O 076 C.S. . ,. .;; .,.' .- ""'" . ORDINANCE NO. 76 C.G. _ .-.J AN ORDINANCE OF THE CI1Y OF ARROYO GRANDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 9, CHAPTER 4 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNLcIPAL COD~ BY ADDING SECTIONS .201a. .237a, .25la, .1801. .1802. .1803. .1804. .2800, AND .3l02a. AND BY AMENDING SECTIONS .207. .243. .258. .261, .301. .302. .30t., .401, .402. .403, .406, .501, .502. .503, .603, .703, .803, .903, .905, .101.4, .1103. .1104, .1203. .1302. .1303, .1402, .1403, .1405, .1406, .1603, .1605, .1703, .1705. .1903, .2001. .2002, .2003, .2004, .2005, .2407, .2412, .2413, .2421. .2501. .2602, .2605, .um :~270l AND BYJIEPEALING roro'l'IONS .1002,.:'100~,.:'lao4,. , .1005, ,1006, .1007, .1008, .1009, .1010, .1011, .1501, .1502, .1503, .1504, .1505, .1506, .1507, .1508. .1509, .1510, .1511, .1512, .1513, .2006, .2007, .2008, .2009, .2010, .2011, .2012 AND .2422. The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: Chapter 4, Title 9 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code is amended by adding Sections .207a, .237a, .25la, .1801, .1802, .1803, .1804, .2800 and .3l0Za, to read as follows: ARTICLE 2. DEFINITIONS Section 9-4.207a "Guest Hotlse". An accessory building used for living purposes Without kitchen facilities and not for rental purposes. Section 9-4.237a "~bi1e Home Park". As defined by the Health and Safety Code, Sections 18003 through 18004.2 of the State of California. Section 9-4.25la "Self-Service Petroleum Sales". The retail sales of gasoline and petroleum products through automatic or semi-automatic dis- pensing devices, and where no associated services are furnished. ARTICLE 18. COMBINING DESIGN DEVETnPMENT OR "-D" DISTRICT Secti.on 9-4.1801 In any primary district with which is combined any "D" District, the following shall apply in addition to those us. and regll1ations specified for such district, provided, however, in the even:!; <r:f . ~ .. conflict in the regulations applicable, the regulations of this section shall govern. ~ction 9-4.1802 Scope and Purpose It is the intention pf this district to encourage and promote preplanned developments where the preservation of orderly growth is found necessary to preserve stable property values, prevent ineffi- cient property division, and minimi~e unwarranted speculative promotion. The regulations in this district are designed to provide maximmn utilization where the land was proposed to be used for a specific use in any of the following situations as well as others: 1. The reservation of larger parcels for specific uses in a . newly :created subdivision. 2. The rezoning of land as a result of a specific proposal. 3. The preservation of uniform architectural, structural or .phYsiea1 characteri&tics. Section 9-4.1803 Standards In order that buildings, structures, signs and landscaping will be developed in an orderly and uniform manner, and will be in harmony with other structures and improvements in the area, and ,,!ot of obnoxious, undesirable or unsightly appearance, the following items may be considered in approving plans of proposed improvements in the Designed Development District: 1. The uses proposed and permitted in the district. 2. 1he height, bulk, and area of buildings. .. I - L , ":r _ _ , . 3. Building lines and distances be~Ne:,:(buildings. 4. Architectural features, landscaping, lighting and other amenities. 5. Signs - Location, size and style. 6. Vehicle - parking and location. Section 9-4.1804 Procedure Depending on the primary zoning in effect, plans, drawings, illustrations, and other material necessary to support the proposal for improvement, shall be submitted to the Planning Director who may approve or disapprove such plans if he finds that they are or are not consistent with the purpose of this Section and the adopted Planning Commission policies. Upon approval of the preliminary plans, by the Planriing Director, the proposal shall be presented to the Planning Commission for their approval, approval on condition, or disapproval. Thereafter, all pertinent documents presented for consideration and approved by the Planning Commission, shall be made a permanent record on file in the Planning Department. Development of structures, improvements to and uses within the prescribed property may then proceed as approved and as required by the primary zone. Changes thereto shall require reappraisal or amendment of the documents by the Planning Commission. ARTICLE 28. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Section 9-4.2800 Purpose It is the purpose of these performance standards to provide a method of measurement of conditions which may be hazardous, injurious or detrimental to public health, safety and welfare, and these : standards shall be applicable to all Zone Districts set out by this ' Ordinance. ARTICLE 31. ZONING PERMITS, USE PERMITS, AND VARIANCES, AND REVOCATION OF PERMITS Section 9-4.3l02a A2ricultural Use Permits 1.:. F.F.A., 4-H or similar organization small animal and fowl projects may be conducted in any "R-A", "R-l", "R-2.", "R-G" and flR-3" District upon receipt of an "Agricultural Use Permit" duly iss~ed by the Agricultural Committee composed of the following persons: One member of the Planning Commission, Planning Director and an active adult leader or advisor of a recognized F.F.A. or 4-H Club, duly appointed by the Chairman of the Planning Commission. A. The Agricultural Committee shall formulate a "Scope of Projects" which shall be approved by the Planning Commission and adopted by resolution prior to the issuance of any "Agricultural Use Permit", and said "Scope of Projects" shall be reviewed by the Committee and Planning Commission each year. B. The "Scope of Projects" shall contain the following: 1) Types and limits of projects to be considered. 2) Character and location of properties to be considered. 