O 112 IJ 'd' !1' '1~ ,:'," 1.:-- (' ~--,'DC"~l_ -- /~ " . - ;,& , - "'~ """.,- ,,../ ~ . . / ORDINANCE NO.-LL~ An Ordinance amending Sections 28 and 29 of Ordin- ance No. 97, of the city of Arr'oyo Grande entitled "ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF .ARROYO GRANDE, FIXDTG THE RATES TO BE CHARGED AND COLUSCTED FOR WATER SERVICE SUPPLIED BY TIE CITY AND PRESCRIBING CERTAIN RULES AND REGULATIONS COVERING CONSUMERS OF WATER SUPPLIED BY SAID CITY AND ~~f1NG PENALTIES FOR TUE VIOLA- TION THEREOF, AND ~,,' '.G ALL ORDINANCES IN CON- FLICT THEREWITH," passed and adopted the 6th day of September, 1950, and rep'.ling all Ordinance or por- "~ ,. tions of Ordinancetin conflict herewith. The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande ordains as follows: 'i'V' :'>."'; l~.. 1. Sections 28 and 29 of Ordinan,:'e No. 97;ot""the City of Arroyo Grande, entitled "ORDINANCE OF l'HE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, FIXING THE~TES TO BE CHARGED AND COLLECTED FOR WATER SERVICE SUPPLIED BY THE CITY AND PRESCRIBING CERTAIN RULES AND REGULATIONS COVERING CONSUMERS OF WATER SUPPLIED BY SAID CITY AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCE5 IN CONFLICT THEREWITH," passed and adopted this 6th day of September, 1950, are amended to read as follows, to-wit: . Section ~. "Extension!! Kains." " Any applicant owning a single lot, subdivision or tract of land and desiring water service to be ex- ~ .!;, tended1:~ereto, shall make application and shall pay i such sum as may f~om time to time be fixed by Resolu- tion by th~ City dounbil of the extension of service from the nearest existing line to a point in the street in front of such property,~whiDh said point shall be at least five (5) feet beyond a perpendicular extension of the nearest property line of the furth- est property to be served, plus one-half (1/2) of the cost of the extension of said service across the balance of the entire front footage of applicant's property. . . "!o' r '"1 .. ,- ... . .- ' . . . -/ , . . The amount to be paid shall be set on the basis of the cost of ' 'the laying of a four (4) inch line, the Council, however, shall have the right to increase the size of the line if in their oonsider- ation this is warranted, the difference between the cost of installation of a four, (4) inch line and a larger line shall be borne by the water department of the City. When application for an extension is made, all '. ,.. 'other property owners than those ~ppearing on the application whose property fronts on the proposed extension shall be given the opportunity to partioi- pate in the program by paying their proportionate share of the cost of the entire extension. Said money to be paid before the job is started. After the line has been laid, all properties abutting thereon not parti- cipating in the original agreement shall, before re- ceiving water service pay such sums as may from time to time by Resolution be required by the;bity Council. /, Provided, that the amount to be paid in this event shall be at least twenty (20t) cents per foot more than the cost per foot of said line at the time it was laid. '" Upon receipt of such amount, the City Council shall reimbur~e the original applicant or applicants .,'-.,... in a sum equal to the amount of cost per front foot paid by such original applicant or applicants. These re1mbursements from subsequent service payments shall continue to be made to the original applicant or appli- cants until such time~&s their original investment has been reduced to an amount equal to the original fee per ~""'< . - 2 ,.. ~---~~ -------- , . r '""1 .., ~.' ...... .. . .../ .. - '. , front foot of installation of line based on their property frontage' at the date of their application. All reimbursements shall cease after eight (8) years from the date of the completion of the extention. All said mains, extensions and fittings shall be the pro- perty of the City Water System. On extensions, the City will assume the cost of construction across intersections ~ of streets. . It is understood that the City shall not be a_li- gated to extend said line across the entire footage of the original applicant's property unless and unti~ addi- tional service beyond said first applicant's property is necessary. . Section ~. "Xater Lines Within New Subdivisions." -- - All water lines within new subdivisions shall be laid in accordance with the regulations of this ,j ordinance and in a mattDer and of such size and kind as the superintendent of the water department shall deter- mine will properly supply said tract, having due regard I 1 to the requirements of adjacent lands and the growth of ! the City. The subdiviGer shall be required to pay the total cost of such mains and fittings as may be re- quired by the superintendent of the water department. ;i 'j Said mains and'fittings shall become the property of the City when attached to the City water System, and , no refunds whatsoever shall be made on these lines. SectioD 2. All Ordinanoes or portions of Ordinances in con- flict herewith, are herewith repealed to the extent that they are in conflict with the provisions of this Ordin- anc e . SectioD 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage and - 3 - L. __~_, ,..---- j . . . r " ~ .... -. " . . . ~ , ~ 4 ' ., . ~ . within fifteen (15) days from its passage it shall be published once in the Herald-Recorder, a newspaper printed and published in the City of Arroyo Grande to~ gether with the names of the Councilman v~tingthereon. On Motion of Councilman Kerr , seconded by Councilman Burt , and On the following , roll call vote, to-wit: , AYES: Kerr, Burt, ~h r<d,..- . NOES: Sturg.. ABSENT: Kirkpatrick Srd . the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this day of Vapc" , 1954. Mayor of the City of ~rroyo j Grande, California 1 I i I ATTEST: ! , .~ . hz...84! .Ih,~ J J ty C er . . -.....--...-----'------.... - ~., ,,\i;..,'.. . " -~_._'-,.~..._,.'.,_._~--