R 230 _. ') . '- RESOLUTION NO. ,Q 3.-() \.... .:~4"~~~ , RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ~ cr!tY OF ... .tA r r APPROVING AGREWENT FOR MAIN'l'ENANOJ: OF STA':rE HIGH\lAY IN THE CITY OF ...... .1J1 r fl. WHEREAS. the State of California, through its Department of Public \forks, Division of High~sf has presented an AgreOlllellt for Maintenance of the State Highwfq in the Oity of effective as of July 1, 1950, and to remain in effect until amended , 6~termi1l8ted. 1iHEREAS, the Oi ty Oouncil has heard read. Baid agreement in full and is familiar with the contents thereof; THEREFOP,E. be it resolved by the City Council of the City ., of .... .._ that said'~eement for Maintenance C of the State Highw~ in the Oity is hereby approved and the ~or and the Oity Olerk are directed to sign the Bame on behalf of said ,it)', Jq"l.ld~ of t7'~,_: ADOPTED thi s , 19~. Attest! . City Clerk of I hereby certify that the foregoing r~ olution waB duly and regularly passed by the Oity Council of the City of~ ,~ a regQlar meeting thereof held , 1 ~O. ,--- - -15-- . .;: f i L___ -'--'----- .__.u_ -_....._--~- - "'.'..,,,- . .~- --- -_.-,----- ".---