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O 103
, r--" ....._.,..... .~ -' I OfDIN:UCB .0. i~~ . '.~:~ . ;~in OrdinanC.ZndiQ 'Sf)t~.'I'...'." 1."i'Ot.~~~~.U.f.t_.CUY of Arroyo Gra.nlle,,'ptihed, .An"!ij.~a".f~~.." f.r~".Ui....t ot Zoa.s bthe City of Arroyo ~nd., ..)i,tm:l..f "'i'~Uag fhe Uses of Property Therein, 4dopUnga X....~1W."~dZ.'." dd~illing the T.rIIls Us.din This Ord.iaaftce,,,"~41,,.2~r ns.~4.....!t.IIa- forcellleataad AIIIendlllent ,Prescrt1Jiligp;~t~i... t.rytet.,.dflt.. ~a4 Re- o -, -.. ,/ ", -:,'.",._, '.:.," . , :' ',' . , pealing allY Ordinance orPortt:ons'ot' "~iJi.~.~ ia'C~..~..t _....it.,. passed aad adopted the 6th dayo~ IU1:t~lq:.. saU~"".bdl1C cOlll1l1only known, as the .ZoningOrdi,haRC;tIf.- Section 1. The .ZOnittgPl~n-'Xat.'ret~.,"i.kc"... "'of Ordiaance 95 of the City ot4tr.y,;~~.t!~~~.f~II~!/..tltt.~~..4tJ , " . ';'} ,',' -"'~; ,',:,' . ",::.- ',' ,:~. " .1, OrdiDance Pr,~vi4ing for theBsta~li8.~t.t.~It..{.1!~.ct. ~.,...~o Grande, cal~ornia, and R.gula.'ting tl1,. .~f,~,/.~ !.~~,'.iI,'!'t,;','..,a.,".,', .~,' ._....' .. ~ .." :. " .. ..": ...."1,~'::::;.... ',:' "i~:" ,:..;,.. ':" -"".:.'.. .." ,," .." .".. .." ".." .." ", a :Hap Sho,,;!ng said Zones, htJf.ai~t th~ ~..;'~..It'1'a,"~"e, "" .... ,}',c"":;,:,,, ,,/:t\"-.: ,':', <~!< ..:,:",:"",:_",-t""':';";"" " ProViding tor i tSA.jUstJte1'1tf,#f~i'II!'.~>,~~M.~~;...i'''~).:)ti.i " .. .... .. ,',' ;' :_'~-''''" :-"-:'''''', :;:,::<_c~,''''\< Peaalties for Violatioas Bac2.,..,._l:i..ut ~~'~r"".."Uoa..l", OJ-dinances i.Conflict H.rewf11t,"~;~~.4~;,.~t.4",'tIt,._ ot July, 1949, is herewith _ended~lJ~$$.~t."~z..... _.....ri.. . .. :-.. ~;-/:" '. \-~, ::, \-,:' .. ~ .. .,"" -.. , as are dui8~t.d thereen are c~edt.''i''''"..., ~.~'~biIi.~t:L~:8.e . are 'sbo1fR on tJte..p a tta.cbed ~~t~';.*~~~;;.~.';."~__" I....~ lfap"Ordinance )10. 95, As .1II...cSe..,~1otcif~J:..~, ,', .tt.. Citl .. "':" ....,,",',::.-:.,'":::"'.\. .. of Arroyo Graade ,. and sdd lllap. ~~J.1:~..t.tt.1t!,"..et"~l:n shmmthereoll shall be aSlI1uch a "p~f ~ft1llt.or"''''f. '.. 1ft... $&tter '" .,. .."'..'..1".,,....., .. and infonnation set forthbY.S!li4 -P,.~;~I~~,..~r,t1,.ul..t011._S: The property rezone. hen:ttt1"Jt :t.~ij"..r"I,'''''',.s ," .. .. " .. .."'....,. " .. .. . > - , J..,O . t,".'...,'.1.......' , t ,.0.,'...,:1.. 0".......'.'.,'...',.....$..'.'.....'...',','.o...............~.,'...,......,...i,..,...."..,'....;e.,'a.... .,.ti.'.'.,".,"... '. B1.... .>t'~..:1 " ','" ..,.,~i,. ,""')I.~;O~.."'" .'" ," .."~, .~:t.;j8P.;c'... ,.""... . . Said.,)'~erty iSC~.f"..,.,',,,'('tt, '.'i.."',.'.,~.,~. .. ',"a ~".. '.," " ", "'L....'.,~."'.',.. ...-.,,"-', ........'.".-....,'.. ,.,~~.:'..', .. ...,i.......... " .. ......,.<:,..'......_.c,'.... ....... .,...... .....".<{-',..: .. " , ,...1, zone., " , .,,' i; "'-::' ,,:-':;;"..,-- ":"),""< .. .'''".:<,-' ,':' ..".. .. -,~ ~~_.2~ This ot-~,~9~,..n~t.~:f.~~~(IO),~s anJr ,. ',.,.'-.",' .", ""'.' .. .... ': , (,.', f.'" , \)~ ~ ') - - .~ .. . '. . '~ .'. ~'i, ' 11' '!~"':'~ >>"''''''ij. ,~:'-;', .,," , '-"" .-'" its passage, and within fifteen (15) ~1~W JS~111........' it shall " ',...J ," ". '" 'l."'~' " be pgbHs,hed OD,ce together 'With t&1e......:'\~t.....~..Uag tel' and aga:l.Mt i t iQ..the~I).tra1c1",,~~~r\':~'~.fO) !f,~:ilcircu- " , "" , c, "~,4 :', ,,;:,_~y>t"::'::: ' ,,'"" ,I _~;-::",_t '>~,' latiOD, priBted an4 PUb~~~,C!i..t..~ci~'~ ~~~~.&toia..., ca1ifora!a. on Itdtion of d0t1nc:~"\~_..'r<1.......<\': /.... ,'. ~ eeo....d by Council... , ./~"l!;;"j .\>;: >>'t~.d,.,~...t.l!..,,;.q 1:.011 '" call vote, to"""i:' " ">, .,..,",,'.,.,..,..~..,...~~i. .tYE~' ~&4 ~ ~/~~'~~ '" ' NOss: ~ . J,BSB!iT; ~e.:..e ~ ' ~.' The foregoing' Ordi..ance 'W.sad~~..<<~~.~_~t"'.,~, 1952. ' . .--.-..-,. - . .'r ,? : .<'. ,,:'), ~, 1 "t:' .', " ,-,-- , t'~~..",' . . '<:;,;; '::';,;..:~."j,::',' !Ii;,:' : . ".\;'~~'~.;,~~:O:<iLj; :~ ,:, . <"..\' ~.A~;'~"~}i,<.. -'" ,~h,l);)~~v~Jt:~"; ""i<ti