R 2- "-, - HI::SULUil'tm~ NfJ., 2- - 11. RESULli'1'lON ACCE-P'rING A DEED FROM FRANCISCU G. XJ.VU;L 'l'u 'l'III~ CI'l'Y ul" AllnOYO GI\,\NDI!:, CONVEYING A HIGH'l' OF WAY TO CUNSTUUC'l' SE\'!lm ACnUSS 1.'l\Ol'EHTY SI'fUATE IN SAN LUIS OUIS1'0 CULN'fY. lle i t r~sol ved 1>y the Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, as follows; That that certain deed dated August 3th, 1H25, made 11Y Jo'rancisco r;. Xaviel to the City of Arroyo Grande, conve~'ing the right to construct and maintain an Outi'all ::;ewer, al'ng the line het'ein~ter described is hereby accepted by said City. Commencing at a point on the Easterly line of Lot 114 of Rabcho IJolsa de Chcmisl'41 as shown on a Map now on file in the County Hecorder's Uft'ice, San {Juis (Jbispo County, Calif'. and entitled "Aiap of parts ot: the Hanchos':Corral de Piedra, l'ismo, Bolsa de ChelOisal, San Luis obispo Co. Cal. Subdivided by Jas. 'f. Stratton fie]lt. 1873." Which }Joint of be&,';inning is distant South1:13f1.0 1'1""10 the Norttu:ast corner of said Lot 114; 'I.'hence running from sa.id jloint ot' beginning S. 88" 22' W. 555.7 feet to a point; Thence N. 340 12' W. 21\0.4 i'eet to a IJoint on the Northerly line of the lands or the said Francisco Xaviel. Introduced and. a.dopted this 2nd, day of September, 1f125, by the following vote. .A)'es: Trustees; Dennett, Noble, Cox, Poole and Conrad. , Noe~: 'l'rustees; None. ..:'..bsent: 'l'rnst.f"t:s ~ Nnn~. Signed this 2nd, day of September 1H25. Attest, L7;z:4~/aff, ~~zY- City Clt:rlc. I'J'esi ent or Board oi' 'l'rustees. 1 hereby certii'y that the above is a true oopY or lIesol u1;.iun No.2. of the City of Arl"oyu Grande, adopted S~I'te_r.nber 2nd., 1025. .. - > - rV9;;Z~~ .- City Clerk. ~- - --. ..-..::...~~. I ---'- - -----.,--,----------