R 0276 > ., ",:'~';:','i.'4~.'" ','," ' , .'),). . ...., ;- 1 ,_,Y)~--;;"', :'$; ',~Ji'~tA1il1,tif;J'}-'~"'"'" ;'\:'l1'- , " ',',' '.~ i: ", ~~ - , "()jt'" "'" '.',," ',",,' ""~' "'/""'. "'.';"" . ..,. " ' .. '~""""""'.'!i!I 'ji """~'f!';1>','i1 ",ii"."; ,~>,,) ;,,;/:~':~~i~~;~i,;:1!~~(:r~,~B:Jf~ ,,' ", ..,~"..," ,'J<f~I",q,."'lr""""~ -, '[(_~~,,:, ,-:":';':, _ "'~', ,\1~,~> ,,:.<~\.';t~ ,,:l~it, :i'~:'~~~;C' !t<:!<~-f<'- :':1>' , I~,.'" ',"',', ',. ,,' -"*' <'~, t;,',f ~~ !r;",- -~'"I"'" ~f;;.')'-" ,-",-,~ '::;, ", '" ' _ ,', ,;: " , ' , : _; ,~_, :' _'", _ '." ,,''''>;;.',-< ,,<,,! _ _ .' ';;,"" ..,..,_~ ;~,:<<g>,:" 'i , " ",-;~'\\" .- ; ;. RBS,' OI.tti' L ,.,tJ.t;,\~ """",'''''''' ' "OJJ;:~cO~;()~1;;::)![ ., 'jJ,; , ' provtalli1u .t~..110e .~ /..,fj,'i\;td""', it was provideit;h-.t t;he O~':t"C~.\) :fit. ....' ,f,.".,..... 01\1 IJt '~~.Grande was authorized,l>f're801ut1on,te a4~ ~, ' "j l':~~rH~~t".~ tor the subdivili.on Gtland and "'et4~~""~~~,:',' ,;!', '.~4t1."~' .apI thereo1' and lUPI .1' Readl and Stl'~~ *'1d,;.. ,I" ", ',_', ' _1."'.x-e to be designated "SubdiV1den s~'.t(Bi... , .'--, - ::t'_::'_'::lr'~i.-,-~,--;'~ ,: " ,~~-',," . .....'~~J)II01' the 01 ty ot Arroyo Grande." T> , ,,~~~'ORE, BE IT IlEBOLVED, b,. the l:1t7 CoawU.. of .. e~*1' -- ,,' ::::::~<,' -,. - .-, :" ", '" '_:_,.' <.~",}. , ot ~~h~&r1!!1.e. t~ t the here1nattfet' se t tort. :MI.1*:. an4r..n~~: , '.., '" -'\,." ',' or' '." _ ' " '..'. ',' , ,;' ',it:_':,:".,; t1_'be:'~J14the 8ame are herewith de'81gna1led a8 t" ~... ..., ,,'-4.;,0_. " " - '," N~oGlveri1'1g the subdivision of land EUid t8t~_' :"',_~ :~i:_'_~-'; ,~,,::-:>, __,_---....- ,.: ': ' : "", .', ': ' ~"'~Q!t" thllireo1' ud 01' maps and roa.ltnd'..:,..;,..... '" ,;'''_ ,,_ ."', -"" ",,1_, , - , , ", -'," J-' "7 \~~/I' ',:)' "", .UO~"~1ti,.'~ 'regulations be and the sal\ieare ~. _:_ \ 4_"~'i .al '''8ubd$,'V,iBion Standards of Rules ai1d b~_f' t_,..".t Al'royo Grande. It , .' "':,\:,~'1;: ",' " - _:''-;:'::,:,,:':_;.:.> ; _ ',t..~, _ ' I ,~,' '" ,"~, ,Bu:BDIVISION~WMI., '. 'I "'" " , ' " . ','::iji~",J!'>'~~ ~.qu1rementl: '!'he t..),l~.l~. ,'; , ~.fL1i~[U,".',a.:;:~~,','1Vj,.lons or par~ 01' sUbiMa'~.,' " ,,',' '.' 1.'~1I~.tlit1. t.e incorporated teM'1tory of th. ,000Q" " ", , \ " , ~- ' , '\ 1&) i~TS AND ROADS. " ',:"""".f'; :,,~i;;'l~ . l-.reet and road ,l;.teu.t;; of .achauWJ;-..i.", .' ";._,,~,~.ect1ons 01' the Ds~r 'Uall wld~A .~'(i'. ~~~~(;~t:.1.n 01' the City wltb,1!1_h1ch the hblta.~'\'i',"" , , "-':i;1 (t'~~ . ~pary roads shall. be IlO~ le.. t~ ~..*..~..l\'"_,,, : ;,~ "..fJlJ.; ciary roads shall be not less. tftaD \Ss...,';;'(;~~~j:' $ia,I,' f;;;:" , __';.It~.,,~ "7~. , " ' W~ .+.~~ ., .{~.'" ~\ IftJ;~'0j'< ' ' ~~::W-I',~' '3'i"\IIe"~' ,,', ""","',',.,,',', "",.,(., :'ii"',,,W;". streets sha+l t>eprovided aro~"~' ,', ';,',.,,;'fiO,i;;; pr1';~41'~Ondar,. roads with.Un, ot~...' ,I" ">,-:' '_1:JJt:,~~",'.' , ,,__ " , ' _, ~' _ , ~'..:'''::t ;,- . "~,:,'~,;iil:fb4, Ji"".,I~,-".,,:t:~ ;;~:t~~a;;a~:-f: ,:,,~,fJe~ :-,h,..,.,','"'::~~...,...,',.~~,,.',..." ,'".,.,.,','~,.~"IL,)",'~: ,': .,,-1., ~Itra"ght conttl1u.a1;ioIlS,QO aQ't r"~.~ "I, " '. \>Uaes may be cont\nue4bytan~n;t~t~*5 "".<,Jr .'::' ,:\ ,,-.:~:t. ~, ",1. . :-:,;:{ ';';',', ..01- - /, ' , '.IJ: ':~~j,;;~t$;,'~:ft;., ). ',v" ",,',, ,...~f: "',~~';:r)t1t: ~~:~~~ .. ",1.,."~.';a~~"'.,~~~~..:.,,,~...,,:,; '~.: ':"_.. "..:i1UJ~_-""';'::;'. :"i,'~';:~dJ~:'4~~;.,,:~kk:1i'r.t.~~J~~~~_._ (J'~ "r- ,- '1' r . . . , . . .' - ,', - l . '. . . "- , . , 2. Prbate streets, a!leTs 0.1' wals wUJ. no,1o be apP1'o.ed unless they are improved as specified in Section 2 and 3 hereof and provil1on is made tor their permanent maintenance. ' 3. Re.erved strips cantrolling the a~C.sstop~~11o W.,. 0.1' whioh will aot prove taxable for special ill1proveJllAllllt.iwll.l~t~~."d un- lesa auch, stripe are necessary tel' the pro1;~1;1. .01' "'ltit' p~'f)l~ wl1."are 0.1' or .ui:>stantlal property rights 0.1' bath and in. ."'..,.....1; 1a which theo~trol ~d disposal 0.1' thAI land cOlllPri.~ ,neb.tv~ft ". pnced definitely ~thin the jurisdiotian 0.1' tbe Clty'~d.r .eaa.i1oaa approved b7 the Pla.nning ColllR11sshn. 4. All streets shall, as far as p:oacU9ai:>J.e.be 1~, al1;P.IMDt with existing streets bycontinuatiens of the center :11... ___vett. . S. Struts will,be required to. ioter.eot ~. ",,'~:r at. .. angle as near to. a right angle as h praot~le ,In e~h ~IfU;~.."', ,&ad no intersection of streets at anglea1erithan th1n,. t _ k) ........ will be appra'1ed, unless necessitatedbt 1:$pogr"J\lij.ie ..0..1/#1.... 6. Where a subdivisian adjoiu., acre.....,., ....e~. ~b ..,-, be ex- tended in the event 0.1' the jJttbdiv18ion 0.1' theao-r..,..,.,ll be rMluirecl te be pradded through to the baundai"y lines af tn. traot. 7. Whenever the she or lacat1all of a PlU'4el &,f'J..,.. _a nQt per- mit a let layout directly related to a UonulJ. s~~t~.~. there 111&7 be us.d a eaurt, nan-cannecting 8t%,eeto, a~ ~~~..7, .. best fit. the case, provieled that such condithns.as are ...OJ>h.4 in Section 1.4 -.1' this Resolution may be requa-red in ..~. o-..e.~ '8. Wherever ,a deael-end street 18 .peh1tted" .an. .....t .hall 11ave a cj,.rcular end with a minimum rad1us or fOllt,.C4P') t'~.t 01' a eOlllPiU"able are. in another torm. " 9. Where streets are le88 than 'ix~r~(60!} f.eti. w1dth, adcUtion- a1 easement. tor planting may be required.. (c) STREET NAMES. , ,',. 1. All Dew thorought'ares an.dan7 tho:ro,.,.ghf~., ;b... wbieh 1s hereatter changed, s~all be ~ignated ..cQr~~ \oiU. ..:>UG lenph, by the proper term as set por:th in the tollft(q ..,., ,..,'.t " General Loilg or '...~ ... Du-ecUan Contin~oua ..... Thoro~- t1~. fares ~.\\gb- faNs North and So.uth Sweets PI.... Eut and We.t A'1enues- Oourts D1agoJ18.l Roads ....7. C1U'Ving Drives Laue ,~ 2. ,$treets that are obviously inalif~nt .ith'o~r8 al7eady in ex1iit.noe and n~d shall bear t~ name. O.:IIl,lcb: e~~_ atJie,d.. In order to avold du,lication, names to be u.id tor n.. '~""e ...~l b. subject to. the approval af the Planning Commdl.ion. (d) GRADES AND CURVES. .,.-' -2- ,t ,.ff' ~f, "~:\"'';: r.a;:' '" ~ ,~t . '~'. J, . .,' .. . . . ...,.. 1,.. . , ....~. ,eball not .so... .,1"" ...)"....a'..' .- ...~"...... to. U.~),... ..... OJ} "~ ..._1 ". ',. ........ . tU'''~ r..,>,.",..,. 'H.t on ., ......, '11.,==,', iJ~"'l~,". ,:,=,~II,..",t,.",",."',,..,.... ", ,..., ." · ~. ~. tt......., <SOO') t..t. N'" ...CU.__..... 'aa ....... in .~.b,..rtt...... ttdIWace .u. P...._"1I. .1toW _t.',..'..... .~..."... ,...11.. n.' ~tl...b1..' C.) AE.IJnS. ::1:;, ,~,. t'ft.nt, '.(.-0') t.., .1....... __~,...j.._ ...... ot ~.~,.".,. ,.." "~<1t.u..e ,...*,107. .,a.,f<< '... ,.'~~t..rrrri _.. .......,. !.IIIIPuU..bl... ' ,,',',' J _ " :: .. ,a~_I". ",0 ..11.,..1..'.....01';,1Iln .11Ot) t~.....~ij,!""'t. .U1 ...-.............