R 163
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WHEREAS. oertain hereinafter desoribed streets have
beoome streets u~on whioh donsiderable amounts of traff10 are
beins diverted, in addition to those streets already oons1dered
of "lfajor DDportanoe" for State ~8hWay Fund purposes, and
WHEHF..AS, 1t 1s the foeling of the City Counoil of the
City of Arroyo Grande that the hereinafter dosonbed streets
should be inoluded Within a list of those streets known and.
dee1gna1led as "STREETS OF MAJOR";rr1PORTAlTCE" for the purpose.
of permitting allooation of State Highwal Funds therefor,
NOW TI1EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following streets
be, and thel are berewith deSignated as "STREl!1rS OF rwOR
:DfP()BTAlVCE" for the purpose of perm1tUna allocation of state
Highway Punds to seoure improv8ll!en1:s thereon..
Said streets are desoribed as follows, to wit,
Oornwall Avenue from its 1i1torseotion W1th the Haloyon
Road to its oonjunotion with the U. S. 101 H1shWfY.
Tally-Do Street from its interseotion w1 th ]A) 1bint
Street to the Easterljlimits of the City of Arroyo
:r.e :Eoint street from its interseot1on with 'raUl-Ho
Street to its interseotion with Mason Street J
Mason Street trOlll its interseotion with La lOint
street to its oonjunotion With Allen street.
On lIlotion of Couno1lman 4. ~I.J , seoonded
by Couno1lman ~I . on the tollOlf1ng roll
call vote,
AYES. Oounoilmen :th1111ps, 5chn,der. Liorly. Kenny and Rountree
BOESs None
ABSElTT & Bone
the toregoing resolution WBS adopted.
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I,bereby certify t1:lat this is a t.rI,18 and correct. COW of.. -, ;
R,~gOI.!1t'T()N HO.. 163.t/h! ch W~AG PEUlile4 end I1dopt.ed by tJte Cu.y
CouncU ot the CU.y of "rroyo Grande at fl regulD:r JlleeUng held,
"!eptember 3,1947. -
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