O 126
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. . ,
DAY OF SJ:PT:W!R0Ab 19S5, PERW)(l)(<1 1'0 THE A)(XEX-
GJl'J(Q~'- D~CJ..AAu.t THIS CM1X.QC! 1'0 BE AX EMER.-
GUC'f . .1JWfa: .. $'tATI" m RIASCIf$ mHFCJ\.
_MAl. ~t'ot~O'ro the City .t Azr+tfi GraUe t~ Or4iaance
w.. 12S oaUtle4., !tAW ClUtIJIIJ(CI OF TIU CI'I'Y r;, AIJlO'rO ~ CALLING
A snCUL EUC1'IQJf TO. ltIU. .. 8th MY OF $I'mHt~" 1958, PEIIt-
TAXXI. 10 TU AU J::L~TIQW 0'1 'AU OAU ...,. TO tHI CIn- OF ADiJYo
QRUDI J It &ad
_MAS, __rtalAty _. uwl.,.. with ,....et t. the appHc.at1on
.t the 1'l'ov1l1... of t.),.Zl.e.U.. e.u ., thlt lUte fd Calif.rala to
the AawtxaU. Alet ot 1~1"1dtlt. ,.....t ... t_ ute .f tIM M!dla, of
said eleetl<<ftJ ..4
WCUM, 1t .,,.u. "strOh t. ...... ~ .... 12S alMPve
ut.l'I'CtI. t. 1. ",_I' **. e11.a1nat. U)' nc:h ..art.lAty.
JQf 'I'KDUOJtE, the ,.-ple ot the Chy ., Ar~ q,aJUIa ordain as
. .
SlCTIC1f 1. The Utle .t said Or4.-.nce JIt. US h ",.luted sO' as
to ..... .. t.11.".. to-wit":
It. CIUU)WICE OF THE CI-rr OF .ItiI1M1tO -'-IT CN' ,_
lOA. snClAl .ELECTlO)( TO" rg_ _. OF
.nt_~, 1958, JlUTAIXI. 1'9 .. .. . .IR ..
'AD OAXS MAJOR 10 nil CITY. .. ... It
SlC'tICIf 2. Section 1 of said Or4iMM. lit.. lIS h hereby amended
t. read as r.l11Ws:
"acrION 1. A special el.'U" 1M.... is qUOd to
be held .. the 2nd day Of Sept....., 1", lA Ute torr !tory
harel.arter described and propo... t. ~ ....x.. to the City
ot Arr-.,. Orande, f~r the purpose of submitting to the quali-
fied el.ctOrs residing in said territory the questiOn whether
,._,,"_.- ----.------------ ~.---- - -- _._.._,~-_..- --~._-_._-_...-.-._- .,
or not such territory shall be annexed to, incorporated
in, and made a part of said City of Arroyo Grande, and whether
or not the property in said territory shall, after such annex-
ation, be subject to taxation, equally with the property with-
in the City of Arroyo Grande. 11
Said property is described as follows:
'I thence Northerly and Nortn"F- . thence South along, th,,- East
DESCRIPTION OF eaaterly along the Easterly line ' line of said Lot 17 and the South
"FAIR OAKS MAJOR" of North hteenth Street of 263 feet to a point; thenCE prolongation thereof to the
All that land contiguous to land of the ~ortion of North I South 68' 55' East a distance 01 Northeast corner of lot 7 Block
the City of Arroyo Grande, In, Eighteenth S t r eel. formerly 1 ~59 feet to a point On the East. 2 Of said Fair Oaks Tract;
the County of San Luis Obispo, known as Sierra Drive and the ", erly line of lot 9 of the Folson thence West along the North
State of CaUfornia, Included Northerly prolongatio'; thereof'; Tract according to the mal line of said. lot 7 to the North-
within the exterior b~undary to a point on the Southwesterly Iii thereof recorded in Book B 0) west corner thereof; thence
line described as follows. : right of way line of California I, Maps at page 75, records of Sat South along the West ,Une of
Beginning at a point on the State Hi hwa . thence South-! i Luis Obispo County; thencE sald lot 7 to the SOuthwest cor-
Westerly boundary of the City eaaterly ~lon:'sald southwest_!:Northeasterly along the Easterl~Iier thereof; thence East along
of Arroyo Grande at the Inter- erl ri hI. of wa line to the Idlne of said lot 9 to Post G 10 a the South line of said lot 7 to
section of the Westerly line of pOi;'t ;f Interseclion with the':! the most Northerly corner of 10 the SOutheast corner thereof;
Pecan Street with the Northerly SOutheasterly line of Brisco 'Ii 7 of said Folsom Tract; thenc thence East along the South
line of FarreH Road, which said R 0 ad' thence Southwesterl: Southeasterly along the North Une of lot 4 of said Block 2 of
road is also known aa ,Farr~ I along ~ald Southeasterly Une J ': erly Une of said lot 7 to Post the Fair Oaks Tract a distance
Road, thence West along the: B Isc Ro '.. I. 5763 ,In at the most Easterly corne of 30 feet to a point. thence
