O 102
'r ' ".
ORDDUCS .0. J":;"
CALIPODU1 JIUl.w fBE tift orLIC.. 'fAX ~1I01f..AID '1INJUI,",urc fBE trSB
The CU7 COUDcll of tbe Ci4 ot Arro70 Gralau .... OI'daia .. tol-
(.) Pereoa. Ae used ia tbi. orcliD&IICe, .per8OJJ. ...... aU dOll..tic
IUld foreign COrporatiollUl, ...ociaUolIUI, 8J'Ddicate., joint .tock Corporati0J18,
partDer.hips of eftr7 kind, club, .....Cbu..tt., ba.ia...., 0..' co..on la.
tru.te, sOCieties, ud iDdiYidual. traneactiDg ud C&IT')'i.,... ...,. basi-
Des. iD tbe Ci 4 Of Arroyo Grand..
(b) B".iD..S. As a.eel iD tlltaordiDlUlOe .buiD.... .....,p..ot.s-
siOD., tnd.. IUld OC4"PaUon. &Dd a11 ad .V8J'7 kind ot Cautacoarried 011
tor profit or liveliboOd.
(c) Cit7. .CUJ'. a. h.reib.:_..... .ball .... tbeCitJ'ot Al'r'oJo
Grand., Ca1itonda.
..itber tbe adoption ot thi.o..4ibaDCe' Dot i te euper..diDc ot &Ill'
porUOD ot &JQ" otber ordiJUUlce ot tbe CUt .ball ia &JQ" -...er be cdatnaed
t'O .nect prosecation tor Yiolatiob ot &IQ' otber ordiaaaoe cOlld tt.dpdor
to the eftective date bereot, nor b. c~tna.d a. a waiver ot .., lic.nse
or a1i7 penal provision applicable to.1UtJ' suell Violatio., nor be cem.tru.d
to attect the validitJ' ot &DJ bond or oaah depoeit: requindb, ...,.os-din-
ano. to be po.t.d, tiled or depo.it.dud all ri8ht...d obl1pUoa. there-
uato Appertainlog shall oontinu. iDtQ11 torc. and ..rt.ot.
Th.n are h....bJ' ilaposed upon tbe busin...... trade., prof...ioDS,
calliDgs &Del oco"P.Uon. lIpecilied in this ordill8Dce lic.... taxes iD the
amouDts bereinafter preacribe4, aad it.ball b. Unlawful tor .lI7p....OD to
~raneact ..41 e&n7 OD &D7 buaiaess. trade.prot."lODs. 9aU1q or occu-
p.tioD in th. Ci 4 ot ArroJ'o Grude ..ithout tirst baviog pro01ll'ed a lic.nse
'. ' .-- .". ,-" - , ,.__,_ __ ,._ .w...... .. _. _.. . ..._. -...- ,- . -,' --
from said city 80 to do or without complying with any and all applicable
provisions of this OrdinaDce.,
A separate lic.D.. ..st be obtained for each branch ..tabliabaent
or location of the buain... transact.dand carri.d OD aod tor eacb..parat.
type of ba.ine.. at the e.e location,aad each Jic.ns. eJJa11 ..thoriz. the
liC.D8e to traasact aad 0&rr7 OD oolT the bame.s l1c.....d theRb7 at the
location or in the aaaner d.dpatedin Ihtch licen.., proyicle4 that ware-
hOa... aad d18tribatiag planta a..d in COIIAeotioD with aad laoi4.ntal to
a bu.in... licen.ed and.r th. provisions of this orctill8nce sball Dot be
d...ed to be ..parat. plac.. of basin..s or braach ..tabli.ba.nt. I
All lic.n... ....t be kept aa4po8ted in the following UDners
(a) A.rq lieen..e transacting aad c&I'I'7inc OD ~.ine.e at a fixed
plac. ot ba.in..s iD th. Citr of A:rt:.OJ'O Grand. .ball keep the lio.... po.t-
ed in a cODapioaoas place upon the preai... 1Ibere saob baaine.. 18 carried
(b) A87 llcen..e .traaaactiag aad e&rr1iD& OD a baaine8sbataot
operating at a fix.d plac.ot basine.. in th.Clt7, .hall k.ep tb. lielln8e
on his per8on' at all U... while tranaactinc aad carrriD&ODlhtcbba.ines8.
(a) It 8hall b. the dltt7 ot the Clt7 Cl.rk tohan priat.d licease
blanks 'or th. Ci t7 ot Arro70 Grade aad to keeptra. aa4 aocurat....cord8
apeoif71ng tb. dat. ot all lioens..l..aed, towbOa i....4, tor what, the
n.e when they .xpire, th. &aOant paid, 'the bltsin... acktre..otth. lie.n-
...., .ndall other p.rtinent aad neoeaearyiDtorution.
(b) All 11o.n..8 due UDder or bJ' virtu. of this ordinaao. .liIt.ll
b. paJ8.ble at th. otfic. ot th. ,Cl t7 CI.rk.
(0) BYel7 pereon requir.4 to han a llc..... uncler the provisions
of this Ordinance .hall lI&ke application tor the .... to the Cit7C1erk ot
the City ot Arroyo Grande, aa4 upon th.p~nt' ot th. preeorib.4 tax the
Ci ty Clerk .hall i..... to .aoh p.r.oa alie.ne. which shall ontaiil (1) the
,.-.-.- I
.' ......... -
'0.. _,".'. ~. ._..._ _. ...._ .._ .~ _._.'''' .... .,,'_....~ """~""'~_"~"'~'_'" ..,._._..__ .. .."'_,....~.~~._..._.. .,_. .,~~__"'.. ...........
. .
" .'<.'1'
y.ar orotb~pedo4 $0 hili as thebQ$iDess" trade, occupation ...'~OY"':~'"0"""
. . . .' "~, :''-1>,
..nt '.ubject ' to 'th., lic.nse tax ia contiDued., provide4 that the per.oDtak- "
ing out a lio.nse UDder tbe provisionsot Ws OrdiDUOe.after tbe begin",:
, ,
ning of aDl'period, ,sbaU P67 oa17 a prO rata __UDt of &aiels. to,.the'
p.riod, 1ID1.... hel'eiD otherwi.. .apeoitied..
