R 3225 ... .. RESOLUTION NO. 3225 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CALIFORNIA INCREASING AND ESTABLISHING SPECIFIED FEES FOR PUBLIC WORKS FIELD SERVICES WHEREAS, the City Council has established fees for services furnished by, or on behalf of the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, due to the effects of inflation and other factors, some of said. fees are no longer adequate to equitably compensate the City for the costs of providing certain field services; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to recover the cost of field services furnished by the City; and WHEREAS, the City has on file and made available to interested parties, data indicating the estimated cost of providing the services for which fees are presently inadequate; and WHEREAS, the City Council has duly considered, at a regularty scheduled public meeting, the question of whether to increase or establish fees for such services to the estimated amount that is required to compensate the City for providing such services; and WHEREAS, at said meeting the City Council has duly considered all oral and written presentations that were made in respect to the proposed fees; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, California as follows: The schedule of fees entitled "CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FIELD DIVISION, FEE AND SERVICES - CHARGES" attached as Exhibit "A" hereto, is hereby approved and adopted. On motion of Council Member Lady , seconded by Council MemberFuller , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lady, Fuller, Tolley, Runels, and Mayor Dougall NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 13th day of May, 1997. "-_...-,-.--.----- -~--'-"-'---- I 3225 A.K. "PETE" DOUGALL, M YOR ATTEST: if ~ a. ~ NANCY A. IS, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~~~OR~ APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ~l. tt~ ROBERT L. HUNT, CITY MANAGER I NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the following Resolution No. 3225is true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 13th day of May, 1997. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this20thday of May, 1997. ll~a.~ NANCY A. VIS, CITY CLERK (- ! , I I , L i I \ i I I I I \ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ... .., Field Division Fee and Service Charges May 1997 LABOR COST: Computed = (monthly wage x 12 months'" 26 periods'" 80 hours = hourly wage) hourly wage x 27% (fringe benefits) + $2.25 (medical, dental, vision) = direct labor cost per hour + 12.57% indirect cost rate = billing rate DURING WORK HOURS: Average Cost = $25.25 per hour DURING AFTER HOURS: (1 .5 x hourly wage rate) Average Cost = $33.20 per hour MINIMUM CALL- OUT RATE: (2 hours at 1.5 x hourly wage rate) EQUIPMENT COST Pickup Trucks- $ 7.50 per hour Service Trucks-$25.00 per hour PW-4 PW-29 PW-44 PW-10 PW-36 PW-16 PW-34 PW-45 PW-32 PW-41 PW-17 PW-40 PW-33 PW-24 PW-42 Backhoe-$35.00 per hour Cat Gererator-$75.00 per hour PW-9 PW-1 PW-282 Loader-$55.00 per hour 6" Pump-$12.00 PW-38 PW-140 Dumpl Flat Bed Truck Crack Sealer-$35,OOper hour 5-7 yards $30.00 per hour PW-19 PW-31 PW-50 PW-249 Sewer Vacuum' Jet Truck-$90.00 Paver-$55.00 per hour per hour PW-27 PW-46 Grader-$55.00 per'hour Chipper-$20.00 per hour PW-14 PW-111 Paint Striper-$60.00 .per hour PW-47 MATERIALS COST: (Usually cost plus tax) Concrete $69.98 yard Class II Base $10.56 ton Sand $ 6.30 ton AlC $25.25 ton --- PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Field Division ,.. ... Fee and Service Charges APRIL 1996 LABOR COST: Computed a {monthly wage x 12 - 26 - 80 a hourly wage} {hourly wage x 27% (fringe benefits) + $2.25 (medical, dental, vision) =a direct labor cost per hour + 12.57% indirect cost rate =a ~illinq rate DURING WORK KOURS: Average Cost =a $25.25 per hour DURING AP'rD HOURS: ( 1 . 5 x hourly "",a,qe rate) Average Cost =a S33.20 per hour MINDIUM CALL-ou'r RATE: {2 hours at 1.5 x hourly waqe rate} EQUXPME1i'! COS'! i I Pickup ~:ucks-S 7.50 per hour Service !%ucks-$2S.00 per heur \ PW-4 PW- 2 9 PW-44 PW-10 PW-36 PW-16 PW-34 PW-45 PW-32 PW-41 PW-17- PW-40 PW-33 PW-24 PW-42 Backhoe-S35.00 per hour Cai: Generai:or-S75.00 per hour PW-9 PW-1 PW-282 I Loader-S55.00 per hour 6" Pump-S10.00 per hour \ , PW-38 PW ! Dump/l'lai: Bed 'r::uck Crack S.al.r....S35. 00 per hour 5-7 yards $30.00 per hour PW-249 PW-19 PW-31 pw-so Sewer VacuumlJei: 'rruck-$90.00 Pav.r~$55.00 per hour I per hour PW-46 PW-27 Grader-S55.00 per hour Chipper-S20.00 per hour PW-14 PW-111 paiDi: Si:riper-$60.00 per hour PW-47 ~IALS COS'!: (Usually cost p~us tax) Concrete S62.25 yard AIC S25.25 ton Class II Base $10.56 ton Sand S 6.30 ton