O 107 - . r . J . . .. '..~"'~ '.,. , c ORDINANCE NO. /"'7 Ordinance amending Section ~ 9C Ordin~ce 95 OC the City of Arroyo Grande, entitled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ARROY$ GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, AND REnULATING THE USES OF PROPERTY THEREIN, ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING SAID ZoNES, DEFINING - . THE TERMS USED IN TIllS ORDINANCE, PR.oVIDING FOR ITS ADJUS'l'IIEN'l', Q_ FORCEME;NT AN]) AMENDMENT, PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VI.oLATIONS AND RE- . PEALIN~ ANY .oRDINANCE DR PORTIONS .oF, ORDINANCES ,IN CONPtICT I1J!atMTH, It passed and adopted ~he 6th day oC July, 19~9, said .ordinance being commonly known as the "Zoning Ordin~oe.1t I The IIZoning Plan Map" referred to ,in SecUon 4. of I Seetion 1. Ordinance ~5 or the City or Arroyo Grande, California, entitled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT .oF ~.oNES :m THE CITY .oF ARR.oy.o GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, AND ~ULA~INGTHE USES .oFPR.oPERTY T.JBREIN, AOOPTING A MAP SHOWING SAID Z.oNEs, DEFINING THE TERMS USE)) IN THIS OR- ~ DINANCE, PR.oVIDING FOR ITS ADJUSTMENT, ENFORCEMENT AN!> ~, PRE.. SCRIBING PENALTIES F.o~VIOLATI.oNSA1ID~PEAtING ANY ORDINANCE ORPOH- TIONS OF ORDINANCES r. CONFLICT HEREWITR,"passed and adopted the 6th day of JUly, 19~9, is hereby amended and such zones and boundaries as are thereon designated, are changed and aD18nded so that the proper- , I I ties hereinafter described shall be rezoned for ne.~d ditferent purposes as are shown on the map hereto attached entitled "Z.oNING PLAN I i CITY OF ARROy'O GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, CITY PLANNINGCOl&fISSIOIf, 4JCAIJ!:: 11-3.0.01 ORDINANCE 95 AS AMENDED BY .oRDINANCE l071t and said 1I1S.p and all . , the notations and references shown thereon shall be as much a part of this ordinance as .it the matter and information set forth by said map were all tully desot1bed herein. The Property inte~ed to be reqoned is des~ribedas follows: Parcell. Portiol!, of Lot 1.05 of 1iat)ebQs Corral dePie<!;ra Pismo ~. Bolsa de Cb&nU:sal;' Beginning at SQuth- west c~rner of Lot I, Blook16 otW.stern ;;", ,,;:,;};:' '-,.,;./',. ,'iil...' ),1 ~~._iff'~.;, " ',. ....-ft. c .~~,})~.,..{.g~.;:':.: t;::t;~}2~::j:::~;' c ..... '. -~~..,. , ' -If ~ ~ ~ .' ,- . Addition; thence &~uth 00 09' East for a distance of 121.96 feet; th.~e North 660 57'East for a distance of~.65 feet; t~. North ,00 09' W..'t rdfj' a distatle~ ."-. 12~'9'J f'eet; thence &O~thQ6O 57' West fora dis tance of 387 .65reet to-point - of beginning. ,:" Parcel 2. Portion of Lot 105 of R~cho~ CDrral de Piedra, Pismo and Bolsa de Chemise.l; beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 16 otth. Western Addition, to the City of Arroyo Grande; thence South 00 09' East a distance of 121.98 feet to the point of beginning; tllenee South 00 09' East a distance of 552.95 feet; thenoe North 890 47' Ee.st, a, " dis tanoe of 357.10 feet; thence North! 00 09' West a d1s.tanoeot 703.62 teet; thenoe South 66057' "."t a distance of 387.65 teet ~o the point of beginning. It is intended that Parcel,l above described be changed from an Rl Zone to an C2 Zone and Paroel 2 above desoribed be changed from an Rl Zone to an R3 Zone. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect Thirtr (30) days . after its passage. and within fifteen (15) days atter said passage, , i t shs.ll be published once together with the names of' the memberS voting for and against it in the Herald-Re, oorder a newspaper of general oirculation, printed and published in the City of Arroyo Grande, California~ On motion of Councilman~", . seoond8.d by Counoilman &vY and on the following roll ,,11 vo", '~ wi". . '. . ., ....... ...~ AYEs:e..~._Q,R~~'~/~.. .,' . NOES:~' ,~ ABSENT: ~. /.fj - The foregoing Ordinance was adopted this ~~ay ot ~d. ,1953. / ;j" I , , I ! ..- i ! fa ',,.. ..., l, , ..... ..; ';;.,..ii-", ';""~/ ::,;:i'~'~:'~'-;_~'k<~~j",,<'i" ,~..: ;,-<,--' :-.i'; .'.~ ~;':"i i