Northerly line of said Farrol r 0 ,ad a d'.s ance of . 6 [' thereof; thence North 34' 04 North a distance of 118.37 feet
Road to a point on the Easterly ;;~t 1: ~tOInJist:~~cef ~~~ I' East 'a distance of 197.10 feet to a point On the North line of
line of Lot 23, Plsmo Beach Gar- a. 0 ", thence South 89" 51' East 'to sald Jot 4; thence East alona
dens, according to the map fe~t ~ a point, thence ,South II point on the Easterly'llne 0 the North line of said lot 4 a
thereof recorded In Vol. 3 of 56 50 West a 7l.tance of 748.2~ I.' Halcyon Road, which said roa distance of 135.20 feet to a point.
,Maps at page 45, records of san ft; to a point; ence North 33 ,I! Is also known as Clenega Road thence North a distance of 104 ~
I Luis Obispo County; thence 10 West a distance of 328.73 feet, which said point Is on the West 615 feet to a point; thence East
i Southerly along the Easterly Une f~ a p~ln~ oin thei%'~t.he't:.terlY' erly boundary of the City o. a distance of 165.2 feet to a point
of said Lot 23 to the Southeaat- me o. r sea a! ence: Arroyo Grande; thence South on the West line of Alder Street;
erly carner thereof; thence Southwesterly along sa'd South- I eriy along the Easterly Une 0' thence North along sald West
I Westerly along the Northerly I easterly line of Brisco Road ~ HaJcyon Road to a point whlc line of Alder Street to a point
,line of said ~-arroll Road and distance of 132.5~ fe~t to a point, bears South 890 52' ,East fro , hlch' bears West from the i
'the Southerly lines of IJJts 23. thence South 33 10 E;ast a dis- the most Easterly Southeas Northwest corner of Apsey's Ad-
~O 17 and 14 of said PIsmO tance of 328.73 ft. to a point; I corner of IJJt 4 In Block 2 0 dltlon to the Chautauqua As-
Beach' Gardens to the South- thence South 560 50' West a dls-. Tract 58 according to Map re sembly Grounds; thence East
westerly corner of said Lot 14; tance of 411.73 feet to a point I corded In' Book 5, at page 75, 0 to said Northwest corner of
thence Northerly along thel on the Northerly line of Grand Maps, records of said County Apsey's Addition to the Chau-
"e",erly line of said lot 14 to Avenue; thence Southeasterly I thence North 890 52' West I. tauqua Grounds; thence South
; tho Norlhwe:terly corner there-I along said Northerly line of said corner of Lot 4; thenc 890 52' East to a point on the
'of' thence Easterly along the Grand AVenue, a distance of, North 0008' East along the mas Easterly Une of Halcyon Road
'Northerly line of said lot 14 1.0'297.90' feet to a point; thence; Easterly line of sald Tract NO.5 which said point Is On the west~
the Southeasterly corner of lot North 210 08' East ,a distance a distance of 125.17 feet to erly boundary of the City' of
16 of Beckett's Grand Avenue point On the Southwesterly lin Arroyo Grande; thence follow-
Tract 'according to tile map of Lot 3 of said Folsom Tract ing said City Boundary South-
thereof recOrded in Book B of' thence Northwesterly along If. erly along the Easterly line of
Maps at page 75, records of San SOuthwesterly line of said lot 'Halcyon Road, Westerly along
Luis Obispo County; thence I to a point on the Easterly lin the Northerly line of Fair Oaks
Northerly along the Easterly line of Alder Street; thence Southe~ Avenue, and SOutherly along
of said lot 16 to the Northeast- ly along said Easterly line C the Westerly line of' Pecan
erly corner thereof; thence Alder street to the Northwesll street to the, point of beginning,
Westerly along the Northerly erly corner of Apsey's Additi~ and including all lots and blocks
Une of said lot 16 to the North- t~ the Challtauq,ua. A.$emi>\j Of subdivisions located therein,
westerly corner thereof at a Grounds, according to the m~ together with all publie roads,
point on the southeasterly Une I thereof recorded in Book B~lleyS' and right" of way of
lof the Town of Grover accord-I Maps at page 5, records of Sa: record.
