R 94 B~ ZT :ft~SAL'Vr.'~Dt Thr:t the rates to be charted far orator scarvice furnished on and after Janus.ry lst, 19~A, as provided by Ardinance Number 3s ax' the City of Arroya Grande, sae amended in the followit~; particulars, to-mitt For ta~,terrd s©rvioe tlirou~h a three-quarter {3/q) ~.xzoh meter for the first oi~;ht hundred fifty (85A) cubic feet, a minimum of °rFta Ilollar S (y72 • AA) . ~ . that in a].l other respects, said rates shah. be ma~.tztained as Hoer in force and effect. Passed//;~~and adapter? by''^^__the ippol3»ava~„nf,; voter ( ~ // ~(~ ,~ ~St 1f1t-~.~ I~TiYth'Q.~.~l. ,~/ ~~'-c~,%~0 'Y N.t-Ydt,4-T,.mri{~ ~ (.% 1rjA~;st •~~tc-t-v~Let~rat~z.YV ~jjBn~ Jw. GAUNT AF SAN LUTS Ax3TSPA, 1, Tct15SNLL ~.. ~Ti~U, Clark of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of uen T,uis A'~ispo, state a~ California, da here v certify that tze fa e. ink; is o. fu11, true and correct copy of ~~tr~l a n~ Number--.,- ~~.,,,,~, passed,, ~ the Cii~y Couraci3 of the 'City of Arraya Grande, Coun't,~ of Srysz Luis :Abi.spo, state of California, on the 2Ath day ox" ]3eceraber, 1939, and' ~kiat ,upon the -passa;;a of paid 0-rra32ee the vote was as follows, to-fvitr ~$S ~~,~~ rst councilmen C~.~rV~ua~~, ,~ti~~,,~ ::`~'~ -t 3~Gu.C.7~~. IdO~St Cousa.cilruen 'yc~°~~,= ~ ~~ A~y 9'~'t Cauneil~een ,~ iFdITNFS~ my hand, and the Soal of the said City Counc~,l of the Cit,~ of Arroyo Granda, ,County of Saxe Luis tibispo, Stage of C~~lifornia, this~day of Deaember, 1~3r3. ( SE.9L L ~~~~L~-~-g ""r-~eut~ City Clem. of the saicl'~ity of Arroyo Grande. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE [I.corpor.t.d July 10, 1911) , OFFICE OF CITY CLERK Arroyo Gr.nde. Califotnia - . RESOLUTION # 92 A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE &NX OF AMERICA, ARROYO GRANDE BRANCH, AS THE BkNK IN WHICH ALL CITY MONIES BE DEPOSITED a On motion of counciJ..ma..n..)~ ' 2nd. by CO\U1Cilman1 COvvvo..-Jl , the following reao ut n was adopted by the tallow ng vote on roll-call: . AYP;S: Councilmen, ~'~.I ~I ~~~'f ~ NOPoS. ~ ;,BSEI."T: ~ " . Resolved that the P'3.nk of AmeriCiI, [, rroyo Grande Branah, be designated 85 the Bank in which all City IDoniee be deposited. . Also that the sum of $20,000.00 be deposi1:.edas an in-active account, to bear interest at the rate of 1% ?ass~ and adopted at a regularlneeting at the City Council held this /.z day of November 1939.' I~~ .~. ~ 'tr"'- City eX" " ----...-