-,", .. ' "\,',,"",,:, UW'.,.......~:,... , .. ",,: , (1') &QeD. i..,...k. au1 .ot .....a4-~.,..a.,.'... 1, .., .,.,.,.,.",."',.,...,, " .,'''"."".,, ' " acts.oent, }At"e\\t"',.",,,R " " . ~",'",',' ',,', t:,',,"', .,', ,',.1"."."." ',.,'.~".,'"~,',II,,.,., .,',' ",',', .".,',.",', ',.,"" .,',", . .". .,',' " ", ',' ............ h_ _. uca......... ,"*M...',...... ...,.. i:M...,.."..'...'...",',... .' ',.,'.,',":,-~,'",..,' ::".,., ., '"....,.". .,' '" t., " O,Utfbf,........ ~..,'," ,in, ,.....,." o,..~.,."..,' .,,'1' .~...,.....".",....,"',...'......,,'.,;,,'.. ',=,:"'i,.',,,_...~.''',',.~,,',~,-~,.,'..,',.,.,,'~",=,""'..'~,'.','It".,'.',.'",...". ,..0_. .1Jt, .... ...on -- -...,:- . " ,'~"- .,..",.,.... . "", ... :1#_""'" ,t.. ,,*,11'1_2' ..,._.... ...' .,' ". i.... ", .'''.... d_ .........."..d$1anMat . an. .......~ ..... . , ,'.' -,,' , ,."'..'"."",a..,,.,.. ',. ".,..,.",.. ,.,...b. ..,.,.,.,',', U.",o...t".'..'::!H..,"'".' '"t,."., ,'...'.', ',.... ",'.",1','..' ".,,".,1,",',..',.".,.'.,.,.'".,., ".'."....,'"..,.",'",.".,,',,'i',,....".'.,'.....' .,..4.4};. ., "look. ..... m.... ~...4 ( ,'.f) __;.1 ", ." ',__11 '"' ~$;~110 ..bUGt"...n".'''_" ' '..........". '" 'J . " , .." .~ ...."';f~' ' i ",' ".' ' '. .~, ........' ... , : . j,};~,,:~:- , ,... .t'Mev '.....R1."... .~It .,"'A ' tIr,'..*'...'.",'...,,""..'., t. __, ", 1'__. . a' ...." O"..~."=,.,t,,,",=,It,,'1. ; ".. ',u."'.,, ,. ".7.,1"".,,,,". nt..-{3$t) t..,. 1.". ,.'.,' . " ...... X ..".~, or prl . 1',..4 -..fj '. .E"-*'~"& f'!t!I".,.,"". ...,.. 1. ., ..,. ,.. 1...",..,....,~,." 0;...,.... .", ,: (~Jr:..', ....s>> 4t. , 41ql,'t~l.'~,..' .. ., .......... .' In.......~1 ,.."....~;....,..,u., ".; 4., fbe O~V. ~lIuU . ",,'Q; "oJ1l'oJ ,tc>" ....~..CiJ;'.~~1~.... ftIJ"".. tb.'e ...... 111"~o o.,.,..'UCSb.!.ai" l._........t...~tJ' (zon ,..to.. i I. 'r . ' 'r ';' ,,'.. . , i " \ 1".,." " ."'.'.,.,', ' ~!ii', ..~..nt. toJ' '!Wi'.. ~...~....a.........u1t1.. _,~.,,.~~~;~lIU1g t,be "...1..~ 11....H'..t: rrT;~~:.<:\""ut. ~.), LQf&. " ' , " ~ . .i":/;l.j;.,.",i..".,,, ....,.Ci4 '-, P ot ~,t'..,'all," ,IN, .,-:-".I~r,".,.. '" " ._.M... 1irh1l1h tU.Ulll.'........ c .;1'"' .......... ,. ,..'..':' " , "...', ,-,'~ ......i, ," "...,..... " . ',' '10""'" . '," ........, " ," ,',' , . " ,'~' - 'i'O - ..',.., ',., ,.., ',",.., "'..,,.,. ...,' t..".'.tu..' ,......... ',.,'.,.".iIrI.,",'."'.'". ".."#,~ '".....,'" 1!I>"...ii,'~,,~,"',",..',.,,";.i'","';~",""',',', '..'," ",."..'-~".,.,,' R'" , """Ii" 0, "---. -;;.tL,!",'" '"'' . " - ,""- " .. ," ~. tbU..tXtt' .' 11ft, "." ,." \". ." 'M_ ", ",'.,.",.," ',' ."',.,,., ',."',,.),' *1M, '" ',trI., .".., ',',', ",', .1,...",'"J~, ", ',~,,', '. ',' '.!'~ ',.." ;_"r"',, 'II,'.''',',. " ,':0Jt,..... ..~4jWJ..b..,~...~'..,',' , ' ' .,"..~" .. ',' ,,"'"'''' .'ct...,""......,. ,'1IIIIJ', M""'"t'...,', ""','"'~;,,,:\\,,..,\. .,I~ ,', .,"',',~,'itI,"'." ',.",',.,',*", ' ,.,".'"",.,'....,.,','",' ,'._0" '~,',,'..,,"',' ",',~,,',It(,' ,.""" ,.,',.,. ..".,',.',.. ",;~, :~ ...:;;..: ~)I=;~. 1._: .: ,tftt, " C~~" ", " ',", .,.., AU.. 1'1II'.}',' ,"," . ".' ._'ft'....,,','; ,"",""\f,.__~",,. , ", ""," , .,,\11 ,'... g~lul .:~~,..o. t. IJ"~.' i, '.;..,....,..... _"......t..~.. a.t:~.J'4titha' .r'.... iO' '~" >" ,',', ,:" ,:''.",!"", ",- ,-'::_' a.I,11 ..ub41vl,S.on tit .~~, ;th.~..y,...,...~..s."d. at ... ...J. ,. : \,:",;( ;/ " ":",, '1;"i"J:i,,':j~a c ",," ' ,'- , I ',,- i --. :. .' ", 'J . - . " \ \,'~ \ I \,~!I! f'ut1.U'e time. the locatlon of lot Unes and othe~detallq of lal.Qut shall bef.uoh t1'1at r~-su.bdivla1en may ~..41ly t.~ pliI!Pe w&~o..t v;.laUag the/requirements of this R~"olutlon and w1lihputinterh:d1\8 .1th the or- de~11 extenslon of adjacent stre~ts,an~ rok48. , , 3. Lots without frontage on a street w~ll not be p.~tt.d. 4. The side lines of lots wleU be r8q,:U1re4to :I:'~"1I1."lght angles to jhe street upon whioh the let1'a"8, as t,ar _~.e't1e.~1.. S.t.ots otfter;....n corner ];Ot8 havlng dO'q1?.le,~~ -.tb. d.".. .t:).es. tb~ two 1:1.1 dIJ'i:t (2oo!) feet will 89;1; ~,.~P..pt where n.c~s8lta~ed by topo~phlo or o_ber phls19al OQa<<1tt.... o. ,Corner lots shall ~e '~~.;*~.~.~;5.. ,~lI1t the ma!nte.... of,adequate 'buildlng,.);!n....' "h 1Wo.'\'ifi:4 ..~. "', "." 7 .411 lots shall be su1 taDle tor to. P~..~~~,O)l. 1I~l are intended, t" beB,old, and ne dangerous or lJ1.1U1~d ~a ....,... 8ub41'9'1.4.. edtor residential purposes. , (h) BUILDING J:,INES. n.e QiHIIII1lulol\ _hAll r~u1relilui+cAAng.,~J,1I,e,.,< ~~'...~..Wif.th the" ',.,__.. Q1' 'fP,h subdlv1aioD., unJ..es ,__ C4.~ ,.,' "Z'~.g ~,,~. .......U.... easet""backll;aea tor the area bdag subdl'l"~ ' (1) WATER COURSES. ~,.. _n' ..,.. ..,. '~""'~'1....,1' ...,.....~."...~ A,' O,'W."e" ,'",'""',,, .., tIU""\',, ,.t,re, a' m, orcr, ., e,k" '""".i1.,", !Ub, d,1"',~t!M,, .',.", " ',.,,',,','~,',', ,.,.,'" ", " " """',',, ., .,', ',., X-"lP, t .t..47'~ .t... drJinage,p~J.'C;~".=,....",., ," .,'.'... ' ~f"';~:~~~~vn:::;::~~~ ~t'~~~a~:a~'.lil,',,,;-:,"" ,,';:~.te or ~oI1fjru~tion. or bo1:h. t. d1.poae~f su01x .J1iJt,,, ;...."*'...... ',' . ,- ',.. ' ' . , '. "I 3) RAILROAD AND GRADE CBOSS;NG8. , '. ~,~~' ~e qu~n of r"il..t ~rtui~~J. ;t"",~"';"ii.d~ ot th!t, ., ~b" Ii" 1, Oll will be cou~e, ;!4 ~,';!t8"~., ',..,.".", ,,7:',. ',..., ' ",' , '*:1;1, ' 01; ~~tWq '" at10n or other J;~eat"ntl, aD.., ,t~'...', ',' .' ',is ' t~@'.f.~'!1fdndi tions ln antl~lp~1)4.on of s~orf~.~p.;.: - . "",", ',',L,",' ,,' :-- ' . , ;, ,,' , ' 2~ .....re the subdlvls10n. ~dj~1ns ara11ro~dr, ..fIIt .,...d $01\- lng,pJ.~' O,r,."...1:her condltl,ons ,i,ndl,aate t,Mt.\l,.'ch.f!'"..,.., , ."..,"',.'d4,ll)l"e", 1,14.4 tor 1Ij1dust;f~p~pose., roadain tGe s""!lIi'ne~*+,. ,'$._..-tn. rap~..,.~ll be aa nearlY' ~r!!-~"~ ~t1:IiJl' ".. "".,. '~",' ,.:',.,. .. ls ~~~l.~)ltt~,not less than o~..""cl"ep"h d1~"".,t'~>L ,.to 418. t.~.;;, ~~.~..n-Elm to provlde f'fr, i'\twe s.p',8.X'atha ':t::~i..~ ',~ '.' .q,k)~. .." . , $.1Ir$et tree. where prod!e. saalJ.b. 1~.'8:.~ ,.1'....,.. ~\11red by the Collllll1ss1oll and be of a type app~()ved bY' it. . (1) DEED RESTRICTIONS. A,11 deed reatrlct1ena .1'!~UrM,1.t..t"'..."':.\Ie ~_..oe- able b7:" owaer of &:4Y of the Pl'_"l'ty 1y1.l\g v.' , ,'" ,*Wh1shas. (IB) ')fASTER PLAN. -I!.- \'\, ',0 "'j '>, ,:;,t~ , 'j;";,,.{~ ~ r--, ~) , . . , . . In all respects to subdivision will ~eo~~~r.d in re- , latien ,to the )(aster Plan of the C1ty~, preU.101.'1 p~' .... 1a J ,aatlc1,.tlng thereot. SECTION 2. IMPROVEMENTS UQUIRED. 2.1 In 8ubdivision8,11'ithin re&..01\&'I:>:1,., ~tanu,"t a .anl~l sewage di.p~..l 81atem, tt\.'sub'i.!i4er .~:Ll pe ~q~1Mct ,to 1n8t-.11 a cemp:tete...werage .1st.. '0...-"4 ,thereto.. I,,,,, -: ' '." . ~ . ' , , . . " , . . ,2.2 Jte subdivider shall install a wateJa,..~. _<<,q_te to cal':_t domeati1: ...t.U.u....,,t'o1'th. 't#b~V~~~~.., .p~t. be .t. ,~'."" ',1.