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ORltIMAJlCE NO. )~ 6
f4 J~~if~~~:!~?~.~~W9rUNG
$EpnMDlf, . 19~,.UtAUtU. .~.f...... \.~1'IO~
OF FAIR OAKs!;Mi\.JOR T0 'fHE CIT':f at.. ~O .~.
~, by Resolution M,~ 392, the City Council of the City of
Arroyo Grande declared itsintertqon to calla special election to be
held in certain inha.bited territory contlg.ous to said City proposed
to be annexed to said City, for the purpct.e o.f submitting to the quali-
fied electors residing in said territory the question whether or not said
territory shall be annex.d to said City, which said election was to be
held not sooner than 54 days, nor later than 75 days following the
termination of the hearing on protests again.t such annexation; and
WHEREAS, a copy of said Resolution was published as required by
law; and
~S, at a time not later than the hour set by said Resolution
for hearing objections to the proposed election and for 10 days there-
after no written or oral protests were made by public and private owners
of one-half of the value of the territory proposed to be anaexed as
shown by the last equalized assesSMent roll; and
VHK1U:AS, all proceedings have been had in accordance with sai(i
Resolution and the ArtnexaUoa. Act of 1'13, reference thereto hereby being
made for furthet particulars;
NOW THEREFORE, the people of the City of Arroyo Grande, ordain as
SECTION 1. A special election hereby is called to be held on the
8th day of September, 1958, in the territory hereinafter described and
proposed to be annexed to the City of Arroyo Grande, for the purpose of
submitting to the qualified electors residing in ~id territory the question
whether or not such territory shall be annexed to, incorporated in, and
made a part of said City of Arroyo Grande, and whtther or not the property
in said territory shall, after sUCh annexation, be subject to taxation,
equally with the property within the City of Arroyo Grande.
Said property is described as follows:
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." . now'''as Sierra Drive, and th , thence Northwesterly along the
wlthl he' und ry 'I Northerly prolongation thereof' Southwesterly line of said lot 3
line described as follows: th to a point on the Southwesterly I to a point on the Easterly line
Beginning at a point on t e right of way line of California i of Alder street; thence Souther-
Westerly bo:undary of the CI y State Highway; thence South- Iy along said Easterly line of
of Arroyo Orande at the Inter- easterly along said Southwest- Alder Street to the Northwest-
section of the Westerly line ?f erly right of way line' to the erly corner of Apsey's Addition
Pecan street with the Norther Y I point of intersection with the to the Chautauqua As.!<emi>1y
line of Farrell Road, WhIC~ sa~ Southeasterly line of Brisco Grounds, according to the map
road Is also known as arr R 0 a d; thence Southwesterly thereof recorded In Book B of
Road, thence West along the . along said Southeasterly line of Maps at page 5, records of San
Northerly line of said F~rr?1 IBrlsco Road a distance of 576.36 Luis Obispo County; thence
Road to a point on the Eas er Y feet to a point; thence South West to a point on the East line
line of Lot 23, pismo Be'ilCh Oar- 33' 10' East a distance of 328.73 Of Lot 3 Block 5 of the Fair Oaks
dens, according to t e map feet to a point; thence South Tract according to the map
thereof recorded in ~ol. l ~f 56' 50' West a distance of 748.20 thereof recorded In Vol. 3 ot
Maps at page 45, recor son, ft. to a point; thence North 33'1 Maps at page 82, records of San..
