R 163 .."," ~, ;: ~:..1:' RESOLUfIOBI /6.5-' . WHEREAS. oertain hereinafter desoribed streets have beoome streets u~on whioh donsiderable amounts of traff10 are beins diverted, in addition to those streets already oons1dered of "lfajor DDportanoe" for State ~8hWay Fund purposes, and WHEHF..AS, 1t 1s the foeling of the City Counoil of the City of Arroyo Grande that the hereinafter dosonbed streets should be inoluded Within a list of those streets known and. , dee1gna1led as "STREETS OF MAJOR";rr1PORTAlTCE" for the purpose. of permitting allooation of State Highwal Funds therefor, NOW TI1EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following streets .. be, and thel are berewith deSignated as "STREl!1rS OF rwOR :DfP()BTAlVCE" for the purpose of perm1tUna allocation of state Highway Punds to seoure improv8ll!en1:s thereon.. Said streets are desoribed as follows, to wit, Oornwall Avenue from its 1i1torseotion W1th the Haloyon Road to its oonjunotion with the U. S. 101 H1shWfY. Tally-Do Street from its interseotion w1 th ]A) 1bint Street to the Easterljlimits of the City of Arroyo Grande. :r.e :Eoint street from its interseot1on with 'raUl-Ho Street to its interseotion with Mason Street J Mason Street trOlll its interseotion with La lOint street to its oonjunotion With Allen street. On lIlotion of Couno1lman 4. ~I.J , seoonded by Couno1lman ~I . on the tollOlf1ng roll call vote, AYES. Oounoilmen :th1111ps, 5chn,der. Liorly. Kenny and Rountree BOESs None ABSElTT & Bone the toregoing resolution WBS adopted. -..- -_.. -'--- ---~, --"--------- -------~---~------ . j, I,bereby certify t1:lat this is a t.rI,18 and correct. COW of.. -, ; R,~gOI.!1t'T()N HO.. 163.t/h! ch W~AG PEUlile4 end I1dopt.ed by tJte Cu.y CouncU ot the CU.y of "rroyo Grande at fl regulD:r JlleeUng held, "!eptember 3,1947. - ?tk;~ fhdpl;;~ " I , .' .. . . --,~,~--"-