O 106 '._...w. /'""'. ~ oep-..............'"'" -~ ORDnTANCE NO. lo~ --I} L iT'(> AN ORDDTANCE TO BE DOWN J.S THE IDTIFOJD1 PI.1DIJING CODE OJ' TJIB CITY OF J.RROYO GWiDEi PROVIDING FOR THE lIROTECt'ID>> OF TJJB PDLIC 'r AJI]). SAFlft'YJ RBQ1:1 RDTG J. 1Itoo1IT FOR TB DSTJ.lUU.OIl a..,...n, OF PL1'JIBDG, cas OR DRAINAGE SYSTIIIIt$, c..~ tilt _IH'" IPID- ING D1SPBC'l'ORJ.ND PRESCRIID1G BIS DU'fJ;li; _1.JIn eliltu,:p: 'f..-lS, ESTDLISBIJrG xtmrtDI iEG1:JUTIOJJS FOJ. .~'x-=~nOli.~fID,'~.:;' OR iEPJ.II. OF PLUDDiG, cas AND.~ 5tJ_......ttu T~F'PROVIDIJJG PD~TIBS ,FOR ITS TI~ .,~ -'LL ~:)I~U~= =:~= mP,aGtf. ,'.,'_,,~:JfT.. PDBLISBBD BY WBS'l'ED PL1:JDIJJG tlthCm.Si...~nfi., ' . ""." COPDS OF WHICH .iRE ON FILE DT THE OJI'F1CEOF T. CIt'TC~ ' .. BD nrSPECTIOlf BY THE :fBOPLE. The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande doe. ordain as follow.1 SECTION 1. That certafa doclUlentin book fora e.titled -1:1niforaPllU1bing Code- 1952 edition, compiled and pu'lishe' _y Western P11U1bing Officials J...ociatie., three (8) c8pie. of which - are no. on file in the office of the City Clerk of ~he Cit7 of Arreyo Grade is hereby adopted and enacted. by the C11:7 0....11 ot the City of Arroyo Grande a. ~.. PludliRg Code of tile 01t7 of jrreyo Grande, save and except fo~ th..e ..ea4aenta, addit1o.. .a. alter.. ations hereiaafter set forth. SECT!Olf 2. Section 1.2 of said 1:1nifOra PllUlbincCocle i. here. .ith ..ended to read as fo11...t -Section 1.2 - J.dministrative J.uthority & J..ai.taat To provide for the admiaistrationand ..rorce. ment of this Code, the Office of PllUlbing Official is hereby created together W~h8uch as.ist..t... .., be necessary to properly di..~e the .atie. or at. office.- SECTION 3. Section 1.3 of saU thdf.... Pl_fag C.... is here. .ith a.o.de. to read as f011o.at -Section 1.3 - AdmiDistrative J.athority Q.-lifio.tio.s Tho Administrative Authorit7 aad/or all J.aai.taat Plumbing Officials hereafter ap,.1.t04 '~1 ..~ ...h - qualification. aS~l fro. ti.. to ti.. ~e r...ire' of --.'...'.., . .; .:::~:~~~'>~" t . r--, '~ . , of them by resolution passed by the City Council of the said City of Arroyo Grande.. SECTIOli 4. Section 1.4 of said Uniform P1umbinr Code is here- with amended to read as fo110wsI .Section 1.4 - Departments Having Jurisdiction The Office of P1~inr Officials i. hereby made part of the Build.inrDepartae.t" unless atka...ise provided for by law or Ordinanc.... SECTION 5. Section 1.8 of said Uniform Plumbinr Cod". is h.re_ with amend.d to read as fo110..1 .. , .Section 1.8 - Violations and P.na1ties ~ , Any person, firm or carperation vio1atiag ay "- ~ of the provisions of this Code shall b. 4....d "i1ty , , of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereaf .ha1~ be \ \ punishable by a fine of not to .xoee. Two Da.dr.d ~ifty ($250.00) Dollars or by imprisonment for not to exc.ed liinety (90) days or by both .uch fine and t.pri....ent. Each separate day or any portion thereof dari., which any violation vf this Code ocours or oontin... .ha11 be deemed to constitute a s.parate off..se, aad .,an conviction th.reof shall be punishab1. as h.rein pro_ vided. The issuance or grantinr of a permit or approval of plans and speoificationsshall not b. d....d or construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this Cod.. lio p.rmit presuming to rive authority to violate vr cancel the provisions of this Cod. shall b. valid, .xcept insofar as the .ork or us. which it aathoriz.s is lawful. The issuance of a p.rmit upon plans and .,.ci- fications shall not~rev..t the ~ini.tratiYe Authority -2- '" .