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ABSENfI -~ " .
BE IT HERSEY Rl',SOLVED, tbat tp8 1'ollow1ng deecrtbed real property
belongs to the O~tl of Arroyo Grande and is not reqUired tor pllbl10 use
and w111 not ever be reqUired for publ10 use and prOduoes no inoome.
591d property 1e desoribed as follows. to-witl
Puoel I. All that real property looated ~n the C1 ty of"
Arroyo Grande, Oounty 01' San Luis Obispo, irtate ot
Oalitornia, more partiou1erll de80ribed as fOllows,
. COlllllleno1ng at the NortpuBtorl,y corner ot Lot No~ 53 of
B.Ii. Steele's !lesubdivision of a part ot the Ranohos
Oorral de Piedra, PiS\TIO and~lsa de ahelD1..l, as sur.
vey&a by R.R. iV.Irr1s,Nove.mber 1005. and running thence
South 32.30' East, 3l3.51'eet, thenoe rwm1nc South 87.10'
Wut 147 teet, thenoe runn1ng Borth 112 te.""thenoe run-
ning Borth 32 '0' West 182 teet totbe Jrortberl,y 11ne of'
said Lot 5', thenoe rulln1t2B E,9sterl1 along the !lorther~
line of. ..4 tot " 11 d18tanoe of aa feet, . more. or1e8.,
to the point of commenoel'llftnt.
PU'oel II. All of that'real property loo_ted in the 01't1
at Arroyo Grande, Count7of San LuiS Ob1spo, state of
Oaliforn1a, lIIare partioU;larl1 d eeo1'1beil lUll tollows'
COl!l1neno1ng at a point in the Westerl,y Une of crown Street
aa shown I1p01'l the map of Beokett's Orown Hill Addition to
the Town of ArrQYo Grandewhioh III8p 111 on fl.le in the
. neoorder'. Ottioe of the bounty of San Lu1e Obispo wh1ch
point 1s South 610 West 50 feet frOlll the moan Souther17
corner of the land now owned by Mrs. Clara Pauld1ns. and
rann1ng thenoe North 29. West 200 teet, thence South 61.
W.st 50 teetJ thenoe south 290 East 200 teet to 'U1e .aid
lfortherly Une of Orown street, thence along said North-
erly 11ne ot crown street North 610 EaU 50 teet to the
point of be5inn1ns.
BE IT FI1RTHER nESOLVED, that the Oi ty of Arroyo Grane. Will .ell
saj,d property at the Chambers ot the City Council of the City of ArrOyo
Grande in the City Hall, in the 01 V of Arroyo Grande, County of San
rm.. Ob1spo, State ot calitorn1a, at the hour o1'.lS~);? on the /7 day
of July, 1946. Bids tor the purchase ot Baid propu1ry $houl!.'! be Mae
in wr1t1ng 41reoted to the City COunoil ot the CU1 01' Arro10 Grsnde,
and 8hould be aooompan1e d by a check in an amount eq.ual to 10% of the
. .
8IIIount bU.
- . -
BE IT FURTHER Rl'reOLVED, that the Dale be made to the highest"
bladeX to% cash provided that 'tbe. Counoil m81 aooept an1 oral b1c! _de
- .
at the 1I1me and plaoe hereinabove set forth, provided that the t1rst.
oral bid must be at least 5% in exoess o:t tbe highest wri t1ien bid sub-
BE IT FtJRTmm 1UJSor,VED, that the OUY ot .Arro10 Grande raserv..
the ~ to re~eot any and all bids eubDit'hd or to withdraw said pro..
pertl '!rom sale tor any reason whatsoever.
BE IT 1!'tJRTBER Fl':SOT,vr:m, tblt the Cleric of the Oi ty of Arroyo
Grande may publish Notioe of the 111_ ..8114 plaoe of said sale by publi-
cation of said Notioe of the sale ot Said real property in the Herald-
. . . ,. . "
Reoorder, a Newspaper published 1n the Oity of Arrdyo Grande, Couisty
of SaD Luis Obispo, state of California, at least twioe betor~ th~
date of said sale.
On motion o:t. Oounoilman 4../~~ ,aeconded bl
Couno11111an //;.bch_-)1- , andon the tollCllJl1ng roll oa1.l "YOt.,
to-nt. ' - -
AYES.k~~ ~?u:~/~ R~~j ~-/
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1IOES. ~ .
ABSElfr I ~
the foregoing Resolution isbereby adopted.