R 216 215 214 213 ......- J 19 RESOLUTION # 213 Be it resolbed, that the map entitled Master Plan, City of Arroyo Grande be and is hereby adopted on motion of Councilman Schnyder, Seconded by Councilman C1ark. AYES: Councilmen Dixson, Clark, Schnyder, and Waiters. NOES: None ,.- ABSENT: Councilman Danrnarm - City Clerk RESOLUTION # 214 Be it resolve~, that the map entitled Zoning Plan, City of Arroyo OramB be and is hereby adopted on motion or Councfiman Schnyder, seconded by Councilman Clark. AYES: Councilmen Dixson, CJa rk, Schnyder, and W"i ters. NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman DMtllann City CJe rlc RESOLUTION # 215 ,.- Resolution adopting the Arroyo Grande Planning Commission's recanmendations 1 i I as to requirements for conditioning fo streets before the City would accept "ry R Right of WIl'J into City Street System. 60tincilman Clark made a mot.ion, seconded by Councilman cDammann to !!ccept the foregoing Resolution. AYES:. COl1nci1men Dixson, Clari, Schnyder, WaiterB, II1d Dammenn. ABSENT: None NCES : None RESOLUTIOO # 216 A resolution of t,l1e Ci W Council of the CH.y of Arroyo G.-ande to set the Tax RAJa for the ye.ar 1949-50 as follows: General Fund - $1.00, the total rate being $l.CO per tlOO.OO assessed val- uation. ...... Passed arxi "dopted by tho follwoing roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Schnyder, Clnrk, Waiters, and Dammann NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Dixsoh.