3) C~nditions that may be imposed on the individual grant*d the "Agricultural Use Permit". 4) Method of terminating "Agricultural Use Permit". C. There shall be no fee cr~rged for filing an application, nor shall there be public notice or legal advertising required prior to the issuance of the permit. - 2 - . '. , 'SECTI~N 2: ChaPt: 4, Title 9 of rhe Anc,]" Gr:md~niciPal Code is amended . by amending Sections .207, .243, .258, .261, .30. ~ .302;) .304, .401, .402, .403, .406, .501, .502, .503, .603, .703, .803, .903, .90: , .1OlA'J .1103, .1104, .1203, .1302, .1303, .1402, .1403, .1405, .1406, .160 ! .1605, . 1703, .1705, .1903, .2001, .2002, .2003, .2004, .2005, .2407, .2412, .2413, .2421, .2501, .2602, .2603, .2701 aod .2800, to read as follows: ARTICLE 2. DEFINITIONS Section 9-4.207 "Building Lines". Setback building lines established in Article 25 for future street widening, or as established in applicable Zone Districts. Section 9-4.243 "Parkins:!: Space". An accessible and usable spac~ on the building site at least 10 x 20 feet, located off the street with access for the parking of automobiles. Section 9-4.258 "Travel Trailer or Recreation Vehicle Park". As defined bv the Health and Safety Code" Sections 18004 and 18005 of. the State of California. Section 9-4.261 "Veterinarv Clinic". Any premises used for the treatment of animals or fowl, but not including boarding or hospitalization. ARTICLE 3. ESTABLISHMENT AND DESIGNATION OF DISTRICTS Section 9-4.301 DISTRICTS ESTABLISHED. The several districts as established are as follows: Agric:ultural District or "A" District, Residential Agricultural District or "R-A" District, I , Single Family Residential District or "R-l" District, Duplex Residential District or "R-2" District, Garden Apartme.nt Residential District or "R-G" District, Multiple Fami.ly District or nR-3" District, Planned Development or "P-D" District, Profe,9s ional Commercia 1 Dis tric t or "P-C" Dis tric t, Neighborhood Commercial District or "C-N" District, Central Business District or "C-B-D" District, Highway Service District or "H-S" District, Planned Industrial or "p-Mn District, Industrial or "M" District, and the following Combining Districts: Combining Lot Size Districts or "B" Districts, Combining Design Developm8nt or "D" District, Combining Oil Field Districts or "0" Districts. PRE - Prezoned. Section 9-4.302 ZONING MAP The designations, locations and boundaries of the districts establish",d are delineated upon the map entitled, "Zoning Map of the City of Arroyo Grande, California" dated December 12', 1972, which map and all notations and information thereon are hereby made a part of this chapter by reference. Any land within the incorporated limits of the City now or in the future of Arroyo Grande, and not designated or indicated as any other district on the zoning map, shall be in the "A" District. - 3 - . . . ZONIN:OF UNDESIGNATED LAND AND ANNEXE~TERRITORY Section 9-4.304 All land now or hereafter included within the City boundaries, which land is not designated on the zoning map as being included in any district, shall be designated as Al!ricultural or nAn District, unless prezoned as set out in Article 32. ARTICLE 4. AGRICULWRAL DISTRICT OR nAn DISTRICT Section 9-4.401 Purpose This district is intended to permit mixed agricultural and residential uses; to provide an area for people to have parcels of land larger than residential lots, where livestock, poultry and small animals may be raised, and where other agricultural pursuits may be carried on. This District may also be used as a "holdinl! zone" subject to reclassification. Section 9-4.402 Uses Pennitted 1. One-family dwellings. 1. All agricultural uses including crop and tree farming. 3. Rooming and Boarding, but not over two (2) persons. 4. One non-commercial guest house. 5. Signs, not exceeding in the aggregate six (6) square feet in area for each building site, may be displayed for the purpose of advertising the sale of products grown on the premises. Section 9-4.403 Uses Permitted Subject to Obtaininl! a Use Permit 1. Churches, public and parochial schools, parks, playgrounds, public utility buildings and uses, excluding services and corporation yards, public uses. 2. Art gallaries, music camps, summer stock theater, convalescent and rest homes. 3. Commercial hog and turkey and poultry raising. 4. Animal sales yards or feed yards. 5. Dairies, livestock farminl! and animal husbandrv. 6. Agricultural processing plants. 7. Storage, rental and sale of irrigation equipment. a. Stand for sale of agricultural products grown on the premises. 9. Country Clubs and Golf Courses with standard length fairways. 10. Veterinary hospital, large and small animals, kennels for dogs and cats. . 11. Guest Ranches. 12. Riding academies and public stables. 13... Labor camps. 14. Signs exceeding six (6) square feet for each building site for the purposes of advertising the sale of products grown on the property. Section 9-4.406 Buildinl! Site and Lot Width Reouired 1. Lot Area: The minimum lot area shall be one and one-half (l~) acres for corner and interior lots. 2. Lot Dimensions: The minimum lot dimension shall be one hundred fifty (150) feet for interior and corner lots; minimum depth one hundred fifty (150) feet. - 4 . . . RES~TIAL AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT OR :i-A" DISTRICT ARTICLE 5. Section 9-4.501 Purpose. This district is intended to permit mixed farm and residential uses; to provide 8.n area for people to have small parcels of land larger than residential l0ts, where livestock,. poultry and small animals may be raised in limited number for home use, or for pleasure, and must be combined with "-B. 1". "-B.2". or "-B.3" classification. (See Artie Ie 19). Section 9-4.502 Uses Permitted 1. Single family dwellings, one per building site. 2. Light farming, except commercial dairies, commercial rabbit, fox, goat or hog farms, or commercial chick,en. or poultry ranches. 