R 179RESOIiTTION N0. 17g OF TFIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRkIQ7E~ COUNTY CF SA;~T LTJTS OBISPO RELATIVE TO THE I~~TI~?EXATION OF CERTAIN Ur?ID?F?ABITID TERRITORY '1'0 THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAN7~E. 1PrIERE.4S ~ the City Council of the City of :rarroyo Grande County of San Luis Obispo State of Californian has received requests from persons owning property lying within the territorial limits of the hereinafter-described parcel of property for annexation of said property to the City of Arroyo Grandee and 'TTFIL~EAS~ it appears desireable to the said City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande to annex the hereinafter-described parcel of real property to the City of Arroyo Grandee said property being conti- guous to said City and ~:'~IFii.EAS~ the said property is uninhabited property t~dthin the meaning of Section 5162 of the General Laws of the State of Calif- ornia~ and F~'F~3'~E.4S~ the said City Council of the City of arroyo Grande desires to proceed with the matter of annexation on its ovm motion as provided in Section 5162 of the General Zatvs of the State of California. NCL"T T"rrEREFORE BE IT RESOLVrID by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grandee County of San Luis Obispo State of California gnat the hereinafter described real property be annexed to the City of P,rroyo Grandee and that all necessary steps be taken to consummate this annex- ation. BE IT FURT?iER REiOLVID that the hereinafter-described property shall be designated as the "MINEAiJ-IAO1t4IC-O~DELL FROPERTY"'~ the said property being ;contiguous to the present cit}> limits of the City of Arroyo Grande. RE IT r'~JRTHER .RE,SOLUED that on the 3rd day of Marche 194$ ~ at the hour of 8:00 o~clock P.R+f.~ at the Council Chambers of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grandee in the City Hall in the City of Arroyo Grandee County~,of San Luis Obispo State of Californian a hearing will be held at which time owners of property lying within the limits of the j RESOLUTION N0. 17S -cont. Page 2 hereinafter-described parcel of property and any others who may be ,interested'may appear and show causes if they haves why the hereinafter- described real property herein designated as the "MINEAII-LOOMIS-O'DELL PROPERTY"~ should not be annexed to the City of lsrroyo Grandee County of San Iazis Obispo State of California. Protests may be made in writing prior to the, hearing or in writing or orally at the time and place of hearing. shall BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution sx~ be published at least once a week for two successive weeks before the hearir~u on the matter of the annexation hereinabove mentioned. Publi- cation of said Resolution shall be in the Herald Recorders a weekly newspaper published and circulated in the City of Arroyo Grandee County of San Luis Obispo State of California. The property proposed to be annexed to the said City of aLrroyo Grande, and designated as the "B4INEAIJ-IAOMIS-OrDELL IROP~tTY", is des- cribed as follows to-wit: BEGINA?IN(;~AT A P0I1~''T IN THE SOUTHERIy IMP: OF THE CITY LI1I+ITTS OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDEE ;SAID POINT BEIA?G ALSO IN THE Ef.STERLY LINE OF A 40, FOOT PUBLIC ROAD FROPQ ti'~7HICH THE P?ORTHf'IEST CORNER OF LOT 108 OF JAMES T. STRATTON°S SURVEY OF PARTS OF TI?E RAI4TCROS CORRAL D E PIEDRA~ PISMO An1D BOLSf? DE CHII14ISAI ACCORDING TO THE MAP THt~iF.IJF I'I LED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY REORDER OF STAN LUIS OBISPO CCUNTY~ CALIF- ORP?I:A ~ IN BOOK °.~i°' AT PAGE 65 OF MAPS ~ BEARS EAST 10 FEET AD?D RUP~TING THENCE NORTH ALONG THE EASTERLY LID?E OF SAID 40 FOOT PUBLIC ROAD A DIST- ARTCE OF 40 FEETj. THENCE ~"T~' T 40 FEL+°r ACROSS ABOVE MF~1~TIONED PUBLIC ROAD TO THE SCRJTHEAST CORNER OF BLOCK N0. 1 OF THE FAIR OAKa TRACT AS FILED FOR REORD ON PAGE 82, VOLUnIL++' 3 OF It:APS IRT THE OFFICE OF THE CCUn?TY RECORDER' OF SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY CALIFORI'1TIAg TH}I~?CE FOLLG?",SING THE SOUTH LID?ES OF BLOCKS D?0. 1 AND N0. 2 OF THE aAID F~`1IR OAKS TRACT ?^TEST A DISTAP?CE OF 1820 FEET THL~TCE SOUTH ']86.96 Fr'~T TO THE SOUTH LINE OF A 50 FOOT PUBLIC ROAD; `L'HENCE EAST 1360 FEET TO A POINT IN THE EAST LINE Or THE AFORII~1ir'~TTIONED 40 FOOT PtTBLIC RO1~.D• THENCE NORTH AI,OP,G THE EAST LINE OFiSAID 40 FOOT PUBLIC ROAD A DISTANCE OF 58.36 FEET THENCE EAST 341.0 FEET; THPN'CE A?ORTH 658.6 FEET TO A POINT IN THE T?ORTH LIRE OF LOT 108 OF STRA.TTON'S SiJRVE~' OF PARTS OF P~ANCHOS CORRAL DE PIIDRA~ PISMO AATD BOLS:? DE CHIIsIISAL; Ii$JCE WEST 341.05 FEET TO THE POII~'T OF BEGTAm?IATG. On motion of Councilman Schnyder3 seconded by Councilman. Rountree and on the following roll call votes to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Phillips Schnyder~ 1Vienny and Rountree NOE5: None ABSENT: Councilman Lierly i the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted. Dates this 4th day of February 1948. ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor