O 104 ORDINANCE NO.~~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, PROVIDING FOR THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Be it ordained by the city Council of the City of Arro1o Grande, County of San Lui$ Obispo, State of California as followa; tQ~wit: Seotion 1. That the hereinafter desoribed parcel of real property designated as TRAcT"Nd. 7~ .. being uninhabited property and contiguous to the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, be and the same is hereby annexed to the said City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obisop, State of California. Said real property is described as follows, to-wit: All that portion of Blocks I, 2, 11 and 12 and of Huber and Temple Streets in Beckett's Addition to the Town of Oceano, in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, according to the map of said Addition filed on February 4. 1908, described as follows: . Beginning at a pOint on the East line 'of said Beckett's Addition to the:Town of Ooeano, distant thereon South o degrees 08' East, 50 teet from the Northeast co1"ner of said Beckett.s Addition, said point being on th.. South line of a road conveyed by Francisco G. Xaviel to the County of San 'Luis Obispo, by deed dated September 9. 1925, and recorded in Book 6, at page 104 of Official Rec~rds, and also being on the, West ~ine of Arroyo Grande' A'ven1.l.e as shown. on said map and" also known as HalcyoI;l Road; theQce aJ.ong,sa1,d Eastli!).e of Beckett's Addition South O'tdegrees 08' East, 384~25 feet; thence South ~9, degrees 52':West, ..Tp.5f~!tt"to a point on the :B;ast line of the Tract of 'J.andconve.yed by said Francisco G~Xavlel to Joseph B~ .Barlow tl,nd Mollie Barlow, q.i~ wife, by deed dated July 18,1929. and recorded in Book 70, at page 224 ofOff1,cial Reoords; thence North 0 degrees 08' West along the Eastl:i,ne or said traot of land, 385.15 feet to the South line of the Road so conveyed by Francisco G. Xavi~l as aforesaii; thence North 89 degrees 5?' East along the South line ot said road, 733.5 feet to the point ofbeginn:i,ng. - " ..... .,-,.1",,- ;.'; SECTION 2. This ordinanoe shall take ,effec;t,.apd,be :i,n , . ,,'- . -, ""..,. -'.-, , , full force and effec,t thirty days after its final pas~ag~!;;and. before the expiration of fifteen days after its passage it shall be pUblished with the names of the members voting tor and agaln8t the same at least" once in' the Arroyo Grande Herald'1'!eeuruer, a newspaper'of general circulation in the said City or Arroyo Grande. -- -- - -----.-. J' .,.;~ , ("""'., .. ,:) . - .. ON Motion of Councilman J4uA-l secoaded ,B.wht- . ' bY' Councilman and on the foU..wtag roll call vote, to-wit: AYE8:~~~/~~~' NOES: ~. ABSENT: ~~~ Jdv~f"".k:W. ~~ Dated this 7th daY' of A~8t, 19~2. ATTEST: iltu. ~~~:r ~ ;;r,-:;j:ij dt'~-~:", f\:J~';~iii,;.,~.,-:3~_~-~. ;.;<". .;;., ':,' --, ;,',' ','. '.;:::::;~i~~[,;~i;i~;.:j~l:';F::.. ;',' CERtIFICAtE OF CI~Y CLERK HE PROCEEDINGS IN CONNECTION WITH ANNEXATION OF TRACT # 75 TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE I, EDNA M. SCHILLING, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, Lounty of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that in the prooeedings for the annexation of Tract H 75, all of the provisions required under Seotion 9 of the "Annexation of Uninhabited l'erritory Act of 1939" as amended - Act 5162 of Deering's General Laws - have been complied with. I further certify that the following is a true oopy of the boundary desoriptions of said Traot # 75, a map of whioh is attached hereto: All that portion of Blocks I, 2, II and 12 and of Huber and Temple Streets in Beokett's Addition to the Town of Ooeano, in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, aooording to the map of said Addition filed on February 4, 1908, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of Said beokett's Addition to the Town of Oceano, distant thereon South 0 degrees 08' East, 50 feet from the Northeast oorner of said Beokett's Addition, said point being on the South line of a road oonveyed by Franoisoo G. Zaviel to the County of San Luis Obispo, by deed dated September 9, 1925, and reoorded in Book 6, at page 104 of Offioial Reoords, and also being on the West line of Arroyo Grande Avenue as shown on said map and also known as Halcyon Road; thence along said East line of Beckett's Addition South 0 fiegrees 08' ~ast, 384.25 feet;thenoe South 89 degrees 52' west, 733.5 feet to a point on the East line of the Tract of land oonveyed by said Franoisoo G. JCaviel to Joseph B. Barlow 'I, and Mollie Barlow, his wife; ~ deed dated July 18, 1929, and recorded in Book 70, at page 224 of Offioial Reoords; thence North) degrees 08' West along the East line of said traot of land, 385.15 feet to the South line of the Road so oonveyed by Franoisoo G. Aaviel as aforesaid; thence North 89 degrees 52' East along the South line of said road, 733.5 feet to the point of beginning. ~.~~IIt. . City Clerk, ity of royo nde County of San Luis Obispo State of California -- --_...._-~.._--._-- _.--.:-.- ----.,-.-.-..". _....".n \ -I , ! ) / ~ ~f ~ /""/TV d' ~ ""-.., ....." I ' .r,"'" '/ . ,#1" II ~-_..~ 4 -'P:i! ", "1" // \ c:.. '::::> /.~ " " II( -4rJO '" ___u/ fj1" , ',-0 "A,RRO YO ---, - ...... (Trod N9 7!>- ~. , -- G.6NE!fAi... LucA710N Pi../I/I/ - - ---..... -'-'- ..-..-----.- ! I I I MiNE, l4u t LOOMIS Tnt1 N~ 45 - ~- .~ FARIPEL ROAD '.~ ~ ,EAST ..., 733.50' Q:l ~I 6.48 AE , ~ ~ TRACT N2 7S I() , <1/ ~ , I() ~~ " A .5vi:xllV/310/7 01' Block / pjJorf/CV7 ot ;:-11 t 12 ~ Ie) . . Q;) oF l\') ~ II) I3~CKETT3 /7DOITION 70 OCEANO II) , ~ 5C1LE: /"=120 ~ \J I 733,50' -...l 389" 51:.' W ~ .5ffETc/l ,',,!W 8cIT . A -80- / - ---.....--- ~-_.-- ~-