O 144 /;, . -- """ j , " vkDl~A~CE ~O. I~~ - \ A~ O!<DINA~CE OF 'I'HR C I IT Oi-' AI(}<uYO GR,\SuE AM~;N1HNG SECT ION 4 OF ORDI~A~CE ;-;0. ~5 Of fIlE C!!'Y OF ARROY 0 r,1<A~ 0" . I'he City COl.lncil of the City of Arroyo Grande does ordain as fa llows I SEC f ION 1. Sect ion 4 01 OrdInance So. ~;) of the -:i t~ of Arroyo Grande, which Ordinance is entitled "An Ordinance Pro- vidin;; for the Rstablishment o( Lon es in the City or Arroyo Grande. California and Re ,;l.Ila t ing the ..Jses of Property Therein Adopttn~ a 'fap Show int:: Said Loaes, Dennin!! the ferms used in this Ordinance, Providia:.; [or its AdJl.lstmeat, Enforcemeat and Ameadment, Prescrib- in,; PeaaHies for Violations and !(epealing ,Iny Urdinaact' Portions , or . of (Jrdinances in Conflict Herewith", which said Ordinance was passed and Adopted the 6th day of ,Jl.Ily, HJ4S1, and which Ordiaance is oZen - erally Known as the "Lonin!! Ordinance", is herewith amended as follows: I'he "loning Plan Map" referred to in said Section 4 Of , Ordinance No. Sl5 is amended and the zones and bOl.lndaries shown and clesiznated thereon are changed and there are added thereto the properties hereinafter shown, aad the bOl.lndaries are as shown and desi'Znated on the map attached hereto, which map is by reference incorporated herein, which said map is enU tIed "A SECT ION oe THE A~kOYO GRANDE LONING PLAN MAP, OltO I N'A.'JCE -'W. ~5, ,\,>f:ENDElJ BY OJWlN"NCE NO. -' 01" 1'H~; CITY OF ARROYO G1<ANuE SHOWING AREAS PROPOSEU TO BE ZONEU, AND THE ZONING THEREOF", and said map and all notations and refereaces shown thereon shall be as ml.lch a part of this Ordinance as if the matte~set forth by said map were all fl.llly described herein. The property intended to be added and zoned hereby is described as follows: 1. ------ -------,.~._~-,- -----..---- ---- ~ . " '. , . . . Block d5 and the Southerly ~b feet of Ramona Avenue between 20th Street and the Southerly prolongation of the Center 1 in e 0 r 21st street is chan~ed from an "K-l- One ~'ami 1y Zon e" to a " C -2 n t.one; and The Area between 2Uth Street and the Southerly prolonga_ tion of 21st Strept, extendin~ from Ramona Aven~e 18<1 feet Northerly is changed from an "1(-l-One jo'am i ly Lone" to an "t~-0 " tone; and The Area he tween 20th Str'eet and the Southerly pro- lonl.,Y!l t ion of 21st Street extendin~ Irom Bri~hton Avenue 251 feet SOLltherly is changed from an "R-I-One Fami ly lone" to a "C_~ft Zone; and I'he Area between 20th Street and 21st Street, extending from 8ri~hton Avenue to the Southerly line of ;\cwport Avenue, is zon en ")(_J _One family Zone". SECTIOS 2, This Ordinan:::e shall take effect thirty (JU) days after its pasS<l;e, and wi thin! 1fteen 115 ) days after its passage it shall be published once, to';ether wi th the names of the Council- men voting thereon, in the \rroyo Grande Herald-Recorder, a news_ paper of general circulatinn, printed and published in the City of Arroyo t;rande, Calif orn 1 a, On ~{otion of ':ounc] 1man ~ , seconded by Coune i 1man ~ , and on thp followin; roll call vote, to_wit: ~~~ ~~~,L/~ AYES: / / / NOES: ~ ABSENT: ~ the foregoin~ Ordinance is adopted this /~ti!GdflY of ~~ 190(1, g d etu!~ .'lay~ :\,!vfBST: ~r/~~~ C 1 Clerk ;<, ~ -- -- ---- .-..- --...--.-- ----