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R 227
". ''"''''.'..... ' , c~~.~;" . . i:' ,'i;:\:<';-,; . ; C RESOLUTIO~ NO. - d c2 7 ''J RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CO~IL 07 ~ CI'l'Y OF l'P11Ua '~1RI'! ADOPfIIG au.. AI!) -.mrG .MllCDRANDUK OF AaRJlEMJ!:N!1''''.__or GAS TAX ALLOCA':t'ION roa _OR OITr.... , WHI:aI.A8, a lIemoI'andu ot._"'.l1tt.i,"'~~*IIa.......t :""-J'..o . ,,',.'.:,< .: to." entered lnto w1th the 8,at, 0<-110..11"''' ~_ ........ _".with & proJeot etate..nt ~h1t'M<1r(t1?f~.~.t tnn.. ....1._. tOr e_.C4.lIfeo~...t"''' ~.. 10o~t1011 to 01 th. tor thorl.o.lY", ..f'.. I ....'.:..,..'.'>:..., : '" -- 1tHI.RIA8, the 01t)' 00""011 ....b~~M<,,..'.II,..... / . . : . .',. -, '.'. . ...... .......', .:',.: "::-,'':,::'" .ont 111 tull and 18 tamilial' _.b~o.~.,.~i'111iJ.'# , ':t'HIRII'OJU:, be it r..qlTtI!, J),yt1ul O~.~i_'_, \~ ... . ....,,;1jj'~">........... ....J 011lf ot. .....,.... ... t"" i'" ~~!..',:".",..... \ . . . .' . . " " ',' .o'} .,~.> ;;.~. -'-:.!:':i),'i',<<;" :.. be.and it 1. hereby adopted &.t~ ~~.~~~.. ~ pel141ture. ot the gat taxa110o..tMIn.o.~~,.... ..... . 1" ,,'_,"<'::'1 qreement be and the 0..e18 h~.~ "'r"~il. .... ~ and the oity olerk are direotet,to' ......;..:'..'........ ". b,tU ',> ',- ': .\," . otoaid 01 ty, said agreement to" b*1.~:t.~... upon 1 ts exeout1on by the autho:t!1nd +tt~"If...t 1Ih-""... ADOP'1'D th1. ;{J~ day ot' 'F' ,,1'. >'.'f " " ;. j Atte.t: i ,.~v I ~ i ;I.. hereby 0 ert ity tha. t .'....t_.. ..' '....... 21' .". "............. d11l;r and reSU1arIJ: p.....d 1:1r t~;.. '.. ';1... . . ot ~.. TiM"... _"'" at&. I'M" ,.." ." . . :21N..L. ,1_... ,'. '. . /' . '.( . "81" > ',.' '., ",,'...;' ',. -:, <"-:':'\"':"""-:':':"';-\;!;':Y'':'''~;..::,:, '. .,''';'1i';~Ji!\;;t".'.t''"D''''',JJi'''''' ~j':L.):jf";:.2::);~~' ~. i' ~~~_gLl~~2-~_