R 0280 VOL 734 PA6E265 RESOLUTION NO. 280 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TO CHAHGE THE NAI!E OF LEEDHAM LANE AND HUEBNER A VENUE TO CHERRY AVENUE TO COIIFOR11 wITH CHERRY AVENUE ON THE WEST SmE OF ~l HlaHWAY On mot.ion of Councilman Burt., seconded by Councilman Kerr, the foregoing Resolution was adopted by the folloWing roll call vote: AYES: Councilman Waiters, Kerr and Burt NOES: Hone ABSENT I Councilmen Simpson and St.urges ATTE.:>'T : ~~.~~ ~_jpfA~ft~ #).#b-r'~",~~ ity C erk STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) I ss. COuNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, ) I, Mrs. Edna M. Schilling, Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, COlUlty of San Ll11s Obispo, State of Calitornia, do hereby oert,ify t.hat the tore going is a full, true and correct copy ot Resolution HUllber 280 passed by the City - Council ot the City ot 10YO Grande, County ot San Luis Obispo, State ot California, on the J.6 day ot ~ , 19U, and that upon the passage of said Resolution, the vote was as tollows, to-wit: AYES: ~ /k.e-- j,J~, ~y~. NOt;S: ~ ABSENT:~~~V~. WITNESS rq hand and the Seal of the said City Council ot the City of Arroyo Grande, County ot San Luis Obispo, State ot California, this I ,j~ of bfJliitev. 19~~ ( ,-) , ; ~ ~ ~~?4~ ' ~.,...,~;\~:,'~ ~~ielil"""> j,1J,].' \ ....;j'''.~G~(m I ':fl"~~',,; .-,.~ ' l(i .., ., ~.,; \\;:I'''',,~ ~'i."'-l;,\' ~ to " If I r" ~ \"" .~~,~ , l'J ~"~ I ,~~ ~ 'I,; ~f~ ,~' t'l ~ ,;~,\ . ~\1 n rEIi' " ., O~-~". ~I? " . ,<..()\.\",' . ~~".~ . ,< :t S'\ ~I~~ /', iitl<<~\"" ~ I ,.,~ ' '~"I' 1.5376 . "s;! '. ." ~~: .','"'.' ~::\ , ~ ::' "-~ ~~~,' . ," ,\, ':~E'lJ. :I r '0 ':,'J'ut'~ \ \), ',.., "',', ~~~~~~/t6~,~~ ~,~.t.t, > , .;-"',.~ '\ ','1/1" . ~"',' ~. *"'("",' r~ ~~~~...,,:~~ , , ~ t"luutnu\\ ~ ,,' "'II,;" ' Ali! ~t~ Q ',' ", AT,_ MIN. PASTL M. ;,i :~: :~~;,t;,::~~~?;;\(,,',-:::,,\~" , VO~fficial Records p~' SAN L IS OBISPO COUNTY, CALIF. NOV 20 1953 ~~~ Fee$ 0 Indexed '/ ,;oM?~n \ --,- ""'- t', ...-.,-..._'!i.W. .....~ ~ ~.. ,'"-,'_:,' ._~--_.,--' ,--