I Luis Obispo County; thence [ [10' West a distance of 328.73 feet' Luis Obispo County; thence
I southerly along the Easte3i lI~e 1 to a point on the Southeasterly. North along the East line of said
of said Lat 23 to the Sou eas - line of Brisco Road; thence! lot 3 to the Northeast corner
erly corner thereof;N t~~n~e I Southwesterly along said South- I thereof; thence West along the
I Westerly along the or er y easterly line of Brisco Road a North line Of sl'ld lot 3 to the
line of 'I'id F'I'rroll Roadt I'~f dlstl'nce of 132.50 feet to a point. 'Northeast corner of lot 17 Block
i the 'Southerly lines O\dLo P~" thence South 33' 10' East a dls: 5 of said FI'lr Oa.ks Tract;
~O, 17, 'and 14 of Sl' SID tl'nce of 328.73 ft. to a point; thence South along the East
Beach oardens to the South: thence South 56' 50' West a dls- line of said Lot 17 and the South
westerly corner of said Lot 14, tance of 411.73 feet to a point prolongation thereof to the
thence Northerly along 14 t~e on the Northerly line of Orand Northel'st corner of lot 7 Block
. ,. <>terly line of said lot. 0 Avenue; thence Southeasterly 2 of said Fair Oaks Tract;
l'ti10 Nor:hwo:terly cornir thei~- along said Northerly line of thence West along the North
of' thence Easterly a ong e Orand Avenue a distance of line of said lot 7 to the North-
'Northerly line of said lot II to' 297.90 feet to, a point; thence west corner thereof; thence,
the Southeasterly corner 0 .. . South along the West line ofl
16 of Beckett's Orand Avel!i said lot 7 to the Southwest cor-
Tract according to the . I ner thereof' thence East along
thereof recorded in Book B . the South> iine of said lot 7 to
Maps at page 75, recoreis ~~ I the Southeast corner thereof;
Luis Obispo County; e S59" ,thence East along the South
Northerly along the Ea~te~;r JI~ I erly line of lot 9 of the Folsom line of lot 4 of said Block 2 of
of said lot 16 La the . or eas - I ,Tract according to the map the Fair Oaks Tract a distance
erly corner thereof, the~~e I I thereof recorded In Book B of I of 30 feet to a point; thence
Westerly along the North y i Maps at page 75 records of San North a distance of 118,37 feet
line of said lot 16 to thef NoF- : Luis Obispo County' thence to a point on the North line of
westerly. corner thereo a a Northeasterly along the Easterly said lot 4; thence East aloI1lr.
point on the southeasterly ll'de 'line of said lot 9 to Post 0 10 at the North line of said lot 4 a
of the Town of orove~ acco~d- the most Northerly corner of lot distance of 135,20 feet to a point;
Ing to the map thereo reco 6 7 of said Folsom Tract. thence thence North a distance of 104.-
ed In Book A of Maps at page o' Southeasterly along the North- 615 feet to a point; thence East
records of San Lui~h O~~Ry' erly line of said lot 7 to Post 0 a distance of 165.2 feet to a point
County; thence NO\ e~s fill at the most Easterly corner on the We Ine of Alder Street;
along the souothe~~tt~ ~he ~eoi~t I' 'thereof; thence North 34"~ J;I,..
said Town of ro,! t Iy : East a distance of 197.10 ,'"
of Intersection with the Eas er . thence South 89" 51' East~'
line of Eighteenth ~~~et~~~~; I point on the Easterly II
Northerly along the i . Halcyon Road, which said
line of Eighteenth street to e ' I is also known as Clenega
point of Intersectlo with the which said point is on the WeSt. ,JA
southerly" , ,? in the erly boundary of the City of Apsey's Addition to he chau-I
said To ~,thenc Arroyo Grande' thence South- I tauqua Orounds; thence South
Westerly " SO~'::{~:erlY along the Easterly Jj"eof. ,~9_~. 5~: E";'t, t~a~?I~t,CT\}::O i
1lneofsa.the .j ,~J.",....,., r.;,-...r,' .,u' .",."..t"'~11"II' IL..,.,t,('~oy ,1,., f". ..1,,,..,;](\,, ~,.,.,~,I
~ t'" O. """-, ','. /""0,"'-' . ~h '. d \,' '" . . . ,.' I
. ,/;'o;i-'~j'~Y O,~",~~~.d .I~~,. ~:", ~ : heR1'S G[)\itL H9" ;j~" Ji:P,~:t IrvIn I WhjC!.1 ~:J.hl j)ojnL is On tl1s ~{h'si-
:.~;:~;.j '.foWl" " ~Jt~~/'Wi.J.,l;,h ,-"'''r the Southeast' erly boundary of the City or
leorner Is IIi' .~ e E;~ .C() Arroyo Orande; thence follow-
line of N ' th '. , Ing said City Boundary South-
erly . along the Easterly line of
Halcyon Road, Westerly along
the Northerly line of Fair Oaks
Avenue, and Southerly along
the Westerly line of Pecan
Street to the point of beginning,
~nd Includln I
- 2 -
. , .
