O 093 and~ alter~atlons hereinafter set in SeCtion zuu,'such ~er~ ca, · 'f~orth' ~'," ~ ' {may be issued ~-]:~v~r '2 nec~ion 102 of~ SEOTION 10. Section ll0~ of. '.~tPI TT.ifn~'"~*~m 'm~mbin~' 'rh~.'ts' Said Uniform Plumbing Code is . ~herewlth ,amended to read as' herewith amended to read as ...... II . , follows: · . ' LEGAL/ID~TISING .foU0ws. --- ,_ ;' ' dmini sec 905--co~t of Examination · An prowae xor me a - ' Except as provided for' In Sec- OF, DINANCt~ No. $~ [stratlon, and enforcement of ,~,~ e~ th~ plumbine Official TO BE ' AN ORDINANCE th~ .Ordinance, tile Office of o~, .t...~, o~.h ~n~'ie~nt for KNOWN AS '~_ ~U~O,.~ IPlumbmg Official and A~lsta~it T~'~t~f~; PLUMBING CODm ~ -~n~ Plumbin~ Official is -hereb~ ~tl~ fl~eftl' 'for ~r CITY OF ARROYO ORAND , I created. The City Council may .,,....~... TECTION OF THE P In~ Ofllclai to assist him In the ~e~'a~ t,~ .?~.rnevman exam- HEALTH AND .SA~&~.,Y ..A~0~dischar~e of the duties' of his ~'n '~d--t~-e--[~u~ o'--~e THE RE~lu'i'i~ATIoN . ~q~! office. . Dollar ($1 00) for Apprentice T.TCENSIN(~. OF PERSONS] S~'-TION -q.~'Section I0~ ox ~,,'~ber ~r~minatl0n These ENGAGED IN,THE BUSIiTESS]Sald Uniform P, lumbin~ Code is'~.'~.'~,~, lio n.t~ ,~ th;, Official o~ pLm~BINO.:Oa ~O!~_-lherewith amended, to read as il'ih~:'t[m-e' ;f-'~-D~ficaiBn lNG AT TH~ TRADE OF[follows: ' PLUMBINO, ~0 [ Sec. 10~---Plambing Officials .~t,t IN TAL- ............... ---- PERMIT FOR THE S ~qlsiiflcatlons. ~.....,~.~. LATION OR AL~Tta~ATI.O_N._O.?., ,The, Plumbing Officials and/ follows' ' 'PLUMBINO. GAS OR~_D.~I~II~T.._- Or all ,Assistant Plumbing Of- SectiOn '206.~E~gmlnatlon of~ A(IE SY~I'EMS; ~'~'_~_c~ flciais- hereafter'aPt~inted-shall Atmllca~t~ ' THE O~'FiCE OF PLUMBING,have S~ch qualifications as may ~,T~'. ~mbtn~ Offl2ial shall INS~::rO~ ~ p~mm- from ~me't~ time be req~red no-tFf; lNG HIS DD-rJ~S; Dl~'__i~._O,of them by resolution paased ino~n ~.~ aD,~ar at such ~lace CERTAIN iJ~S, EST by the City Council of the said ~o ~. m~v de. sienate f~r exam- 4 Section 104 of ination at which time said ~'r~T.l.&~Oli[, ~'1'~O~' ' ---- --' '--ficial shall e~r-mtne said ap- OR i~PAIR OF PLUMBINO,! amended 'to read as GAS AND DRAINAGE SY- follows: - an~ rules, regulations' or STEMS AND '1'~/~ INSPEC- Sec. 104--Dopartment. Having relevant therto that he TION THEREOP deem necessary and pENALTIES FOR ITS VIOLA- Office of the' applicant success- TION AND REpEAv,T~O made the examination COl%'lPl~-rigc he shall.be entitled AND ADO~'I'iLJ~(} ~S~ for and shall receive from sald~ ENCE THAT or Char- Official a Plumber's Certificate ' 'rmk~ of Competency~ INO CODE' ~ 5. Section 108 of m~Ta~ ~ ~-tt~- ~ of: ~ ~ "~____ s~d Uniform Pl~b~g C~e ~ ..t~ TT~tF~ vl,,mhl~ ~ ~ ~ ~LuJ h~t ~ith amended ~ read ~ ~..~;~'~$1~--U~' ~N ~ ~ Sec, 10~Violatio~ and Pen-, ~% ....... e~~'~F ~ ~es _. [ A~ pe~son who f~is A'~ ON ~. ~ 'ii --, ~on violating ~y of the pro-.~., +~. ~,,~ ~-i-I may [~_ .O~~ v~ons, of ..~ .Code. ~al be appM for r~e~m~on afar of '~o~o ~ a~ or~ ~ not ~ exceed $250,00 or by ~-, ~'; ..~,.. ~[~l',~ ~.folo s. p~nment In ~e City or ' ~-- - · ' I ~ en~ 1 ~ou.... ...... . ........... '9~ of-~ (6) mon~] d~ment ~ ~ o_ . .i..~ety (90) days or ~ ~th] ~,~'l~ 1~ ~tion /~o~ Pl~ ~ .... ~SUCh f~e and ~pr~nment...~ ,,.~ ~h~t~ ~l~_ ~.,~,.~ ...~t.~ (rest r~ as s~e.~ ~k~ here~ ~ended ~lumDm~ ~ ~'~ ~ON 6 ~c~lon 2~1 oi renews ~6p~d' ~d e~c~d by It s~ be u~awf~ for ~ ~ ..... ' P ' ..... ~ .......... ~id Plumb~g Offlc~ ~y ac such person, h~ su~f~Yl~;IL.~..-;,-~'-b-;Ot~[ S~-{- of e~a~on conduct- I ~l~n~ dence ,of .such. pe~o~, and "~owle~e of ,ELEC: m and entire time of publi- in said in and for the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California. tion 208 Ua; shall ch~g~ *Dollar l~lumtier notify anl/ lnation to time: said of Coml ~not/so null and void. : ;Section 210 ' .SE~I'ION~ 16. All Other Fraud' or Incom- ~ clays in full~ force .! Certificate ncy issued ): to whom ~ e Herald-Recorders* granted later shows newspaper printed, published lack-Of and Circulated 'in the City relevant Arroyo Grande, County of San i if such Luis Obispo,-State of.CsJlfornh~ On motion of COuncilm~'n'~ W. Clark, seconded by j ~ Schnyder and. roll call ¥ote~ ~, said 'Unifornl Plumbing'Cod, ~ herewith al~,ended' to read ~a ~... ~ox days:' ~o~d.~ such' per~n.'.~u m- ~1.1 may ref~e-a ~d a~/~- 194 ...... and entire time of publi- in said Publisher and Printer. ' ....... ..... and for the County of San Luis )bispo, State of California.