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.u 0iU)1XA)J(Z OF TBBCITf~~~~DI)JG Nt
TB A....~TIO)f or ClltT.A.I)f" .!' uat. ft ,.
CITr Op ." 0__
B. it oreldD.ct bJ the City CoIIDcil ot tile CitJ ot Arroyo Grud.,
CoIIatJ of Su LIlia Obi.,., .tate ot Calif....i., .. tolJA1111. to-wit:
Ref I. 1. That tile htrd.tter .....Ut.. pat'Col of real pro.
pert,. d.sieaated aa -FJ.,;a OAKS 10. 2-, btiq lu,i.llabite'- ,..eperty
within tile provi.ioD. of Section 85308 of tll. Gever....t COele of
tbe State of califorDia and contiruoll. to tile City of Arreyo Gr....,
CoII.ty ot SaD LIIi. Obispo, Stat. of CaUfor.ia, be, ud tile ....
i. lI.rewitll auu.d to th. c;tJ of Arroy. Gr&J!d., COIIDtr of Su LIIi.
:'~''',;;,,'' -; ,.:-_.~,,,,:: ,f;d,:;.t~,!:);: '.)': i.e.; '\:\nj })";,< ~
eNti.po, '.tat. 'iI4CaHtt1'Ua; ...id",.........'.i. '.....tIIJ..:. f.ll...,
. ' ','o;;~: ~.- " ':~ ,;: 1 fi: ~ ,'1:" 'i: ),.~'J4 ~ ~ ;:. f 'r~"~~'i, t:\ ': t.'1~~'~ """
to.wit.. ' ~ ;:, (.. ;iJ I" (; .' . . .. t." -'A r'- f) ~1"~ :';,n '.' ,
j. s ~ :: ~'.; ,. . , ~ < , ;, ,.n: !,~~g ;J.., l..,:;<,
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Tatose ~ortio.. of Blocks 2 aDd 5 of tll. Fair Oaks Tract
ifft'ii1CHnttho' ..Ii ,m.1e'..,., ':haUi.,"CaUl...i..-
accordillC to tb...p tll....ot r.cor..d ia. Tol. a of ....
"'atIN.'., ....D.. ~.t '...."CO...., j....:,..U.....,.
d..cri_ed as tollow.. !
'~):. ,:-:--,.-;_j..~~:;l 'i! <'.~:'; (: r '~, ! '~ {:,' -' ". ,'<" \: .~; . :',1('-, J t'~ .__C~: ~
::cnDbg at the SOIItheast corD.r of Lot 1, 110ck Ii of
.." .. .:fii.. '~.;:tr....;';t..D..'W...t'&h...;.Jaei!S..tII;'.....
of Lot 1 a ~i.taDce of 255.40 f..t t. a~.i.t, th....
s...,t.ta",.,aral1.1\.itb~t'.~tG",,~. ~~tQl~~Gttt--.c.
ot to.88 t..tto a poiDt .n tile 'o.tll li.e ot Lot 2;
'''.'....41......''&1... !.n. ~"'t.. lb. tel ... ..:,........ tt
, 58 J4t.t t~ a point; thenco )ferth aad paral1.1 witla tllo
''BUt HR'" Lot 2 a eUstuc. of pO.81 t..t t. a C.tat '
011 the. )fortb liD. of Lot. 2. tII.DC. W..t alol.:lIo . ...tJI
1I...o."liett'2C."4i.t......,JM.,.tW' t."ty, ..... '.. ,
.tqorDerth.....t; theDc. Sollth al... tb. Vest liae ~ Lots
"~ad:i12..&".dJ.at."" if' II.t.flj#..t"tort~ JlWtIa\U" ., ...
t,b,S~.t; tlJ'ttE' s.~.. ~~t a .i.t....
t:t" ltt'U' "'.rt '.<CW1~1" ,~~eck 2
~, ,a~ Fair Oaks Tract, tll.... Wed alo.. tho )fortll
1 iti~,'t.tt 7 a eli.taDC. .t 120.10 fut to the )fortllweat
cpr~er tlaere~.t" ~1I..c_ '" .,..a~ the We.t U.. .t Lot
"'.J'~Dt...c.~.,'*;wttUf<to ~"'4I.t c....er
thereot; th..ee Bast &10.' tb. S..tb g ot ,let 1 a.d
the Sollth li.. of lAtt 4, of .ui~10 '~iU~ . ...
~. tlGf'U'\f.~"tiI\i.jo!ttl ". tIL... 1 1. ..."'., :~
W..t lia. ot Lot 4 a d .tue. ot 11..af fe.t to a 'Ci.t
,,011 the 10lltll li.. ot Lot 5, tb.... lut al... tile oatil
liDe ot Lot 5 a di,taDce of 185.28 t..t t. a poi.t;
theDce )fortb aDd paral1.1 witb tbe We.t liD. ot Lot 5
a di.tanc. ot lQ.4,..15 ro.t te a t:iat, tJae.ce...t aad i
parallel with tile >>ertb U.. ot t i a eliataac. of 11'.20' I
,.._-.~~,...-"'-,,,'...,'..- ' ".. ~ '.-~ I
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feet to a point on the Bast line of Lot 5 and the West
line of A.1der Street; the.ce North alo.. the Ba8t li..
of Lots 5 and 6 a distuce ot 18.& .615 teet to tile >>orth-
east. corner of Lot 6; thence >>orth acr... ....11 Str.et .
distaace of 60 feet to the point of _ogiDni...
SECTION 2. fhis Or4inance .ball take effect aa4 be ia fllll
force and effect thirtT (SO) days aft.r its Ciaal pas8..e, and be.
fore the expiration of fifteon (15) daTe after its p...... it sball
be published with the naaes of the .e.bors voti.. Cor .114 apiast
the 8..e at least once in the .ArroTo Graue Herald Rocorder, a
new.paper of geDeral circulation printed .114 pllbU.laod ia the City
oC Arroyo Graade.
On action oC Collncilllaa .1. .. , .ecoaded ~ CO.acilaan
~.. ~ta , and on tho followiac roll call vote, to-wih
A.YES: ~""-'-- ~I ~ V f.L.~
NOESs ~.
ABSD'l'1 ~,-..t~~~~~ ~ ~,
The foregoi.. Ordinance was adopte. thia 7~ .&7 of .;--~. ~ "r ,
I'~.",,,,,,"~. ~-~
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