3. "Livestock limited to two (2) animals only when combined with a B-3 District. A like number of animals may be permitted for additional acreage. Pens or fencing used for the housing of such animals shall be located not less than 150 feet from the boundary of the R- A Dis tric t" . 4. Crop and tree farming. 5. One non-commercial 2Uest house. Section 9-4.503 Uses Permitted Subiect to Obtaining a Use Permit 1. Churches, public and parochial schools, parks, playgrounds, public utility buildings and uses, excluding corporation or service yards, public uses. 2. The maintenance of over two (2) livestock for private use provided that a minimum land area be 20,000 square feet for each 2 additional animals. 3. The maintenance of large animal hospitals, commercial dairies; provided that the minimum land area be ten (10) acres; commercial chicken, rabbit and similar small animal raising. 4. F.F.A.. 4-H or similar organization small ani-I and fowl nroiects. (See Article 31). 5. Riding academies and public stables: boarding and breeding kennels. ARTICLE 6. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT OR "R-l" DISTRICT Section 9-4.603 Uses Permitted Subiect to Obtaining a Use Permit 1. Second single family dwelling, when prior to the adoption of this ordinance a single family dwelling exists on the rear one- half of the lot. Minimum distance between front and rear dwel- lings: twenty (20) feet. "If approved, no further land division shall be approved and the applicant shall record a deed restric~ tion to this effec t" . 2. Churches, public and parochial schools, parks, playgrounds, public utility and public buildings and uses. Not included, corporation or service yards. 3. Condominiums and similar type developments when requirements of Section 9-4.611 are met. 4. Accessory buildings used as guest roams, providing no cooking facility is installed or maintained. ~ Public or private parking lots for automobiles when contiguous to any "C", "P-Cn, "H-S" or "M" Districts, and when fenced and landscaped to the approval of the Planning Commission. 6. F.F.A.. 4-H or similar organization small animAl and fowl proiects. (See Article 31). - 5 - . DUPr..: RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT QR "R-2" ::1TRICT ARTICLE 7. Section 9-4.703 Uses Permitted 5ubi"ct to 0b..;;.~iI1ing a Hoe Permit 1. Two single fa..rdly structl:re5, triplex, s1.ng1e structure; and guest house in connection with single family dwelling only. 2. Churches, public and parochial schools, parks, playgrounds, pub lie utility and pub lic buildings and uses, not inc ll1ding corporation yards, equipment yards or service yards. 3. Crop and tree farming, condominiums and similar type develop. ment when provisions of Section 9-4.611 are met. .h Public or private parking lots for autom0biles when contiguous to any "C", "P-C", "H-S" or "M" Districts and when fenced and landscaped to the approval of the Planning Cc,mmission. 5. F .F.1>... 4-H or similar organization small animal and fowl proiects. (See Article 31). ARTICLE 8. GARDEN APARTMENT RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT OR "R-G" DISTRICT Section 9-4.803 Uses Permitted Subiect to Obtaining a Use Permit 1. Group dwellings, apartment development of more than one structure. 2. Churches, schools, parks, playgrounds, public utility and public buildings and uses, not including service yards, corpora- tion yards or storage yards. 3. Condominium or similar type developments. 4. Signs over four (4) square feet when attached to the main. building and appurtenant to any use allowed. 5. F-F.A.. 4-H or similar organization gmall animAl or fowl proiects. (See Article 31). ARTICLE 9. MULTIPLE FAMILY DISTRICT OR "R-3" DISTRICT Section 9-4.903 Uses Permitted Subiect to Obtaining a Use Permit 1. Multiple family &wellings and apartment houses when more than one structure, including group dwellings, condominium type development. ~ 2. Rooming and boarding houses, rest homes, boarding homes. 3. Churches, schools, parks, playgrounds, public utility and public buildings and uses, not including service yards, storage yards or corporation yards. .h Public or private parking lots for automobiles when contig- uous to any "C", "P-C", "H~StI or tiM" Districts, and when fenced and la.ndscaped to the approval of the Planning Commission. 5. Mobile Home Parks. 6. Signs over four (4) square feet when attached to the main building and a.ppurtenant to any use allowed. 7& F.F.1>.&. 4-H or similar or2anization small animAl or fowl vroiects .. (See Article 31). Section 9-4.905 Maxim= Allowable Height The maxiInmn building or structural height of the main building shall be two~stories or thirty (30) feet and fourteen (14) feet for accessory b~ldings. Storage garages of one-half story or less, or completelY below ground level shall not be c.onsidered a story. - (,...- . P~'ED DEVELOPMENT OR "P-D" DISTRI~ ARTICLE 10. Section 9-4.1014 Uses Pern!itted - P.D~ 1. Single family d:'Jcllings., d:Jplex, multiple residential structu:res including cluster, condominium, townhouse and sim:llar concepts. 2. Commercial, cO'l!J!nercial residential UseS compatible to the total development plan, 1.!lcluding but not limited to Mobile HOiW.J Parks, restaurants, specialty shops, motels and convention facilities. 3. Accessory buildings and uses as shown on the development plan, shall be consti:ucted wi.th or subsequ'9nt to th,,, construction of the main building. 4. Accessory buildi~gs such as garages, guest houses, cabanas, shall be subject to ~pt coverage requirements. See Section 9-4.1016. 