< . ,'-" ~ . " from thereafter requiring the correction of errors in said plans and speoifioations or from preventing oonstruotion operations being carried on th.reund.r when in violation of this Cod. or of any oth.r Or- dinanoe or trom revoking any Certifioat. of Approval when issued in error. E\rery pe...i t ....' by the Adainbtratift Author- ity under the provisions of thts Code shall expire by limitation and b....e null and vOid, if the work authorized by suoh pe...it is not oo..enc,ed within sixty (50) days from the date of such p.rait, or if the work authoriz.d by anchp.raft is susp.nd.d or abandoned at any time aft.r the work is c....nced for a period of sixty (60) days. B.for.such work I can be recommenc.d a n.w perait sha11b.,first ob- I tained so to do. SECTION 6. Sections 2~1, 2.2, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.1, 2.9, 2.10, 2y.l, 2.12, 2.13, 2.14 and 2.15 of the said Unite... Ph.bing "de are' herewith repealed. SECTION 7. Section 2.3 of said Uniform P1w.binc Co.e is a.end- ed to read as fo11owst . "Seotion 2.3 - General Provisions , a) It shall be unlawful for any person to 0011._ duct, Carryon or engage in the business ot p1a8biac without first having obtaine. a contractor's 1icens. of the State of California so to do.", s) It shall be lawful, a~ provision to the 0011.. trary not withstanding, for any peraon l1eltiq a Xaster Plumbing Certificate 188l1ed1:ly:a _.....,.1' Plumber Examiners under the provisi.DS 01' a Uaito... Code in any other City, eounty or otherg8Y.tBa8ata1 division of the Stat.!.f California to ..._eiR tlte -3. ~._. . ~".c.,."" .. , . r- ') . . ~~ business of plumbing, if in the opinion of the City Engineer, said person is otherwise quali- fied to oarry on said business." c) Any person lIay work or 1alitor at the trade of plumbing in the capacity of an Apprentice P1wa- I ber provided that h. works under tho direction and authority of a person lice....ed as provt4od in subdivisions (a) and (b) above ...d"Pt"oyided that ., , he pass such test as may be required of him trOll time to time by the Administrative Authority set up under the provisions ot this Code. SECTION 8. It is the intontion of the City COUDei1 of the I ' . D~"'1f;"4! City of Arroyo Grande, that the -ti1fa.iEorm Pla ing Code- shall at I all times be in full foroe and .:ffect in the City ot ~yo Grande I :t l.....fa ,Itf;:; / I recognizing that from tille to time said -Uaitol. ""-ing Code- is amended, enlarged and/or adjusted to meet chanit.. co.ditions. The City Council may troll time to ti.e by Reeetutt.. aCept later t'L-. Tf~. f amendments or additions ot the -USifer. Plumi .g C04e- and turther may, from time to time by Resolution, adopt regulatio.s ameading, altering, enlarging or restrictiar powers granted te persons, firms, corporations and associations in conaeotion with tbe i.stallation, alterations errepairs of plum.iag, gas and drainage syst.ms and the inspection thereo'f.., In SUGh eveat three (3) odpies of .uch Re.olttion shall be kept on tile in tke otfice ot tke City Clerk, being marked and designated as -U.ifora Plumhing Code Reselutions and Regulations" whiohsaid copi.. ma:r beidenUfied by tbe Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande and said Retglatio~ saall bave the 'same foree and effect as any, other provisions ..!f't ..u. ......,.1"11 Plumbing Code.- SECTION 9. A.ll ether Ordinance. or parts of Ordinaaoes in conflict herewith are to that extent hereby repealed. SECTION 10. This Ordinaace shallh. in full ter.e and etfect ,'-- , "...4- . ',~ . < ,. C-' J . .. thirty (30) days after its passage and within fifteen (15) days of its passage it shall be published onoe in the Arroyo Grande Herald. Reoorder, a newspaper printed, published'and circulated in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California. On motion of Councilman J."J.-o.J~.h.A , .eoonded by Councilman ~)I and on the following roll oall vote, to.wit: . ' ,AYES:~~~I~' ~/~~~' NOES: ~ ABSEliT I Jur..t., the foregoing Ordinance Was adopted. r:f4, If - J 't ~-3 ~ .. .. . . ." a' ,. ..,', " ATTEST I ~ ~- ' . ' ~. ,JJ$ ~c er ~ I ~---- '. ',",..,.'" -,".