R 114 .--, . .-.~,.. / If - RESOLUTION NO. . IN RE: ABA,NDONMENT OF HARRISON STREET. 1 t a~,pe.a:ring to the City Council from af'tidavi ts on fUe that pursuant to'Resol1;1tion NUiIJber~aSsed and adopted , 0 c;t. I. , 1941, referring to the closing up and , abandon1'4ent of ~ portion of Harrison Street,in th~ City or Arroyo " Grande, County or San Luis Obispo, state 'of Cali.fernia, that th~ . r' ~ . . notices required by law have been duly posted and published for ,the time and in th: manner required by law, and that no protests have r been filed to the closing up and abandoIllZent of said street, aDd the - " time ror riling objections to the same having expired, - 1 T IS ORDERED by the City Council of the City 5J! Arroyo_ Grande, _County of San Luis .Qbispo, State of California, that that_ portion or Harris~m Street in the City of Arroyo ,Grande as laid down and delineated on that certain.Map entitled "Map of Beckett's Crown I 1 Hill Addi tion to the Town of Ai:royo Grande" which said Map was tiled for record in the 1 office of the County Recorder of the County or San Luis Obispo, State of California,on June 19, 1905, ~1ng between the Easter~ line of Le Point Terrace, extended across said Harrison Street, . ..' and the Wes~~rlr line of McKinley Street extended across said Harrison Street, be, and the SaIne is hereby closed up and who~ abandoned. PASSED AND ADOPTED on the 19th day of November, 1941, by the tollowing vote, to-wit: AYES: G~ CM..,l' ~: tt~r I UJ.o.- r4A, CA- -( '\A\ &ovo. ct NOES: -v\. "........, .. ABSENT: S"~ 0 dsvt- -------------- r - STATE OF CALIFORl~IA, ) . 55. . COUNTY OF SAN LU1S OBiSPO, ) .L, W. W. ROUTZAHN, Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Ohispo, State of Cahfornia, do hereby cert1ty that the foregoing is a full, true and corre~t COPy,~f~:R~SQlut10n Number..JJ.i- passed by the City Council of the City of 4rrOYo Grande, County of "'," "-.~:; ::. . : . I San Luis Obispo, State of California,OJlth~ i9~p~dai or Hoveaber, "-.' !"r"':: "",,: ....., : 'I . ". '- . "'. , ; 1941, and that upon the passage of, said 'Resolution, ~e vote.as as - .. ., ,/',;' ('''~ ," ";~ ,~, ,,' tallows, to-wit: - -" ,.~:: ,. i _'. ."~ , ~.~ .',. ) .. : ~. ;: ::::. , .'- : "" ':. AYES: Councilmen G~'7'P~t~~"'~ ~~ ~~ , ' ,C '," ~ NOES: Councilmen -v\~': "..' .", ;' i:', , ABSENT: Councilmen ~~dllIl- WITNESS ,;JY hand and the Seal of the said City' Council of the - City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, this 20 JedEV of Novewber, 1941. . . '-'- ~ ( SEAL ) ity of ------------ --~