5. Public and private park and/or recreation facilities: public and private schools: public utilitv buildin~s and structures and uses not including service. corporation or storage yards. ARTICLE 11. PROFESSIONAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT OR "P-C" DISTRICT Section 9-4.1103 Uses Permitted Subiect to Obtaining a Use Permit 1. Medical and dental laboratories, but not including manu- facturing of products for general sale or distribution. Ambulance service, sick room supplies, sales and rental. 2. Mortuaries, drug stores, pharmacies, flower, gift, art and specialty shops; Veterinary Hospitals, small animals, within.a bUilding. 3. General offices, real estate offices, barber and beauty shops, restaurants. 4. Multiple fami.ly dwellings, apartment houses, combined apartment - retail commercial office uses enumerated for this district. single structure. 5. Churches, schools, parks, playgrounds, public utility and public buildings and uses, not including service yards. 6. Institutions for the care of mental or alcoholic patients. L.. Public or private parking lots for autOlllobiles when contiguous to any "C", "H-S" or "M" Districts and when landscaped to the approval of the Planning Commission. 8. Any use which the Planning Commission, by resolution, dete,rmines to be similar in character to uses enumerated in Section 9-4.1102 and ~1l03. In no case shall any of the aforementioned commercial or service uses be located other than on the first or ground floor, nor exceed fifty. (50%) per cent of said first or ground floor of any residential s true ture. Section 9-4.1104 Accessorv Buildings and Uses Permitted 1. Accessory bUildings, only if constructed stmultaneously with or subsequent to the main building on the same lot. This is not to be construed as permitting any conversion to or use for any commercial uses set out in this district. 2. Accessory uses normally incidental to the uses permitted. - i- . -~ J 3. Signs a. Signs advertising the premises for sale not exceeding six (6) square feet. b. Residential and professional bUildings shall be permitted one lighted identification sign not to exceed ten (10) square feet, provided such sign is stationary, non-flashing, placed upon the wall of the building and does not extend above or out from the wall and contains no advertising mat~rial other than rental or tenant information. c. Commercial buildings and commercial retail uses within a residential building shall be permitted one (1) interior lighted, non-flashing sign 18 inches in perpendicular h2.ight by one (1) foot for each two (2) feet of property frontage, but in no case shall said sign exceed a total of forty lineal feet, providing said sign is placed upon the wall of the building and does not extend above or out from the wall. In the case of a combined residential- commercial building, said sign shall be placed only upon securing a Use Permit. d. Free standing signs shall be permitted only in connection with professional or commercial uses after first securing a Use Permit, arid then only within the following limitations: 1) No free standing sign shall exceed twenty-five (25) feet in height, and shall have a minimum grade clearance of fifteen (15) feet. 2) No sign shall project over public property. 3) No free standing sign shall exceed fiftv, (50)sQu~re feet. Der fac(<. ...010 one hundred: (loa} SQuare feet total all faces. 4) All lighted signs shall be interior lighted, non-rotating and non-flashing. ARTICLE 12. NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT OR "C-N" DISTRICT Section 9-4.1203 UsesPe.:i:ali:tted .subi!!ct to Obtaining a Use .Penn; t 1. Catering services; shops for the repair of home appliances" radio and TV sets; studios for arts, crafts, photography, music and dance; off-sale liquor sales; banks; retail nurserv; .. 2. Service stations; public buildings and uses; public utility buildings and uses, except service yards, corporation yards or storage yards; 3. Any building in single use in excess of five thousand (5000) square feet of floor area. face. to the uses enumerated in ARTICLE 13. CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT OR "C. B.D." DISTRICT Section 9-4.1302 Uses Permitted The following uses wholly within a building: 1. Department stores, apparel shops, tailor, fur shops, dress- making or millin~ry shops, sewing, yardage, draperies, variety stores, shoe store, shoe repair when accessory to retail sales. 2. Barber and beauty parlors. - 8 - ,- ~ 3. b~~eries employing not more than ~~ersons, excluding sales personnel, delicatessen and sp~cialized food stores. 4. Drug stores, book stores, banks, savings and loan offices. 5. Cameras, photographic supplies and photographic studios. 6. Cafes, restaurants, catering shops, cocktail lounges in connection with cafes or restaurants. 7. Gro~ery, meat, fruit and vegetable stores, florist. 8. Furniture, rugs, appliances, hardware, homeware. 9. Gift shop, china, art, specialty, antiques, jewelry, hobby and toy shop, stationery and office supplies, sporting goods, smoke shop. 10. Interior decorating shop, paint and wallpaper shop. 11. Laundry and cleaning agencies (pressing permissive). 12. Music and records, T.V. and radio, radio and electronic parts and supplies, retail only. (Radio, T.V. and appliance repair and service, when accessory to retail sales. 13. Professional, Sales representatives and administrative offices. 14. Public utility offices and uses not including storage yards. Section 9-4.1303 Uses Permitted Subiect to Obtaining a Use Permit 1. Outdoor 'sales, when of a permanent character not including drive-in establishments and when it does not discourage pedestrian movement. 2. Private and public parking lots and garages. 3. Lodges, clubs, if located on second floor or above. 