O 007 C.S. j - ~ '-.:I_>~ . .' j.t: )'~".' .. ~AQ , >1"'''' . . , . ~ .'~ , f ORDINANCE NO.7 C.S. ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AkROYO G1U\NDE AMENDING SECTIONS .05 and .14, CHAPTER 1,TITLE 6 OF '1'1'1: - ARROYO GRANDE CI'1'Y MUNICJ:PALCODE RELATING TO PCUID MASTER POLICE PO~RS " . ,. 0, THE COUNCIL OF THECIT'l.Of'ARROYO GRANDE ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS : ~BC'l'ION 1, Chapter 1, (rifle 6 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code rel~ting to police.Pow~rs of Pound Masters is ~ended by amending SElccion . 05':sub-sectidn (a~ to read as . fo1'lows; . . . ,~ I (a), Poiic~.Powers. The PQundmaster.and'a1~ Deputy , Poundmasters shall, upon appo~ntment and during the tenure of their orfice,become and be vested with the , power, and duties of police Qfficers of the City, and each shall have'.the power, and it shall be their duty, to issue, ci'hatione and'malt.e arrests for violations of '.any of tne.proiisioris' of thiS chapter.' The poundmaster' shall enforce 'all of the laws of' the City and State relating.. to t1\e car~, treatme!\t and impounding of 'an.tmalS1 provided,' however., if the. poundmaster shall bea firM, associati6~ or corporation, neither it~ nor . any agent, empl<ayee, repre.e~tat;Lve, or member thereof', unless duly appointed and'~ua1i~ied asa ~~ pound- . master,: shall .b~. vested ,.,ith the" .powers . or dUties of apoJ.1ce offi'cer.of the City~ Q" " ... . I . If tiny. person' is arreetedfor violation of .thiS I Ordinance and' such person' is riot:. :!,rnmediately talten , before a ,~gi8~rate as' provided ,by California pe~al I COde Sectio~ 833.1J~e'arrest~ng officer shall Prepare' i in dupli9ate ,a, written notice to appear in Court, con- I taining. the 'name and address 0:1; such person, the offense I charged and the'tlme. .,.nei place ~ere anq when such per- son shall ,appear ih Court. The time,pecified in the notice to appe~r m~st be at least five .~5) days after i;lucharrest.. . . The place specified in the notice to appear shall be th~ Court of the Magistrate before whom the person would be taken'if the.requit;ement of taking an arrested person before a~gistrate' wer~ pomplied with, or shall be an officer'authorized'by such Court to receive. a depoB~t'of bail. The officer shall deliver one copy of the notice to.~ppear to the arrested person and the arreB~ed person in ord~~ to BeC~re 'release must give his wrlttenpromise to appear in Court by signing the duplicate notiqe which. shall be retained by the officer. thereu.pon the'arreating'qfficer shall forthwith release the person arrested from custody. . The officer Shal;!., as soon as pra:cticable, file the duplicate notice with ~he Magistrate specified therein. Thereui'on the Magistrate shall fix the amount of bail which in his jud9Jllent, in accordance with the provisions' ofSectiqnSl5" of the California Penal Code, will be reasonable and sufficient for the appear- ance of the defendant and shall eridorse upon t~e notice a statement signed by him ip the fOrm set forth in Sec- tion 815a of the California Penal Code. The defendant may, prior to the date upon which he promised to appear in Court, deposit w1.th the Magistrate the amount of bail thus set. -1- ~ l ". . . .... .....ov. ..... .__. ..~ .. ,....:....~_~~~"'.".....~~_,.. ,"'-' '~"~=_"~'O""dj'j"~"'_"_"..J (CD,~ ,<J. .~ . .. " f \~' '..,/ SBCTION 2: Chapter I, Title 6 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code relating to Dog License fees is amended by amending Section .14 to read as follQws: ~ (a) Male and spayed female dogs. The annual license fee for each male doq and each spayed female dog shall be Three and no/lOOths ($3000) Dollars. (b) Unspaved female dogs. The annual license fee for each unspayeddog shall be Four and nO/lOOths ($4.00) Dollars. (c) Portion of ye",f.' The, full amount of such annual license fees shall be payable for any fraction of a year. (d) Duplicate tags. Whenever a tag issued for the current y~ar by the City has been stolen or lost, the owner or possessor of the dog for which the same was ;lssued may, upon the payment of One and nO/100ths ($1.00) Dollar to the City Clerk, and upon making and subscrib;lng ,to an arfidavit of 'such loss and filing the same with .j:he City Clerk, .receive a duplicate tag from the City Clerk. for the remaining portion of the current year. (e) Exefllptions . ' The provisions of this section shall not apply to any dog oWned. by, or in the care or chd.rge of, a nonresident of the City traveling through the C.lt,y or temporarily ,Sojourning therein for a period not exceedii'),g t.hirty (30) days, nor to any dog tempor- arily bro\lgbt in+_o the City for the exclusive purpose of bell'~.g 'e,J'l.tered" in a bench show or dog exhibition provided such dog is so entered and not kept elsewhere in the Cit,y. (f) Fees for Animals Impounded Under Provisions of This Chapter Shall Be Charged as FollOws: Impound Fee for each dog shall be $2.00. Board per day for,each dog shall be $1.25. This Ordinance shall pe in. full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage, and within fifteen (15) days after its passage it shall be publ~shed once, together with the names of the Councilmen 'voting 'thereon, in the Arroyo Grande Herald- Recorder. On motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Council- man Schlegel, and on the following roll call vote, to wit, AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen schlegel and Mayor wood NOES: ~one ABSENT: Councilmen Levine and Burt the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this 28th day of March. 1967. A""ST~~da _ ~~A~ .J~./ Mayor City lerk -2- \ - .. ,...-""~",'-..,,...,,',~".._,:."":1"""'~ ~..- ~