\,. that the ::r_11ue S~l." ;.~t ).~.'r. twe. ();Sl"~,.ii.f", S."4 pi~.. 1 Dol be leu ~I1aJ' twr;)~l~.~ ' '.. 1. ~~~.iQ"J"L"d ,,~i;.'lia'S~ w~n in thefil.iJ:401;il. :.r~"'''~.1btg1... .er:.lit'i. '-".1rable. ' , J.'! ", ". ' , , ,_ ,,:,'" 1 :' ", ' _' ,~.3~he subdivider shalli~~ov.e dlat'.~t~,r..d~'l~11e,W.7. and ea....Dt81fhittl are a,I?I:f't; of: theaub~v.t'''.,.r! ,:~",f;p'.,~eli ~'fiCi~e:H . tor tuIo!U"e s tl'e, 'I; ~oa..)., ~It.t"" ,.'.1' ',' . ~ ~ ,i21t. , .~ . ..,.."., .. -f .. ....._ ~., .......~"'. ;;....... ~n t;4...~~~1v1sin and 1.c.ll1.~Shb.1"h~od,~1".tfl~~L "." '... < ...",., .,., " ""I~n.; !mJ""'M1i;.inclucie the' adb a'ht sUJ'fQ~ Of." .," ~$' .... p1iblla"'.;' as may be ~ceS8:zo70 ~.e" ;ge, .1>'\' 'tU"" ~..b .Or the d~a~nage thereof an,d t~ , 't;Ae" J?ub.Uc( __1.t.~J;' ;"" "r,.,,,. , '. .l;!f.'~~ll subdivision, i~j....m..t. 111\181; bf)o..~eQJ:!4U" .t~~i ~~~tG" sections anq:.p.c~fiOat1Od Ia....~r,/,. ....,...,aa4..11 be in,t"'Jed under the supti'Vi.hn or thecs._.I' ' : 'e ~11 ~ad.~..~p,roved by him.I~no'.~.s.'ha.ll :tIte'Y,. ',.,>'.'CIj;:~fiP.1"'. 1$.;l....SU't).stantial than j;~ tol:J,9w1hg zo.qul1'e ~',;i':" ' ' , ' -,' , ',", ',"," '" . "<,,.i ~, ...,... ,.'" J ~ )-:;.,t,';, , ~ k' .J . ~, ',': , !,. ~ , -$- ~ ~., , -' ." ' ' . '"",\'Ii." ,:;j!,~'O "'^,- ',,' " " _ ~~, ~I ' "'" .~~'l!:'I.'\':'''!W'\1;~''''' "" [ij,., ;' ).t;;,,, '.'1 ' ..; "" _ _I 't!' "'--' 1: -"<~'l "."'." ",. " .if\9< - ,1;1 '-- ' .j . ~ Ii it' " t." ,..~ ~ ~~ ~ ' ' "p'{,. ,';I", ,.l,~, " 1-: );:-- \, t ~>,; '0 "J '- '("."t: R';'. 'Y-" ..~. ,~~ ok\ ' , li" \.:>1 '" < ,_:> 1'," ~);. 'I 1 v-'1,';:e#. ~lt-->,,,').~.\4';;'4-' ",,,,_,\~~'>t? i,.,"".r'~~ ,_!!,);J~ >, ,,', " , . '" ". ',,, ''''I1/!;(>~,."",~, "';' 'II""": " 'fi1j,"~~ ' ~ ,i", -;'. ~ / ,Ii~ ,f~<~' "'~ :.: ~ '.' i'J, ~ i\-" ""~' fJ;,~ 11'",);; ,J;,..' , ~,t ~, '" ' , ~ , ,.,.: t' ';, ,,' ~ ,,' 'i>",;.iJ '~i~' ~ C'titCi' - " , '\' ~ } I, ~ J!',.. ' '.",~h',. };. . '~ ' '. \ ~<'" ,~ 5:~ ~,'t ~<'f\ ''(:J!~ , ~~~l " "1'1' \\:~,h" '-',' "'.!1>', ' ,,' <' ~" r"'i' i"\""." -1 ''', "'to( ;11"'-"'\11', .~ .. " ' ,J", ,.,.. "~,. )~'{'t\'?!;" .. '!the ~-.1..M"~'~' ,,'. ~._.! ''', (.~' ~."I '<< -I] ~'.. P ~:~'~". "', ,~) \.""." ., '\ ,"i' , , ~F')' ,) ,.",,,'" C1,.' . .~R\ ~. it was l>ro';j;4<<".~ ~' C~~;,.f'~~J0iJ~~'~'(. '" CUr '~:w;.; ()~e was authori..q.,_'''~8Q'lut''O.,~~,~ ..'" ", "',,i'..n ' '," " ,,",','" "","",.."..,,, ,',,',., .~_. tar ... .ubdido1.' .lid ____....",. c...~.. " '&.:~,'",',','..t,.,'.,', .,.,',~.',.. ',',',,',',~,:',', :'.," ". thereof and "PIS, .,fR..48".. ,,,,,.,.,','.',',,',,',',',',,. '..,', . ., '.,.,,~t\II,;";;I:,_, \.' ,'" ';;'j ,: I., " " , ' " ,', " ' ' ",,\'" ' ',.'., .', " " ::W.~'~ t'. be desited. "SubdlVi8Un S._"~~ia" ':i'i:'tdP:~:~.:;' , gna ,'" ": ,:,,' ') .-.:: . : ~ .'. ~~of the City of An0"10, Granb.'" : ", '" ;tJ" ^ ':' < " ''--:- .,1 ,': > ',.. ...' J~2~ORE.BE 1'1' 1IEI30LtIP. 0"1 the e1tJ'c.~~~i.t.,~ ""',",', ,'.' , " ' " ' ' ", ,'..,'," "',.,,'1'" ,'. ot~",~~, t};at the here1nat.. set rOl't"~ .....,.,~:,'; <:,'V.:, , " , . ."', : '''' " . ,~",i, tl;~,'f;~,~M~e aame are herewith. ,de*1gaatie!i aa ..~. '~,,";:J;L' re,~.':9G1vel'1ngthe subd1v1alon of land ..4 ;~:;~.:" i ":.M,>Jt~_. ~l'eof and of mapa.nel l'..,..,.~X~..:~O](I:~t ' ," , ~/~l:~'l',~atlonll be and the 8a...,t4'e~~".:.j '. \ " ,', :""",' " ' ,", "..,4"":"f"!"O" r ,a~.~.::~. .suP.d;l;'i,tdon s1oand~rds .t RU~s aiId:.' 'ti ,;f;;:, ,.,. " , . , .,Ii ,.>,.~", '",,':', ' ',""'; 1,."/",,, ~~~",tbro"fO Grande. .""'~$i ;,!,,i1';:, ;)~"",","'SlO'~, . ... '.i.t'f:;~~ , ,c\;\,;~", ~ ijeq!11.re~n1l8' TbeN31~i:1g", ' ' .;~ii..~. vi=~~;o:~~trtr:it:;t'~t~" , i'" -", \ ' ,~) :~~~'fS AND RIW>S. ,\ ,'." , ,,' "':;';~:__'.->'>-: ,,'~'J\"~-,:~ _ _ ' ~ . " '\,L ,t . ',:,..,.~.~;~\,'.".:,', ..,.",..'. .w.et androad,L-V,ut '.,1 e,"~,;su*,' ",'".,,' ;' " ,."~.\, "...,..et1$n8 or the,j " 'i8~ "l<<a .kt~Iii'" . \, " ".',,' ' .' '119 'x..~.n e:l.' the C1 10y .lt~n"_1ob t~ 'jab.' . ;~'i~:'~J'):dc",' ' :~I'",,:,) ,.,",.. .,' ' ,." _ ' , ,','! 1': '\ .,d"."i'.,:.~\,'..!,/. , ,'~J:~ "I:' .,' y roe,ds ,shaUbe aot i..s tbU ~'_i'''_~.;1iJ'.. i1t~L~L\}~';" ',", ",' .',. .. ' :tt~'~;;?,;;';,.,\v:'.,..,;:i~~f,i;;'i '" , ,;:.It'), ',' .Gary roads shall Ve net 1.....~,...~fWJ..~<A"~t~~\'1i ~.I~{~c ',' , ,', ',' ,.", ,"., "if, ::':,"'\'..",'. ,'.,':',,',',',,';,X;':;,~J~\~~1f;,:~ , "i.,,,,;,", ,';;,.,,;~I~., . streets shall ~,.", prQv1died:a, r~"'''''':II, "',,, ,""""~'~.,'".!.";,., "',".' ',':'II',;"i:),;;",~,':,~~j,',,";,',',',:V,',' ',",' .', ,'.,.;", \,," ": 1r" " """" "",~~i',.,".tO!!'~j'i, '", n' '<. '" ",~onde.r'1 :roads w1th,eao1:t. .~. "', ,"", ";'J';"":",".i',\,' '.'i':';'VC ",\,' " ",' "',' ,:" "'11";""" "I.~'~(;;::'~!! ., ci''''"f''' li.. .r .n r.... -'%~, ....',: .. ... . " . . I, . or exist1ng r~4. 1~ atj<<lfen";.:.~' , ,~ s'tr~~ght cont1n\li'!<10M ,q.,.t 1tI ' 1 , .. .,,', , ,! neB may be conttn._d In' ~~$.' " < '," ',,,;l"\-"'"'1'~\,\":' !,. '_ . ,c ." :~'"~,'_"1"~' <'..',~., > - ,~'("':' " ' , ".., 'f' ',,j, ,,' :-- _;:., '., ':'~. ',,: . \i "h"""""'~ "\" - ;\t';~'~.-;, :"-::' ,.,,;'-'-:-', ',".~ "ltU1ul ot '1..~-.,1. at ,... ~Ii." '.:t ~l'e.f, e..__ t. , B' .;,* ,i"'e~i(oa of the 'P ' , ',~ ';qt X"ts SC'ilia:. . ",,_oioVo ~o W1qU..t1QM~" ~) , ). .,~I .,.,:,;'1' :"f ,\.i'!,;l,~;~;~:)':, . ,.'.\ r, ""<,.,1., '," ,!""""~,,,,"""""~\'" ""111 " .:." ',' , ",>";.r,'~,:"j,;:~i\+;i;i.\;ji,i~~ ..'.; ";t."''''~'J!i('.",,, ',.',.,;, .,..'j},i~'\~'~ '" _:..,~, .,it!' -,~,':"_\~ I'~-, ~'-'"...~.-I!lf~~"},~#'A;:" ''I: .' , ,!'\, - ' .-' - :'J ' . '. . . ror bue as hereinbefore specified the upper two (2") inc.. of which shall contorm to the following additional requirements. The grading shall conform to the fo11aw1,ng grl1d1~ requ1?ements: ',,,-, P...1ng Through L~ ts in 1"'1' Cent b.7We1Sht , 1ft Sieve ......................... ~ . ,.:>. . ~ . . . . . . . . ~ ' l~ Neh , f!ieve ... . . . . . ... . .. H . . . ~ ... . . .. Ho. . ... .. ~-~ No. OS Sieve .................................. S .'l!C . .. The material shall conform to' the foJ,lonag ..4111&"1 require.nta when III1xed nth liquid uphalt SC-3 or SCalp , . Stabil1 ty ........ ~ ~ t~or .r- Swell.............. lor .... ~'" ' I Blader material if requir,ed.shall be t~01Ii.,\y ~d with the im- portedaurtac1ng material by 'lending at the !lIcrQJ'4'~bJ1~"d.1t1a tbe biB..r mater1a1 uniformly over each +aler ol'~mpol'''d.~l~1U. terlal an,r it ha,S' been placed on the r.dDed ~d the -;t~~"1-1".' 'l.:1.&dl:f . \U1tl.l w:dfo1'l1 throughout. The amenaat .f bln_;rttf..Il...h., Ii aha 1 Ipe the lliniaum amount required to J>reduce a Ditxt~.'d.::. ,. ~ test r.Clul~,~sspecified. Binder_teria1 adde_ tf),"d"<'.:.P~t .t ~~"d. i.m-racing material will be paid for at thtoat, ,,~1ee pet' cubic yard tor imported surtacingmateria1s. The Contractor IIball make his OWl'l arru.