R 0239 " , '-,. ~ '.,;- ,_OJ " .) -,e, k RESOLUTION N~. .,;J.. SW ~~LUTION OF THE CITY COtmprt o~ mE Cn,'X' OF ."\DYO GRANDE RELATI~ TO .COlJRECTI~..9' _ICAL ERRORS AP,p~~, .000t'1;~:_F .. SAID CITY FOR THE !!XABLE . JIIR'1' '. ,'. WHEREAS, it appears that "he:r~1nat1;.2\-die~b.d peal pl'opel'ty has been, thl'ouge. ~-J!GI1" t&.~. .. ., O:1e:r1eal .~, el'l'oneously assessed at the.~of. :.3,.~(}...O'_ ao... . of the improvements supposedly exi..ztt 1I~reoa_..u t~ ot \ tbe a".lnlm~mt of said propertr,u<il.d tie 1;i1me Qtttae liAm date, and /' WHEREAS, it appear. that as a .tter 01' ..ett~~.~ i ,,'" here+nafter described real proplllll'ty.... ., 01' tit.l...dl.....h ,,- the date 01' assessment only 25~ complete as to ..""...........ta l~.t.d thereon, and WHEREAS, it appears tbt .~4 ptlcip.:r1J~ ba'M been.....liled at the SUID of $9t>Q~1\ ....14 ,.~..~~...~ - 01' the amount at which the said ~~v~~ts were, .1-'+ly a......ed under the me takn beUet.~~ illf.ey ""_;Oo..te, ..J(NOW THEREFORE, BE IT R~ 1>t 1;.he _tQ_.llot (L the C1ty ot Arroyo Grande that, the _..1Datt~ ........ 1'ftl pt'opert:r standing of record in,thB .... of ami ___11.0 Heit"bert E. and Margaret M. TUJ18l", d/ti La.is A.. ..__'1 ... thB .....__nt thereon on acc01lnt of lJ11pr",emea..J,;", ... u..b3:. y~v 1950-1951 corrected so as to stt~~t .d"~. ",il&fln:t. are auessed at the sum of t9oe.OO...obiaa1..... ..,. ., the ...Jt\18 of the uid imp1'ov.ments.hBIj.ti:M s~id .:.:.... ,."11 bave be. C'Wlpleted, and BE IT FURTHER RESoLV~, ~~ ..tbeOli:1 e:l.Ht.d As...sor is ordered to make tblt oo.,..'\i1~ on t.~'''_lja ot t~ said City so as to sho. tr. COl'riC~d ia.s.'tI[jili~... 1~rov8lllep;t" located on add p~e~*,&a;.,;....t~ 't-., ~';."'~~ ot .900..00 rather than $3.600.00."';>' r", \;, - :4... ~,;. i:s~ , ~,-'-""- . -,>' t " ", , ~ ,,! . ... ~ If " .' '" The property referred to herein is de,,~~4 as .' .' , Follows: That real p1'opertY,8j,tua~~~. thfUt-.; of AI'royo Grande. C~ty ~fSa' Luis O~1spo, State of Ca]jj.tOl!"~'.~, ~ng mOM i particularly describied 1I.'/iI'Lpt ~ tn . " ,\ Block 4 of Tract45'OfU~H~~ a~c~r~~ 1;,0 map thereof' oQ(~"'~a:. ':, fi",J~": ", , County Recorder oft.fa ',r.' , """':' 'On Motion of CouhclJ.Jua ~ ,', 'j " , s.oomledby' Councilman f)~ "., [' ..',.~ t~ toUdir:mg roll call vote. to 1ft'!:: . AYES: Clark; Com'a.t\. D....,,~)1n; ~ix.oli. ".tJeiPs NO:E:S:~ ABSENT. Jt.r .. . , T:S:e fQregoing reBol\ttion wa~ aqQpt ..dthu ~.. cia7 of J:8R\1a1'Y, 1951. ~-'r , ,Arttejt: , i ~ i '1 " 'I " i , -,2J ,:5 , ..;:, , ~ , ~ ..: -. ' ,',~ ' ., '" ," .I,...