R 0289 - J ~ , -.. . .- RESOLtn'ImT NO. ;{ g y RESOLUTION NO. !1 <69 OF TIlE CITY ComrCIL OF TlIB CITY OF ARJlOYO GIWmE, ~U, AUTBORIZD'G TIIB PLACDTG AD XAD''l'BUNCE OF STOP SIGNS AT CBRTAD' LOCATIONS D' TBE CITY OF ARROYO GRADE. BE IT RESOLVED, by th. City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, that pursuant to and govern.d by the provisions of Ordin_ anc. No. 8&, of the City of Arroyo Grande, the City Eagineer, of the City of Arr,yo Grande, is hereby authorized a.d r.~uired to place and maintain or caus. to b. placed aad maiDtained, stop signs at the following desil.ated locations in the City of Jrr.yo Grandea. At or Dear the Southw.st corner of th. int.rsection of Fair Oaks and Halcyon Road; At or near the Southw.st corner of the iat.r.ection of Farrel Road and Halcyon Road; At or near the South.ast corner of the iat.rs.ction of Alder Stre.t, and Fair Oaks Av.nue; At or Dear the Northw.st corner of the iat.rs.ctioa of Barnett Stre.t and Graael," Aveaue; At or D.ar the Northwest cor.er of the iDtersection of Oak Street and GraDd AV.Due; At or D.ar the Northw.st corner of th. iDt.rs.ctioD of Bet1 Street aDd Grand AveDu.; At or near the Southeast corn.r of the inters.ction of South Alpine Stre.t and Grand Av.nu.; At or Dear the Northwest corn.r of the int.rs.ctioD of North Alpin. Street and GraDd Av.nu.; and At or n.ar the Northw.st corner of the inters.ction of ReDa Street and Granel Av..... On motioD of Councilman ~SI and second.d b, C....il_$"j.. . _' ..0.. n. foll..... roll call vot., to..i ' AYES. ~~ ~/Kvvv, ~/~CW~ NOES. ~, .AB5UT: ~. _J . '''-, ~ ,.. - - .. the roregoiDg Resolution is, hereby adopted. Dated tllis f.<ii- day or ~ _, 1953. Jlayor ATTEST I l1'0,~ ~. JetM-:1 7 C erk I I ---------- - --,- -----~-_._. ~ ,-.-J