4. Any architectural feature exceeding maximum set out in section. non-rotattng. interior lighted free standing 1 not ce fi t 50 s.. f e :0 on r . ft. total all .faces. Maximum ei t t irt 3.0 feet. 6. Any use that the planning Commission. by resolution. determines to be similar in character to uses enumerated in Section 9-4.13.02 and .1303. ARTICLE 14;" HIGHWAY SERVICE DISTRICT OR "H-S" DISTRICT Section 9-4.1402 Uses Permitted 1. Gasoline service stations, provided that all operations except the servicing of gasoline, oil or water be carried on within a building and that there be no sales of goods not customarily related to the sale of gasoline. And the following uses wholly within a building. 2. General offices, professional offices, banks. savings and loan offices. 3. Hotels, motels, restaurants, and cocktail lounges in connection with restaurants. 4. Refreshment stands, curio and souvenir shops. 5. Food stor7s, furniture stores, clothing stores, and shoe stores. - 9 ~ , ' . .....""". ermitted Subiect to Obtaining ~se Permit Section 9-4.1403 ~ 1 Clubs, lodges, community ceoters, churches, public utility .. buildings and uses, not including service yards, corporatIon yards, storage yards or v"t'c,~inary clinics. 2. Private and public recreation centers; off. sale liquor. 3. Motor vehicle, trailer, farm machinery, sales and service, tire recapping, boat sales and service. 4. Travel Trailer-Recreation Vehicle Park. 5. Plant nurseries, car wash, building materials entirely within a building. 6. Bulk petroleum distribution plants when all tanks completely underground. 7. Self-Service Petroleum Sales. Mortuaries, Ambulance Service when all emergency vehicles stored within a building. 8. Drive-in theaters. 9. Non-flashing, non-rotating. interior lighted, free standing signs, appurtena.n.t,to .a, .p.e.I!'1i,t,~ed .iIse.;. shall not exc.eed one hundred ahd fifty (50) :Sll. it. Der :fa<!e~ or three hundred (300) sa~,ft. total all faces. Max~""'m height' fiftv (50) feet. Only one such sign permitted'per center or complex under single owners hiD. 10. Any use that the Planning Commission. by resolution. determines I to be similar in character to uses enumerated in Section 9-4.1402 and .1403. Section 9-4.1405 Maximum Allowable Height The maximum building or structural height of all buildings shall be thirty (30) feet ,and;.s.ign,s. .sha.ll be thirty-five (35) feet. Section 9-4.1406 Minimum Building Site and Lot Width Reauired. unless Optional ! Design Standards are used as set out in Section 9-4.1411 1. Minimum building site: Travel 1railer or Recreation Vehicle.Park - three (3) acres, Drive-in theaters - ten ;(10) acres; Motor Vehicles, Trailers and Farm Machinery Sales - 20,000 square feet; Public and private recreation uses - one (1) acre; I Churches, clubs and lodges - 20,000 square feet; , Hotels, motels, restaurants, service stations twenty thousand (20,000) square feet; All other uses - ten thousand (10,000) square feet. 2. Minimum lot width: One hundred (100) feet. ARTICLE 16. PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT OR liP-Mil DISTRICT ~ Section 9-4.1603 Uses Permitted Subiect to Obtaining a Use Permit 1. Other manufacturing not listed as permissive, provided that such use can. meet performance standards set out in the Ordinance. 2. Automobile, truck, trailer, boat and farm implement retail sales and services. 3. Building materials yards, cabinet shops, contractors' yards, drive-in theaters~ 4. Public utility corporate and service yards. 5. Truck terminals. - 10 - 6. '~~Vice stations, Arnb~lance servi::)when all vehicles are ktored within a building. 7. Bulk petroleum dist:dbctinn plants when all tanks are completely und.erground. 8. Sma 11 anima 1 hosp i ta Is . 9. Non-flashing, non-rotating, interior lighted, free-standing signs appurtenant to a permitted use; shall not exceed Doe hundred and fift 150 s .. ft.. er -cace 0 t tee hu re 300 s. " ft total a ace,s Max mum ei t ort eet. 10. Anv use which the Planning Commission. bv Resolution. determines to be similar in character to the uses enumerated in Section 9-4.1602 and .1603. All manufacturing and fabrication operations shall be conducted within a building. All equipment and materials storage areas shall be screened by a solid fence, wall or screen planting not less than six (6) feet in height. Section 9-4.1605 Maximum Allowable Height The maximum building or structural height of the main building shall be thirty (30) feet. ARTICLE 17. INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT OR "M" DISTRICT Section 9-4.1703 Uses Permitted Subiect to Obtaining a Use Permit 1.< Other manufacturing uses not listed above, provided such uses can meet performance standards set out in this Ordinance. 2. Brick yards, cement pipe and block manufacturing, pottery manufacturing. 3. Materials storage yards, including auto wrecking and salvage yards when conducted within a solid fence at least seven (7) feet in height and when all materials are stacked below the top of the fence. 4. Manufacturing involving primary production of raw materials, reduction and refining of petroleum products. 5. Meat packing, stockyards, slaughter of animals and fowl. 6. Storage and handling of explosive materials. 7. Breweries and distilleries., 8. Storage of petroleum products. 9. Restaurants and service stations, when designed to serve the industrial area exclusively. 10. Residential uses for caretakers in conjunction with permitted uses but not including any other residential use. 11. Large animal hospitals. 12. Non-flashing, non-rotating, signs appurtenant to a permitted fift 150 s ft. er f. e or a aces. xilllUm eI. t t irt Section 9-4.1705 Maximum A110wab Ie He ieht The maximum building or structural height of the main building shall be thirty (30) feet. - ll- ARTICLE 19. COI'~~HNG WT SIZE OR "-B" DISTRICT ') Section 9-4.1903 Minimum Building Site, Yard and Lot Width Requirement.s The following reguldtions 8!"'I.11 apply in lieu of building site area, yard and lot width requirements in their respective R-l, R~2 R-3 and R-G Districts; or such other districts where combined with' the "-B" District. All other provisions of the respective districts shall apply. 