'ing to the map thereof record-, Luis Obispo County; thenc
ed in Book A of Maps at page 6, West to a point on the East line
records of San Luis Obispo of Lot 3 Block 5 of the Fair Oaks
County' thence Northeaaterly , Tract according to the map
alan the 'Southeaaterly line of I thereof recorded in Vol. 3 of
, aid 'frown of Grover to the point I Maps at page 82, records of San
I~f intersection with the Easterly I Luis Obispo County; thence
line of Eighteenth Street; thence North along the East line of said
Northerly along the Easterly, lot 3 to the Northeast corner
line of Eighteenth street to the I thereof; thence West along the
point of intersection with the! I North line of sald lot 3 to the
So therly line of IJJt C in the' . Northeast corner of lot 17 Block
sa~ Town of Grover; thence 15 of said FaIr Ollks, Tract;
Westerly along said Southerly
Une of said Lot C to the South- ,
westerly corner of said Lot C of
said Town of Grover, which said
corner is a point on the Easterly,
line of North Eighteenth S_tre,~t; ,
- 2 -
- ~,
SECTION 3. Section 5 of said Ordinance No. 125 is herewith
amended to read as follows, to-wi t:
"SECTION 5. The City Clerk shall publish a notice of
said special election as requIred by said Annexation Act of
1913, at lea.t once a week for the four (4) weeks prior to the
date of the election on September 2. 19S5. in the Telegram-
Tribune, a newspaper of general circulation printed and publish-
ed outside of the City of Arroyo Grande, ~~t in the County of
San Luis Obispo."
SECTION 4. It is necessary that the election pertaining to the
annexation of Fair Oaks Major to the City of Arroyo Grande be held as
sOon as possible within the provisions of the Annexation Act of 1913
and in accordance with the provisions of the Election Code of the State
of c:.1U'.rnla in order te extend to persons residing in 91 id area, the II
opportunity of acquiring the protection of City facilities and services, :1
and in order te protect the health and safety of the residents and pro- "
perty of the persons residing both in said area and in the City of .1
Arroyo Grande and also to enable a better and more efficient and bene-
ficial enforcement of health and safety measures throughout the said I
Fair Oaks Major and the City of Arroyo Grande.
For said reasons this ordinance is herewith declared to be an
emergency ordinance and it shall become eftective immediately upon its
SECTION 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this
Ordinance and within 15 days of the date of its passage shall cause the
same .to be published once in the Herald-Recorder, a newspaper of general
circulation, printed and published in the City of Arroyo Grande.
On motion of CouncllJ'lan p~ , seconded by Coun-
ci lman /'0-' _ , and on the following roll call vote,
to-Wi~~S: ~~ ~/~/~&/~~~'
NOES: ~.
- 3 -
~~-_.-.. .- -------------" -~- .._--_._~ ------.--.---,-..--
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