O 074 :' ..... LEGAL' ADVERTI$lNCf ' . !"()rdinance:Noo 74' AN ORDINANCE REPEALING' AND AJIIENDINO' SECrlQN.l, OF AN' PROOF OF PUBLICATION ORl)tNANCE .JIiN'l'1!I'LED: "AN ORPINANOE . 0" '1' HE .' ClTY cOUNCIL.OF'Tm!:' CI'M'OF ARRPYOcGRANtI!:,' PROVIDING '. FOlk 'rID!.' REl3UL.\nON OF STATE OF CALIFORNIA, } WATER.,RA'l'ESTO BE,MADE , County of San Luis Obispo ss. BY, THi:" ClTY' OF ,ARROYO . GRANDE , FOR, WATER .am.; . VICES'ANJ:):PROVIDING: Rt1liES oo,oom:@Y@..~...Y!..~.,.~.mQ.~~..moo..m.moo.oooo.mm..m.m..m...oooo'00 AND'REGUL.\'1'lON8 FOR, THi: WATER DEPARTMENT OF SAID f ClTY" OF A1'IJI.OYO~;" of said County, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: . PAS$El> AJD,ADO "FEB- ! RUARY'19, 1930,; , , ..........- That I am the Publisher and Printer of The Herald- i The CltycouncU of the City of 'Arroyo Grande ,does ordain 88 :'1'o1IoWB-=-----.,~-<-i';-i.:...~'- .. :.' ' Recorder, a weekly newspaper printed and published at . . BEOTION .i. Section 1 of 0rdJn- ; ancB Number 38, passed and adopt- Arroyo Grande, in the County of San Luis Obispo, State : ed' February 19, "1930, 'and entitled: I l"AnOrd11)~c~ of$e ~o/ Counell' of 'the Clo/ of Arroyo' Grande; pro- of California; that the notice, of which a true copy is vldlngfor the regUlatIOn of water rataste be' made by the City of A!rPyo Gnncle for water services, hereto attached, 1&a!IO:finltq,"io~j!;mzsaidxJl.ewap1ijllllr , and providing" .rules and regula- tlonsfor'the Water Departmentol; I said ,City QfAnoyo Orande," Is, mcitx2la'sr.ie 7datud;1th:&"xzxz~~~"Xzz.zx."Z<;A"';c hereby 'te)iii&led' and' amended ,to, read ,as' JoJlQws;to-Wlt: .... ' ' "8ectJQn '1. The water ra~ and; :wr.zX'l~~ll/IU'dIi\~a~JfiOtiU'>>>>i8 charges to, be, clili,tged :anc!' C01lect.: en for an water services shali be: fiXi!d>irOliI.' tJnie' to' tlm.eby' reso';;! I'trlooIi..M.+.~zaidmewspxpmznitlccia1mcmRJ'7';:lmc Jutton of the City ..CouncU," ''', ..' , .SECTION. 2,. :,AIL.ordlnances ori g:tsof,=~_!!Jct mz;K~~"iX.zx.zx.z.x.ZZ~~J .. ,.....1.1 erewI~ e, ~ ~ 0'" ..J!IC"hv 3, 0 ' aiice shan: te4.=~tlt~,~'~~oti;f .. was published.in the said newspaper in its issue ;i " .anal'e .' .,,~.IIffij1"'It8 ), -final 'passage, and, be. ore the ,ex- dated the.ooBthday of.....lia,}c.........m.....oo....., IM2...; that i :pIj:a~cm,of~;a~ [ 'p' " It" '. ... ' eICI tlf7~u~Of!ittfe-'m ' ;, ,. said notice was published in every regular and entire ~_~~'the'~e!~" .... -----. --- ~~P>'''-_ I ,.....!I: ,A~,~ issue of said newspaper during the period and time of 57;t!oIi'~\!~~..,__.~:~t,;~!g. f i publication aforesaid, that is to say, on the....moo............... I .~ IU!d adopterS ,by the PIty , , ~.:.Of.".~e,,~':o,f:~O : a de;'CoUnCifsah'X;tila-ObiB; ......m~.t.h..g..!!oY....RJm~~.,....;I,.9.~.g.L....m.m..m..........m"""h""''' , Stll.te of Callfornla-c thiS '8t'b"d&f!1gf , iPi11;1-:1H2::by.; ~i fQIlOWIriI' vote: ! ,"'~CouneUmen :Qlbson,J.>hI1- ..n..h................uu.....................nu_....._..........n....._.........AU_................... i . .). 'Schnyder, Thelander and I ',' .'...' I ! I N iBfj:'None: ,,' .n......u..........u_............n__.......nu........n__............n.....no.................__..____ ABSENT: None'.' '. " : . .J.OSEPij.,S,GIBSON , ,Ma)'or,of ~, CI.ty of, Arroyo' u.....o__........................n__.........._..........__......_............----...--.........--..--..--.. '" . Gr&nde, ,County of .San Luis , , "ObIspO; State, of CallfQrnla." A1;TEST:' ..,' , ...__nu.........u....un.....n........;.......__....h......n.........__..__..__..h.........__.......n W. V(. Routzahn' , City, Clerk of the said City of Arroyo Gral).de. ..........__.....h.......................~.....n..._.n.h.....................__....n....___.n.......... STATE. oJ' CALIFORmA ' 1 _.u_.._...n....__..__...__............__.........__..........__.........._..................._..___.___..... COUN1'Y OF :.. !, " fss, , SAN L'UIS, 0:8ISPO , J ~zx.zx.~I:;lQf.xz.."aIx.;:'A~.xz.~Z.~<IX,~;;<;,.~...i,1.fC I,W,W. ROUTZAHN, Clerk'of :~L" of ~Q:GI'ande,>CbaZ:itv of Ban LuIs Obispo, State of~j- and that said notice was published in said newspaper fomia, do hereby, certify t1iatthe fQregolng ,Is a' fuU. true and' cor- proper and not in a ~~reto.~ rect eopyof Ordinance .No.' 74 passed', by the City Council of~' City ,of ArroYo nrande, County ':of ......... __m.....n.... ..~~ ,.n ..... Ban LiJIs., Obispo, State of Cali," fomla,nand that .VPDnthe pe.sse,ge .. n_ n of .sald orcllna,nce the vote was Subscribed and sworn to before me thisn/Z..mday follows: .' " , " ".. , AYES: Coun~enc GIbson, Pblb r- 2?2 lips, Bchnyder, Thelander, and .L...._._u~., ,..1"~: ~ Mannis' ,,' , ~One; ,.",..'~;. , ' . , , .:'J:NOne..',.' , ..nm..C:C;..............n..n'nn .. ... wrrNBSSmv.ih8\1d and .the,sea1 'Qfi,t!Ie', sa14' Clty...CQlIDcU, ,of,.~ ....01",;1:"( 1"!.J';.I\.,q CltY,ot /onOJi:i.,qrancJ.,. CoUnt6..;iof .( 'J.\" "" .~"r.. 'i1~1' I~(",I~~ san' Luls,Ob~tl!!tate. of',: aIJ~ __.n....,............_"'~ _1-".\_ "._'h__unn._..__..._._..___.__ , fol'l!la:'thUI. ~'day of'APrlJ;\l~;: .., ""'" W...W,"RO~>,' (SEAL) ",' City ,Ci.rk '..<!t. the<,J.jd ," ",.' ;.CiI;J"Qt,/ormQ,Gr,ande; PUb';:H~R8COrder~:' .. .',)'.,' ,:.a:;! 1_," ';;;::' "::2':~:,;t:{~~;~~\.,\:': ~-T~~J \~' -.,-..- ---- --~--