~meat.f'>r ..ta1ning i.. ported surtacing matlriat and pay all ebargu: lnvolved. .. '" U~on:the a~ove base shall be;:~p:r.ad: .,. , " "'-',' ;' ,"" ':,' .-... '. - ",- , ' - " " ",;,,-,.':!_;" '" ','" ,", ""., ~ pne,ttuuter (i) gallon peJ' .SCll1are Tard of l~\JJ.4-;_.....l.r t$C-24tJ'~d. as a, penetratioa t:reatnient, aad appu.~"\f.~~frtb.1.a 5ect1~n ~8. .Ch,~.ter V. Article ~~) ot the St~U4:~~,.ft~!.. A Clails.riB'Doub1e" seal eoatahan then,..appl1eti .a ._10 torth in Se~~ng9-d~>of said Stande.rd ~p,~Sfn..tlou. J i.." 'i:~ .... (2') in..;<",r._,.._ ~.yti, 'co. forll1 '..- '.'"., on 21 of the St~4.i'a';SpedJ19!ltl,.. ',' ,,',,'.... ' ,'_bes Ofc~..~~ed;'t~ported borrow ma'.rill+'9.nforll!11a$.~~~.~: ;~i. (S.) ,1_b.t.-.r impo:t'ted borrow materIal as .pec1f~dua4M" .il, to . Pave- _nt."<i~'f1~;on.4.. Art1de (a) p~a.S,119.l?h (I). ' .. .' " ~ ," ,': ;', " " ' , .", ' - " '. ," lIinei'alaggregate for the ro~'';'m1%,4. 1'~ac1~1J~~J~.riI to the 101ppel':)twl!I~.,b,e. as specitIedl~Typel pa'V._t~;1;lt I'IJ1W (2") beb. ~~atj~~.."surraCing the .~~~h14e1' mal ;tIl"";~, ' 1 !lac. tr.a.3 .It bituminous, surfa4e .11:11'_.1:"0,1: ie,~. ' '. .'Ii bor- row'" :~!");..,~~ll conform ill .+1.~,peCl1:S.to( t ",.~ ' '" !taP. aa .p_etfl,~iI':~.,; Type 1, IiIxce)t ~~tic ~bt; \I.P~.~; t~ ,;(', .ball ..~"t..tGl..t'fie1iPper two (2" i11111: ,...s. set ~~l'tlit.";", ' .t" Alter t~",~~;L."i)~ess €If seven H/~}~..."..b4.,'-.t.l\.+. "'< " .,1:t4 ...)\t~.~.~~tW'e specified the b~ t~1tno~.\Wt4';:~1~~' .,.. ,,;,-- , apt~j,ti;ln.fL~~C)lc'dlU)ce lI'11;h Seet~Qn~ ..r,~". ',' "i.m...~cma~ , .'" (,At1:81' t~ roa(i, ~x!l4 surtaQi~,G:J:" th~.. ~~Ii~.I!'1~j_' ~.._at has Deea constructed a Class ","~,,;L~o~t. .b!all~,.IU" ........S to tbe noy1s:S.onl €If Seetion 23 of t4eS'."'4ajl,!'i1'Spec,:s.ti~1t;:.8atiG 1ItMt :to 11 ow- iag, special. provisions.. ' -1- ,.". " '>"":'.;,:,~Ht~j;;~t r"~3j,;i~:' iJ; ":;,--, \~ '~,' , ; it;~b"~;', . I '- :) " , " , . " ~ ' . .' . Liquid asphalt shall be grade SC-3,RC-3 or p"net~aUoa t~ . e.sphalti, 8JDu.18101'.l and shall be a.pplied at ~pe ~\?~*a:t'i J;'a~ .0 . ,f1ft..~!l.undr.dtha (O.lS> gallon';p8r squall. "1'4 in o~,,,~p:Uo.t1... ' The '-.1; rate of application, 1I'1ll be determ.il1eci,b7 tu;~.r. . . {,,;' Ii Cev~JII8.terial shall consist of sa.nd sp"-Cici "tt~d"~.H rate of ..>~l()) pouads per .qu.are,-aJ'd.Saai1 to;o ;....,\t..~... ....td ,.; shall, ~itrfl.e from clay or organ1ellAtte'l', .~ll ',-0" ~1.,......,..ilW ,from ei)~ae to f1ne and shall be of sueh slze t~t'j~.i~" ~ " n1't.-tl-UA percent (9S~) will pas,. aNe. )"114-..., .~~ tIP tWfttf,'"t1Te p..roent (2S~) will pa.. a IT... 10 .~...e ;*t1d.... tun fin '. 5~) percent Will pan a No. 200 deve. 3..2 On so11s which meet thespec1ticaU.as t.o1'J;'~~d IlAt~u:~:1;41a and bi tum1nou.s surrace tl'eatment as..8~~~e,.....~~~e. ne ,..e l118.y be required. Cul-de-sacs, m1nor,residea1!ial .tr...... ,OIl:' OQutit1'7 roads IlAY be paved with Type 1 pave....t.,, , 3.~(a) CURBS, GUTTERS, COMBINATION CUR,iS & (fUT_a~_ SIDBWALKS. Conc:rete curbs, cOJDbination concrete O'lU"bS-.aI1'\.'~ ,_d c01'.lcrete.~d.w:alks shall be constructed of CJ;t.as A,..~~;! 't,10n 43 of said St.AArdSpeciflcation) on or1g~nal ~~~..,,~ ._ ora c9!11Pfi.cte4t11.1.. and shall bere!n!'orced ..ith,,~..l(~1.t~".~.t .. iOeat104S ".1'. soU conditione' Ue ,sUCh ,tba%~;r\"~~ ~,~ /'."1I'1U ..two,,!.. permanent imp:rov.meat.. ai:1ti" . ,cf~ltiolltl.'t\U1_d , .ect1onsas shown i11 Section 3.2, parasraph (b), 1:1.1'1.." ,3.2 (b)' COl'lCrete curbs, cOllCrete~tter.,.omb1~t~.D.._~te cUI'bs a~ p.'G~rs, rolledeoncrete curb. and gUt~I',.,~. ..~,!lJ~ .,." s1de"J.ka .ball be coastructed where required and sUn c'-. 'to the r~&1I'tDg Standard Sections: ' -8- ,.. ,.., ; :~~~:~~~~i;',~~::'Li~~:<~' " '~,'~i\::~;;:~;:i\<::. ,'." " ~,>, :,;,~, p',~>> ,\"".,}, ;, ~~ /~1;; ,":1, t " ~;t.> f ' ' 'J" ~,l ',~..:: . ,', ";1," , ' , , , ~ , , I , , ;; , ;" ~' ' ,I ," " :i I ".'-- ':J' . " . >," <.,.. . ' , . . , ,3~1~(_CU;y EIlglileer iI~nm.ak$ neoe8~Y rJ;nd'~J~ijr~ioratory testa Jt,_'8Z'mJ;ne the charac'-riaUos of th..~Qitln'O"1I'~~- I 'te:Mri1aeW thickness of base.nd type of ,pa~.meb "b"'8j:' ft'if4 tor each aUbdiV1s10n. All costs i~ uking sua,h 1i~a,#.'hai1 be pdd by the sUbdivider. ~; :r.j.,.-, 3.lt. ,Nothing in these ap~'if1e.tionsah.U be.,'ooutru6d to prohibit the subdivider trom construeting a higbertype or 1aprove- ~ebt than herein specified. " L~ BOND. It..l, It the r~quired 1l11Prove"ent wprk il! p.o.t, cOpaP1e1"u\ le.t1sract~ny betore the .tlnal ~ ree.rdot'sprv'k.~ittU". the G1ID.el' e1' o~ers of the, IJUbdivJ.e1on alla:Ll,2o~o. ..~7_.t.. app2'Qnl of suth map enter into," a~'...nt ;Wi*: '~'.~:'J&=..ll agreeing toea.... the work oOll1Pleted 1rl_~ tl:Mt,. t:1"'~, la sa1da81"...q.t. ...id agreement fiP~tor~e~.." beinatlllledln _1 ts,..f.r ext./c.t1/1i8~_Z'..".~t~. . . o.utloas 01" tw t:he '''-rlil1nat*- \','f'h'tIt...~t'.lia~lil0D or the subdIvision Or ~&1't th..t... .,ac1', '" '. "',.".,., ~e\l..~.. ...~.IU~ .....11 be .eoured 1>7 a good a"'surtidept '" f _p~_, '. ' 0ltyCeuncH, or by the depo,it of.~ O~_&.t14ble ~:I!.tl's, aa provided 111 the Subdivision Map Ae't., . . ~CtIQI{ 5. SURVEY AND MQ~S. , , , . $.1 "In 1II8ki~ tOe sune7, 1;i:l, s~.eY'O.1'.~~s~1i~'~~h lJ~nts at all;~gle and curvepolnU o~t~e .x~'~1i9J'\~'Pe' or ~he SUbdlv1s101l, In all streetlnte...ectlQIP, ..t..~."-' P.~t'..taw..t U.nes and at au curvI\I polntlS.boi;h ~,t_l. .__ compo~ or stl".et lInes. - ',' ' ,,' -' :~,! , 5~1 Ca), LOCATION AND TYPE. A permanent monum~~t shall aot be le.s aJAb8"'t~ ~.e~l~ Oban ..... .., "'-0&* inc. (li') gol~An1'.'l~~'.'" (30.)1n leag,th and e ' ased in a cy11nder of cono1'*-. '...., ~ e.1g1?t 1ne~s C 8.) ...1i1" iameter ;"no. a d'p~h, pt .ot ,1..., ,t~> ,', ., n incke, ,,(1.-) Which wIll pe~tth.top of tne,Plp.oto;,.,: ,..' 1111.0.... ca.) aNn the top li)f the oneM". 'l'\:!AI,p1... ,... (~ ttU.. wi tl1.~out and a marker shall be attaolltd tbe.....~.'V ...~ poll1:l~ and the.pg1neer' s or Surn,..'. lleen...,,,,,...< .. ," ,",' .14 pe~nt .~"1~~n"ts are located tit 8t1l'e.t ~....., :~,'..t~' boa Pi.. _1 "I!,'" .. 1.... .......~.... (8 )1,>01......."., pav._~~]t"".i1nd enclosed In .~..i 1ren. of c~c~~'~", '. ... '.~.' it, wlt~ '''ia \:'11'.. oover of a tYP~~~.tta.ble t,tbe;.c1~~ ' '",f' Jet t1ug~.:wltl.l;the top of the t1~.i., pav..._ ~al;le.~t. ...~..d "bd.p.n.E!m.frly;~t the monument. 'Ihcalte the !llj>n~t ,1IP.,.....' "i . ..tH.ti a.rea tbe' top of the pipe may be set tl~,J:1,w~ 'lib ~)le.bttna !1"ound .u:rt.ce. ,':" .,j,,', ",' '. "l9.f1~t!J:!).ot less substan~l~l ~d endJ1r~nst~..,rt4~~~.' eaoh' f cu~~jt' C2.) square in qrC>lIlI-seetion'DQt;L..'~~~i~ .. e inch.., +2.Y'1rtlength and clrlv~n+1Ullh with ,JoQ.e "~4."t", ~; ~::~'~~~t;;a~e:a:~. all lot Q~rt~r. and the, exae.t P~~~~;~.~~l~<be .. ", ~..' \.'