(I).) It. aD;7 p.reon liable to, P&:r a qQN"ter1y lic.... tax ..h.,~~
in, prodl1ec! ra11.8to pay 'the ..... i.. tea (10) '4q., ~...... attertl1. ....
,',' .' , " ' " " ,
, . . . \
b.ooa.... 4a. aacoording to tbis Or4iaanee, a P, enalv, . ot t.. <1"') perc.nt
. .' . '. .
, ....
; . . .
shaUb. ad4.4 to tbe "OUDt of the lie.... If aD1"PQ'SoD :liahle to pay
a 4ai17 11c...._ as h....in provided ,(ails to pa,y the .... tor tin (5)
487s or !lOre att.r tl1. .... shall beooaedu. acoord1aa' toW. Ord....~..o.,
. . ,
. . -.
a p.nal ty ot on. huadred. (101$) per o.at sball be added to the aaoWatot
tb. lic.n...
(c) A11, aJUlual lio.... _... UDder the prOvUton ot tbis OrcU.aanc. '
- _ :. _ _ " _.._" .._-. _ ".';:, _.. , . . _ ,~ _':ff, _ _ . _ " _, _ ',', _" :;, '.,.'
sballbe ,.~~ paJ'ahle 1n a4varao. ~~I1. 1.t 487 of Jol7 __....$'...1 "
provi4e4i~t..1ioe..., tax,. coveriD&ii~l:n&si.." wb...._ aanllAl lic....is
required ur-ui, .o.....e.d after theIst da7 ot'o1l&17.aba11'be prorated
&r the/~..o.ott.he ~ice"'YeaJ':..,~Ob ~"OW1t to.b. paid<ttllld..o",
vane.;...p~~ded, tuttber. bnever, t~~,.,...r. aa'aaQlIA1uG.....~.i~..i
paid pur..t1o tbi,a OrcSiraanc., ...dt..~"siI1...eo 110....41.t.......,t.r
,- " . I
di.cont1nu.4,;. theliCeDsee, sball not b. .ntitled to a refl1a4tortheba1- !
aDce ot the lic...eyear _ All daily, weekly f IIOnth1;v an4 qlllU"ter1t1:lce..es
aad taxes '..hia11 be papbie in' a4...#,:..4. shia11 notbepro:..rabd;' ;
.. '", ,
J.4\tpullJat..lice...e..y b. iS1I\I5d by the CiVC1~ tonltlJt,oeUy
--.- ,. ',' ,'.'- ... -'-" .. .. " .. ..... -,".
'-,,'," .....,..-...,.. .. , .," -,"
.. '..... ... ',-, ,.... . , ....
l1c5luJ. ~USl7:;j.tIU.d b.r.uder .,bieUlhas be.. lost, orcte.~....!gpo.
the lte,..... ti1:l.aa aa affidavit with.the Cit7C1erl( attwt._g' t08ucb fact.
,(~J U.baU bellli1awtul tor..,. persOD.fina or,c..,...tt,o...to
U8. tlie ~u.c 81r..ts;, roads or si~l"" wUbi.the liJd. ta or::Jttie'>:Qi4
of Al-;r07QGrarade; tor the purpo.e oitald~ orders tor,. or .elling Bo048~'
war.... .ercbaD4i.., fruits, veg.table..t1sh, ....t, can4T,popcon,' raw or
prepared tood, maps ~ _gaaiHS. fbis subdivision Is int.Id.4to~.ppl1-'
. "
---- ---.-----
~ '.
'.- . ~ .... " ... ......... -. ..., _ .'~~ h'~ ____.'_..__.' ..,~..... .. '. ........."'.,-.C '-,~ .., ,..-< ..-- --~- -_.. -.- .- ..... ...... ..- ,...
, nau of ihecpe"OIi to 'whoa tbe) 1ice~8e 18 i88"'84, (2) t... b..ia"~ 11oens~,
84, (a) tbe p1ao. where 811011 ba8iae.s ia to b.traaeact.4 ..d oarrie4 oa,"""
(4) the dat. of the expirationot "ch 11e8a.., ..4 (6) such oth.r inform-.
atioa aa IIq "11.088881'7 tor tll.. .ntoro.....tot the provislou or this
!)rdi....c.. '
, ,(4) ,Upoa a,'per.~n ukiDgapp1ioat1w. torth. t1l:'8t li~...to b.
issued b....QDISer~or foraaew17..tablbbe4 bOlft,...." _11 Ptlr'eOD 8.11
taraJ,sb )totbeCit7 Cl...k torh18orh..l"illidaace in aec;...tatainc tb.
aa<)ut of 110..... tax to b.paid b,. t.. 'PPUctant,.a ~tte. .tat.....t
UP~D , at~l'aprqYi4ed b,. tbe CU,. Clerk ~~ to b.torea per8011 authoriz.d
to. a4a1a1eter oat. ..<<ins rortlleucb,i.to...UOD aliIIN' b. therein ......'
Quifed. aDd a. UJ', be n.c......,.prop.r17to d.etera1ae tbe ..oat or the
licen.. tax to b. pa14 by the applicant.
(e) The aUy Cl.rk _bail not bau. to &Q7 "cia ,........ anther
lic.nse fortbe ..... or &Q7 otb.... busin... watil"cb p....aoa8lla11:taa". "
rurai.bed to hia tbe writte. .tat....tud paid. tJ.\e 1i~.. tax,,: as b...ei.
set tortb.
SBCTIU 7.. ITO LIQBJtSB ~SPR~1ttB. j,1I__ 10ICUsa IRl!Rj,WI.!U
."UC8.se is.u.d. pQr8uaat to ib18 Ord$POO8 ....:11 betraa,lIf.r-
ab1eJProvidec1, t!.'At WIlere a ;Lic..se is iSsu.d &uthoriziq & per8011 to
traaaactud e&rrT O. abullinea_ at a particQ1a1" plac., such lio.... .87'
, . .. .' ... . '-
upo. appl1caUOI1 theretor han the 11oen.. ...nud toutbor:lU tM 'trau-
.'_ .. ..' -. _' . . c .. . .
actia& and C&ITJ'i.D& 011 of Qoh basi.... waller _J,4 110....' at.... otber
location to which tbe bu~ine.. 1801" is to be ~cI.
