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R 210
. .' ~ , ;("YJ ";'>. - ~4 ~ '-' RESOLUTION NO. :J... I IJ V RESOLUTION OF THE G!:'nCOUlfOIL Oi',. . OInOF .._ ---. . .i..i~mt, BW>_i... APPJlQVING - ........-, ~'!i . , , '.' ~.::, j , ="':.,::=~ . .., ii,;,jf~!~k" WIEIWS, a memorandUli or ~ee~n~t.~.nPM*.l\~- to be entered 1nto w1th theStf:. t~ot\ O~."'...aln _...4- . ano,. with ~ proJeot e~e.t...nt~"1t,~tld~",O.', 01' -. 1:, ' ,'_~:"; ,,', ' ,_' '_' ,,), , '" __"{,,.; .n'lII !fFI.n,;'. for ext~*reo1"..1,,"al- looation to 01 t1es tor tbet1Soal.t....._;~ _ ' ' !, ,',', ~': ' WHEREAS, the 01ty oounoil,_ '~'~._'P.. "641- ;' "'...." ..";. . .' <"":"'.".':'.'\:...'.':'.';"'.': aen1;in full and 1s ral.lll1l~er,~tl1t~O~..~..f~"'t.Ht: ',~. ",.- ,: " ", ."'>'!'f.,__f": ,'-~~ 2'HIRJJ'0RE, be 1 t reeolVe4,bf. t)If o.nr;JIJ~'d:t ot '..tbe , ". '," -,' ":, ',::--,"4,_'.-:'" :. 01,ty ot ..... .IIUlI tha~."4 ~..,... be and 1t 18 hereby adopted aa.t~ ~...:~.~._ pend1turee 0 l' the gas tax allooat1oi1fto ~,,~...i".... .... -sre--.nt be' and the eame .1s h....W 4PP""_i..;~ and thee1 ty olerk are d1reoted. to .~t".'f:~,.,....1t~1 t otsflld 01ty, said agreem$nt to bit. bJjnc11-'i,jF" ~.Q_ . upon 1 ts exeout1on by the authqt'1,te4~rr~.1.~..ot..JV..~.. ADOPTED th1s. dq ot , ..~.. \ \ ~ '-- '- - ..... v ," "- Atte.t: . . 0\.- - .' Clerk or the 01t1' _ ,1. hereD1.oertit';y. .t.h.....t~.!t.h..e. ...to.".. ....~!...!ta.g._................~........... ...i. ._. :tly Q'ij~.... l..._..~.. ~ ~~~tb{.,.m. 11:3".:: "t..~_);!1t 'h:~ .' . )~. , 11"- ,..... ... . . . . , ~rd~..:t:r.M." Ji ,..'........ ~.. , . .... ...... ^,.. . i' , ',.... ,,,-., ".,: -.. .... ..:. " ',~ ,,~. ..', '" "",..:: .. .. '," ".':',' " _"~co,:>}, ~1 :.,~,; :~~,,:,;/,~:. :',' ,J '.. : ~J \: ::::'/:~:;~~t;/ 'j';~i: ':;'"::A~t-;: u" :';.",". ~~.,"',.", ,\i..~. ,..~,.:~.", ~f<l\,1\!!,.ddit