said election shall be opened at 7 o'clock a.m., of the day herein fixed
for the holding of said election and shall be kept open until 7 o'clock
p.m., of the same day, when the polls shall be closed.
SECTION 3. BAlLOTS. Upon the ballots to be used at said election
there shall be printed the words:
Opposite these words there shall be printed the words "Yes" and
"No," and to the right of each of these last two words there shall be a
voting square. If an elector shall stamp a cross (+) in the voting
square after the printed word ~.s" the vote of such elector shall be
counted in favor of the annexation of said territory to the City of
Arroyo Grande, and -if an elector shall stamp a cross (+) in the voting
square after the printed word "No" the vote of such elector shall be
counted against such annexation.
In all particulars not herein recited said election shall be held
in conformity, as near as may be, with the laws of the State of California
concerning general elections and with said annexation Act of 1913.
SECTION 4. (a) For the purpose of said election there hereby is
established in the territory described herein one (1) voting precinct,
which shall include all of said territory. The following is the polling
place of said election precinct and the following named persons hereby
are named officers of electiOn and shall constitute the board of election
for such election precinct.
Polling Place: VALLEY C!NTER BUILDING, located in 900
Block of Orand Avenue, in Fair Oaks
MaJor, near Arroyo Grande.
Inspector: Mrs. Betty Lou Clingman
Judge: Mrs. Mary W. Ford
Clerk: Mrs. Ernestine Lee
Clerk: Mrs. Nancy A. Richmond
- 3 -
. . . . .
(b) For their services in connection with said election, said
officers shall receive Five ($5.00) Dollars each; and the person in
possession of the polling place named herein shall receive for the use of
such premises in connection with said dection the sum of Fifteen ($15.00)
SECTION 5. The City Clerk shall pubUsh a notice of said special
election as required by said Annexation Ac~ of 1913, at least once a week
for the four (4) weeks prior to the date of the election on September 8,
1958, in the Telegram-Tribune. a newspaper of general circulation printed
and published outside of the City of Arroyo Grande, but in the County of
San Luis Obispo.
SECTION 6. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its publication.
SECTION 7. The City Clerk shall certify to the adopt ion of thi s
Ordinance and within 15 days of the date of its passage shall cause the
same to be published once in the Herald-Recorder, a newspaper of general
circulation, printed. and publishcL.ln Uut. CU,y of Arroyo Grande.
On motion of Counci~ 9.a-r'" J-L1 , second.ed by
Councilman ~ 'f , and on the following roll call
vote, to-wit: . .
AYE'. ~e..i'-... ~k, .4v:-e.,f~'~,
NOES: ~.
ABsaIT: /W;vL, \
the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this ~daYOf July, 1958.
..~a, /J~
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ty Cler . ~
- 4 -
. ' . .
: ss.
County of San Luis Obispo )
CI ty of Arroyo Grande )
I, EDNA M. SCHILLUIG, City Clerk of the City of Axroyo Grande,
County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that
the foregoing Ordinance No.~is a true, full and correct copy
of said Ordinance passed and adopted by the City CouncIl of the City
of Arroyo Grande at a regular meeting of said Council on the ~
day of July, 1958.
WIT N E S S, my hand and the seal of the City of Arroyo Grande
affix:~t:e-~day of July, 1956.
~,thti!'~ Gnnd,