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'1'BB .QIEU'I'IO)T OJI'c:aTU unJ1iil41_ 'l'lllU1Wf H _
CITY 011 _m .... .
B.it ordaiaed 117 ~b. Cit7 Co..cil at t.. City ..r Arro7.
Gra.., COllat7 .r SaD lAb Obi~o, State or CalitorD:La, .. tol-
low_, to-wita
SECTION 1. That the hereiutter d...orUt.. ,arcd .r real
pr.pert7 ...dgaed as -FAIR GAIl )TO. S-, ...iDl' ......U.d pro-
perty witbiD tb. provisi... or Sect1.. aoaoa.r tbe "'er...at
Cod. of th. State of Califoraia aDd CO.U,I.tOllS to tbe Ci t7 or
Arroyo Grud., Col.tat)' of Sa. LIlia Obispo, State of Calitoraia,
H, aad tbe sa.. is herewith aaau.d t. tit. City or ,Arroyo Grud.,
e....t' or Su LIlia Obispo, Stat. of Calit.raia~ Said property
is desorib.d as foll...., to-..ita
PJ....'. ."..'..'t.".... tG{jj..'.}~.~..~'t..!t..~'.">. ".,;1.. ".:1.<10......", kiW..'.'.... t
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f.<.'~t.~tIi.... ~ ~<... .... a" _allot ..b
*.-.ttr17tU.e ,.t, alJ.LlAt ',a, oA."t"".c.r...aIS\1,'...t ,
t'O".',oiit; tlt.iicis.~t.~'ru'st dii .....,...nne..U.. !
I.: ~rif:fl:~~~'U~~dr-tt't:l~;attt~-a( ;f~I~t't
'.-.tlo 2~~ "I ...t,..'ftq, ....I.,....+-1I'.,,,UIlfr,.f...._.
ol'"'2ia r.etto ,..tl"G"1.0' &tn. .~ta..\...1f~;:7
,Ltfa:'t~l!tJ','I':."~!~f'(~f ~9t~~tI~~,
" ,~er,.fl." t...~., IlJ'tJJtaft.",.N I ,...t\,'1 iMI....~,..tm.<1tO .
" " ne't'f'Itl..d)TSo'&tU 8'- S -.".a.'''''. jill1ft' .."tbll'" er_
. l:RttKil{ :s~'hftr'~,~....,tt~U'tat'ttI~B'''a.
. HU"'- .r tia'yCf +7.,1... '"'ar'........' t_lIO. >>..tl-
C "ait;r"Ij- ahq't...r_nF~~lIil'.ft talc,.. bad, t.
~"'~I.~~ ~iata~''''U., . w. .o.t.....terll,d..t'
.'t ..,lin" ....tiHnfoIH.... .~&~i,lMaa nUer17
,,,.., .,~~,~~:,,:.;,I' -;,:" _; , .", '.",~ .f'f~~!: J..' ;'.' I, t..~,'; ~ ,,\,,\ .;~
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. . ,dSBfta ~1"'.,;) ~r--u&. \t ~Htf-~......
tbe toregoing OrdiDaDce ..a. &clopt.. t&ri.. '1~" ef ~ . i.,. ,
_ __ ri'"
,. ,
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aloag the said right of wq :i,ipe of c;a1ifor.~ Stat. llich-
way to the poiat of i.tU'",ct~. \witll -~"!1~..t..l,J
li88 of Brbco Boad; thliCle. "~e.:t.r~.,. a1tlit~d ",tll-
ea.ter17 liRe of,..ieco ..... ~..:ta~'.f ..,.:.. t..t to
a poiat; theDce ".tll 8So It,.'~va It.ta... .r _tTl
het to a poiRt; tlt.ace a..U".'i" '.d a.,...... .f
748.20 feet to a point; tllnc. ..,Ia.. A.o 10'. ....t a
di.taace of 828.1. feet t. a peiat .. ~h. ...:t....,erlJ
'li.e of Brbco Road; th.DC. S..t.....terJ,y a~" _d .
a.utlleasterlJ liDe of Br~" ....a ...t.... of..~ .10
f.et to a point, th..ceS..tla aa. 1" ...t a (J.d.-.
ef U8.1S r..t t. a pd.t.,t...... ".f" 610 .O'"t a
di.taace of 411.18 fe.t t. a "iat .atlle >>411"___ Uae
of Grau Ave,...; t".ace S "0 6&.' B 218.10 hot t. hat
G 81, the poiat of lte.iDntac. .
DCTIO>> I. Thb ordinanc. .hall tue effect a.. be ia
fIIll force aDd effect tlairty (80) day. a.fter its Uaal p.......
ud lteCore the expiratioa of fUte.. (11) day. after ito .......,
U.;Halr1r.et..tIti:~..t.,*lIlitJaaI_ . of tile ....... YOtia,
for aDd alainst the sa.. at l.ut oace ia t"e Arroyo ......
Herald B~Cord.r, a Dew.paper of lelteral drcdatioa pI'uted aad
pIl1l11....d in the City of Arroyo Gr&lld..
. On )(otio. of COII.CU.... _4 ~, - , ........ 117
COIIDcil_D ~ aDd on tII. followi.. roll call yete,
AYES. ~e.:I~ ~'-- fr(~.
. NOES. ~.
A.BSBft. (0.,.... ..:J JwJ-;-"uAo " ~,~.-..'~.
the Coregoiag OrdiDaDce was adopt.. tlri... ~~dq of I-' - -..,. ,
7'" .
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