O 189
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OItDIDJICII 110. 189
NI oaDI..... OJ' .,. Clft 01' A&IOI'O GIINU8.
CN.1~ NOVIDDIG I'OA .,. """'0'1'1_ 01'
Clumu.. ....IWD .~~ '10 .,. Clft
01' AaIDYO .....
. 1'1' ORDAI.-c .y .,. aft' C<IUIIeIL 01' .,. GIft 01' AUIOI'O .,....
"lIPS. OD tIM 12* ..,. 01 110.._ 11'. 1113. the CUI' Oouacl1 ., ..
CUy of AuOYO GARde 414 ,... .... .ta," "eo1.u.o. a. .'7 "9189 DOU_
of .. pnpoeal to ...... ~ _...~... _ui....~ .. .. cu.", of
Al'1'OfO GnDcIe. ..14 toNIf1-.i.H 1iDa.... ___11\ ....1...... .. 'lTiaU ....
110. I' and 'Co"~~ caayo.- .. 1". .U4 ....1.u. dHodb1D9 tale .1111 t
u1.. of the ...nUlol'1" ........ ... IiDa ---]"t, and
WlaIllA8. ..14 ..101...... a. St1 d.14 oaaUI.D . DOUce of tale .. ......
all4 place -ua aa4 .... the COIaoU 01 tbe CUy voul4 Mar ........u ....
by uy penoa 00Whi.A9 ...1 ...,....y w1t1Ua the .....UOI'1.. pnpoaa4 .. ...
....JDe4. .. t1M 01 n.14 ......_ -189 ROt. 1M. .... foR)' .... -.. ~
.1xty __ tRa .. da... .. ,....... of ,aU ....1dt.eD' ....
_MNJ. .. .. 30U. .., .. "a-.-... 1961. .. .. ~ 01 a.oo .....
11\ tIM COWacl1 <:bIrr- In 1a the cu._ 1Ia11 of the cu.t.y 01 Al'1'OfO -.....
CeNa_ Of IU z,w.. Obi.,.. ..... 01 GaU.......... ..14 U. .... pi.. 1iDaiD9
.. day. hoaI' and place tUe4 ... .U4 ....l.u. 110. 191 fw .....iD9 p....
...u to .. n.14 'NM'uUOIIIr. the .aU cu.t.y CMaaU 414 beu: .... .... ...
.u ........ .... to .. "I".'. '.T"'U" ... 414 ._.s.. ..... ......
...u ha4 no~ ..... .... by the ........ O' _1'....".U 01 tIMI val.. of ..
pd.....ly ow.1I4 t.tt..dcwr ..II'.... _ 1M,.--t.4 .. .bOWa by t:be 1..~ ..-ul-
1'" ........... nll. IaOI' by JIIIblo;i.O 0WDIn of .a. "aU 01 .. val.. of ..
,oUoly ....4 _"I'1_d... ...,.... 11.0 _ ..."." .. .te...... by .aU
1.,1alaU'" Mdy, and
1ItIII1I&U. ..14 U....1...1.. an ....U..,.. .. t:be C1ty of Al'1'OfO _.....
and .... 1.&A...~.U.4 UI'~1,,*"" 1ft .. c..t.y 01 laD I.W.. .......'
1IOtV. 'l'HBu.oM. tbe .U4 CG.-11 of tIMI cu._ of AIr...,. _.... ....
hereby appx.o". taut annexaUCID 01 .. U....1..1.. ban1M.,,* ....1'iM4 __
t:be City of I'I'nro ........ .... ... he,,- IV1IbU 0....... tIte~ .. ..14
tel"l.''''01'1.. _ aa4 .... _._ ....JDe4 to .... cu._ of A.I'.Ioyo .......
~~. //./f..'':
'Itaa. ..14 a.n"'toq. tAM .~n..t1OD .f ....._ _ ttM eUy of A.aTor'O
G..... te _nta appnwe4. ... all tUt ......lt1oay dRaa. .I.D .... co._ .f
... IAaIA .lApe. .uu 01 caU....D1a. ..... puUwlarly ".u1Mc1 as fe11ow..