(a) LJ,oon... may be ian.d. for auch t.raa u uz bereqa1~by
thi8 Or.1i ...':)e. 1.10811..., when parable Quarterl,., ...st be tall:eI1CMtti,n
tbe q~teraoo_.noiq OD tbe 1.t ..,.,. 01 ~-u&ry,"'Pf'U, ,&w1I ..4
Ootober ot eacb,.ear~ When a. rate ot U.~Q" tax b7 tJd.sCJrdtDlIMe i.
i!lpOMd tortbe wbOte quart.r ot a 7." or other ~od, it ...at be paid
i. ac1-.ace. ... like ..1Mnt ...t b~ IIII4e toreaoh~""811t q~r of the
-~......_..--- -- '.'-'
--------.. -----" ---------
. ~.- _.- .". -""-. . ... ~ 0 . ... .'~.._..,.._~.'" ~. "0 .r ..... ,........ ........ ~__. . <+.-.0 .
to a person wbo is engaged 1n the business ot selling aQF of the &oods,
wares, merchandise or articles oaaed. &ad IIOt to acaeua1 or iao1atect
traasaction ot sale which may be _de otberwise tban ia tbe ordillU'J' cOUl'se
ot busine.s.
(b) It shall be uDlawtul tor a~ pel'llOD to put ttp a staa4, table,
or other cODtaiaer, on wheels or otbenri.., or park aD1' 'tr.1Ok. auto.obUe,
or wa&OD OD an7 public street, road or aidewalk ill the CU7 of ArroJ'o
Grande tor the purpose ot selling th....troa or ~ag orders for aDT goods,
wares, merchaDdiee, fruits, vegetables, fish. ..at. oaadJ'. popcOI"l1, raw or
prepared food, ups or aagazlnes, or to att...,t to ..11 or taJce orcter.s tor
or to..ll 8aJ' of tbe said articles troa a fixedparltiq p~e or staad
, upon aQF PUb1i~ street, road or eidewa1k in said at t7. this ..cUon ap-
pliea only to a per'son who ta1tes apa fixed locat1oa 011 a publio street,
road or sidewalk in the 01 ty of Arroyo Gr'ande, fro. whicb ~f.xed locatioD
he operate. hie business ot 8elling or troll which fixed 10catioll he aakes
two or .ore Ales of the articles carried bJ' hill.
)Jottl4~ in this Ordinanoe oontailled sba11 be COIIStrue4 to affect
the right ot 8aJ' ooaerc:ial trave1ertor wholeAle boa... to solid t orders
froll retail Mrohaate in tbe ai t7 ot Arroyo Crude.
(a) COJrSTI'1'O'f1:0B OR STA.'lUTBS OF 'f,J1E UflftD SUfiS OR 01' TJIB STATE
011' CALIIIODU. ,.othing iD thia OrdiDuce $ball b. 4....<1 or oonstrued to
apply to aay person traaaaeting &ad carl71ag OD aD7 busin..., exapt by
virtue ot the 90JU,t1 taUon or applicabl.e etat..t.. of the UDi teet Stat.. or
\ or the State 01 Ca14fornia troll the payllHt to Ibmioipal Oo.rpontiOIlS of
81Ieb taxe. a8 are herein presoribed.
(b) CBARITABLB O\1GABIZATIOIlS. The pt'oviaioD8 of thi. Ordinance
.ball not be deeaett or con.trued to reqllire tbe papeat of a liea..tax
(f..) to conduct, __,e or carr'J' on aQF bUBine.s, occapatioa or activity,
trOll 8aJ' insti tuttOD or organization which is CODc1acte4, .1I1I\&8d or car-
ried on wbo117 tor the beD.tit of chari table purpo..s or troa whicb profit
i. not derived, either direetlJ' or indirectly. b7 *lIT individual, tirm
or corporation, Dor shall aQF liceD.e tax (1"..) be nq1dred for tbe con-
ductil1g of IUQ' entertai_ent, concert, exhibition or leo.ture on eeientitic,
historical, literary, religious or moral eubjecta1fithin the cat,. whenever
the receipt otany 8uch entertainment, concert, exb1bition or lecture are
to be appropriated to IUQ' churcb or 8cl1001or to ...,. religious or benevo-
lent purpo.., nor' sball aD7 1108.88 tax (fee) be require4.' forth. conduot-
ing of any enter'taiJuaent, ciano., conert" exhibition, or lect.... b7 aDJ
religious, obaritable, fraternal, edtacatiooa1, IIf.li1:ary. atate, couty or
munioipal organization or .asociation, 1IfbeDenr the receipt of aD7 noh
entertaiuent. dance, concert, exhibiU,oD or lectareare to be appropri-
ated tortbe purpo.. aDd objects torwbich neb orp.ntzatioaor a88OCiation
,. .
was foned and fro. which prott t 18 not _ind, either cU.rectly or ift-
directty, by &n7 iDdivi4Ual, tin. or corporation, pioYided, however, that
nothing in thie Section shall be de...d to U81llPt allJ' aucb orpataUon
or assooiation trois' ooaplying wi tb theprovieioa8 of aD7 Ordinaace of the
City requiriDg a perait fro. tbe CitT Councilor 6IIJ' oOlllli.88ion or officer
to conduct, JlADI\.ge or carryon any profession, trade, ca11iD'f Or occupa-
(e) Cf.An( FOR EXEMPTI01i. ART person claWD& an exeapUon pur-
eua~t to this Seotion shall file a nti.fied etate..nt with the CitT Clerk
statug the tacts !&pon whioh exeliptiOD is olai_d.
(d) LlCElfSB. The City Cierk'sball, upoD a proper ahOwiDa con-
tained in the verified stat..ent , Isaue alioo.. to' Hob peraea olaia-
il1gexeaption Wlde~ subdivision (b) ofthia SeoUoia withoutpapent to
tbe City of tbe licen.. tax required by tbis OI:'dinaace.
