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OF TIlE CITY 0.. .1RRotOPQDfG ....
'" BE CIWlGBD AND COL ,. ..' . '. .._ .....ICE
SuNLIBD BY THE CITY .AD, , " "IJfG ,.,...
RUUlS AND REGUUfImr' C....._ 0,,6""""'''1$ 0..
IID.AJ,'1'DS FOR, T~~, .,n.!,.",..., ' ,..I!,p,f~ ..
ftW,IlfG ALL ORD ,tJ'.. ' ";I.V,,"' ' .. '11B,-
ADOPTED TJB 6th nAY OF SBr.&~', 11150. .
The City Counei1 of the City of Arro~o Grand. 40.. ordaiD as
follows I
S..tion 1. S.ction 17 of IrdiDano. )10. 97 oft.. City of
Arroyo Grand. passed and adopted-'6th day of S.pt....r, 1tlO,
is hereby amended to read as fellows I
.Section 17. MORE THAJi on: Bt1ILDDTG O!l SIJ'&LB LOJr.
.111 water furnished by the City of Arroyo Gruel. t. &Ill'
stnotue, building, hou.e',!lat, i......t,g1"e1I.ct tlelN', ...iIte..
reo or, store in said City hayj.ag a str....4'....t..., ..11 1M
through a separate service connection with the wat.r ..,.te. of
said City, .xc.pt as oth.rwis. h.r.in proYided~
:ErI the cas. of met.1s and/or auto cOuMstber,in ladiyi...l
~.~ts or eabins are proyid.d with kitch.. faci1iti.s in ad4itio.
to the regular toilet and bathing tacilities, ser... by a aiagl.
s.rvie.coRR.ction, there shall be char..d t() t~e ~f erp.....,
baying the, ..~~ement and control of t.. ...., in aldlt{.. to t..
prucri1;.d monthly m.t.r minima oharg., th. '. of 'l'WItatJ' <,.
c..18 .ach ~."fcr .ach aDd ey.ry oa..in or unit tdtiltnRid City
an4 the sum of 'l'hi.rty (Salt') cents .icli otitll!id. of ..i4 City wUch
, .', ",!,
wille.titl.'ith. consumer t. an additto..1 al10waROG of '... B-.dre4
<19M, cubief..t of water fer eaoh actQiU..a1 .iau. o1IVee.
, '
In the case of. an apartmeat h.... .r apart..nt hotal, that is
to say, a baildiag or perti.a th.r.of as.dor ..sir.ed .. a resi_
denc. for thr.e or more tamili.. liTiq tnMp.ad.atly or .aoh .th.r
and doing~lleir own cooking iI1.l,4f.nti8&, aad betq fll1"Qblnd
. .
. Jo '"" ') ~ ."
" ..
water through a single connection and meter, there shall be charg-
ed to the owner or the person having the management and control
of the same, the sum of Two ($2.00) Dollars for the first occupancy
unit and the sum of One ($1.00) Dollar for eaoh additional ocou-
pancy unit for such establishments inside the CitY,aad the sum of
Two and 50/100 ($2.50) Dollars for each first ocoupancy unit and
the sum of One and 25/100 ($1.25) Dollars for each additional
occupancy unit for such establishments outside of the City; these
rules shall entitle the customer to one thousand (1000) cubic feet
of water for the first occupancy and five Hundrwd <toO) cubic
feet of water for each additional ocoupanoy."
Section 2. Section 29 of Ordinanoe No. 97 of the City
of Arroyo Grande passed and adopted the 6th day of September, 1950,
is hereby amended to read as follows,
Applicants who are owaers of a lot, lots, sub-division or
tract situated within the corporate limits of the City of Arroyo
Grande where there are dedioated streets which have no water aains
thereon may make app1ioation to ~ave the mains laid in same, suoh
mains to be of such size and kind as the Superintendent of the
Water Department shall determine will properly supply said traot,
having due regard to the requirements of adjacent land. and the
growth of the City. The app1ioants will be required to pay the
total oost of such mains and fittings. Suoh payment shall be made
in cash in advanoe and the amount thereof shall be determined by
an estimate of the total cost made by the Superintendent of the Water
Department. In the event that the total OO$t shall prove in exoess
of the estimate made by the Superintendent of the Water Depart.
ment, the applioant shall be required to pay to the City of Arroyo
Grande the over-plus at the time of the completion of the entire
work or project. Said mains and fittings shall become the property
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of the City when attached to the City Water System~ the City,
however, will refund to such applicants in cash, as herein provid-
ed, the eighty (80%) per cen.t'of the advance payments for the in-
stallation of such mains and fittings. A record will be kept of
the total cost of mains, and fittings installed in pursuance of
said cash payment. For every bona fide permanent water user who
has been connected directly to said mains, the City will refund in
cash in the manner hereinafter provided, eighty (80%) per cent of
the cost of installing said mains and fittings.
The. applicant or applicants as well as all other users on said
main or mains will be required to pay the water bills rendered. The
Water Department will refund payments on said construction as fo1.
];ows I No total refund will be greater, in any event, than eighty
(80%) per cent of the total amount contributed. No refuds will
be made for connections made after eight (8) years from the instal-
lation by the Cit~ of the main or mains. Refunds shall be made to
the applicant or applicants at the time of connection of each bona
ride permanent water user with the mains, in a proportional amount
of eighty (80%) per cent of the total:;cost of installation, in the
proportion which the front footage along the route of the line ly-
ing within the dedicated street, in no event, however, more than the
proportion which sixty (60) front feet bears to the total front
footage, for anyone connection. Such rerunds may be paid in full
I at the time said services or connections are installed, or in equal
annual installments up to the maximua of eight (8) years fro. the
date of such connection or installation. The City of Arroyo Grande
shall pay only on those lots actually served with a cOnnection to
I the City Water mains or pipelines.
I Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full
force thirty (30) days after its passage, and within fifteen (15)
days ft'om~'i t$;' passage shall be published, once in the Bera1d-Recorder,
a newspaper printed and publishe. in the City of Arroyo Grande,
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together with the names of the Councilmen 'voting thereon.
On motion of Councilman Ad~~7:u~.f ,and seconded by !
I councilman~h~-A , and on the following roll call
vote. ~~
I AYES I ~~ ~/#AJ~'e.K,. . ,.. . , ' '" .
I NOESI (}.......~~ ~.
the foregoing ordinance was adopted the!J~ 01' of ~_..- ,
\ 1958.
I .
i Hayer
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