O 115 - /...-,. r ~~ " '," .., . ORDINANCE NO.. ~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE FIXING THE TIME OF THE MEETINGS FOR THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, AND PROVIDING FOR THE CHANGE OR AMENDMENT THEREOF BY RESOLUTION OF SAID COUNCIL, AND REPEALING THOSE PORTIONS OF OTHER ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. The City Counoil of the City of Arroyo Grande does ordain as fOllow~: ' SECTION 1. The regular meeting of the C1 ty Council of the City of Arroyo Grande shall be held on the First and Third !ueeday of ---, e,ach monti:J. The hOur of the meeting shall be at 7:30 P.K. of the day on which it is held. I SECTION 2. The City Counoil may from time to time chenge tbe hour at Wh10h such regular meetings may be held. This may be aocomplished by adoption of a Besolut1on so to do passed by a four-fifths majority vote of the Council. -.----- ~ sECTI9N'3. Those portions of C1ty Ordinances in conflict c..~ herewi th are to the extent that they are in conflict, herewi th ',j<jj , " repealed. i SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be. it.l full forceud effect thirty (30) days after its passage, aM flthin fifteen. (l!H days , , ~ thereof it shall be pUblished once in the Herald..Recorder, a weekly newspaper printed, published and circulated in the Cit;r .....K' -,;"" of Arroyo Grande, together with the names of the members , voting thereon. On motion of Councilman II ~ . 8ec~nded by CouncillllRn ~. , and on the following roll call I vote, to-Wit: AYES Ci. ~,,-~ --... x.." peaoe aDd..... "'. ' ~. '.' NOES ... ABSEN'!' C~".~'~ the foregoing O:rdinanoe:was adopted the IN! day 01'~, 1955. I ~ A1"ZES"hA.. ~ ~~J;lla # C Y leX' ,,~ ~\;--, ''I: ':~ "\ "'. \"1 <, ;--" 1 ~. ..~...