(e) RBfOCA'lIOJl. 'lite Ci t7 Clert: -1' reVOke aay lic... granted
pursuant to the provisions of this Section upoa iDforaation that the
licen... is not en'tit1ed to 'the ex8J11ption as provieSed herein.
The pa7118ntof a lieefts. t.. requir.d by this Ordiaance and
aoceptance by tbe City, aad i..aance or a license to IUQ' persoft sball not
entitle tbe holder thereof to carry on any busine.. in or on aDY premises
eSesignated in auob liceDse in the event such building or prelli... are
situated in a locality in which tlte coadact ot ncb busiDess is ift violation
-6- I
of'U7 law..
At th. rate ot $a.OOper quart.r.
1. , AutOlloJ)i1e triaaiag ,aadtop ahop.
2. Bill poatiag.
8. I.D;y pU'8on ....,ed ifitJaeJ)roJterag.h..iD..., ..UiDI
.tooU or boud..
.. Bi07Cb .tor., or ..l1iag, rediag or repa1riq bic;yc1ee
or tric;ycl..., : '
6. CODdactiag 4&Dciag ola.... or aca4tiJd.a.
8. G....11.. pup operat.d b COD80tloD wi tb aD1' otber
b..i..... '
7. AD7 per80. ltanag a 4iatribuUag ataUoD iD th. CU7
ot Arro70 Graa48, Dot lio....d Itoreader ... -a.nice
statio.- or ltanag DO .4IatribuUag .tation'!. tJae CltJ
of J.rt'o70Grand., no ..Ua, or 4811....1'8 .t retaU iii'
the Clt;y ot 1.rr070 GrandMa, oil, &asolb., 4i.tillatit or
oth.r oil proddct..
8. BarD... 8tore or pop.
9.Xce boa.. or "l1lagl:t.t~ll14iDl .ocla ..t....,' ,
10. Sol1citlagtor or..iD " ' & 1a1lDdr;y .... at a
,t~.4 plao.ot b1IsiH..P'lfitbout the ... offth101.. 'for
a 'laUDdr;y Dot IOO8t..:111 the CU, of J.rt'o70 0, ....
u. ......17 or ..l1iag tJ'h.or plaDta. , ' '
12. 511ft repairiag. ,',
13. Water 4iatrlbu.tor.
14..' W004 78!"d.
At the ....t.ot $4.00 per quart.r.
16. Battel7 8hop.
~6. ,P18b and poll1tl7 1I&I"1I:.t.
, .
At, the rat. ot $5.00 per quarter. '
l'1.S81Ung agrlcu.1 tural.i.:J..a4Dts,' wagon.., tract~, ,di::.
l,8.'S.Ulag or so1101 tiD/it:\'t..-ea180t aatClllObU.... '
"IS;, .J.II~o.obi1e aoc."Or;v~i:.~o..e.
" '2;0 "':Aato e..,s' ""i'. ('
" , . " .' ::.,,_.,.-,,:'''': >:'"','
'2:a:.,..AOoouatant or auditor'~';::
:22.; aa~t.l7sbop witb raU-..Iiop.
28. Bov11ag t ten piDs or Dirie pin 81.1.,. '
2.. "Bl.ou. tb .hOp, iD01adiq' hOraealaGeiDe.
26. BakerUs. ,'. . , ' . '. ,'.',' ' .. , .. ",.
28. Ceat.oUoD.1T store.,iJaoladiag soft drbks,o"....a aDd
tobaoco. '. ,,'. .", , ' . . ' '. .'.' ,'< "
21. Cirr ~!O~tJ~l~'t~itlt. ~4i.s and ...U.....OOc18,
an 80 ,~ e. '..
28. Clear' faotol7., '
29.B"i1di~ o..ent, hous.~ving, pla.teringor otber
,COfitrao DC. .,
80. C1ell'wtiag and 47eJ.ng.' ., "
81. Co14 ato....,. box.. oir tOOCllooJtera. ,"
82. 'be b.sinees ot p~tlciq 48Dti_:r. . ,. . ',., ..." .
88. El80trio suppli.a atore or ca. npp 1,.. .t... ......tUnc
electrical 8qalpaent an4 e1ectrio1ti.r'iDa or ....(1Ilp.ent
_and tutur.. and iDsta11iDCB.. fixtures ..4 wiriag.
34. Qarage, wbere cleuiq ,aael repairlac ill elODs, iDclac11Dg
aaobiDe shop.
".- .36. Gasoline .tatiOD with tire or allto acce..oris., wa.b racJc,
grease rack or ba ttol7 ' shop.
36. Botel up to titheD (11) rooas.
37. Opto..trle:t.
88. "....lIT .tore, inclac11Dg watcb &DeS .1"'lr7 repairiJal a.d
optical goods. '
39. La1lDc1r7 cODduoted at a rixed place ot, bu.l.... ia tile City
ot A1"1"O{: Gt'anc1e.. '
40. fMbus .... ot praotlt:iac law. ' I
41. Loc1g1ac or roOlting bOIl.... I
42. Xeat Jlarkst. I
4a. Xusic store or ..111q _sica! instnaenb at a fixed i
plao. ot bIt.iD....
44. JI~hift. .hop and wel4iag ..hop.
46. ~":t bae1n..8 of praot1ciq ..cUcia_. o.teopat~ or a
1Jh=ractor. ' .
46. 'P1 III sbOp, lnolla.c1irIga1ectrtc ucla.. tittbp _d
supplie. or takiag a, plublng CODtract, 01' dolq &lIT. '
~~ hsine.. 1ft the CiV of Arr070 Gnu.. '
4". ,ctiag,where .fob worki. dOne. . . '
.&8. Paintaton aDd paint shop with coatract b.... or sip
.9. Paiet cODtractor.
60. : Tariet7' Store.
51. R..taaraot or chop bOas.. ,
62. Real ..tate aa4 bro~. b..ab... or 1I8111q real .atat.,
.tOCke. b..de or ot..... ..ouriU....
$8.Ra4i0 shop or store. '
S4. Shoe store aael .bo. repairing.
56. ,V.clertaking. ' "
56. the bu:I.De.. ot praot1ciill yeterbar1 nr&sl7.. .
