O 169
. ORDIJI,ANCE NO. /6 .f:
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I .
. .
WHERB~, on th., 22nd day ot J.nuuy ',1963, the Council of tile City'
ot Arroyo G.ande did pae. and ~opt R..olution No. 566 living notic. of the propo.al ,
to annex eerte1n'Ullinhab1t.~ territory to the City of Arroyo Grande,,'~ald territory
being tIl.r~in d.dpated..... '''rllE TABB RANCH," ..1d Reeolution ducribing tl,te boundar-
. , . "0
1e. ot the terd~or;y propoHdto be annexed: and 0," ,
WI~. ..U ,auolut1Clft .0. 5660 did contain a notice of the d.y, hour and
, ,
.' . . .- . '
place vIw1 and _,r., tIa. ~ct1 'of thl qit'y wQuld hear protut. IlllIde by AIIyperean '
,: .. .' .' ,-' . .
_in, ,rul: property ~.ia\tIaa tarrlt0l'1 propo.ed tob~ anJI.xad, tlae t1M of I.id jJJ.>Iv"'j
. \" " "
", I, ,,'
bel.nS not 11.. than f,ort1 aor_re' thlll eJxty day. frOlD the date of ,p.....,. of ..ld
. ,- .: . . - I .
. I . .
R..o~ut1on; and' . .,'
'WHBRUS. 011:'..' '12Ugy of lIIereh, 1963, at the hour of 8:00 P.M., in
'-" '. j... . ','
. . , ..'
the Councll Chaaber. ta.tIaa Clty ,Ball of the Clty ot Arroyo,Grande, County' of San
Luh Ob~po,Sta.,of, CalUcn:a1I, ~aidt_end phce bebS the day, hour and ph';e
.. .., .
Hxe. in la'd,leI01tRl_,"0..5~6 fo~, b..ring pJ'ote.t. to the ..id anJI.Xltion, the .aid
. " ~ .' . .. ,
City Council' dld h.ar. ADJi...~ upon all prot..t. .ade to the propp.ed &nnaxatlon and
" ' . . .
did dete~in~ tb~t protei. bad not been .ade'by the oWner. of one-half of the v.lue
. .
of tbe privately ~e4'te rl~ory ~ropo..d to be annexed .. .h~wn by,'t~e la.t equili..d
......'~~~i;~:'~:: '., );.e~'f:~ of .~.tt of 'tIaa. u., ~ai.eo~' ",,,Sel,. ....
territory ~~oPled to be .J;.e~d .~ det,a~1ned by .aid le,1I'lative body; ~d'" ' "
, . '.
, ' ,
WHBIIA8,.a1e1 t.ritOry 11 eontf.luou. to the City of ArroY9 Grallde. and 11
" . .
~1nheblt_ terrbon- Ia" Co.'1 of 8en LuleObl.po; ,,,
'011, 'l'IIiIIrou. ...: ..lel Coach '~r itb.Clty of Arroyo Grand. -do" hereby
.pprove the annaiatlon,of the terrltory h.relnatter de.cr1bed to the City of Arroyo: .
Grlll\d., and doe. hereby furtller ordain that the ..id "rritory be' end lehareby ,ann.xed
to the CUy of ~rro1o Granda..
That .aid 'errltory, the annexation of which to:the City ~f Arroyo Gra~de 1.
herein ~pprova4i 1. all that terr~tory .ituate in the County of San Lul. Oblepo~.State
of CaUfom ia,:!!IOa parUcularly cSalcribed .. fOl1owi:
, .
~. . ~ .....,~('. ....:.,'.r; ~:.t~:~-;"'if.:~~i~\~r: ;, y~,:.~_;.,'~~'~~;'/;'~",?'.c.~I:.~. ;::' :-~':~ ;.:..::\.:..~\ I '.~ ',:. I: ,)~. !.:::,.'..~~.: .;~:.' ~~~'.~': ~:.~ ".:;'~;.'~ .", ~:' :,i.~" . J
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, .
All that land contiguous to
the City of Arroyo Grande,
in the County ,of San Luis
Obispo, State of California
included within the follow-
ing described e x t e r lor
That portion of Lots I, A, B,
C and Dot' A, Newsom's
Lands In the Ranchos San-
ta Manuela & Bolsa de,
Che.mlsal, In the County of
San Luis Obispo, State' of
California, as per map
thereof recorded June 5,
1891 In Book A Page 77 of
Maps In the office of the
County Recorder of sall1
County, descrlbe(\ as fol-
Commencing at a point
:lnarked 'IF" set at the. most
southerly corner of Lot 2 of
~aid map and runnIng
thence North 25' 00' East,
660,00 feet to a point desig-
nated "Q" and S.E. 9 on
said map;' thence North 43'
IS' West "long the south-
westerly line of Lot A of
said Newsom's Land, 504,90
'feet to a point; thence
North 43' 45' East, 330:00
feet to the southwesterly
line of Lot B of said New-
som's Land; thence along
said southwesterly line of
Lot B, South 43' IS' East,
26,40 feet; thence North 43'
45' East, 330.00 fe,et to a
point on the northeasterly
line of said Lot B; thence
North 43' IS' West, 18,48
feet to a point; thence
North 8' 40' 30" East, 66,95
feet; thence North 15' IS'
West, 143.22 feet; thence
North 24' 45'. East, "250,80
feet; thence North 59' 00'
East, 78,54 feet to S,E, 15 set
In the northwesterly line of
property conveyed to S,
1'Idridge by de,ed In Book Q
Page 84 of Deeds; thence
SOuth 46' 45' East along the'
northeasterly line of prop-
erty conveyed to M, E, Eld-
ridge, Book 12, Page 459 of
peeds, 1562,22 fee,t to S.E, 14
and the westerly line of
County Road No, 32; thence
along the said westerly line
of County 'Road No, 32,
SOuth 48' 43' West ],65,66
feet to S.E, 2; thence con-
tinuing along said westerly
Una, south 37' 58' West a
distance of 1650,00 feet to
S.E, 1; thence continuing
South 37' 58' West to the
SO<1therly line of County
Road No 32 and the Easterly
City Limits of the City of
Arroyo Grande; thence
along the southe.ly line of
,C6unty Road No, 32 North
43' IS' West to a point
which belus South 25' 00'
Vlest fl'om a point marked
"F"; thence North 250 00'
East to a point marked
"F" and the point of begin-
nhlg and including all lots
and blocks of subdivision
located therein, togethcr
with all public roads, alie,ys
and rights of way of record.
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