
30" West along the Easterly line of the property so conveyed a distance
of 293.964 feet to the Southeasterly corner thereof; thence North 660
~est along the Southerly line of the property so conveyed a distance of
99.99 feet to the Southwesterly corner thereof and a point on the tester-
ly line of the proper1:y conveyed R. W. RoopeI' et ux by deed recorded
July 19, 1962 in Volume 1192 at page 582 of Official Records of said
County; thence South 260 13' 30" tlest along the Easterly line of the
property so conveyed a distance of 103.488 feet to stake G3; thence
South 370 15' ~est along the Easterly line of the property so conveyed
a distance of 244.86 feet to the Southeasterly corner thereof; thence
North 600 30' West C1long the Southerly line of the property so conveyed
a distance of 363 feet to the Southwesterly corner thereof at a point
on the Southeasterly right of way line of County Road No. 4 (now State
Highway V-SLO-147-A); thence Southwesterly along said right of way line
to a point that is distant North 470 30' test 25 feet from a point on
the center line of the 50 foot road described in the deed recorded in
Volumn 693 of Official Records at Page 70, Records of said County as
bearing South 52u 30' East; thence Westerly in a direct line to a point
at the intersection of the '1lesterly line of said County Road No.4 with
the Northerly line Qf County Road No. 133; thence iJesterly along the
said Northerly line of County Road No. 133 to a point at the intersection
of the said Northerly line of County Road No. 133 with the Northeasterly
extension of the Northwesterly line of Lot 3 of said Vachell Tract;
thence Southwesterly ~ong said Northeasterly extension and the R~rth~
westerly line of Lot 3 to Stake V4 and the point of beginning, and
including all Lots and Blocks of Subdivisions located therein, together
with all public roads, alleys and rights of way of record.
2. That pursuant to the provisions of the "Annexation of uninhabited
Territory Act of 1939", proceedings have been initiated by the Council of the
City of Arroyo Grande, on its own motion, to annex to the City of Arroyo Grande,
all that uninhabited territory situate in the County of San Luis Obispo, State
of Ca1fiornia, hereby designated as "PRINTZ ROAD NO.1", and described as
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--_.,-_..~--~..~-._.."._-,-_.._.._-.~.- -----._-. ,-,
All that land contiguous to the City of Arroyo Grande, in the County of San
Luis Obispo, State of California, included within the exterior boundary described
as follows:
Beginning 'nt Stake No.73 at the Northwesterly co~r af Lot 35 of the Hilliker
and Woodbury Tract, according to the map thereof recorded February 4, 1889 in the
office of the County Recorder, and a point on the Southerly line of Lot 12 of the
Vachell Tract, according to the map thereof recorded July I~, 1888 in the office of
the County Recorder; thence South 550 30' East along the Southerly line of said
Lot 12 a distance of 473.22 feet to the Southwesterly corner of Lot 11 of said I
Vachell Tract; thence North 340 30' East along the Westerly line of said Lot 11 a
distance of 1302.84 feet to the Northwesterly corner thereof; thence South 550 30' i
East along the Northerly line af said Lot 11 a distance of 528.00 feet to the
Northeasterly corner thereof; thence South 520 45' East alang the Northerly line of
Lot 10 of said Vachell Tract a distance of 501.66 feet to the most Northerly corner I
of parcel one of the property conveyed H.H. Grant et we by deed recorded June 7,
1957 in volume 894 et page 451, Official Records of said County; thence South 340
30' West along the Westerly line of said parcel one a distance of 275.00 feet to
a point; thence North 550 30' West along the Northwesterly line of said parcel one
a distance of 135.00 feet to the most Westerly corner thereof; thence South 340 30'
West along the Westerly line of said parcel one and the Westerly line of parcel two
of the property so conveyed to the Southwesterly corner thereof at a point on the
Southerly line of said Lot 10 and on the Northerly line of Lot 33 of said Hilliker
and Woodbury Tract; thence North 550 30' West along the Northerly line of said Lot
33 a distance of 20.82 feet to the Northeasterly corner of Lot 35 of said Hilliker
and Woodbury Tract; thence South 340 30' West alang the Easterly line of said Lot
35 a distance of 595.32 feet to the Southeasterly corner thereof; thence North 55.