51. Arq buins.. not epeOiti~l17 oovereel here:I.Dl.CODdac#bd
at a fiXed place of buS!.s.. iDtbe C! tT.t ....J>IO Grande.
',' ....
At tbe rate of .6.00 per quarter.
68. ClotlliDg .tor.'or t1ln1i8hiDg .tore.
~ ~ . 1:1"1 goOcllO store.
80.' c..t.' t1ll'Jl1eJdq atore.
61. Oroo8rJ 8tore.d' ."
82 . Ladi... hrbieliiq .'t~.D4l11il1iD.Z7.
A.t tbs rate or .,.50 per quarter.
53. heel etore.
64. I..ec:ticide and fertilizer sale..
~. ...
At tbe rate or $10.00 per quarter.
65. Cerage wbere cleaning and repairing iac1Ofte. ino1udiq
Jlacbl.e shop 81148;:8801 for autoaobUee ..4 aatOllObile
66. JJar4IfVe etore, iDclUd1iac eportiq goode ..el paiat,
6T. Dealing in Junk at a fiXed place of tlJuain... iD th. CUr
of A.rro10 Grucle either bQiq or ..11111S or botb.
68. Lllllber prets. '
69. XoYiq picture sbows. ,
'Eo. Soliciting orelers troll boase to house for goode, ware.,
,.el'Qbandi.e, ..4io1o." beau, magaZiD8.or periOdicals of
.117 1d.Dc1 tor future aelinry,.
At the rateot .12.50 per quarter.
11. PurDiture store.
------------- -----------
At tberate of $15.00 per quarter.
72. General ..rohandiee atore.
13. Pawnbroker .bop.
At the rat. of $20.00 per quarter.
74. Xeat ,.dd1iDgnot tbe prodIacJt of th."pe~ 1D qaaa-
titlea te.. tba; tbe .wbole caroaee vitb a ftCOn or other
....1dc1. .
At the rate ot $6.00 per da7.
75. PbotolRpbera without .atixedp1ace of bIl81.....
'f8. 50lio1 t1q for .nUrli-. ',pbOto,srap.. andpictatoee. "
77. So1ioitiq Job priatiq,a~ principal, ....t or otber-
vi.. b7 tbo.. who are no~ reaUine or401q a priJItiag
,bu.iDe.. in Arr070 Gru.. '
'f8. Auf bu.in... aot epeoia117covere4 bereia, aot oODdaCt.d
at a tix.d plao. of ba.i.... 1D the CU7 ot ArrotO Graade.
Tb. tol1OViac speoial rates eha11appl1 totb. tollOWiD1 basiDeea-
u, trades, proteeeion., oocupatioae or 0&11iDl8, to..wit.
19. A.uotioneering, $1.00 per ~. ,".
80. Barber ShOPSt $S.OO perqaarter tor one (1) olair and
6~ per qaar or for each adcU.tioaal obair.'
81. Beauv /arlor, .8 .00 p.r quarter .tor the, tt.r.top...tor,
aDd 50 per quarter torMeb a44i(iOllaloperator.
82;CirclI8 aDd/or caraiftl.'O.OO p.r da7.
88. TUiq orders tor 01ot~ 1'1"_ .-pIe ouUits, wi~ut
. . a,p.....a.at place ot bUine..,.".OO p.r da7. ' '" ,'...
M. .Dr'q., store vi tb or v;ltll.Oti,t ~di.., statiOit""', 9~~1
,goode, Jeve1l7 and o~~ .a.OOperquart...wltl1" ....
tou.taint $10.00 peri:" ,.' ere ,'"
iai.Deali... n JuDk ot~,~atat'ixed p1MBoJ,,,U."
re'i&1ar~ u.ed tor tatpWpose IntbeCi ttot,AU~jO
Grande' 2~IO per -7;' ' ' ""',': '
88.:So1ici!lq laullcb7 tor a laodrf'not 10oaUe",:*,c1t)'
, , ,,'otArro70 Orand.~ .'.~cm~''''b101..''ct,,....~ft'~;, '
8T.,Pe4411ftg UJ'l'Jd.nd ot;c~.. wares or ~..,.',_..
jecst to the r..trio~,,'~ded b)'tb1.~. ' '
exc>ept tara product.~;","~ o per da7. , . ,.' , '. '
SeOood;';'baad 8tore or'c...,ptaCe Wbtir* ..ciOIIdHli'Ud,'4Ht48
....broqht or 801d. .&~OO perqurter".'ol~".;,
'.~1 be le8..4to. .JU'aoato. .......u'.........;;.
.':... b\lslne.. U the ,Ci~,'ot ~".'..... '~"'...'
'=~D aIIa11 bave titf.y1t~1;.4..ct.....I~"4_the
" oUo11 a bond in t.:;;_'J'ot'~~OOvi_IOM' aDd " ,
i- Htticieat ,.uret1..._':~ijmt;..taat..t, sate ......11111'.
Iteep aD accurate, o*1'..e and rull r.....;.tia11.~Oftd-
, band articl.. purolla.ct.Oir UJ.,d._jeot to,.u_t,;.
'.,eotioo. that DO .eoond;.;uadartiole willh.....,.,..:,';I>.-
fore .ri V. _8 froa tbe date or plU"e>...... vi'tIaUtpW.. '
G..lon troa tbe ChietorPoliCe .....ct...... reoord '
of pul'Cha.e~ The abOVe ~uired record .b*U,.b._~
a dUOriptiOD ot tb....ticl.. oonta.U t...te ot,..;. "
cba.. and tb. ..... 1Ua4~",<It .ft17 persOn h'Oa"doil
aD7 ncoII.d...;Jaaad artiOleie pure......;
89. Stt-e.t oandftl8 or ~-.1.ot. aD7 !dad or. traiaed
. ad_l.bOw.. U~ ~OO p...datt proVided. hoW:I ,t;-t DO
p....o aball conduct or operate ""8,....t. nt, ,
carnlftl or trained ...iU.1 show In the Cit70t ~~" '
Qrande, vi thoqttire't_01ll1.Dg epeoial pel'lllol_ trOll
the City Council ot 8ai4 City. ,
~, ---- -------..-
90.. S.el7 tranling th.atrical compaq, tra..liag aOYiq
picture .b""& 1U1.1cal~operatiCJ<) oollp&DJ, tor oaeda7,
UO.oO &llei .' .00 for eaob cJayfa pertoraanc. tbereafter.
