O 159 - . . ~ ORDINANCE NO. 159 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TRANSFERRING THE ASSESSMENT AND TAX COLLECTION D6TJES AND THE COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS LEVIED FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES NOW PERFORMED BY THE CITY ASSESSOR AND THE CITY TAX COLLECTOR TO THE ASSESSOR AND TAX COLLECTOR OF THE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO AND RE- PEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande, a municipal corporation, de- sires to transfer the assessment and tax collection duties performed by the City Assessor and City Tax Collector to the Assessor and Tax Collector of the &ounty of San Luis Obispo pursuant to Sections 51500 to 51519 of the Government CodeJ THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. DEFINITIONS: The following words and expressions when used in this Ordinance shall for the purpose of this Ordinance have the meanimgs respectively ascribed to them as follows: a) City: The word "City" as used in this Ordinance shall mean the City of Arroyo Grande, a municipal corporation, situated in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California. b) County: The word "County" as used in this Ordinance shall mean the County of San Luis Obispo, a political subdivision of the State of California. SECTION 2. TRANSFER OF DUTIES: The assessment and tax collec- tion duties, and the collection of assessments levied for municipal improvements, now performed by the Assessor and the Tax Collector of the City, are hereby transferred to the Assessor and the Tax Collector of the County for the purpose of assessment and collection of and for ad valorem property taxes that become a lien after the adoption of this Ordinance, and the collection of assessments for municipal ~RIpro\{ements becoming due and payable on and after July I, 1962. SECTION 3. ABOLITION OF OFFICES OF CITY ASSESSOR AND CITY TAX COLLECTION: The offices of City Assessor and City Tax Collector are hereby abolished as of the first day of July, 1962, and thereafter all duties performed by the City Assessor other' than the assessing ".-----.-.--- -..-- . . , of property in the City, and all duties performed by the City Tax Collector other than the collection of ad valorem taxes on property that become a lien after the adoption of this Ordinance and the colTection of assessments for municipal improvements becoming due and payaaTe on and after July 1, T962, are hereby transferred to and are to be performed by the City Clerk. SECTION 4. FILING OF CERTIFIED COPY: The City CTerk shalT cause a certified copy of this Ordinance to be filed with the Auditor of the County on or before the first Monday of February, T962, and immedi- ately thereafter shalT notify the State Board of Equaliaation. SECTION 5. REPEALING: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in confTict herewith are hereby repeaTed. SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ord~nance shaT 1 become effective , thirty (30) days from and after the date of its finaT passage~ and within 15 days thereafter it shalT be pubTifhed once with the names of the CounciTmen voting thereon in the Herald-Recorder and within said period of time, it shaTT also be posted in three (3) pubTic places in the City of Arroyo Grande, to-wit: T. City Hall, 214 East Branch St. Arroyo Grande, California 2. Fire House, 215 East Branch St., Arroyo Grande, California 3. Post Office, 132 East Branch St., Arroyo Grande,California On motion of CounciTman Jacobs , seconded by Counci Tman Hartwig , and on the foTTowing roTT calT vote, t~"'wit: AYES: Mayor Burt, Councilmen Hartwig and Jacobs NOES: None ASSENT: Councilmen Lee and Pence the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this 30th day of January , T962. ~~ ~r ;;[?wVt ATTEST: ~~&lh/f~~~~ h // ;/ --_._-~- .---- . -."" SlAfIOlOA1.IF<lUQ'A ) COVH! rJI SAIl LUll OIDPO ( i. em 01 .AlIOto (JUD ) I, ~. L. wn.ooa, 01\7 G:LeI'k, of ... 01'7 at _...... 11& -"t.. ~__ of laD Lua.. ~~ ha'N of 0a11tWaI.a, _It....,. ....utJ' .t ""- tII,..-.. QrM - ,II ... _m ... . ..., f\IU aad 1.IIJ..o\ fMIP7 III ..u .....~. ,....4... .n~r,"d "" .. 01\7 OJ, TH of .. 01\7 ot .....,. Ir'ande " . a~10urQ8d 'I"~." of Mi4 0''l1li''2 on" ~ at .T.1TI1&11~ .. 1141. WltIiIIII .. b8MS aDCI.. -.1 of" Oitr" .110..1._4....... ..m.ct .. ~ .,. at JaI1ua11' . 118. I, JMRO.&/tl! L. WIL1IOI, 01\7 01a1r of ....., &_~_. ~_ II I ~ ~ *' I .-teII . ..". of '..u QrM-"$(1 ., .. ..Inl .. to .. CUr It ~l ~T'''' ... 84 IiIn ...... ....,... r:ta III.' as ..... Ira. ......, ... r.n OIa.. UI .... ....... ......... .... ...., Oal1t..ta .. .. ..J.U... .,. of lebr11f", .UfI. ..... February 1 ..- ------ "- -_.~-