R 0258
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Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Jrroyo Grande as
That there is herewith created the p9sition of -Bond Reoeipt Deputy.-
Said Deputy is hereby authorized,iai:the absenee of ori_iU ty of the
Judge tereceive bail in person, to a~cept sucll bail a......11 be set
by the Judge of the City Court of Ue City of ....oyo~.. SlICh De-
Pllt,y sliall receive all bail so posted and shall as so.~>a. 'C.vt 1$ open-
ed fer the next regular session deposit suc'h bail witl'" CUyC....t of
theC! t, of Arroyo Grande or wi th the Citr elerlc of tile CU,. (Jf Arroyo
Graade te the credit of said City Court. 1
Be it further resolved that the saidCounod.l shall."a ..t~bed
to appoint such person or persons thereto as in the opt.... or said
Council may be necessary. Such appoint..ats ~ be~,1t17*_1e aotien
_de and passed at regular meeting af said Cou~il.
~. it, further resolved that Jack Bu~~anan ~.d
be _ tlteyare herewith appointed &$ -:a..d Rectipt ...rein
Be it further resolved that each of the said de,.'1Iiiil,$ ....a11 be re-
qaired to post a bond of faithful performance ilt tlie .",_t... Tho.saDd
($1,000.00) Dollars, the cost.thereof to Ite eh.geeS. arid-...t..U City.
On aot1Gn of Councilman' to~...~4 " .~d by
~_1~.~'~ AY~ and Ofl the followhg Nllo.H, te-wih
Ayest, (>~.~ r.t~ ~I /L,,~ ~/~y~.
Noest ~
A.bsent: ~ 5
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The foregoing resolution was adopted thi8lf~ro,f' ,"
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