All that land contiguous to the City of Arroyo Grande, in the COWlty of San
Luis Obispo, State of California, included within the exterior boundary described
as follows:
Beginning 'at Stake NC.73 at the Northwesterly co~~r of Lot 35 of the Hilliker
and Woodbury Tract, according to the map thereof recorded February 4, 1889 in the
office of the COWlty Recorder, and a point on the Southerly line of Lot 12 of the
Vachell Tract, according to the map thereof recorded July I~, 1888 in the office of
the County Recorder: thence South 550 30' East along the Southerly line of said
Lot 12 a distance of 473.22 feet to the Southwesterly corner of Lot 11 of said
Vachell Tract; thence North 340 30' East along the Westerly line of said Lot 11 a
distance of 1302.84 feet to the Northwesterly corner thereof; thence South 550 30'
East along the Northerly line of said Lot 11 a distance of 528.00 feet to the
Northeasterly corner thereof; thence South 520 45' East along the Northerly line of
Lot 10 of said Vachell Tract a distance of 501.66 feet to the most Northerly corner
of parcel one of the property conveyed H.H. Grant et ux by deed recorded June 7,
1957 in volume 894 at page 451, Official Records of said County: thence South 340
30' West along the Westerly line of said parcel one a distance of 275.00 feet to
a point: thence North 550 30' West along the Northwesterly line of said parcel one i
a distance of 135.00 feet to the most Westerly corner thereof: thence South 340 30'
West along the Westerly line of said: parcel one and the Westerly line of parcel two
of the property so conveyed to the Southwesterly corner thereof at a point on the
Southerly line of said Lot 10 and on the Northerly line of Lot 33 of said Hilliker
and Woodbury Tract: thence North 550 30' West along the Northerly line of said Lot
33 a distance of 20.82 feet to the Northeasterly corner of Lot 35 of said Hilliker
and Woodbury Tract: thence South 340 30' West along the Easterly line of said Lot
35 a distance of 595.32 feet to the Southeasterly corner thereof: thence North 550
30' West along the Southerly line of said Lot 35 a distance of 1246.74 feet to the
Southwesterly corner thereof: thence North 25015' East along the Westerly line of
said Lot 35 a distance of 623.70 feet to Stake No.73 at the Northwesterly corner
thereof and the point of beginning, and including all Lots end Blocks of Subdivi-
sions located therein, together with all public roads, alleys and rights of way of
'lbat ..14 t.el'dtoxy. \he ...)Catton of WbJ._ to the C1t.y of 1UI.()jO
Grande i. herein .ppa-ovecI. i. aU tba~ M"1~ .Uuaw in the Councy
of san IAU.. <*1810. 8MM of ca1Uon1a, .re parUC1&larly ".cr.iJM4 ..
All 'th4't 1anci con'tiguous 'to 'the Ci'ty of Arroyo Grande, in 'the
Coun'ty of San Luis Obispo, S'ta'te of California, included wit'lun the ex-
'terior bound~ described as follows:
Beginning a't Stake V4 at 'the mos't Wes'terly corner of Lot 3 of the
Vachell Tract according t'o 'the map 'thereof recorded July 19, ISSS in
'the office of 'the Count'y Recorder; 'thence South 550 30' East' along t'he
Sout'herly line of said Vachell Tract' and 'the Sou'theas1:erly prolongation
t'hereof a dist'ance of 630.18 feet' more or less 'to a point on 'the Souther-
ly line of t'he abandoned Pacific Coas't Railroad right' of way; thence
Nor'theas'terly along said Southerly righ't of way line to i'ts in'tersect'ion
with 'the Nor'therly right' of way line of Coun'ty Road No. 10; thence Nor'th-
eas'terly along said Nor'therly right of way line 'to i'ts in'tersection with
the Southeasterly line of Let C of the Pelt's and Houx Tract, according
to 'the II\QP 'thereof recorded January 29, 1889 in 'the Office of 'the County