30' West along the Southerly line of said Lot 35 a distance of 1246.74 feet to the
Southwesterly corner thereof; thence North 250 IS' East along the Westerly line of
said Lot 35 a distance of 623.70 feet to Stake No.73 at the Northwesterly corner
thereof and the point of beginning, and including all Lots and Blocks of Subdivioo
sions located therein, together with all public rosds, alleys and rights of way of
3. That the said City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande desires
to annex said uninhabited territories to the City of Arroyo Grande for the
following reasons: Said territories are contiguous to the City of Arroyo Grande.
and their proposed annexation will contribute to and facilitate the orderly
growth and development of beth the City of Arroyo Grande and the territories
proposed to be annexed; will provide the proper control of street layout.
drainage. sanitary sewer design and proper land use in conformity with the
overall zoning plan of the City and in the territories proposed to be annexed.
4. That Monday . the 30th day of December . 1963. at the
hour of 8:00 P.))].. of said day. in the Council'Chambers in the City Hall, in
the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo. California. is hereby
fixed as the time and place when and where any person owning real property
within the uninhabited territories above described and propesed to be annexed
to the City of Arroyo Grande and having any objections to the proposed
annexations may appear before the Council of the City of Arroyo Grande and show
cause why such uninhabited territories should not be so annexed to said City
of Arroyo Grande, such protest or portests must be in writing, may be filed at
any time before the hour set for hearing objections to the proposed annexations,
and shall state the name or names of the owner or owners of property affected
and the description and area of such property in general terms. I
5. The City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande is hereby authorized
and directed to cause a copy of this Resolution to be published at least twice,
but not ofterner than once a week, in the Herald-Recorder, a newspaper of general
circulation published in said City of Arroyo Grande, the City to which it is
proposed to annex the aforesaid territories, and also in the Telegram-Tribune,
a newspaper of general circulation published outside the City of Arroyo Grande,
but in the County of San Luis Obispo, California. the County in which is located
the territories proposed to be annexed to the City of Arroyo Grande, said
publication to be completed at least twenty (20) days prior to the date set for
And the City Clerk is further authorized and directed to cause written
notice of such proposed annexations to be mailed to each person to whom land
within the territories proposed to be annexed, is assessed in the last equalized
county assessment roll available on the date the above said proceedings were
initiated, at the address shown on said assessment roll or as known to said Clerk,
and to any person who filed his name and address and the designation of the
lands in which he has any interest. either legal or equitable. with said Clerk,
such notice to be given not less than twenty (20) days before the first public
hearing on the proposed annexations.
And. in the event there is. upon the land proposed to be annexed, a
structural improvement owned, being acquired or leased by a County Fire protec...
tion District, the said Clerk is directed to cause written notice of such pro...
posed annexations to be mailed to the governing body of such district, such
notice to be set not less than ten(lO) days before the firest public hearing
upon such proposed annexations.
And the said Clt"Clerk is directed to cause written notice to
be given to such other persons as may be legally entil ted thereto, in the manner
required by law.
On motion of Councilmen WlIQd , seconded by Councilman
JoIrMf 11en , and on the following roll call vote, to-wit:
A-mB : Councilmen McMillen, Wo$d, Mc1IIeil and MaYQr Burt
NCES1 lI10ne
ABSENT : C~uncilaan Jacobs
the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 12th day of . .o......h..... . 1963..
~ '~~A;/
City C k---
I, POLLY S. MILLER, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo
Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California,
do hereby certify that the foregoing Ie.o1~tio~
No. 597 is a true, full and correct copy of said
Resolution passed and adopted by the City Council
of the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular
meeting of said Council on the 12th day of ."".....her
. 19~.
WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Arroyo
Grande affixed this 13th day of Bo"""'''''r I 19..6L.
City C1, !1f he y of
Arroyo rende, California.