~ ,,-, ,~, ,-. '5.1 Cbj INSPECTION AND APPROVAL. ti),~9D.J.!IPnts shaU he ~Ubj~~1i #o.Jnap.c.t1oD ~i.U.~~(j- t)le Cit7'~~..!'rbetore apprd.Yal Q:f 1ft10:'!IIIroP.. I,n ca.. '"!*", . .."..o....nt w.rktn~~~~ '.~Wct1v1s1oD 1a,proP~~~".}" 1n~~1'4.!a.u.~,:- the recoI"~a~I""tr. ~he map, tlift City:" ,...'r 111&7 authons ."'!<< 1ng ot ~, . .4 . ~9- .. ,..",..,-, ...' ," . ',i ~,:,'i::';"_;, 'i~~.,~.<":C:!~:,,~: ;'-, , ,;>'~;'.' ":''':,,;t~b~' ~'-~'-,,"--'-~- r "~ ") "., ., ' . , : . __ . 1 , -i: j ftt......,1tut.....U... 1a 11.. ~~..f ot .. ..~ T J.,...i!~ 117 ,......,.......... O&luIU.' be pe........l' ~..1t ~''':'''OU..u. of ..~.j ~',t ....k.. .. ' ", ',.. " ' ,; (0) _lID. I. ."""7 .'Ub .... tbe ........t,.... ......... It. ottbt. R...I.t~~D. ....1\ . '" ..,. ' '.', ','d" 'J:!Rt~"'1!tD...."t&1.Md...' "",f ...~_" ..;..,..,. ',',. < .. :,,,,,,~..Iit t"- anT to 1a.... __ ."lothllt.Ot ..' ,""",-:"'--'".-,:', '.- ' ','" ,,:- ~ ADI)I1%:ffQi,"-' au.......... &.1 Ia tbe .... Qt ...,., 1,-.. .......~." "':~) ...., tie tbfI .uba1dd... tbe allY1MUiU 'Ii,t. , ' I.,. tb.e ,...... i\laJP0m44 .1$ Nb001. ' _t .aU'''' .....,..d hlf' tb, Ia.. -_ '. , .. ......... __ ..bUda1OQ ~... t!hl ..' iI'.. . SA. I. W ...... ,be '--'.4_ .-1:&1 . ... .........'.,.&.11 ~...... .. '.l\r,1f~"" ....i':ti .' '.',' _ "., III ~" ..,......' ad \he '_,1$1_ "~,t... ~"<;,:tiI'."".l. e. IJ .~J..~. OJ,' 1"Wl1I..1&1 4.,.~.. .. ,... '..........:.... " , . -~ . ,Tif..'..,' .,".H~ a..w,11"...... t~,.., _.' '"., .', " 1~"',1Q1tl,J" Cll;r-.:....S. _.......,. " "Q ".Olt16 jape1" fit,' ...~. '.." .....lp.... ~ " ,,~',' ; .,,', . "',' 6t OM (1") SJuI)&: .1...."J'...! ....u. t_"oJ'. ' tle. 7'! " " ".! ,', '" '.',' '",...',..',.",.',. ,",.:."',",' " ";"-.',.,",.,""';,t"... . ,Ct.)_;. _.t uu. 4.~. c>>',Iit,....." ,";',:.,.,,' ,," ',.... '01'$,,\10. _fotl'1 tobe lo..U... a ,b.,...~Iit. ~.;f!~ .... .... ." ,>,'-' ". ',' .". '....)~.!..nQ.~.... ot .w.., 'i'Wh1.~~~,IT"',., ' '''~ii ) , . "'>.'. ':' ",,' ",' "k _', " ' " " " , " . " " " " _,', ,,', _" , ",":', . ""':'::',:,}i'>-;":( :~.l' ~'t~on. 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" 'JP, (61i) lcon .ont;o~ 1nt,,,...l: I... ...........:...~t...~...l .. ..U!~O.f' oiIQ'_ f ., " ,.". .,. , , , , ,~ (1'> toot .,....,1."-....,.1 t. _~~ ~111'.'._.1t.... .. (Wa pt. ..'.... tive CS") .. '...... ' , ' ,', ' " , J'1.. ($') t"'If '.190.,'1n....1I1 ~ ......,. _..... .....UC ti.. (SJ)'.... ,..at, , ' '!J!Iae lurn70" .ban 1.41...." .. .1...... ~ da. ,.... ... 18 4ewn1a1ng ~e OOJ.l:to~. ' " ' ..1.... .."j.~.:",/ ":~, ,y"h,':'t".;", ':,'<~ ',., ", ' " , ,.ii>l~~~' (?: ,"'~~~fM~~~~ , ;::~,~r'*~";;j,AA:\m~~?_ ',:, < , . ,- :,:J', , . r- .. (,) .,p!'O__1Mt. wU,th .nCl loeaU_ ot all ........... to.. 4...1nap ......... .",ublle,utU1t1n. (b) 4PPI'0:&11118tezo.411 ot 411 Cut'ft.. (I.) ,&"..o:&1..t. 41Jae~io.. of all l.ou. U)"'d~lMte leer.UGh of' u... '..~., ..I,~A."U_ 07:'.... ."to "..~, ot ..11 ..,..as OOTeI'4t4 "1""" aM. iblLl...oh, ... ..,~..,...OI1 ot tl.. of' ..U _tel' .o~'.'. -..", f1,l;t.",.lq ,UN .. ua. .:t ~'po,....." t"".1~,,,,, 1...'1.' .t .');\, ..'~ ,.vatu.. to ,.._1n _ t_ ......""'..".' ,,"'. ' ' - ,;,-". (1)bopoa.a. 1.1... ot ,the P1'Gpe..t, u4 o.Us.. .t ...'H.WS...$.... 'f.)J.......n.t of the .ub4...1.... t1lp".....~,,.,.,..... ,." .. U';"..__~. -.4 t~ 1<1.. ,.~b. ".......", tl'(t '.._~~ .... 01' .~"4. ~JW'1 Pw.a. ,U4 .p..~1..,'S.. . ...;,'......!$f",...u tbe ~..p~.4 iaprO'feJllC... '. ',' ".,',...'" . .' tl')'",H_n.t r.llU'cUAs ...... .,.,.. fi, M ,....J!ljJt~.~.. _b.41na, .........$.\1,.1, .-n.tUJot ..tat.. . ',...,.'. ,', , ' i(,)-"-",18100. to):' ...... 41......1. .._.'...~ 'GatH1 ... ib ..' ,... ...'" ' " ... "."..... . (,)Iw'bJ,1c ar... pHpue.~ ('~.:).ht...n.t a, to t.... pl.,.t1q pl... " '."., t...),.., , . j,b,'. .,.J., ,,_k..'.... 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"....,.,..,.'.. t'~'ii,...'ii1,..'.',',.'.,',',;'".,:,'13.,., ',...,.,.'~t'..,'...'..,.',.,".,~:*", "",1_.... ...~ '_....s......n" or ....U.. 1+1 " '.... He ,', " ,. "'rI:='W. ___1\ dl1't1..-1 ..ph,' ~1_....t.1_tb".", .'. '.' ,~"", ',.,' " '.... , , ,.,..a _U... of ,t1l1D1-.~.,..,.,..1t, "...,'.", . ,..."...,." ..,.,',',...". .",. _,.",.,..'.'~"l, 1M....,,' · ....,~"',',t, ., '",' tb8, ~me at ..1...t.......,"'.,,'.~",.,.,., ...", .,.,,' " ~J,l=-,'.,.,.".~~,...,', .... d........J4 ,_~..ot _....u......:. [ 1~~.1.. ,..." .'~." 'O,~~_,,',.,..__,'l~....d.., U1 ..., h'ap, ,',..,...,IJH.....,.t.,,' .,., ;,'.~,.),,'..,','.,',.,., .., "....... .,. '.~ ~ ....pt .u_ .'-' u~.. U'1,'1JI. ...:s .. .. ....., '..,1.1<...", . ',.,' ..r, 1,..", ., nd Or..8 ....,",1'11t, $"" '..... ".;,,;1.,"', <~""" "11. ..d .11:fto_~~.,,"w.J>"..d to_'~WD"1M"'" ~,1'~ ,,'t'fiJ"I.,."'. , .'j .. ,~~ft,ns.~..._'....11, wJt~ ~.. f,ld.J" -'tIe:t fl. ,.c;u., 1U ',',' "" of "hI, 'l\entlat,t,.,'.....P~ ,,;1, ."'.,1,t.",,.. ., ..".""....m,", ," ''', .. to, ',',. ., .~ot, ., ... ~.. _.1l.._hI!4k't.1!a.e ~r.._JIt."JllhD.~>~"""4 ~~... t~ ,....1.t.. or S.o~lU 2. cttt.' ...01'11tl.., W .., ~Ur.n.<Mtul"4 1n. .on,aeet.t.on .1 tb 1U'1t. lapl'_~t." " ...U. _..._,_,,_,..._,c,~.:} ",~.-:'~~!:'::~1'~' '& ____ ._,,_ ___--'-~~_ \ "a,A ...,.;. n.w: ".~.na~t..n 1'" W1~. In:..... '~ "';. ~ 'tliiP,04Wpt' f tn. tentatf""tot'cn ,. .',et,. "'..',,,,!*"'J... '~,.,'.., " "P, , ~., ",.". ", t1.~jrl!....tiriS'the ,ume who ..,. 'lIIake:r$C'Omme', ,.,_"'" , respect t<.Lt6e sUbdivisJ,on at the next Plann1itlg Co ,11810111 ._tbg. .MXTIO~,~. , ACTION ON TElitATn'~ MAP. 9.1 The 'Pl~ng Comm1uionshall deter~,,~t~e"t.;'i~"'''tat1ve map I. 1n cont'orllt1ty with the prov1'lou r>f" l.AI.YiA<I of,thb jf"lu~olll and upon that basis, shall,w1thi'B thirtyJ.30J'44n ....f'.~ the tU1ns of the tentative map, unlesa such time shallhe.ve'~ .:::;;~ by mutual agreement, by resolution, approve, condj:!;j,~l:1,. ... . ,',: ,;.OJ:' ' 41..ppl"OV8 the... and shall report such ac~cm d;p,'.Ct t. .'~' sub- .divider and shaU:.Uso til."ansm1t ~t)le Cit,. _~r8: cOIr7" tb.e t.ntat,1ve map and a memorandUll1 set,tj.ng .f'01',th,:the a~Uoa ot the Plan- ning COIIIII11Balon thereon. ' ~N 10. FINAL MAP. . 10.1 General Requirements: With1Jl.one (.1) y.arat..... ~8 retura 9t the appJ!oved or conditioll&lly approyic1tentatiu....p fit tJi!$ subdiv1der. unless said I18.p shall have\>.en aba@o~d ,,~",' ,;. t:1ae .f'or action on the same shall have been exteDded, the s~~~~.~l eause sald subdivision or any part thereof'" to ~ ,...e,.. aad: a t~l -p .~...< prapar.' in ,__a w1th ~ ......... .,.-' or clllnditiona.lly approved. The final map ef tb.e,', . ,'."'pia' _.n be aubJll1tted to the City Engineer ror checking \\' '"." ...1. Sal4 map shall be filed with the City ~h.er at lea c'; ,(.2)...1ra prior to the meeting of' the Oi ty Council at wtl1ch a 'poval 1. ex- ' pee ted, and shall De accompanied ,1:JJthe foUQw~ng ej.