R 46 RESOLUTION No.~~(New Series) A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A I1EED b'ftOM COAST SIDE CAMPMEETING ASSOCI?:TION OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH., BE NT RESOLVED by the Gouncil of the Gity of Arroyo Grande that that certain deed dated BGay 2.929, made and executed by COAST SIDE GAfl~FMEETING ASSOCIATION OF THE bETHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, a carporation,;and conveying to the City of Arroyo Grande a right of way along the fallowing described line. to-wits Commencing at a point in a tract of land conveyed by the Arroyo Grande M.E. Church to the Coast Side Campmeeting Association, by deed, June 19, 1413, and recorded Scaly 24, 1913, in Volume 97 of Deeds., 'at page 370, San Luis Obispo Gonnty Records, said paint of beginning being distant S 8°49* E 495..6 feet slang the westerly line of said conveyed tract,, thence 1Q~64°O5* E 14..6 feet from the most westerly corner of said canveped tract; thence running S 54x26• E 496«2 feet. to a paint;. thence S' 9.°C2t E 158.0 feet more ar less to a point an the southerly line of said conveyed tract. be,, and the same is hereby accepted by the City of Arroyo Grande., The Gity Clerk is hereby directed to cause said deed to be recorded in the office of the Gounty Rec~lyder of the Gounty of San Luis Obispo. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of Z~ay, 1928, by the fallowing votes A`~S s NOES s ABSENfi s C /1` . 0