Recorder; 'thence South 380 45' West along said Sou'theasterly line a
distance of 30.65 feet to Stake B2 at 'the Southwesterly corner of 'the
property conveyed Mrs. A. D. Brooks by deed recorded April 16, 1891 in
Volum& 12 of Deeds at page 59, records of said County; thence North 660
West along t'he Sou'therly line of the property so conveyed a distance of
400.224 feet' to the Northeast'erly corner of parcel one of 'the proper'ty
conveyed V. W. S1:ephens e't ux by deed recorded June 6, 1952 in Volume
660 a't page 402 of Official Records of said Coun'ty; t'hence South 260 13'
30" West' along 'the Easterly line of 'the propert'y so conveyed a distance
of 293.964 fee't to the Southeast'erly corner thereof; t'hence Nort'h 660
West along t'he Sout'herly line of the proper'ty so conveyed a dist'ance of
99.99 feet' t'o t'he Sou'thwes'terly corner 'thereof and Q poin't on the East'er-
ly line of t'he proper'ty conveyed R. w. Hooper et' ux by deed recorded
July 19, 1962 in Volume 1192 at' page 582 of Official Records of said
Coun'ty; 'thence Sout'h 260 13' 30" \'1est' along the Eas'terly line of t'he
property so conveyed a dist'ance of 103.488 fee't t'o s'take G3; thence
Sout'h 370 15' \'iest' along the Easterly line of 'the propert'y so conveyed
a dist'ance of 244.86 fe&t' t'o t'he Sout'heast'erly corner t'hereof; t'hence
Nor'th 600 30' Wes't along 'the Sou'therly line of 'the propert'y so conveyed
a dist'ance of 363 feet t'o t'he Sout'hwest'erly corner t'hereof at a point'
on 'the Sou'theas'terly right of way line of County Road No.4 (now State
Highway V-SLO-147-A); 'thence Southwest'erly along said right of way line
'to a point tha't is distant Nort'h 470 30' Bast' 25 feet from a point on
t'he center line of t'he SO foo't raad described in 'the deed recorded in
Volumn 693 of Official Records ot Poge 70, Records of said County as
becring Sout'h 52 v 30' East; 'thence West'erly in a direct line to a point
o't the in'tersect'ion of the Westerly line of said County Rood No. 4 with
the Northerly line of Coun'ty Road No. 133; thence ~Iesterly Cllong the
said Northerly line of Count'y Road No. 133 t'o a point at' the int'ersection
of the said Northerly line of Count'y Road No. 133 with the Northeosterly
extension of t'he Northwest'erly line of Lot 3 of eoid Vochell Tract';
thence Scuthwes'terly QIong said Nort'hsost'erly ext'ension and the North-
_s'terly line of Lot 3 to Stake V4 and the poin't of beginning, and
including oIl Lot's and Blocks of Subdivisions located t'herein, t'ogether
with oIl public roads, alleys and right's of way of record.
/ " '
Thil OrcliA_ce .h.ll be 1n .ffect thtrty (30) d.y. .fter tta p....,. and
wlth1ft ftft_ (5) day. thereafter ..11 b. publiahed once 1ft the Arroyo Grande
11...14 llecorier. . n.wap.per pr1ftteG. publ1ahad 'M cue"l.tad 1ft the ctty of
Arroyo Or..de, tOleth.r w1th the a_a of the CouneU.. vot1q for _d ...1ftat the .-.
011 utlO11 of CouDeUaan "ld1 . .ecOD4ed by C-CUIICIIII .:1-- L .
ed ~ the followiaa roll call ~" to-wtt:
AilS: a....U.. V.... "'11. of.... .. ...,. III&'t
IfQJS : ....
.ABSDT: a........ -.11.
the foreaoiD& Ql;dLaec. w.. adOpted tb1. .. clay of Jeuary. 19~.
_ ~~.tI71(a g?~
~.xf m_u'~/U
ctTr ..
I, POLLY S. MI1.LIll. Clt.y Cl.rk of the Cf.tr of AnOl1o Or..... C__ of Se
Lu1a Obupo. State of CalU....1a. de b.ftby cutify tllat the '''.4-_ O&'4iuftce
No. .... u a tn.. full _ conect ..,.,01 a.Wontaaae. pUlIac1 ed "opted
by the C1ty C~l of the City of ArrOYO Graad. .t a reau1ar ...tiq of ..ld
COUMl1 GII the!II!L.. day of ;J f17 . 1t~.
YX1IIB8S lIlY hallCl _4 the ...1 of the Clty of Arroyo GrlD4e -(..... thll
n~ dll)' of J -. .1_
e~ ~~d::i~a4.