-.taaad __r1als, whi.o.b;.ab4ll be provided bJ the Subdivider '1' tdsagen't. ."0 ri}":A traverse sheet, in a rorm a~provep,b,. 1ol:le, C:l1:l~~er gid1igla:t1tudes and depal't\!l"e8,showihl the _~"".1:1~,,~i~~.,.~. A traJ~rse ,otthe boundaries. ort~\t~ct an~.iQtaul:fl,bara IllUSt c7;iS~.;:Wttb1n a limit of er~orG.f' eae illl.t!ri1'~t~D' : t .', ,(00). It' a'nf:sh&rtiitgeor excess is fo~d on,thegJ" db'tWt~';~_,,,'. ,a, comparEtdwith original record. ~uch finding .toe Mttj*Ji~ te,u.p. . '.. (0) Plans, complete cross sections, an~~ro.f'~lea .t the improv.ment~ and detailed drawlng~ of all.tl"Uct~" t'9;~ provl.fo~s of$~ction 2 of this' re~Pltlon~The..p~i .>' must .~~~t ~?-: !letaUs of the ilj1proyl! nt. a:g81laJ,.l'" ",:, ,~e te a ua1I~.~<.one"liund1-ed feet (lOOt) to olte lit . hiU'~~, '" "e feet '!$U, to one 1ne.b. (1") vel't~c;~:L.. and tbe Pl~l.~;~.~<1r$tructur.. shall' be dr.wn 011 a 8 cale ot not leas J than o..~q~t'.l" :tlte: ' ( ., to one root (;P). ., " ' ";' f '(e) .I~the case of a final~p,th& sames1a.a~aii!"...,.Q'.~~anied by at,ltleguarantee, abstract orQeruticateortln~~t":'~m:b title1~Ol{l1lanr:to .Ud land as o_ers, Or 11.a-p9,ld.~. 8";8:. or t"~:r', tu,ter..,ts therein at t~d..te the, tinallllft, ..(',,1,1.:''', tAe Ch,~~~e.r. Where dedic,tt?n 18 ma.ej;Q ,1;_~+~1t..~.h': guar"!i1he,'ii $tl"act, or certifiCate' shall"be 1nu,e4 ..~..Ptailoc. ' of' the' lied-ieated parcels fol' the !;Ienet1t tuld p:rotecti'orLot the City or otherpuollc corporation. ' . , " , h W, .., ..', '_," '\"C" ,,. , (dl .' A.le:t1;er trom the Cit;y CJ,er~ .nciCoW1~'>.~~:r.' q.~iltr71ng ~ that acco~ing to the records of hill ott1c:etp.er./~",J,".u ' ag..1nat the subdivision or any partthereo.f' .1'01" wapai;dS'tate, cOWlt" " munic1palQr local taxes or special aUeume,ntscO~'"4&_ ..... ' or .pecial'aBausmentsnot. yet pa;rable.i,"'i'l.t, '11 .~~"."*,., " aubdivider shall s~Qmit a statement bY1tach ,p ~pel"..r Ib~ his e8t1_te o.f' the amount or taxes and assessllleDts ' ,h are a li.n but which are not yet payable. fe) Each final map and each record of survsT ....p~e1\ rUed shall alsQb. accompanied by the recording ree and by a filing fee tOI' the C1t1 ~.f' Tqnty- -12- \ f", 1, i , ~',;, , " I"~ " r '1 . - :,:)- . . . , . - , t'("._' ..nta t~r ..ch lot~JA()wn Oll _.11-.p. but1a .. ..ae aball ;, ~",Jtq". be 1.._ than p.v.;,~..s.~)~... tu~ r.. .ball ..1_a in the 'lHU"'Y'ot \\tii Ou:,.t$-' ..-41' of the ..~...1 " .. ' , .' .-' \ ,', (:t.') Anotber data aad...,...1&1 tha' .... .. "' ,.,. ....at_ .. ,...ulr.4 b1 u.. '. .1,()..a 'on of FIQ&)..' _ t~",,"l.,.'I"" .....17 an4 It.~~'''wn 1n blaokI~.. 1rak :r-'~l,~i .<'tr:UtI,. 1.111,:'-"11..".., tlau.-.., ..~tlt1,.. ..~,'. ,,4~ "'.l'..~..... tuN.. ,1 >>AI ..de 1n blaok I~"'. " '., ' " ' , ,.'"..... ,e.trm;. -U ."'" !io .~. .' .... .. '1i*AA.. '~~.. ","~._'" t.ion .....1~ t~t good, 1.g~bJ.. "'.4"" .' ',."" Nml'1\P'l,,_ ... t~....... aU. oft_ ...t, ot....$j,.~r, !\, ,..., 1I1MtttJ',....<10. . ~.) tnOhel. ~.._ ..~._::,,\.aJ'=B.. the , loh octU ... 0" (1.) tuh hoa... .....'" ',' >' . .11.'..:,,_......... !be ......'~.,ltn!'. tiUe .," other _1..to.~..~""\, , .' ",'~"~."'" ~~*!\.j'~_._..~~~',..'.,'.................(~i~'.. ut .M"'S't.npab ,hall be-.... ,,_:, ',','a..~ ' ':/1., "', , ,) ,.,ot ~ ;;."f ,:,~l~.:::.OO:. .', ,,~~~_.J'=) .... ot,,,, ___.,tin .biobc....'tM'... .,~'" .. ",' . ,.' ,'''1'1" 1... .~ "".)2" d.nrl,. ..'11 tbl;ftbU..,.f' , "" ,ifllHa" -, . "j ~ , , ','" ,,' ,(':':'" ',_.' ' : ' " ",~ ;a.p.~ " ';~ FS.nal..,~...Iit;J.. .~~':.},_t._ ,~ t,ute,. c"U'~.t~i".JC t nWllbjtJ':_," " :l.Q", . .~,"1'Irut,. ......htf' .1"",.,',., ,', ~._ a.I'1It~..ti' ,.."" " ,'.' , ,'.~1J" ,t .,' "'''..i,~,.jll.t- ." t.t "iI Or au ',u.' '~,': '.. Git , :?':~:.." '+I, .b...b6.b'~ " .,,.Of,, ';(!~iJ '~'7 "'~'. .... '." ..', ~.g .' .,..;~ll,c or u":. "......)iM: , ",;,.....'11'..,.. ' :;1~:'W.:):.. 'r::r=p:.=ml"",.i~,i ~~~.i,~, "~=,:;... .~:-J".~~~~r .'.- ' 1....W... t . .u~lU.S.oI11lf"~/ "'1.\., _.p~.1t, .J~ all 1QOOI'P"'&~8 ",''*!fH.. ..... "tift-- ..1Wit ."~dJotnt.q __ .1." ,III~, ,~ aOIl'-.'o tn... an' .uid1v1.~ U,.\ " l~.t1t-..>>,'~tb: 191ttal,....,'acs...t." .... ,X',." .,.1 ,.', ,..' ,~... ,,4 -f" ... .,~. 1V"'1 ~,.II~_...,l.. i;"~ ".Iik" .... ~.'.' ..",....". .,'b if1\' .bO\;~ .4:0.....'.'..'..\'(. h4 ,', 'i'l:l~ . .,.. '" . .,', PO.". ", " ,.",' '. . . ' '",., ,', ..' ,,' .. $be p. .' , ' . ' , . " . . ',,',,,,'-, ."""',' , .,,' ,', " .,.,~P~..,.,.;G.on to ...,,:f. .~~t~.'4t~ "","'IA1 .u~.,!.... ~_f" ,~u.a8e ..~.l . '... ,,' '. '," ......"': . ,"., ,.,' '.' .,. ilb:tbe b1tJ.'" p PO~i;~ '1'!iIJ UP :u A It , .8t~fO" .,' ;-", ','; "" ,:"--"--~-; , ' '- ,', " '," ,< ",,:- -'--~' '.,' ~ ',J.S'!JS.,. J......~i')~ '$,o1;at ,.,...,.'.:r~'.: .-."'" '" _A.,. .... ~~.'"'-d.t*NM ~l~h., 1rt~aQtJ ".""'1,; -I . ..,_. .. =:'.- ',"".' ' . . '.' '.' -- i')> "',' ',', '", ,,- : ,'.., ,,;.." ['I ' , i;,;", '" .",'. al!U$ .,.1...ate-,'. .ct. ._Ji.~;l~!:, . ,..... ,.r'f~__ ~~," w1._;e.11~~ ;!L'" .'.,' .,..'," , 1f ..._ _ ~b-~&Ye" o......~'~...,.' "jtfi..., .: ' :1 ... =.....,i.oe -' r'''''Ii''~'' .~. ,j!' , "",. ", II ',',,' "~ "IJD ,'. .', ' .. ::'CaUon" "'1, b... in..,,~d"tb." "'101,( ...' " ,.", " ,', -;_ f::"3__'_-:_':."",_ "':::'"",',',',," , ", ,'.," .~~".:!=t;:a.::::~t= ;:;;~.~.~=-:t."" -.,pJ ."b ......In.atN ma,:.. ....' ..,.. ". ,~. '. " ',' '.' , , ,ea) on.l" .OutoUt...,..... ........... .~.~.....1.ctg.4 b,. .11 ,__1.. bav:l;fti an1 .....t-tU._....__: ~... 1.....14.11 .Onaenttq ".,the p:t.par-at~ol1.d ....o~UfA .t ,ft:W,.... . ..1,.. k' - ~ '" '~, . .- , . . '~) . . . ' .- .(_>i."le4icatiOD Certificate. ~ c.rtificate iiia'... .... uk,a..l.... I .a a_....tt.ring f.r d.d.ication fer p.b11o a.. t..... ftrtda .....u .t laid ..101 1&1d partie. desire to d.dicate. (0) Bac1ae.r'. Certificat.. ~ c.rtificate _y t~ Ci~l.~..r or Lie..... 'r:r.yor r.sponsibl. for ,.. .-rY.y &ad fiaal ..p. ,.. atcaatar. of ~.. C yil BagiD.er cr Survey.r a.l...accompaale. .7.1....1, a.at _. an..t... ' , (d) X.tllo. of d.teraination .t heariar ..oald b. ..t t~b. (.) ~ c.rtiticate fer .x.cati.. 1>>y U.ei tJ _tn..,.. " (f) ~ c.rtificate for execnltio~ by tu Clerk oC .ub ..,....,.inC ,.J\i.irn,iac b.q. , "~~'(~) ~ c.rtificat. Cor execatioa 1>>y the 'City Cl.rk. Cb) .... City E.gin.er shall al.o ,.terat.. it::. "Qeh... .i tti. U.M<<!viaioa are sabject to .... ...al . , ,.t 1IfIti.i i. 18 ia ""p tltat _y be paid ia hll ..tiC hell . , . '. ," ... pai. in hll b. "'1), .0 o.rtlCy .. tll. Cu. .C~...... It-...~ *.,I..~.-.ta are aet ,.i. i. f'lIll II. .ull r.oo.... tbe .....f.t ..... .... ...1Irity to bo ,..t.. te i..ur. sacll p.,...t. 10.T ~cc..paD7ing CertiCicat... ,::~i~?ff:;it..~ '"<?,;.o;,, ,', (.) ~ o.rtifica te CroD the O.....ty ~adit.r, a..t( _U-.1t1e Cr.. tlae CitJCI.rk. ::,' ~ (b1 ~ oertiticat. ot tk. CI.rk as a taxbO..~ tiaal ,. ....ti.. betwe.n tb. first (1a~t'.a_ in Iaro' ',.,...... .' \....) X..dq i. tot.lt.r. .'" 