R 98 . .. . . RESOLUTION NUMBER '1i .. . - WHEREAS. Edwin S. Whitlock and Anna J. 'IIh1tlock are now, and at aU times herein mentioned have been the owners of those certain premises situate in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, described as foUows,to-wit: Lots 8, 9, 10 and 11 in Block 26 of' Beckett's Crown HiU Addition to the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, on the 30th day of September, 1940, B. E. BW1ng, Superintendent of Streets of the City of Arr,?!o Grande, pel"sonaJ.ly served on the aforesaid owners a notice requiring Said parsons to repair the sidewalk in front of said premises, which said notice particularly specified what work was required to be dope and how " the same was to be done, what materials should be used in said labor, and further notified said persons that if such repairs were not cOllllilenced within tIlree days after such notice, was given, the said Superintendedt of Streets would Inake such repairs and that the cost of the same would be a lien upon said property. - That said persons failed, refused and neglected for a period of more than three days after service on them of said notice, to -, make said repairs or any part thereof, and that thereupon the said Superintendent of Streets made said repairs, and WHEREAS, said Superintendent of Streets has filed bis report of said proceedings with the City Clerk of this city and asked tha t his report be heard by the City COlmc1l on the 6th day of November, 1940, at the hour of eight o'clock P.M., at the Counoil Chamber ot said City Council, and that said Cit,r Council pass, . upon and approved said report; and WHEREAS, it appears that the cost of such repairs and the amount expended by said Superintendent of Streets for the same - - 1 - I -, " - is the SUi;! of Sixty Dollars ($60.00), no part or Which has been . paid, excepting the S~ of Ten Dollars ($10.00); and WHEREAS, on or about the 20th day of October, 1940, said Superintendent of Streets gave personal notice in writing to each of said owners that he had filed his report with the City Council of said city and tha. t the hearing thereon would be held on the 6th day of November, 1940, at the hour of eight o'clock P.M.; and WHEREAS. no person has appeared to ~ake any objec,tions or protests to said report, or any portion thereof; lIOW, TftF:REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the said report of said Superintendent of Street~, be, and the same is hereby approved. ratified and confirmed, and that the said Superintendent of Streets, in the event that the balance of the cost of suCh repair, to-wit, the SUIn'of Fifty Dollars ($50.00), 'be not paid within five days after the passage of this Resolution, then, and in t~at event the said Supe~intendent of Streets is hereby directed to ~ile in the office of the County Recorder the Notice of Lien provided for by Section 32 of tho Illiprovement Act ot 1911. I D~ted: Noveillbe~ 6, 1940. ' I AYES : a~fYM.J r-M,RtJ ~...t'A/<- -<l6f&l-"--l NOES. ~~ I W~-l~ i ABSENT: I - 2 - . -----.--- ---- - - -STATE OF CALIFORlUA) ) . ss. . COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, }, I) W. W. ROUTZAHN, Clerk of the City or Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo) State or California) do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full) true and correct copy ot Resolution Number 9i . passed by the City Councilor the City of Arroyo Grande, County of S~~ Luis Obispo, State ot Ca11forn1~, on the 6th day of l~oveJIjber) 1940, and that upon the passage 'pr said Resolution, the vote was as follows, to-wit. AYES: Councilmen: G~fW\ ~ 3:lIAA 3Zf~ ) . J 1 NOES: Councilr.:en: ?1 (J7f{.# - ABSEN1': Councilmen: uJ a-L~ WITNESS !!ty hand and the Seal of the said City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, County or San Luis ObiSPO, State of California, this ~A day of Bovember, 1940. , ~ ( SEAL ) W. W. ROUTZAHN City Clerk or the said City or Arroyo Grande. - ) - -- ".-- ___ _.__n_ -"'~.'-- -