R 190
, -
Arroyo Gra~de. Calif.
Tuly" 7 1'148'
" ,.
R~OI1JTTor~ NO. 190 -
BE rr RSSOI,NSD, that Tally-Ho ~oad from the northerly City
Limits to its intersection \.,j"l 'i'aC~on strc.'t in the Cil.y ':~ AIToyo
Grlinde is entirely within a rf2s1,loT,tial disLrict. ,
38 To:' m~T'I31 n;:;:;OLVED, <;.h!:tt the speed -'.11::' t on sl110 ro...d In
said area be and the same is herewith fixed at 25 roiles pn~ heur.
EE IT FURTEi, RESOLVED1 that saie Road be si~~?~ted PO qS
to indicate the speed limi t of 25 mi les per hour.
Passed and adopted by the fbllowir.~ 1'01] call vote:
, ,
~1'Ji~YES: Councilmen Phillips! ~chnyde:'1 C]/Jrk and Dixson
" ",
", 'i'''':;~;; ;!' OI:e
.. AB: ;:'1\T: Councilmar. Rountree.
A.'11f~"_':. (,~1.,~ ....erk
. . Mayor
I hereby c!!rtify that the t:orecojD!' resoluti011 W'c!S duly and
regularly passed by the City C'OUTlC i 1 of t. he Ci ty of, ,~rroyo Grande
tit ~ r\?fU1ar meetir:g thereof' held .;uly 7! 1948.
. Ci ty Clerk
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