1.8.8 Ati4itieaal R.qv.i......ta. . :I)t.I~tt..., :::...... ....11 b. pr.pare4 f:Ja tall c.apli..c. .it. tb. rdle.a.q " ..., "'1.. (a) fte~p sull .110. clearly ~t.~.t-===... .... ..... 4.....,. ..r. ,'" tuul o. the en". to..t~Jtrt. t1Io ','...,.> Utllt... .....~, 1'11. ..~iai....l"Ders of all a4jei.s..C _lcHyiat...., ~.n .. ......~.ti.~ ' .y l.t ... ~"k ....r, tract..... ....1.....f ,...... oil' ",...U..," t....Up ..4mq., ot' othv,...p.r d......jU... 'S1I1'ticieat data ...t H..... to ......... "...~~J.rC......iaa ...~tIt .t .Y4aIT l.t U..1Itl.ct 11... ".~;21l11~<, .."..i.t4.... .t .., laba let._, .Jiall Jto,', y.. a. n...t ....~_~.Q ,nit" fl1'r~.. oC ..j.t14111 .u-,.t.. .. ditU ....k. ..11 111.....;;' :Jj'lll. . au tot...l ..u. (.r raclial b.ari.,.)~r, .11 owYoa a*U..Ii,' , ., . , . 'D...ver the City BaCia..r .. ..ta.li.b...._ ...,.r lia. .t a ,troet or alley, the data .ball b. .11... ... t.. .....t'o-....... all .......t. C.a. aad aaki., r.t.ro... t.. tiotd " < or.... It tIie pei.h ..n re.et by ti.., tllat fut .bal1 It. atated. ' The :if.SUll HOW th. tn. .... ],ecau.,. .t .11..__t. .1&0.. in the, amy" . tit. 81Ibcl,i~sioa ... ....tll.r IlMie4 =:,.M1ftf .... rb.1& wu. the nrt... .f th.'btround. ....... r. pac...." ,._ etne-.. *11 b. rot.roa... t. th. str..t ceat.r a.d.... liD... (b) n. up 811all ahow all d ty It01UIfarie8 cr.... or ".:feiaillC tit. a.bd1Yiai.. cl.arly dui,_t.d ..d ti.. 18. " . " (c) The up sball .1&0. tbe li.e or ltip.r lIi,k water i. .... the .altcliYiaio. i. adjac.nt to tidowat.r. ' _1._ , ,~~ --.....,~, '--- - "~ ".-.- , . . , . .). . .. ~ . . k " . " . . I ..",', ' 'J.ii) The.b9undary otthe traots~al1be,Q.e~#I~ted131a .", one-sixteentlis, inch (1/16") bopder ot Pru881an. .~, wa,MZ' Gol.r , applied on the reverse side ot the traoing and ~h~l(1ethe~uadary line. Such border shall not obli tera te ti~"8~ ."pth.Z' cII&\a. (e) Lots and Blooks: In tracts oQntainlng more than 08e (1) block. the blooks shall be numbered in'nUmerioal order with no :~ Qlllissions or duplications. Lot numbers .bI1ll.besi;n.'withtlie number "I" In eaoh bloCk, and shall cont1nue c'>Qeout$.ve1y..w1th laG) 01l1_s101).s or duplications. Ciroles- whe'. ~ .roplid ___to. shall not e~s8 property lines. It possible. h.cih' ,;J..c;I,~. ,..b:i111~aho_ ' ent1"ly on one sheet; eaoh lot must be shown eQ::t'i;oill,lf' _ ap, sheet. , (1') Stl"eets and other righta-ot-way: The ~p ..~l shoW the oenter and side lines of all.treets, the, tot~~E;t all s tree ts. width of the portion be ing dedioated, ~ : ~\;;,4~ of , ' existing dedication, and the widths each side of ~", , line, also the width ef railroad rights-of-way apPe&1'1ng oa 1:bi map. (g)' Easements: The map shall show the o.ntel'l....~d .ide llnes of alleaaements to which the lots are .ubJ~.t, c~,."...at must be olearly labeled and identified and1f.ali'e.J .t ,~eord, its reoorded reference given. It 8f!Y usement.1iJ '1!44t tietia1-17 located of reoord, a s~atement of such eas._~*~a~..on the title sheet. Easements for storm drain,., . a~"'r 'purposes shall be denoted by fille dotted linea. D1'~.. ~4 bea1'1~. ,on the alde lines of lots wh1eh ar~.ut, V.....nt orbul dii1g line must be arrowed or so ahown\b.$,tF,',!II'p1dll indicate Cile~rly the actual lengthyof the' lot'~,.'."!be ~...th of \he ea1ej\$nt and the length,s and b!l&rinrS of th., ,U._.~.".t and,suf'flOs..nt ties thereto to definitely oc.~t~.~s....nt With re.J&ct to the subdivision must bEl, shown. If thft ea....nt 1. ' bel\:ig dediea ted by the map. it sh80ll beproped;r..e;t out 1J, the owner' a certificate o.f dedicatioll. Allnotes~rfifur.._.~1ng to thee.,U!emfll~~' shalY be cOl1llide;!lably amalIeI' .'$J1:d 1. g;'''~'.I'' thosereJ..t!~ ~o th SUbdiV1s10~.1ta.lf. ,Bul.l~g 'l1~I... ilt'11; to trW1lt'!ilgmra;rs shall be indioa-tled br broken .1i,DN ~~/i_: .' 0, Width .a tt),e 11nes denotiD.g strfet boundarles.~ S~ ,e.4 re,'CctiOns as may be used relating to bu:11dW lJ.i.e.'h ..1' S~h as~. . .,.., \ 1;Ie :J;'filqu:1;red under the proV'illions of tMs . ..e".1.'Iil"1.pn,.,s~J.l be Sh9,~ !>i' '$:pecifically referred to on the_po , co'' ',,' . ", (~) ,:~,;reet Nalll8s: If' any 'd~'1go..tionabe ~~~ :tt:r'9!1-ll be .p'e3.1.64~~ ~ompletely", using'El.li~ 1~ I'U'\U!;($!Om.... ~~~7- third$tl"f.t"~ . The words: ItAveri1!i.e, Bouln..d", It l~C,,'!;, eed;. shalt ~.;~~eli$d out in full. . ", ' ',.' ;'"v, " "',' .",,',' H' ," ,,- , ':' ,~: ) ," i "'-",',,, ," .."~~:~ "I ", (1)' 1h!l mf!.p shall also show all ether data. thli.t <<rlf'or'matbe requ!red by law. ~1i:q~~0~().1. DEDICA~ION RE~~~. APJ:>ROVAL 2f~., "".:: , ;,', .. ",.,' Ie , , "',' "':" <" , ,--, '';':''''',,, q" ,'_'" 'af';' '11,i3. . All, parcels of land aiMwn on anY' flna1..p .:.....~t....4 fer ..,.. pub11c use shall be offered fitI' dedloaUlDtto;l: .PpUc '11ft ex"p~, tnole.Parcels ,wl11ch are inttn4ed fer t_..$o'.~...',".,tt~ the 1.".,8"'1'. ilnthe subdiv1sion, 1111811' ]'fce"'I..,,~T1.tu., , tenants "DO. serV8.n ts . l{{ " ,'~i>' 11.2 When all the certifloa~e8 ....hich appea:r 0,8 1II9.e,t1aalu.p '(exoept the apprllJval certificate 01' the City C.anU) .., .... .1g.ed, Th&C1ty Engineer will file the IQP ,,"t~ 1oAeC1t)" 0181"11: fQr action ,by the City Council. The City Council shan at Ita, -1'- '" /'~, "" ,. ,':1;', i ;".';e .------ /;,:;j~l:, ,-" ~'''" ',',- . -,...., " " ' ':'"J"""', .'. . . ~.' . ." ~. ,- ",(~,:,;, _::tt ..etIng 01" Within a period of not more t~. tq (10') ~f!fi 1~ at"tersucl1 nnng approve said IIl4P, if the S/iUlUt COb.foNui "' 1 the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, ~h1ar.solutlqn, and en,. ruling made thereunder. Said Council .shall:,s.t tlltt time require the COllstruction or installation of tqe imp~ovement. " designated in connection with the action on the tentative map, as he-'inbefore provided. In the case of a f1nalmap the City I Counc11.hal~ at the time of its action thereon accept or reject any or all offers of dedication. 11.3, Upon approval of any final up and :.~er~the required rtgnature. and seals have been affixed, the CJ,.r!JtoJ.' the City Council shall transmit the map to the County FI.90r~r.o.baU, if he finds the map in proper order, record the s~ atter pa,.ellt of the required recording fee. , ~ SEC,!10NJi!4, F:pW. MAP OF TRACT NOT DEFI~~-'(8~';';Yi!i!IQ'-4. ~'" " ';, '" ~".. .' 12.1 In the case of anyf1nal map coye:r4L& mJ.and .ot detined as a .:u.bd1vision under the terms of t~ ,~\J..i.,b1en _", Act, a tentative map of such land shall first .~. ti.d, -.Ad suoh tentative and final maps shall conf01'll1 to all 1f:b.ep~ov:t~. 01' .aid-act and.f this resolution relating to ~tatl,!e"d f1mal maps; PrOvided however, that in the case of ~~~4t~~~..p filed tor the purpose of showing as acre.", land ,p~.,1~1" SUbdiVld~d into numbered or lettered parcels no t.n~.t~....