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BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City ot
Arroyo Grande that the proposed ordinanoe entitled "An Or.dinance
of the City of Arroyo Grande G~vin& to the City Council of the
said City of Arroyo Grande, the Power to Exoeed the General
L1IIlitations Imposed b~ Law Upon.their Right to Levy Property
Taxes by Granting to said City Coun~1l the Power to Levy a
~roperty Tax of Not in Excess of Ten Cents per One Hundred Dollars
of Valuation Upon rroperty in said City in addition to any and
All Qther Property Taxes authorizeq' by Law; Requiring that said Tax
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When Collected be Deposited in a Separate Fund ahd That it oe Used
for Community Recreation Purposes and for No Other Purposes" be,
Sublllitted to the voters of this City of Arroyo Grande at the next
general election to be he],d on the :117i.-day Of~ ' 1950,
in accordance wi th the provisions ot Section. of the Elections
Code of the State of California. .
On motion of Coun-cilman Clark: and seconded by Councilman
Damman and on the following roll call vote:
ABSImT: NONE I~.:et ~
the foregoing resolution was adopted this ~day ot ,
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