R 224 RESOLUTIon #_ :J..:l. cf m THE comTCIL OF THT.; qTY OF A::lROYO G"Al'DE:, STAT':: OF CAI.I?OR"IA, RSSOliJTION DECL~RrrG RE;=:ULT OF Ehr.:C':'IOrT, VIHER?)i.S, a ~enerql JIuni.cipal Election was he~d in the City of Arroyo Grande, or, Tuesday .~,F>ril 11, 1950 as:e~qu~red?y law, .~ED 1r~IS'.'tR~S, it appears th-t notice of Bald elect~on, \/9-S duly and legally given, that voting precincts vlere properly est2~~is~ed, that, election officers vlere a,)';ointeCland election su?rlies Iurn~shed, ana that in all r'?sDects selid' election \'196 held and conductee and tte votes cast thereat rec~ived and canvassed, and the retLu"nS thereof n9-de and declared in t'oe, forI;! and nanner as required by law of sixth class Cities. AIID ;rrIER~,S, the Council 0= sai.d City met at the Council ChaI;!bers thereat on Tuesday the 18th day of ~pril 1950, to canvass the ~et~rns of said election, and install the newly elected of'icers, ,md nav~ng canvassed s"lid returns, the Council finds th't the number of votes cas.t, the na-:::es of the prsons voted for, and other rr.atteI's, required by lavl, to be as hereinaft'er st:lted, nO,1 therefore, . BE IT RESOLVED, AS fol,oYls: ThClt saiD. General Yunicipal Election was held, and co.nducted in the" City 0:;:" Arr.oyo Grande or; Tuesday the 11th day of April 1950, in time, forn -'3nd manner as required by la\'l, thc,t there was one voting ~'recinct established for t.l',e l'urpose of ho:"cdong said. election consisting of a consolidation of the regular election pre?incts est~cblished for the holding of Gc'"er 1 state and County E1ect~ons as follo\':s: (Consolidated Prec:,nct' _~) conprj,:in[" State and County Precincts I"[Tiber one, T\'IO and Thr'-=e, and the voting thereof !Vaif the City Hall. " " ,Th?,t t;;e ;'1o.ole mmber o,f yotes cast in sa! :i Clty "as~, that t~e names 0.. tne ;:.c,rsons voted :'or, the of "ice: 3 for vI:lich lJeJ.'e vot"'d, tne nunber' of vOt2S given in each precinct to "ach, of ' said persons t,?get::er. vii th the uhole m'nteI' of votes ;vl'lich -,";hey receivecf in the C~t.y are as FolloVIS: , Nane of persons voted for, 'Totes Der~l P. \'laiters Councilman Full Term .all}; B. D. COlli1ad Jr. "11 U ~::. ? J. J. Schnyder II II " } '-II James Head ' " " 11 , Legislative Referendum Ordinance YesW No21f ?SO~VSD THE/)~7:'ORE, that at s'!;id Gen~ral Hunicipal Election, ,.,;. Vias electea Counc~lI!Jan of tl'e City of Arroyo ",rande 1 or }l?eiJUl' term of our years. .Uso, that. -ViaS elected Councilnan of said City for tle full term of four yeOJrs Legislative Referendum Ordinance SH!'.LL T:'::~ PROPCSSD O?DrrAI'CE E:-TITL3B "Al" O::lDr-AFCE c:? ."rC' CI'rY .O?~.IlcqC'yO G:tA:'DE GIVIFG '1'0 rEE CITY COU~TIL OF T,IS SII.ID CIT;;'"C'F l3.:) "0" 0 n"A."~-' ';T7"''''"I PO"7""'fT"") r,c ,..........C'.,..,.,ED ~'\T.,."""" G~.,.T7""'1 LIT . ....L_~,: :...,..: :":'..~ ~'~~, J..._u "b,", 1 j' _:'.JA ,;.:,~ l.-~b :r~!...l l~-'~.;\.L, -~ITA.TIC~-S rI.:rC~~~]) BY I../\'!~1"Ul"'Ol"~l!~ZI:~, ,RrG:~1' TO L2,\/Y P~).O~:---=~TY T.~~XES5Y G~'.;:,~tI="'G '2C 3\ID CITY S';~.,.~ C~~m;G~_. ~)O.J~~ TC.. L~1f.: . ~\:~'UAI.LY A ~]CP:2~ 'I'..\X OF ?rc::: rr ~C2.3.S OF ~.":. .:''':: :'.:',1_'2. 0, -~ H'J.'D,..,D DOdA"(S OF ifAlrrATIC:- UPO'- PlCP:-;-:'I"{ r- 3',ID C1::'\'(., .1I"'J"~ .,,'., 'C' ~'l:I" 1 -, . -'0;,-,' ....:. J .:....:......1. ':.~~ D '..r./,.J( ~,"',--.t:::I'" COL""1'7'("'Ir"I:.7) "")" T"'o-'FO'~I""~ I~" ,. S":"D~'-''''T'~ -. ... ..........1.......... .__ '.J J"" ,~) J.. ,f ~ .'" ... ~ .......<..'-1.......:, ,------ -.., "?U:TI AlTI T7-IAT I'? ~~ USSD ?OR CO:_LLlJrITY ::t~c.~E\TIOr 0CEPOSL:S t\.~"'D ?O;;, ro OT:=TI PUHPCSSS" E3 ADOP'~;SD AIl) r:.u..DE Al'I O:IDIl'"Ar-C3 0: I'EZ CrI'Y CF A...~:<.OY() G:c:tAl'DE? The City Clerk ['hall imoediately make and deliver to each of such persons elected, a certificate of election, signed by hir.J and duly authenticated, he shal~_ ir.~')OE.e the constitutional oat], 0:[' o-:'fic e and have ther.J subscribe thereto, whereupon they shall be inducted into the respective offices to which they have been elected. I, the undersigned hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution vias duly and reg1.1larly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a special 1'1eeting held on the 18th day of April 1950, by the follovlirw roll call vote: AY3S:~ ~'~~/~I~-IW~'Y~ 1T033: ~, ABS E:r-'"T: .' ~. .In testimony whereof I have hereunto set ny hand ,ond a:"tixed the offical seal of the s'id city, this 18th d8,y of April, 1950 .' ", ~. '~--1k, . it\" Clerk " , . , . . -