R 0270 ~'>.QIIJ-,.::.t"4 \ -, ,... '. ~;" ~' ~ RESOLUTION NO ..2 7 () A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO VAC.U'E. ~ All]) CLOSE A PORTION OF WILTON PLACE. IN THE CI'rJ 9f ARROYO GRANDE. COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, Sf.1ft: or CALIFORNIA . WHEREAS, that portion of Wilton Place which is herei.after describ- ed is not required for street purposes; and ~~S, it also appears that it will be an advantage to the City of Arroyo Grande to close, vacate and abandon, said portioft of Wilton Place, hereinafter described; WHEREAS, the said portion of Wilton Place is particularly described as follows, to-wit: In the City of Arroyo Grande in Valley View _Tract ~at portion of Wilton Place lying West ot VerDon , enue and between Blocks Sand 4. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that it is the intention of the City Council, of the City of Arroyo Grande, to vacate, abaRdon and clo,se . up that portion of W11 ton Place aDove-descr:l:b~. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that a hearing shall be held in connection with said intention on the part of said City Cowacil of the City of Arroyo Grande, to vacate, abandon and close, tbat portion of Wilton Place hereinabove described which said hearing shall be held on the 7th day of Kay, 1952, at the City Hall, in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, at the hour of &',";..,clock p.x.. at which time, all persons intereshd in the proposed ....catiOD. abandon- ment and closing of that portion of Wilton Place a~ove described may appear and be heard thereon. ,BE It' FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that the City Clerk of in. Ci tY of Arroyo Grande shall cause to be conspicuously posted ,along the line of said portion of said Wilton Place proposed to b. vac3ted, abandoned and closed, at a distance of not more than three hundred (800) feet apart and not less than three (3) n?tices in all, the fQ1bwillai DoUce, to-ny ,.J9.T;ICE OF INTENTIO}j' TQYAgATBr ABANDON .4ND eLO.. 'Q~I()i o ,1fIi,TONPLACE, ;nr TBE C"ITY OF ARROYOGRANDIJ,~tT OF SAN LQJ$ OBISPO, STATE OF CALlFOR]I'IA, ' .' " ' l'f:'f;::'.,,"',L.,, ~ ....~, ... - - , . '"'""'\ , --/ , Notice is herewith given that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande intends to vacate, abandon and close that portion of Wilton Place located in said City and particu- larly described as follows, to-wit: In the City of Arroyo Grande in Va~iey View , Tract that portion of Wil tc.!n Place lying West of Vernon Avenue and between Block 3 ,,~ and 4. The hearing in connection with said intention will be' held on the 7th day of Kay, 1952, at the City Hall, in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo; ,State of California, at the hour of 8:80 I o'clock P.K., at which time, all persons interested in the proposed vacation, abandonment and closing of that portion of Wilton place may appear and be heard. EDNA SCHILLING Clerk of the City GouQCi1 of the City of Arroyo Grande.- IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND O~ that the Ci ty Clerk cause said notice to likewise ~e published at least twice in the Hera1d~ecorder, a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Arroyo Grande. A resolution of its intention so to do was passed Iby the City Council on the J6~ay of April, 1952. 'v On motion of Councilman h1'-/1~J;;.~ and seconded by Councilman ~-~ and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: , . . ~ y~ AYES:>U~~'~~/~I ,~ . NOES: ~, , ABSENT: ~ ' The foregoing Resolution was adopted this J 1.:~'4a.y of ~"wj , 1952. i ;t~ ~ I 'd I _~~~c~c_ ,____ . <'LiIJ L,_~__ _.,____ ..~'----