R 0269 68 67 66 65 64 63 55 I , .-.. I , I . - at le'l~t once prior to snJd hearing, said public'Ition to be at least ten (10) days before the date of said hearing. On motion of Councilman Purcell, eeconrled by Councilman Conrad, and on the following !:roll call vote , to-wit: AYES: Councilm'ln W'iter', Conrad, Dixson, Dammann and Purcell - NOES: None AE~SEN~ : None the foregoing resolution W'IS adopted this 7th day of November, 1951. RESOLUTION NO. 263 A RESOLUTION OF TITE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANm~ FOR ACQUISITJJON AID UNDER CHAPTER li7SITE FOR DRAINAGE OF WESTERN ADDITION the foregoinp: resolutton passed and adopt:!d by th'J following roll callvote: . AYES: Councilmen 101<11 ters, Purcell, lJixson, Dammann and Conrad NOES: None ABSENT : None RESOLUTION NO. 264 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY GOUNCIL OF T E CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE FOR CHAPTER 47 MONf~ FOR PLANS AND SPF.CH'ICATIO!JS FOR DMINAGE OF WESTERN ADDITION. '-, P8ssed and e.dppted by the followinr. roll call vote: AYES: 60uncilmen Waiters Purcell, Dix~on, Dammann and Conrad NOES: None ~SENT : None RESOLUTION NO. 265 BE IT RESOLVg;) THAT THOSE PImSONS DESIRING WATER SERVICE ON ALDER STREET, SHALL BE PERMITTED TO HOOK eN TO THE WATER LINE ADJACENT TO THEIR PROPERTY, UPON PAYI1ENT BY THEM FOR THEIR PROPORTIONATE COST OF THE rnSTALLATION TIIER 'OF. Upon Upon motion of Councilman Purcell, seconded by Councilm'ln Conrad the fore- r,oing resolution was ado~ted by the following roll eall vote. AYES: Councilmen W'Ii ters, Purcell, Dammann and Cohrad flOES: None A.:JSENT: Councilman Dixson r- RESOLUTION NO. 266 i i NOTICE OF ELECTION !'otice is hereby r.iven that a General Hunicinpal Election "'ill be held in the City of Arroyo Grande, Co nt:!' of Son Luis Obispo, State of C'llilomia Tuesdl\Y, the 8th d'lY of A.pril, 1952, '1t which election the follcming officers are to be filled. Three Counci11l1'1n, full t"rm One CitJ' Clerk, ~'ull Term Onl'! Treasurer, Full :l'e~ The~e will be one voting precinct for the purpose of holding s1id "lection, ccmsistin~ of t,he consolid,tion of the regular election precincts establi:,hed for holding State and County elections, as follows: Consolidated voting pre- 56 co , '~ -" '--.-.,...-' Cj) :p cinct"A and Comprisin~ State and Cotmty precincts numbers ArTqyo Gr~de, one, two () three, four and five and the filling place there of shall be 'It the Arroyo Granda- City Hall. Notice is also hereby further given th'lt at said election tr,e polls wi1ll be open from the hr.'ur of Seven o'clock A.H., to the hour of Seven o'clock P. H. on the day therof; thot during said hours said election will be held and con:!ucted at the legally designated polling places in ea,ch election precinct in said City of Arroj'o Grande, as hereinafter set forth; and th'lt the polling places in the several election precincts and the names or the several persons who have been appointed to serve as election officers for the conduct of said election in fueir respective election precincts, as names, selected and designated by the City Counci 1 of said Ci t,y of - Arroyo Grande, as provided by law are as follows, to-wit: Name of Precinct: CONSOLIDATED "A", (Precincts One, Tow. Three. Four and five. City of Arroyo Grande) Location or Polling Pl" e ARROYO GRANDE CITY HALL Precinct Board Inspector, ~Irs. Myrtle Bai ley Judge. }!rs. HaeC. Ketchum Clerk. Miss Ethel I. Jatta Clerk. Mrs. Florence Gullickson In all particulars such election shall be held and conducted in the manner provided for the holding and conduction of m1D1icipa1 elections in said City and in accordance with the laws of the State of California applicable thereto. o D"tted this 11th day of February, 1952 ~. ~ !lzlei..j}~ . City Clerk AYES: . Councilmen W,'liters, Dixson. Purcell an:! Conrad ~ NOES: None ABSENT: C01D1cilman Dammann RESOLUTION NO. 267 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COlmCIJ. or' TIlE CITY OF ARRO~ 0 GRAND]';, COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, RELATIVE TO THE S.UE CF CERTAIN REA.L PROPERTY. All that real property situated in the City of Arroyo Grmne. County of SIU! Luis Obispo, State of California, known as the Valley View Tract, lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, in Block 3 and the Southerly 25 feet of lots I, 2. 3 and the Easterly 100 feet of lot 4. in Blcik 4 and that portion of Wilton Place lying between the above-des- cribed property. Passed and "dopted by the followinG roll call vote: AYES: C01D1cilmen W',iters. Purcell, Dixson, D:unmann IInd Conrad ATTEST: /rrw.~ ht.x!d};yJ2' City Clerk 1 Hayor --< , ~-,. ,- .'.--.- "'-~'- --., 57 -~ RESOLUTION NO. 268 A RE~1LUTION Ofo' TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GR.'<I<1J)E I\UTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF EIuSE~!ENT !DEED FOR RIGHT OF WAY I"OR PIPE LINE. On motion of Councilman Conrad, seconded by Councilman Dammann the foregoing. resolution was adopted by the following roll call vote: r- An~S: Councilman Waiters, Purcell, Dixson, Dammann and Conrad NOES: None ABSENT: None l'brA.fP~,,,,h1../~ CITY ClJORK RI>SOLUTION NO. 269 IN THE COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, RESOLUTION DECLARING RESULT OF ELECTION. WHEREAS, a General Municipal election w...s lleld in the City of Arroyo Grande on Tuesday, April 8th, 19$2 as required by law. and whereas, it appears that no+ices of s"'id election was duly and legally given, that voting precincts were properly established, that election officers r were appointed and election supplies furnished, ...nd that in all respects said election was helc1 and conducted nnd the votes cast thereat received Md canvassed and the returns thereof made and declared in time, from and manner a~ required by law of sixth class Cities. AND IvHEREl\5, tl e Council of said City met at the Council Chl!J1lbers there1t on Tuesd~ the l$th day of April, 19$2 to canvass the returns of said election, and install the newly elected officers, and having canvassed said returns, the Council FInds that the number of votes cart, the names of the persons voted for and other matters required by law, to be as hereinafter stated, now therefore Be It R'esolved, as follows: That said General Municipal Election was held, 1 and conducted in the City of Arroyo Granxe on Tuesday the 8th day of April, 19$2, ih time, form andmenner ...s required ty law, th...t there was one voting precinct established for the purpose of holding said election consisting of a cons lidation r of the regular election precincts established for the holding of General State ana County elections as folloB: (Consolidated Precinct A) comprising St1te and County precincts Number One, Tm', Three, four and five, and the voting pJace there of was theCity Hall~ That the whole number of votes cast in said City was 42$, that the n...mes of the persons voted for, the officers for which they Wl!'re voted, the number of the