O 110 < I ...... , ';',' 'J , ,}" . . . .... ~',. - , -"'~""" ,-.j' ,/ - ORDINANCE NO. II tJ Ordinance a.ending Section 4 of Ordinance 95 of the City of Arreyo Grande, entitled, "AN ORDnTANCB PR9VIDING FOR 'lID: JilST.ABLISHii. KENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRdJ)JiI, CALIFOUU, .A)T1) IIB- GUL.U,'ING THE USES OF PROPERTY 'l'HERBIli, .1D8PfIn .1 HAP SBtwDG UID ZONES, DJilFIIptG THE TJilRKS USED D '!'BIS ORDIti1TOJI, PROTIDDTG FOR ITS .ADJUSt.T. ENFORCEDNT .AND ',1)IIIDJIENT, PRBSCtJaIH JW.U,tDS FOR VIOL&TIOJTS AND REPEiLIliG .An ODIDJTCE OR PORUDS ,OF ODIli- ANCES IN COIFLICT ~ITH," passed and adopted the 6th day of July, 1949,. saill OrdiDance bei.. 00_on1t knGwn as the "ZGnia, Ordinance." Sectio. 1. The "Zoning Plan Hap" referrell to in Section 4 . of Orllinance 95 of the City or .Arroyo G~'e, Califeraia, entitled, "AN ORDDANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ESTJ.BLISJDlDT OF zons Di Till CITY OF ARROYO GRJ.NDE, CALIFORNL\, J.lfD RBGtJL.1'l'DiG THE USES OF PROPERTY THEREIN, ADOPTING .1 UP SHOWDiG SUD zons, DEFDrIft 'fIB TBRJ[S 1JDJ) IN THIS ORDDrANCB, PROVIDDiG FOR ITS .1D.TUSTJIDT .A)T1) ItBlIULDiG .An . ORDINANCE OR PORTIONS OF ORDDi.ucBS Di CONFLIC'l' lSDII:IfI'l'H," passed J , and adopted the. 6th city of July. 1949, is hereby a.e.de4 aad such zones and bOl1ndaries as are thereon desi,nated, are cR&n,ed aad anended so that the properties hereinafter described shall _e re- zoned for new and different pl1rposes as are sRown on the nap Itere- to attached entitled, ".1 SECTION OF !HI: .1RaOYO GRAXDB ZOIIIG !LA>> , UP SHOWING .AREAS PROptSED FOR ZOJTDiG RJilCLASSIFIOJ.TIOBS, SAID .ABA VV1fRn BY CIl0SSHATCHDiG, .1S JXEBDED BY ORDINANCE NO. J J lJ " and , , said nap and all the notations and references sltow. tbereon sba11 be as nl1ch a part of this ~cUnance as if the _tter and iDforaat,ien set forth by said map were all fully described hereia. The property intended to be resoned is described as fo11..sl Parcell. Wood~Ditaore .1ddition in the City of .Arroyo ~.._., County of San Luis Obispo, State of Ca1if.raia. ' '. !'arcel 2. _Wood Tract No. 75 in the IUt.,. of .Arre,e Grude, /' County of San Lds O1tiapo, S~... of CaUrciJ...ia. I . '~ I , I f - .,"VJ I , i ,;... ) I , ~ . , . j; Parcel S. Huasna Road Addition in the City of Arroyo Gramde, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California. Parcel 4. All thatX-1 Zone lying South of Ide Street and Lots 1, 2, Sand 4, Block 11 Short, X.son and Whiteley Addition in the City of Arr070 GraBde, County of San Luis Obispo, State ot Ca1itornia. Parcel 5. That portion ot Lot 75 Rancho Corral de Piedra tor 1000 teet Dorth troD the cent.r line ot U.S. Highway 101 in the City ot Arroyo Grute, ao_ty of San Luis Obispo, State ot Caliteraia. Parcel 6. That part of Lot 102 Ranoho Corral 4e Piedra tor 600 teet west ot 101 Bighway and extea4iag from the Pacific Coast R/I to the Seuth City Limits, in the City ot Arroyo Grande, C..aty of San Luis Obispo, State ot Ca1itornia. Paroe1 7. That portion ot Lot 88 of the Ra.cho Cerra1 de Piedra lying east of the C-2 ZORe &114 that por- tion ot Lot 91 Ranoho Corral de Piedra troD the N1y boundary to the base ot the hill and 1yiag east of the C-2 Zo.e, in the City ot Arroyo Grande, County ot San Luis Obispo, State of California. It is intended that Parcell, above deacribed, be hereafter zoned aa an R-1 Zone. It is intended that Parcel 2, above described, be hereatter zoned an R-1 Zone, save and exoept those three (8) lots therein looated, known and described as Lots 9 and 10 in B100k 1, and Lot 9 ot Block 2, in said Wood Traot 175, whioh said ,speoitic lots shall be hereafter zoned aa R-2 Zones. It is intended that Paroe1 S, above desoribed, be hereatter zoned as an R-1 Zone. It is intended that Paroe1 4, above desoribed, be hereatter zoned as an R-1 Zone. It is intended that Paroe1s 5, 6 and 7, above described, be hereafter zoned as X-1 Zones. Section 2. This Ordinanoe shall take etfect thirty (80) days after its passage, and within fifteen (15) days after said paasage, it shall be published onoe together with the naaes of the ...bers voting tor and against it in the Herald-Recorder, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City of Arroyo .~. Grande, California. - 2 - .~ I .....' po" --"" ') . '" .' '",- I On .etien of Councilman ~~~J( , .econded by Councilman ~~p~ , and en the following roll call vote, to-witr I',' tl.e.u;:Iv~ AYESr a-....~~/~~~ . NOESr ~. ABSENTr ~J~~' the foregoing Ordinance wa.s adopted this /q-#..y of ~_, 1958. ! ------------_...._.~------- ---~---