SB<r1'IO. 1.5. STAT!!: COJfftACTOR5 LICSlSE5 RSQuJ.ld!iJ).
.0 11oe...e .ball be Uusaec1 under the tenuJ;>of thisordip'IIce to
, '.~
&IIY persoD -lIIaging in thep11111biQ, e1eotric wirial, carpentry, ceunt
contracUIII or etber type of contracting whether g...era1 or sp.olal, ulan
t' '.
sucb person fir8t produce. satl.tactor,y proof of tbe posaeseioa af a State
Contractor's licen.e therefor iesueel lindei"' ,tbe 1~". of the:1awe ot tbe
5tateot,ca1ifor.Dia. ~
, ,
Tbe City COlIDcil O'f tbe City, ot"irr~yo Grande is berebyaathorizett
to aake .uol1 cbaage. andadju.taents in rat~8 O't licefts. tax tor tbe yar...
loas businesHs hereinabove .et torth 0" toproYide rat.. for ft..... baala...-
.s not berein specitica1ly set tort It, as ia its opiaioa IIa7 b. a.oe8i1&ry
anel in the b..t int.r.st ot the CUtO! Arr070 tk-andQ; sucb cbaqe. in ..lel
ratG. ..ybe aooo.pli.hed by re.o1atibDoltb...ldCitt C0Ua611 adopt.d
in a regular ..eUng ot ..id COlUlcil.
'I'be liO.D.. tax rates bereiaabcJYe fix.di. S.CtiOJl.'U henot.ball
apply on17 to basin..... coneluoted at a fixed plac. ot baai....in tb.
City. A.tO' traa.le.t busin...... tbetaX rat. tba11be doable tbat'whiCh
it WO'lIld be if suob bu.ia..s was colld#ote:4at 'a fiX.d place ot ".1.... in
.,-,- "';'-,- :'- ",'
the City. lUll... otb.rwi.. proVided b....f-noruDle.. th. HOeoe_rate
tor such traasi.nt busiDe..' is oth.rwise specifically fix.d hereia. 'fbe
tel'll -fix.d place of ba.in.... for tile ,purpo.. of tbi. ordtll&JlO.'i:ebereb7
. '
defiaed to be the pr..is.. wi thin th4fCtty where a ba.iae..ia CO'atlDa01lS17
cODduot.dtroa day to clay aad reau1ar17 kept open tor tb. p\1rPo,,,of .aid
busia.... Thetel'll .regular plac. of bu.ia.... tor, th. parpo.. of tbis
ordinanoe is hereby defined a. bavillgt1ae .... .uDiDg as .fix.d plac.
O't bll.in..s.. EYer" bu.iae.. aO't CODc1uCted at a .fix8d plac. ef busi~
a.... or at a,~rega1ar place of busin.ss. as said terma .....her.in detined,
h, for tbe purpO'... at this ordiaa..ce, ,termed a -traneieut basin...,.
wh.th.r tbe persO'n conduoting slloh transient business is, oris not, a
resid.nt ot tb. Cit7. Evel7 liC.Dse i.su.d by the Ci ty Ol.rk tor a
.traa.ient busin.ss,. as h.rein defined, .ball bave the wort! .transi.nt.
-10- ,
-~ --- --.-
.taap.d or priDt.d th.reon by tbe City Chrk and evU7 l1e.a..18...4 by
the City Cl.rk tor a .fixed plac. ot busi...s. or ....gul... pl.ee ot bulli-
n..s. sball ba.. the words .fix.d plac. ot bu.in.... or ....gul.r pl.ee of
busin..s. .ta.p.d thereon.
Enry p.,.lSOn eagaging in any.t......i,.nt ba.in.... in the City as
h.rein d.liaed. aD4 Wboba. procured a license tberetor. .ball han the
rigbt to ..11 the goods. ware. or aerotUt.adbe or eqag. in th. ballia... tOr,
which said .traII.bnt licenso. wa. i..ued at a. rincl plac. or hU8ia... wi tb...
out procuriq any adc:l1 Uonal lic.nee'th....tor. Every perlSOB .apgiac in
ba.ia... at a ."~e4 place of hu.be.s- in. this City... hereia4eUned. and
who baa procured a license tbe...ror, sba11 ban the right to 4e11ver tbe
goods. wares or ilaroundi.e tor which 81Icb liceD.e was issued, .t aray plac.
iD the Oi ty without proeuriag aBY a4d.i tloDal lieen~ th....tor. In the
i..U&Do. ot .traasient licenses" aaellic.D.e. for "tixed plac. ot basiaess.
01' "r.gular place or bu.iaess" no diseriainatioQ or distinction shall ever
b. _d. agaUutt non.....sU.ats ot tbe .Ci ty bravor of n.idente ...d nen-
resid.ntsot tb. City shall be .ntit1edto equal righte ill all _tt.rs ...- i
laUq to the .iesllance ot lieeu...!
.0 bedroOa of any plac. ot busi..ss lie......d. ueed and oocupied.
.s a botel, inn.roOllllng bouse. 10dg~ra&'hQd. or boarcU.q bO~... sball.
tor tbe parpos.. of tbi8 ordinanc.....r' be 00D8true. to be . -tixeel plaoe
ot basiD.ss" or a -r.sular piaee of business- tor .ray basiae.. other tUII
of sucb botel,iDa, roOlling toaeet lo4ctag bouse, or boarding bouri, All
..:.)...... . . '.
perlSO.s ol.i.ing any sucb roOIl ot sucb botelt inn. rOOlling lIoa... lodging
. . .
. .~>c. ".,' . , :.'
bOta"or boardiq bOllse, licensed, us.dand occupied as S.ohi shall for
tbe purp.... orthi.. orclinaDce. be de..eel to ~e cODduct1ngatran.ient
licenee there tor. 'All license. iseuaditader this section ....11 be isSued
on a y.ar!ybasis wbich said bash .ball be a.t tbe rate or tour ti.ee' tlu;
qa.rtcrlYl'8te ,herein provided..