1. "-B.l" District., Minimum building site required, ten thousand (10,000) square feet. MinimL>m lot deDth ninety (90) feet. Minbnam lot width required at property line, seventv-five (75) feet. Maximum allowable lot coverage by struc~ures - subject to all other requirements herein, as spec.ified in the dis tri.c t. Minimum front yard tequired - OHenty (20) feet. Minimum side yard required, corner lot - ten (10) feet. Interior lot line and rear yard required, as specified in the district with which the "-B" District is combined. 2. "-Ba2" District. Minimum building site required, twenty thousand (20,000) square feet. Min:i.mmn lot length one hundred seventy- five (175) feet. Mini~ lot width required at property line, one hundred (100) feet. Max~um allowable. lot coverage by structures - subject to all other requirements herein, as specified in the district. Minimum front yard required - twenty-five (25) feet. Minimum side yard required, corner lot fifteen (15) feet. Interior lot line and rear yard required, as specified in the district with which the "-B.2" District is combined. 3. "-B.3" District. Minimum building site required, forty thousand (40,000) square feet. Minimum lot width required at property line, one hundred and twenty (120) feet. Minimum lot length two hundred (200) feet. Maximum allowable lot coverage by structures - subject to all other requirements herein, as specified in the district. Minimum side yard required, corner lot - twenty (20) feet. Interior lot line and rear yard setback, as specified in the district. ARTICLE 20. ~BILE HOME AND TRAVEL TRAILER PARK STANDARDS Section 9-4.2001 PurDose To provide minLmum standards. as applied to land, for the development of Mobile Home Parks or Travel Trailer-Recreation Vehicle Parks, and to establish standards of. density, area landscaping, walls and enclosures,signs, access and vehicular parking in relation to such uses pursuant to the powers granted to the City under Section 18010 of the Health and Safety Code of the Stat~ of California. , Section 9-4.2002 Mobile Home Parks Mobile Home Parks are permissive as a part of a planned develop- ment within a "P-D", planned Development: District, and by Use Permit procedure in the "R-3" Multiple Residential District. Mobile homes, trailers. coaches of any description shall not be used for living quarters in the City unless situated within a mobile home or travel tr.ailer park. Section 9-4.2003 Travel Trailer Parks Travel Trailer Parks are permissive as a part of a planned develo '" within a "P~D" l'lanned Development District, and in "H-S" ~ghway Service Dis rict by Use Permit procedure. J.,' ~ 12 - ~---- - ---".. ..-- -- ------- ',' . . . .- :J Section 9-4.2004 ~ PIIlent Plans Development Plans Standard" J.badic requirements and fees shall be set out by Resolution of Policy Statement adopted by both the Planning Commission and City Council. Section 9-4.2005 Accessorv Buildings and Uses Permitted 1. All accessory uses normally incidental to the main use of the property . 2. Accessory buildings necessary for the use of the property. 3. Not more than one (1) sign for each entrance to a public street from the mobile home park shall be constructed. Such a sign shall not exceed twent (20) s uare feet in area or eight (8 feet in height from the ground, and must be parallel to the property line, and if illuminated, it shall be by indirect lighting. Each sign must be adjacent to but not closer than ten (10) feet to the entrance from the public street to the mobile home park, and not closer than three hundred (300) feet to any other such sign. 4. Free standing signs permitted on Iv in connection with Travel Trailer Park. Said signs to be non-flashing, interior lighted, non-rotating, maximum 100 sQuare feet per face. max~ height 30 feet. To be permitted by separate Use Permit. ARTICLE 24. GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 9-4.2407 Signs ( 1. Signs for the advertising of the sale of a subdivision may be displayed on the site of the .subdivision, upon the securing of a Use Permit for the erection of such signs. 1... Not more than one real estate sign, not over five (5) square feet in area, except on corner lots where a max~ of two (2) may be allowed, pertaining only to the sale or lease of the property upon which the sign is located, and displayed only by the person owning the property, or his agent, except in any "C", "P-C", "CBD", "HS", "M" or "P-M" Districts where signs may be displayed, not over thirty (30) square feet upon securing a Use Permit in each case. Signs which are not appurtenant to any permitted use may not be allowed in any District, providing that public directional signs may be permitted off site upon a~proval of the Director of Planning. 3. No sign shall be located closer than four (4) feet to any property line. 4. No temporary banner, sandwich signs, "A" boards, pedestal signs, streamer or pennants shall be permitted in any district. Section 9-4.2412 Upon securing a Use Permit any building in any "C", "CBD", "H-S", "M" or "P-M" District may be erected to a height exceeding that herein specified for such district, provided that the cubical contents of the building shall not be increased beyond that possible for a building erected within the height limit ~ereinbefore specified. Section 9-4.2413 Fences, hedges and walls may be erected in' any district subject to the following conditions: 1. Fences, hedges, and walls shall not exceed six (6) feet in height on or within all rear and side property lines on interior lot lines and on or to the rear of all front yard setback lines. No such fence. hedge or wall s~ll exceed three (3) feet in height along any property line whi~h is also a right-of-way line. 2. No fence, hedge or wall over two (2) feet in height above curb grade shall be erected in the first 10' of any required front yard, or 3' in height above curb grade in the remaining required front yard; nor more than 3' in height in the side yard on the street side of a corner lot, the rear line of which abuts the side line of an adjoining lot. - 13 - , - . 