R 156 l,illL 'f.jlt PAGE C,;),j '. - ') .. . - R~SOLUTION NO. 156 A RESOLUtION ABANDONING AND ~LOSING A PORtION OF BRANCH STREET. BB IT RBSOLVED, that WHEREA3, on the 19th day of February, 1947, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, at a regular meeting, passed a Resolution of Intention to Abandon and ~lose a portion of Branch Street, and wn~hJ~, in conformity with said Resolution, the ~ity ~lerk of said City caused to be conspicuously posted along the line of said portion of said Branch Street, at intervals of not less than 300 feet in distance apart, and not less than three in all, notices of the passage of said Resolution, which said notice was headed: "NOTI~E OF' INTENTION TO VACATE, ABANDON AND ~LOSE A PORTION CF ilRAN~H STREET IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, ~OUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF ~ALIFORNIA" and WHEREAS, the City Clerk did, in conformity with said resolutiQn, cause a true co~y of said notice to be published at least once in the Herald-Recorder, a weekly newspaper published and circulated in the City of Arroyo Grande, and designated by said Council; and WHEREAS, no persons objected to said proposed vacating, abandonment and closing, in writing, or otherwise, within ten (10) days after the expiration of the tin~ of the publication of said notice, or at all, NOw, ThEREFORE, I'l' Io:. Hr;REBY ORDERED that the portion of Branch Street, in the (;ity of Arroyo Grande, (;ounty of San Luis Obispo, State of California, and hereinafter u~re particularly described, be, and the same is hereby vacated, abandoned and closed. Said portion of Branch Street referred to is described as follows, to-wit: The westerly end of Branch Street in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, where the said ::z street makes a junction with the U. S. 101 Highway. <=> c::; On Ywtion of Councilman Schnyder, seconded by ~ouncilman Rountree, and i.\:) 0 on the following roll call vote: U5 U"\ c..> AYES: Councilmen Phillips, Schnyder, and Rountree. NOES: Councilman i.fenny I-'" ClI AbSENT: Councilman Lierly ~ ....1 the foregoing Resolution was adopted. 0 >" Dated this 2nd day of April 1947. . I, i11'S. Edna J1. Schilling, ~ity ~lerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, ~ounty of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do herby certify the foregoing , "" .. .__n'_ . .. -. ^'----'..--- - --------.. -. '~<-kJ4 ~ - . VDl ..." '"'\ .. 100 '-"-' , "- , ..-' "0 be a full, true and correct copy of a Resolution made by the City Council of the City of krroyo Grande. WITNESS my hand and seal of the City of Arroyo Grande, affixed this 2nd day of April, 19L7. , ~.HO)' (j ~Iu. I' ~':Io. ...,"111"'.'" C 'lerk of the . ~,.." . .J ...../~ C~v,.." . " '" .. .~ '.. "9 .~\. /.~\\'~t' nRATEO"- 0::'. f...f,~.., ::~-. -i: ~.~, 'W'J't ; .., .~.;I" : r-""! . I.) VU .'\~\'f .. " !.,Y. 10. . ~ <, '. ~\ ;_.'~'<::;~?':G\:/, '.,.,>~'~' ./:~ ~4 U""""'" ,,~~ '\.~..' D: r r ~ <\ ..,-- '~';;I;I.::!I~;;"'\'"''''~''''''\''''''' " 1.~'370 ~~J1 "AT.E>.:::t MIN, PAST 1.' ~ VOLlM..Official Records~53 &/oN LUla 0$1$1'0 CQuN1Y. ' NOIJ 20 \S53 ~ ew.al>a.-ar Fee $ IndexeO. / I " " ''':An~,.:,'J I _.....~... . ., \ ," ----