In the event that .n~ per80nconclacts aore tHD Otae tJPe ot
classitication ot business, a. the ..... are eDuaerated in Section 14 her.-
ot. at aay one businees establlebaent or plaCe ot busU.e.s, such persoll")
sball be nqutred to pay the lieeue tax only toreacb pal:Ucul... iJPe or
classification ot busiDes. tor whiob the rate is tued in _ld Section,
and shall be is.ued a licenee tor 8aob other tJpe or claesitioatioD ot
business cOD4ucted by bim.
Th8 amouat of any Hoense tax and P8na1t7 imposed by the provisioDS
ot this Ordinance shall be deeaed a debt to the C1t7 ot Arroyo Grande, aDd
aD7 person carT7ing on 8D7 busines.tdtbout tirst baYing pro01llJ'8d a licenee
trOll sai4 Ci t,- 50 to do shall be liable to an action in the name ~t said
Cit,- in aD7 court ofcom.petent juri8diction, tor the &a01U1t ot 110nse tax
and penal tie. imposed on sucb business.
The conviction and im.pri8oDa8nt ot aUT person tor ...-e1n& in 8D7
busines. witbout first obtaining. license to conduct such busine.. shall
not relieve such person troa P&7ing the licen.. tax to conduct 8uch busi-
ne.s, DOl' shall the p&;rllent ot 81:17 liceDse tax prevent aCl"iat_l prosecu-
tioD for the violation of aUT of the provisioas of tbi. Cb'di,,"~c.. All
reaemdies pre.CI"ibed hereunder shall he cumUlative and tile ase ot one or
more medies by the City .hall not bar the QUot 8D70ther r..eq tor the
purpo...-ot entorcing tb.provision8 hereot.
(a) Ev.ry operator ot lIIechanical amusement 4wice. eball ,pa7 an
occupational license fee to the City of Arroyo Graade. in the sum ot Ten
($10.00) Dollars per quarter. .;.,
(b) In addition to the oceupatiQual license tee reqairedbysub-
section (a) of this section. .acb op.rator shall pay a loeatior:l'license tee
in the 8tIIII ot Five ($5.00) Dol1ar8 p.r quarter tor e.ch a"haD!cal _......nt
device reDted out or plaoed bysaoh operator ill the Clt,- of Arro7o Grande.
(c) A 100atioD CI1fDersha1l be exeJllpt tl"Oll the paJII.nt of the occu-
pational licen8e tee required ot an operator. Evel'7 location own.r sbal1 pay
a license tee tor each mechanical &aueeaent device owned. ..sed and operated
by bill, in the sum of Five ($5.00) Dollars per quarter.
(d) As ..s.d in this Ordinance the tollowing words shall bave th.
following resp.ctive aeaningsl
'n' _, d.,_.. ,.,. ..~,... ..._', ,_.__. 4_ - -~.... .-- ~.., - .. ... . - ~~... .,.. ,.~.- H. ._ , - -, ...- ~
-XecbaJ$icaIAmUS8lUlnt Devio.- sball .ean aD)' tabl., bGard, ,mach-
iDe, Uvi4. or apparatus, tit.t1q, t.,. u.. or, _de po..ibl. b7 the d.posit
or i~tion ot an)' ooin, ,plat., C1i8O, slug or t., into Ul slot, or.vic.
or op.nug, or bl tb. p8YJ11ent or aDJ' r.e or f..s, &ad wbiob operat.., or
whicb -, be op.rat,ed tor us. as as...." oont..t or ..as..nt or wbiob 1187
be used forli\D1 such S..., contest or _...elSt, but wbiebtabla, board,
_cbine, cleviee or apparatus dOe. BOt eOQtain a pq.ott 4n:icau4 wbieb does
not returD or vendaDJ'artiole of ..-cb8a4i.. or aDJ' ..a7, cola, check or
.Operator" shallllsan aDl persoa .o,..d iD th., basin... ot reat-
lag out or placing m.chanical ..u....nt derice. in various locati.s wi tbin
the City ot Arro70 Grant;l., and eV81'7 perllOnw. OWftS, u... au operate. lDOI'e
than two (2) ._chanical "U8eJ1ebt deVic...
-Location OWner. shall .earl ~1'1 pereon not eagag.d ia the busi-
ness of renting Ollt of plaoiag aeehadeal ..ueeaent ~riee., but wbo owns,
use. and operates not more than two sucb aecbaDical ..u....nt 4-.1e8..
(e) The license i8sueel tor eachaeobaliical ........t 4eYiC8 sball
b8 conspicuousl1 posted at tb. location or the derice iD t... preai..s where
sucb deVice i. op.rated or _iDtabed to be op.rat.d or shall b. attao,bed to
sach mechanical aau....nt deVice.
(f) Occupational lio.n.... location OWft....'llo.a... or location
license. paid or to b. paid und.r the proVisions of tbi. OreliDUoe sball
not be pro-rated or retunded. Wber. a mechanical ..a....nt d.vice i8 plao.d
at a location daring aD1 quarter ,.ar the tull quart.r17 lice... r.. 8hall
be paid.
(g> A11 occupational and looation lieenM. ie..d tor sucb
.eehaDical ..us.ment devices shall be ie8~d tor quarter ~ be,iDDiDg
wi th the firat daJ'8 of eaob .Tanaal7, April, .Tall and Ootober.nd 8ba11 expire
wi th t... la.t etal of each 8uch quarter lear. A~U.catiOD.8rOr 'the reoen1
of aDJ' licen.. required by this OrelineDoe sba11 be made in the ..... maltner
as for an origiD8l license.
(h) Arq meohanioal amu8..ent device operated or _intained to
be operated in violation of any law of' the Stat.('9t Calitonda, or in
. '
violation of aD7 of the provision8 of tbis Ord1Dunce 8hall ~ "ed to
bea pUblio nlliADoe, and aD)' hcb mecllaDiea1 _U8..ent device ee operated
or ...lntained to be operated, ehall be illpoud.ed. by aD)' peace of ticer, and
all peace oUicer8 of the City or ArroJO GraDdearehereby cbllrled wi tb the
daty' of impounding the same.
