R 167 ...:. -.....'-'.~ J VOL .:'34- PAGE255 - . ,.' RESOLUtION NO. 167 A Rr;:;OLUTI~N ABiJ~DONINU AND CLOSING PORTION OF ...'HITEL1'Y STRE~T AND TALLY-HO STREET IN THE CIty Or' ARROYO GRANDE 'wHEREAS, on the 3rd day of September 1947 the CUy Louncil of the City of Arroyo Grande, at a regular meeting, passed a Resolution of Intention to Abandon and Close portions of the following streets, to~wit: Whiteley Street from the Creek to Branch Street and Tally~Ho Street from Branch Street to Le Point Street; and wHEltEAS, in conformity with said Resolution, the City Clerk of said City caused to be conspicuously posted along the line of said portions of said streets, at intervals of not less than 300 feet in distance apart, and not less than three in all, notices of the passage of said Resolution, which said notices were headed: 1I,~O'1"ICE OF INTENTION '1'0 VAC,WE, AlliI.lmON AND CLOSE PBBTIONS 011' WHITELEY STREET AND TALLY-liO S'1'REE'1' IN '.!:IH, CI'IY OF ARHOYO GRAlIDE, COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STAiE O}' CALIFOIWIA", and WHEltEAS, the 6ity Clerk did, in conformity with said Resolution, cause a true copy of said notice to be published at least once in the Herald-Recorder, a weekly newspaper published and circulated in the City of ~rroyo Grande and designated by said Council; and WHEREAS, no persons objected to said proposed vacat~ng, abandonment and closing in writing, or otherwise, within ten (10) days after the expiration of the tiD~ of the publication of said notice, or at all, NOW l'HEREli'ORE, BE It HESOLVElJ that those portions of Whiteley Street and Tally-Ho Street in the City of Arroyo Grande, Coungy of San Luis Obispo, State of Califoruia, and hereinafter more particularly described, be, and the same are hereby vacated, abandoned and closed. Said portions of said streets referred :z <=> c:: to are described as follows, to-wit: ~ 0 Whiteley Street froll! the Creek to Branch Street, i2i U"I = Tally-Ho Street from Branch Street to Le Point Street. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that no portion or part of Branch Street is being abandoned or closed, or is any portion of said Branch Street to b~ considered I-io '" as being affect"d in any wayyunder the provisions of this resolution. ~ -.J On motion of Councilman Lierly, seconded by Councilman Schnyder, and on r.o. the following roll call vote: " ~- -_.~..-~._------~.- -- ~, "- VOl 1..1'*, rAli"""(';'l.JU J ., . .... " . AYES: Councilmen Phillips, Schnyder, Menny, Lierly and Hountree. NOh;S: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted. Dated this 1st day of October, 1947. S~ATE OF CALIFOlli~IA, ) : ss. COUNlY OF ;:,Mi WI;:, OBISPO, ) I, J11's. h;dna j1. Schilling, Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Hesolution Number ~ passed by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, on the ;I~ day of t!?~~J , 19~ and that upon the passage of said Resolution, the vote was as follows, to-wit: AYES: ~P~/t2~J~/~V~. NOES: ~. iWSENT: ~. WI'rNE;;;S Jrry hand and the Seal of the said City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, COWlty of San Luis Obispo, State of California, this /~ day of &t., , 19..:t2J c", [' i"1~' i~ \....' . I", "D....... (', .~ ~>"a'..., ' ~".. "", ..~" .~ ,.,.... "~'I . (> -.: \;....'....~> .' ,IIJ~_;' "">, ", .'....- .' ,~'..',..... "'~ .. ,.',... ~ \1 n p "p """1" ,',,, "', f.,.,t. J, /'1 r --:. .,-"i.,,>' v..:--\;\....,,"'" 'r- . rr't . ,.'" '1)"' _0._1': .' .:".'-";: "';" c; ~ /XJ:".' <i.... ,_:;':, ~ ~:r :, 41; , 'Ii\ J ..., >,' v It"~, 0 \'ij " {"'?1'i -.,~,~'4-'/*' t :'J'.{;;,'-,-: 15371. .' :,~'\?~I<}\~".::.,:.; .",,{:t;':.~,',,~</ ~~~~fq~" 4 I ,"'~.h;,,~~t~',~ ~~'~;;-'!: .. ":\ '" t.. '1 't:' lrr.'~ .'," . ~'~~ 1 ~'" 'of.. ," ..;,;v ..... "'. AT.....r.: MIN, PAST I ( f1 M, VO~~Official Records ~ v.N I.UIS OSISPO COu~lTY. OIWF. NOV 20 1953 ~~~ Fee $ () Inaexea ---1 ' ." 1"'.\iI"j;~ ~v~'uwpoo...'\ -*, -- ---~-_.~.,._- ----~ --.-- -