3. .'.-.ces or structures exceeding si.J6) feet in height to . enclose tennis courts or similar areas, when such fences enclose the rear half of a lot, may be elected subject to the obtaining of a Use Permit ther~for. 4. In addition to the regulations set out herein, all fences shall be constructed and maintained so that they do not constitute a hazard to traffic, persons or property. Section 9-4.2421 Curbs. Gutters and Sidewalks 1. Curbs. gutters and sidewalks required in certain districts. Upon an application for a building permit, the installation of concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks along the full frontage of the parcel of which such building permit applies, to grades and locations approved by the Director of Public Works, shall he required in: ~ Any dis tric t other than "A" or "R- A"; b. Any residential zone where fifty (50'7.) per cent of the frontage in the block on the same side of the street is improved with curbs, gutters, and sidewalks. 2. Curbs and 2Utters reauired. Except as otherwise provided in this section, upon an application for a building permit, the installation of concrete curbs and gutters along the full front- age of the parcel to which such building permit applies, to the grades and locations approved by the Director of Public Works, shall be required. 3. Curbs and 2Utters reauired: Exceptions. Where, in the opinion of the Director of Public Works, such installation of concrete curbs and gutters is not desirable at the time the building permit is applied for due to extreme drainage condi- tions, location, grading, or where no grades have been established, he may grant an exception to the requirements set forth in subsec- tion 2 of this section, provided that a cash deposit is made to the City Clerk to guarantee installation when directed to do so by the City. 4. Ipts exceeding 100 feet in width. In the case of property having frontages exceeding 100 feet, the amount of curbs and gutters required shall be based on a normal lot frontage, as determined by the Director of Public Works. 5. Appeals. Any person may appeal any determination of the Director of Public Works regarding the installation of concrete curbs and gutters to the Commission by filing a letter with the Commission outlining the reasons for the appeal. Within twenty (20) days after the receipt of the letter of appeal, the Commission may affirm, revise, or modify the decision of the Director of Public Works, and such action by the Commission shall be final and conclusive. ARTICLE 25. BUILDING LINES. Section 9-4.2501 Front, side or rear yard required on building sites abutting Highway or Street adopted in the Street and Highway Plan as a thorough- fare, major or collector street, then setbacks shall be as indicated following' measured from center line. - 14 - , . , ,.- ~ I - , ,U 0) 'li 0) '" c: ~.~ c: ,,., .... ''; ''; ,.;j ...:I .-~ ...:1;>< ~ ~ t:<: ~ ,.... ""~ ~ "" :3 ~~:>.~ "" ~ '" -.. c: ;>,-.. C:Cf.I:>-<t:<: .... t:<: ....'-'..t:<: .,..j t\$ Cd 01""'100< ""t:<: ~~~- "1:Irx:~ ;S~~O .-<~- '-<0 - .... 0 .......:1 0I}.;t 'r-I ""'bOO ....~~O ='!:iJ'" ~O.""\D "'~....'" ;j .-< '" '-' ~t.J::I::- '" p:: '-' '" p..'-' DISTRICT Front Side Rear Front Side Rear Front Side Rear Front Side Rear A 55' 40' 60' 57' 42' 62' 65' 50' 70' 75' 60' 80' R-A 50' 40' 40' 52' 42' 42' 60' 50' 50' 70' 60' 60' R-l 50' 40' 40' 52' 42' 42' 60' 50' 50' 70' 60' 60' R-2 50' 40' 40' 52' 42' 42' 60' 50' 50' 70' 60' 60' R-3 45' 40' 40' 47' 42' 42' 55' 50' 50' 65' 60' 60' R-G 45' 40' 40' 47' 42' 42' 55' 50' 50' 65' 60' 60' P-D 50' 40' 40' 52' 42' 42' 60' 50' 50' 70' 60' 60 ' P-C 45' 40' 40' 47' 42' 42' 55' 50' 50' 65' 60' 60' C-N 45' 30' 30' 47' 32' 32' 55' 40' 4.0' 65' 50' 50' CBD 30' 30' 30' 32' 32' 32' 40' 40' 40' 50' 50' 50' H-S 50' 30' 30' 52' 32' 32' 60' 40' 40' 70' 50' 50' P-M 55' 40' 40' 57' 42' 42' 65' 50' 50' 75' 60' 60' M 30' 30' 30' 32' 32' 32' 40' 40' 40' 50' 50' 50' ARTICLE 26. OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS Section 9-4.2602 Minimum ReQuirements The following garage and off-street parking requirements shall apply to all buildings erected, and new or extended uses commenced after the effective date of this Ordinance. For any use not specifically mentioned herein, the Planning Commission shall determine the amount of parking'required. All facilities shall be on site unless specified differently. Single family homes 2 garages or carports per unit Duplexes 1 garage or carport per unit plus 1 open parking space per unit. Apartments, multiple dwellings 1 garage or carport per dwelling unit, in R-G District plus 1 open parking space per unit. Apartments, multiple dwellings 1 garage or carport per dwelling unit, in R-3 District plus 1 open parking space per unit. Hotels, Motels 1 parking space per unit plus 2 parking spaces for Manager's office. Rooming and Boarding Houses 1 parking space per guest up to 20 - Student Housing over add 1 space per each 2 guests plus 2 parking spaces for Office Manager. Lodges, clubs, comnIDnity 1 parking space for each 3~ fixed seats, centers, mortuary, chapels but not less than 1 space for each 15 sq. ft. of the largest meeting hall. Schools 1 parking space for each classroom and office Retail stores, services and 5 parking spaces for each 1000 sq. ft. offices in lip-eli, "C~N", "CBD", of gross leasable area; off site "H-S" and "P-D" Districts. within 300' where approved by Planning Commission. Drive-In Restaurants 1 space for each car to be served, Any District plus 1 space for each 3 seats. - 15 - . ' . . . ~ . , /- "" . Restaurants, rlars 1 spac.e f'.Y..