Ir 8ft1' s\lOb mechaftical ..1I....nt device so impounded is one whicb
..,. be legall)' operated under the pronsions ot thie Ordiaanoe aDd i.
seized tor the failure of the owner or operator to see are tbe proper license,
such mechanical amasement device shall not be released anti 1 alicens. for
sach mechanical amasell1ent device hasbe8n obtained and the tee therefor
pai4, together with a penalty of Pive (f5.00) Dollars.
It aD)' Court ot competent jurisdiction shall detendne that any
mechanical amasement device or tbe use or operation thereof violate...or
has violated aD.)' law of the City' of Arroyo Grarade, such mechanical ..u.e-
lIent device shall be contieeated and shall be dealt wi tb as provided by I
the judgment or order of said court. I
(1) This Ordioance shall not be construed to perait tbe licensing
of aD)' slot machine or a"bling device declared illegal by the'enal Code
'of tbe State of California; nor shall any license issued UDder the terms I
hereof permit the operation, poss.sei08or ase ot any slot machine or
gambling device declared illegal by the Penal Cod. of the Stat. of I
California. i
(j) All applications for anyoccupaUonal mechanioal ..u......t
device ,licen80, and for aD.)' liceltSe to conduot or aintain oarc1 gamo.
or oounter, stand or wall vending maohinu reqaired by this Ordinance
shall be made in writing and upon such form a8 may be prescribed by the
City Council. Bo such license as i8 reterred to in this .0Uo8 8hall be
issued except upon order of the City' Council. The Ci ty' Council 11&7 liD:i t
tbe number ot eacb licenses i8sued to eacb number as in ita jUdlaent shall
be for the beet interests ot the publio peace, $81"et1' and welfare.
~-_...- ~~---- i
(k) Ever)" per80n, fira, asSOciation or oorporation ...,ed in
tbe bui.se or rentiq out or p1acins 001D,,~ug or tObnooOpU'&te.
phonograph, ..sic box.. Or ..810 :plB.3'iDI macbiD.a. shall ~ a q....ter17
te. ot Pive ($6.00) Dollars tor .-ch OPD,tor's Heu.. aDd a quarter17
ree ot TwoU2.00) Dollars tor eaohfJlilCb_h1De rente. or placed b7 him.
SBCtI0I"22. PBlrALft J'OR VIOLA!!_.
A.rq, 'pereon Yiolatiag aD7 01 tb.e proYision8, 01 this OrctiDaaoe or
bowiq!.y or intentioaal1Yaisrepre..",tiDg to any officer or employee or
this City U7 _teria1 tact iD procariq the lice.Hor perai t herein pro-
vided for eball be de_ed guiJ.ty of a a18daaeanOl', ..4 upon comr1ction
thereof shall be ptmiabable b7 a tine of not more than Five Bandred ($500.00)
Dol1ara or by imprisomaenttGr a periOd ot not aore tbab .iX (6) aoaths,
or bOth 8DOh. fiDe ..d ilipri8oneot.
It any section, eubseut10Il,ft..te.-oe, clau...p...... or portion
of this Ordinance is tor aD,. reaeoabeld to be lna11d or ~titutional
by the deoision of any oourt ot 00llp8t8.t jurisdiotion, suob decision .hall
not aftect tbe validity ot the rell&!ung portions of tlds OrdiDaftoe. The
Ci ty Counoil of thie Ci t7 berebi' ctec;llarta tbat it would haye adopte' th:!.a
Ordinanoe and each .ectioD, eubS.OtioD, seuteao., olause, 'pbl'a.. or por-
tion tIMreot, lrresp4tCtive ot the fact tbat 8D7 OM or aore sectio.s, sub-
sections. Olau8e8, pbraae. or portions be declared invalid tit unooDati tu-
SEC'l'I01i 24. laTE1ft' OF :REPEAL.
(a) This Ordinance shall not be 4....d. to repeal &117 of th. PI'O-
Yieion8 of Ordh"'.J2oe Bo. 80 of the City ot Arr070 Graac1e. 8fttit1ec1 .Orc1in-
..08 Bo. 80, licea.iag and re8Q1ating the b~.ifte.. of CODdactiq or op-
erating Card GaMs or Card Table and Providiq Penal tie" tor the vio:la tiOD
thereof, II passed and. adopted b7 the Cl ty Council of the Cl t7 ot Arroyo
Grande, on the 2ls,t da7 ot KarCh. 1945. and eait!',Or4iDaDce shall control
the ltceDaing and regulation of the busineu of cODdDOting or operating
card tables within the City of Arl'oyoGran4e, ..d reterenc. to the provia-
iODS of said OrdiD8Dce 18 herewith made as though set oat herein ia tu1l.
(b) All other OrdiD8Dces ia coDtUct herewith.... hereb;r repeal-
eel. save ud except as hereinbefore provieled. provided tbat tJds repeal
shall DOt affect .aQcau.e of aoticm or ri~t to collect li08nse tax which
now exists under an;r ot RCb Ordinance., and pl'O!ic1ed that this repeal
.ball not relieve a.n;r persoD ot an;r crilliul liabili t7 iaourrec1, IIDde1" aad
b;r virtue ot an,- 8UOh Or4lDance. bereb;r repealed, , aDd aU ot sacb rights
and caU8es of action under aucb Or4iDaace. shall ....in :La tull torce aDd
. .
errect. I
This Ordinance. arter its passage and 8pprO'Val, shall be p.bU..hed
oace in the Herald Recorder. a ..ek1;y Dewspaper pi"inted aad publishOd in
said CU;r of Arroyo Grande, Qoun~ ot San Luis ObiSPO. Stato ot California,
and shall takeerrect and be in tull force tb1rty (SO) dlQ'8 lI'OII aDd alter
such passage. I
PA.SSED AJIl) ADOPTED as an Orelinaace of the' Oi t;r of A.rro;yo Grande
at a regular meeting of' the City Counoil or the City of Arro;ro Grande,
held on the~~ of Febraary, 1952, by the tol1ow1Dg vote.
AYESf (t1~-'e.~.-...~. ~,. ~,. ~~~
)JOES. ~. ',',.~~. '
ABSD'l'. ~ :1
~~;JJLf 1~ I
,- ,