~ need. be iled, and if s~fficient recorded data, e:xl'i~ ,.f'r0lli mieh an accurate map' can be compiled, no surveynol\--cer~1'ioa~a ,of any ~:u.Pveyo:r or engineer shall be requiredex~~~eertltio.te of the Cit1Engineer c.rtifying to the correct.neu "t the _po :!ttTION l~. , , RECORD OF SURV~ JW,>'" , ' 'i. 13.1 A record of survey map of ant subdiyiA~ shaU conform to a~lthe requirements of a final map .s set torth,in \.. SubdivisiQn Map Act, and in thls'~.olution, exo.p~ 1n4~rat at the req.u1redoeZ'tlticates thereon dift'er from the I'e.Q.u~:qed, ..rUt1eates of a, final map, (1.11 specitied in said act; Prov1<ied.,ho....v.r, that no tract I1Ulber or name, rw lot lines, 110 nUll1bJ.r,f O~ o~r desigJ).atlons.of any lots or blocks "and no dedi~a,t1.. 4&.. .aall appear on any r~car4of8urvey~p. " ;~ 13~ In the case of a record of suwvey mtp .co,e~~any div1s1.9na of land .pecified in the Subdivision- )(apA,C1;u .ot being ~luded in the defJ,nition of a"subdivi,-i,9A"~ lIS set forth theZ'dna tenta ti ve map of such divisioa of la~!l,,'1:1fl1 fi1olJt\ be filed, W1t~the, Planning Commillll1,on. '. ,'1'hep~aU~.~'~~.~.ll, wlthintMrt,y (30) days, reporttG the City, co .;", i'IMP.CIa those matt.Z's with respect to such division ot'l~.J_'h taU within the juwisdiction of said Oouncil as Isp~eit1e4 1:8" ,dd. A.t. The City Council shall, within ten (10) days after ,~~~~l'P1; of ..h report, or othet'wise at its next regular _et1ng. aot.oa..oh_p by reaol'\it1onin such matters . Any sucQ,recOir~.ot ~~e1 \!laP pfesent.cito ,the County Recorder, ,tor recordatlgp, s~U, ,.~ ' ," ,','" by w~~h~aetlon was taken on the tentative _P,Qt tqe 1andcov.~d by .uch record of survey map. SECTJ:9N ~. EXCEPTIONS. 14.1 ~ plawling CQlIIIIrl,sd.on _,. ~ecClmme)1d thatt'l),e.CJ.t1 Councgautl::\o~~;e conditional e~cep,tid,na to any 01' thei~CI~..nt. 8J!1d r&'siil'at!:onlil' set forth in thi,s resolution. Appl1q~,~Wi.uch e~ceptlon.ball be made by a verified petition of the .Uti4i~l..r, -1'- l . ~,,~ L~t~ - . - ., --,'> -- -- -- - --, .- J -' . r' -"I" ., , .. "" . '~..~_., .. _ . . ... k.. . - - '._ __.'" ,~_.. 'u. . _~.., . ..' .. _ i...b.g tunythegroW1ds of the a:p:pl:tcat1'Ol1 and t$ll'ie~.MUed ~.'oj' W.'petit:toner. Such petitidn"sha'Il-be tIledwlt1:l,,-the telltatlve map of the subdIviSion. . In' order tortne pro~...t7 referred to ill the petition to come Wi- thin the prov181ons"'o:f tliissectj,on, it sb8.11 be necessary,tha.t the Pl8ful1ng COlllll1iuion \ shall tind the following tacts with resptct thereto: "(iT''' - - . (a) ~t there are special oiroumstances or conditions affecting said property; (b) That the exce:ption is.-cessary for the preservation and .pJoyment I>f a substantial proper.ty right of the petitioaer. (c) fhat the granting of the exception will not be detr1men,ta~ to the, public welfare or lnJU1I'10us to other proper'!;y in the territory in which said property is situate~. lq..2 In recommending such exceptions, the P1..'~""S_c:"'ission shall secure substantially the objecti.'s of the re~tl... to whiCh the excaptions are granted, as to light, dr and public health, sarety, convenience and general welfare. llJ..3 In recoDRending the'authoriaation of any,exceptlORuader the provisions of thiss.ection, the PlanninS COIllll11..,lOJ1. .hal], ~.. ,... " to the City ICouncil its' findings wi th respect therei$"ltnd alot. ~_ ',t. in ce_ection therewith. and shall spec1fica1;!.y and tu\17 sa~'A " the exception recommended and the conditions design"ted. , " . ' ,',",, lq..q. Up,. receipt of such repert the CitY' CIII_CU ,.a,., by resolution authorize the Planning cOlllll1ission to apPI!~ to tentatlve map with the exceptions and conditions re~....nd.d. lq..5 In all cases in which such exceptiGns ar, autaorized, the PlaMing Commission shallreq~lre sucbev~;g(;._all it una neceau1'1', ~h.at the conditlons required in 't.~U~~ w1'th S'Iloh except1ena are belng complied with. ' . SECTION 15. VALIDITY. 15.1 It any section, sub-section, sente~e, e~aU8e or phrase of this resolution is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court 01' ci\)!II.P.ten" . Jur1sdiction. such decision sball aot a1'fect the v~1dit1 of the rema:l.n1ng portions of the resolut:l.ol1' The City C01AD.cl). ot~. Chy e1' Arroyo Graade, C-ounty of San Luis Obispo. Stat", of Ca11t~la, i hereby decIaX'es that it would have pass,d thil"re.o~tba aDd, e.ch , .ection, subsection. ,sentence, clause and phrase thereof.' . I irrespective of the fact that anyone er more.t~~,~s.c:U". sub-a.~tions. clauses or phrases be declared invalid or ~onatitu- tio~1, ~ECTIO. 16. SHORT TITLE. ;:S~_ 17.1 This resolution may be re1'erred to as the "AftB01P'~~~ CITY SUBDIVISION RESOLUTION". . , '<W'''\'' '. , ~TION 17. PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION. 17.1) AnY''''1'ter to sell. contract to sell' or slUe cORtl'ar1 to t~ provisions t,,1' this reaolution shall be a ~.d'''a.or, &lad ..,. plrson, firm corporation, partnership or co-partnership, 'Upon conviction thereof. shall be punishable b1 a t1ne ot not lesa than ' -1t- -. H~ r ,', ",~,.~ ~ . ~~ -- _.... .--'~ . . J . ~ v . -]' _ ,. .... ~. . ..... \. .~ .. ""..,-.-.... .. . ~ _ 't .... . ~ .... -t' J .,' - '", .. .. " .". , twenty-five dollars and not more than five hu.ndred 40l~,r~, or by" iD1Prlsonment in the cl ty Jail for a period ~f n,ot more than six months, or by both such fine and impris~nment, except'that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to bar any" legal, eqUitable, or sUllllllary remedy to which the City of Arroyo GrandI! or other political subdivision, or any person, firm. oorporatien, partnershlp;6r co-partnerllhip JIl!'.y other",ise be ~nt1t1.d, and the City' of Arroyo Grande or u)'othel"pol1tlcal subdlv1sion or person.. t1Z'$, corporation; partnership or co-partnel'ship rnay1'11_ a .ult in the' Superior Court of the County of s~ Lu18 Obbpo to reatrain or enjoin any attempted or prop oiled subdivision or s<<le in Tl01a- tion of tbl, resolution. ~'l'ION 18. REPEAL. 18.1 All ordinances and parts of ordinaneea or said City in contl1ot with this resolution, ~6 the extent of .uoh conflict and no further, are hereby repealed. SEC'l'IO:f 19. ENACTMENT. ; " w,il , 19.1 This resolution shall be and is hereb7 declared ~ be in rull torceand effect from and after thirty (30) daTS after the date of it1lpassage. Regularly passed and adopted by the City COUAtll of tbe City of Arroyo G;ande, C,~,1,~ Of, San Luis Obispo, Stat.: of C8ilU'ornia, on this ~ 'I.::!t day of f7, 1952, by the following roll call vote: ~..~.JA)~~~. ~:~, ~:~'~~~~. 1 J , ~, ~ ~,. I r 'j \ \ , , \ ' . "'"J ii_t\, " :\ ;'" ~}", I p~/,.'.';:.""~", ";,, ,'.: " ,."e:,..:j.vt.., <~,~j,.:;\~/ ,,,.'<;,, '" '<,:,' ',"'"',, "',,.':~;"I'''<':;'' ,",' 'j.", ,""h"~,,,,' ",..' ," '~;"""" ,it, '}'~W'i~," . "" ',',:JiIit."";,,,~,.",,,.. ~,/~,,<, "".'