R 59 PESOLunON NO. &9. .." .' -.. , . ., A ~ESOLUTION OF 'lEE aITY OF An~OYO GRANDE, OOU1vTY OJ' '. SAN LUIS C~ISPO, STATE or CALIFORNIA, SURYITTING APPLIc.&TIDN :.' TQ_FEDERAL OIVIL womcs Am!'INISTR!TIOIl rea SAN LWS OBISPO. I"~ COUNTY Fon THE .I.ppnOVAL ST THE FEnERAL CIVIL "O~S ADIlIIU:S- TRATION FOR CALIFORNIA OF THE OIVIL WO~S ADMINISTRATION . . PROJECT DESCRIBED HEnEINr SETTING FORTH THEFAO'1' THAT rat '.. APPLIOATION IS MADE stmJP:OT TO T'dE RULE AND JlEGULATIOBSOP' THE FEDEJ:lAL OIVIL WOR1rs ADYINISTRATIOI AND THE FACTS uPON 1/HIOH THE CITY oom70IL RELIES TO JUSTIn mE PJ:lOJEO'1': ' , . WHEREAS: The Federal Gove1'llJ!lent has I!'.ade av&ll~ble .' ,funds to be upendelt on oerta1n publ10 works p1'ojeris 1n:.'the . .. h'-r.state, of Bal1fomia and its politioal eubd1vu10n. th;'oUih h the Federal Worke Admlni.trat1OZU! for Oalifomia; , ' .. .--"," '. .J''CH'" No", TliEnEFORE, The CUy counoll of the CUy of ,,;;#,;,.I.uoyo G1'SDd8, County of San Lufs Obispo, state of Oalif~n1a "',."dolt.hereby re.olvel' deterrn1ne and deo1are 11.8 follon; ,," < . - '. .~. "'. " 1.- That applioation be and it 18 hereb7 ttade.to' ",.,.tbe1l'ederal Civil Worte A41t1n1etrat1on for . San Luis Ob~~o ,I "count., for the approval by the 1r'8l!eral 01'9:11 Worte AdmiJi.,. I ,ija'raUon for California of the follo..-lng 'projeots. eubj"ot ' , ,,,,,,,,,,,~.th.. rule. andregulaUoD8 of the Fe~er.l ~1vil 'WQrk~,.,:,., . - ,Administration:- ~ -0" A Dratnage Projeot, "",,,-,,"," , Commenoing at the junot~on of the state Blth"., With. the ,...Uey 1'oa4, in the Ci1;y of Arroyo t':rande. the nQed ,water of a large part of the City fion doft the valleJ ,1>Oad) and oontinuing do~ the valley road with 08rb gutter " ,antSoulven, to the right angle turn :in 8aid 1'0&4, then-*xx throngh private property by 2'. 01' :30. oonorete pipe to ,.Al'royo Grande Qreek.- . a.- That the above pl'ojeothae not been eubmUhd" , ,to the Federal t'ubl1o WOrk. Adrr1ni.traUoD, 01' baa been ,submitted and I'flJtused, and oan-not be finanoed under the ,te~,e, ot olroulu No.a of the National '!?eoovel'1 Aot." .. 3.- That the ablTe proJeot would not and OOv.,1~Jl0t otherwise be finanoed 01' carried forward by the City of .,. .Arroyo Grande, and that 1t ,..ill,not take the plaoe in an., .- ,..,,:.701 any no:r=&1 funotion of coverDlllant in 8a14 C11oy. 0/ .-..'-' f,', 4.- That the tbe abovs projeot 1s ot cenerlal . .' " . publio benefit, eoono1'1ioa11y sound and of pe1'lllAUuant v~~e . -, 5.-That the City Ingineer be and he 18 hereby " , !tuthori..4 and1nstruoted to oertlfy \!pon the applicatiOn ,.< ,-oontained her.ein to the oOl'1'eotne.e of ths plan and ' ep.eolt10aUone and .et1mate. ofbbo1', materials" euppU,. andoqulpmwnt required. .. 6.- That the Cityot Anoyo Grande had ~ftl~.j;.nt funda to t'f..'II1( furnieh the lZIone,. equipment and other aaterial. and servioe. of value'ee! forth under it~ 111 .,., ..of-the applloation and upon approval ot the project will < _" turn1eh all the i t8ms 11stec!. , ?"That the Oity Olerll: shall oerU~ to 1be.~.. ". pas..ge ane! adoption of thlo ns.ol\lUoD anei tonal'd \h1'.' 'oert. 1tie4 oopie. to tho ".~.ral.Cl...11 Wozoke Aclmln1ehaUon \ :-""t01l 8all Lu1a Obi8po COUD';":, _c'_' " I -_._-.~-- ~1 ~5o~of ors /UD ~ S~ T ht~rvt~y ce:at4~p tt~~t tt3e %~r~~+~3s3~ P~selu:~.r~n wam ~€~ly ast:t rczl*~<3~r ~,~n~ts3 ~y '~~as City ~;t~u~a~3 oP t~ C3Ly,~a~ 6~rroye~ an~~, at a ~~~oi ~~~tfrs~,t~,sse~t t%~3 ttx9 34th ?day c~P 1`sQV43Ttr, 1'~~ by the i'g1T+~!vitsg ~ot~s, ~ys~, ~;~~a~~,3r. ~acsaxe, pcsol~, ~i~s3tut, ~h3ili~r~ r~ gxi.~cs~s. ~~e~, ~~usta~.Is:ez~ ~~asae~, A~~~;st a;cil~, ~ens~. , ~~ ~ ^a .,,~u ~'^s `W`"' ~°''"~T7, ~?:~tt t~t 1yt3g"€.°$fi~^$ ~$#3G~i1t~6'"3b .- rCi~.v~~,,.,:.as~aa,-,+r ,.=~~~ ,;rte €grt~ ~~°,~t c~~y ~~ G~~.~ ~ri~ir.~9. rca;zcslua<ca~; ~ .- }° ~-°~~~ by ut.s pity '~c~ii ~~ t~~ r~~ty ~~' Arrcy~ ., ,.y_~ '~$rl~'~~, at ~; #s~,G~"3,s22 ~reeti. r$ th€t~~c4 ,.~32~ ~ri tilf3 =i~~ -