~dch 3 seats but. not le:,' than 1 space for each 30 sq. ft Automotive Sales & Service 1 "pace for each new car sales (Including used car lots) employee on largest shift, plus 2 spaces for each working or Automotive, Farm Equipment and labor bay. Boa.t. Sales and Service Service Stations 3 spaces for each working bay, plus 1 space for each employee on the largest shift. Hospitals, Convalescent 1 space per bed plus 2 spaces per Hospitals doctor plus 1 space for each em- ployee on largest shift. Sanitoriums, rest homes 1 space per each 3 patients or gues ts plus 1 space per employee. Public Building - 1 parking space for each 150 sq. ft. Administrative of work space. Public, including high school 1 space for each 5 seats but not less and college, auditoriums, than 1 space for each 30 sq. ft. theaters or assembly halls Public Utility Buildings 1 parking space for each 2 employees on maximum working shift, plus 1 space for each vehicle permanently assigned to the facility. When a facility is unmanned, 1 space shall be required. Bowling alley, billiard 5 spaces per lane; 2 spaces per table ( parlors plus 1 space for each 2 employees, Warehousing, wholesale stores, 1 space for each 800 sq. ft. of gros s any dis tric t floor area off site within 500' on I . approval of Planning Commission, or 1 space per employee plus 1 space ! per company vehicle, whichever pro- duces the greatest number of spaces. , , ! Manufacturing and Industrial Minimum of two spaces for every three uses, lumber yards, cabinet employees on the shift having the shops, plumbing, heating, largest number of employees, but not electrical shops, bottling less than one space for each 2000 plants, distribution centers, sq. ft. of ground and building used data processing, storage, for any of the allowed uses off site ~ warehousing or processing, within 500' on approval of Planning research and development, Commission. administrative offices Section 9-4.2605 Additional Parking Reouirement 1. Any parcel of land hereafter used for off-street parking, a car or trailer sales shall be developed with paving according to city specifications, with bumper guards if specified by the Planning Commission, and shall be enclosed. by a fence of solid concrete block or similar material, when such areas are adjacent to any "R" District. Said fence to be constructed sixty-one (61) inches in height behind the front setback area and thirty-one (31) inches in height in any front setback area. 2. Parking required in any district must be on site, except as provided in this section. 3. Joint use of parking facilities may be allowed under the following conditions: a. When there is no conflict in time of use; b. When there is sufficient parking for all uses. - 16 - , , < . p,or:ng required in the., "cn.D," DJA:)ict [P".: h.c I, ....-,i3i-'!C.(-'-:.d :hree.- fifths (3(5) of tlvc s \-:_~~d:::'e:r'_::Lt'ements ::L~! any PCy, t;:L (Y~ the District includc'd within 'J p.j,ac parking o!' a8Se,~8",,'n: district for financt:ug off'~3 creet parking facilities UpCifl approval of the City Council. ARTICLE 27. ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE AND APPROVAL Section 9-4.2701 Submission of Plans Architectural Approval. In case an application is made for a permit for any building or structure in any "R-G", R-3", any combination of "C", or "M", ttpM") "PC", rrp-n" or FlR_glt District.. said application shall be accompanied by architectural drawings or' sketches, showing the elevations of the proposed building or structure and proposed landscape or other treatment of the grounds around such building or structure. Such drawings or sketches shall be considered by th$ Architectural Committee in an endeavor to provide that the general appearance of such buildings or structures and grounds be in keeping with the character of the neighborhood and such as not to be detrimental to the orderly and harmonious development of the City, or to impair the desirability of investment or occupation in the neighborhood. Variations of Building Locations.. . The Architectural Cnmmittee i i maY consider and recommend variations of building locations within , propertv or properties to obtain a higher degree of land use. aesthetics. utilization of new concepts. providing that such variations do not i conflict with the intent and density of the District in which such variation is granted. Such variations must be approved by the Planning Commission by Resolution setting out the permitted variations and conditions. I SECTION 3: Ct~pter 4, Title 9 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code is amended 1 by repealing Sections .1002, .1003, .1004, .1005, .1006, .1007, .1008, .1009, .1010, I .1011, .1501, .1502, .1503, .1504, .1505, .1506, .1507, .1508, .1509, .1510, .1511, I .1512, .1513, .2006, .2007, .2008, .2009, .2010, .2011, .2012 and .2422. thereto. I SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage, and within fifteen (15) days after its passage it shall be published once, together with the names of the Councilmen voting thereon, in the Five Cities Times-Press-Recorder. On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Talley and on the i following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Millis, Talley, Wood, de Leon and Mayor Schlegel NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 12th day of December, 1972. OQ--~p~tl AT1EST~~?/ YOR IT'! CLE K I, POLLY S. KINGSLEY, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 76 C.S. is a true, full and correct copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted by the City Coun.cil of the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 12th day of December, 1972. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Arroyo Grande ~ffixed this 13th day of December, 1972. k of the City Grande (SEAL) - 17 -